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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1931)
PAGE SIX Commission Listens To Route Plea (Continued from Page 1) in any other section despite the large proportion of license money that that section has furnished the state. He was not opposing road construction in Eastern Ore gon, he declared, but he did not want Eastern Oregon to play the whole hog. He believed that the people of Portland should be shown something for their auto license money, and not have to journey to Burns or Ontario to see what had been done with it. Five-Year Plan Suggested Chairman Woodward proposed a five year plan allowing for re duction of 25 per cent in license fees and an increase of one cent gasoline tax, alloting approxi mately $4,000,000 each to eastern, southern and western Oregon, and $6,000,000 to northwestern Oregon. He requested immedi ate designation and construction of the Vernonia and Wilson river routes, which are, he declared, the ones demanded by the people. Other speakers in behalf of the Vernonia route were Judge J. H. Classified Ads FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished or un furnished, 4-room cottage, new ly and artistically decorated; hot and cold water; built-ins; gar age; 3 blocks from post office. Also a 3-room cottage, furnished or unfurnished. See Mrs. F, Hansen, 1025 Rose Ave. 63?c FOR SALE Wellington and Commissioner J. N. Miller of the county court. Spaulding's Resolution Commissioner Spaulding in pre senting his resolution told of the $00 letters, besides many telegrams and phone calls which he had re ceived in favor of the two road program, Wilson river and Ver nonia-Hamlet. He also developed the idea of employment relief. Mr. Ainsworth declared him self in favor of providing employ ment at once, and suggested that it might be done to advantage in widening the highway between Portland and Scappoose. He was inclined to look with disfavor, however, on the idea of putting men to work on the coast routes until the turn of the year, for it seemed to him that the state would receive only about 20 per cent efficiency in bad weather. After the close of the discus sion of the short road proposi tion, which took up nearly the entire morning, Judge W. A. Wood of Rainier asked for widen ing and straightening of the Low er Columbia highway. Large Delegation There Approximately 40 men from Vernonia attended the hearing. They wore badges inscribed, Wil son River and Vernonia-Hamlet Routes. CORRECTION Statement in last week’s Eagle that A. E. Clark, Wm. Einzig, Rufus Holman and Henry Hanzen are strongly in favor of the Ver nonia-Hamlet and Wilson river routes is in error, according to J. E. Kerr and H. E. McGraw of the roads committee of the chamber of commerce. These men have extended to the commit tee the courtesy of close atten tion to its data but have not committed themselves as to pre ference for any particular route. FOR SALE—House and house hold furniture, Lots 1, 2, and Kensington Club 3, Block 7 2nd Add. to Verno nia, small fruits and berries, all Plans Sale for $650.00 cash. See D. E. Plans for a rummage sale to be Yana, 1847 Washington Ave. 63?c held October 17 in the building on Bridge street formerly occu LATE CONCORD GRAPES—will pied by the Dixie cafe were made sell them cheap, llic at home, by the Kensington club at its 2 34 c delivered. Leave orders at meeting Thursday, October 1, at Red & White store. Dick Holsch- the home of Mrs. J. W. Brown. After the business meeting the er, Forest Grove Rt. 1 632* members played bridge, Mrs. M. VETCH SEED For sale at 3-cents D. Cole winning first prize and a pound. Victor Bergerson, Mrs. Earl Dial consolation. Rock Creek road. 631* Refreshments were served by FORD TOWN SEDAN—1930 mo the hostess. del, black; Ford town sedan, NOTICE of SCHOOL ELECTION 1929 model, green; will sell eith er one. Victor Bergerson, Rock To Increase Tax More Than Six Per Cent Over That of the Creek road. 6311* Previous Year Notice is hereby given to the CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. legal voters of Union High School Marshall Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. i Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Bleile and Mr. and To Be Tomorrow Mrs. Marshall. Three of the birthdays fall on the same day Ladies of the Rebekah lodge and the fourth within the same (Continued from Page 1) gave Mrs. Jim Monger a farewell week. numbers of voters stay at home. A three course dinner was serv party Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lines of Rose Those who are really behind the ed at 4 o’clock. Mrs. Bell cut recall movement are certain to the birthday cake, which was burg have moved to Treharne. vote 100 per cent, and in that trimmed with candles revealing Mrs. Newberg is visiting at the way might carry an election the age of the men as not over home of her daughter, Mrs. A. when the majority sentiment is in 21, and the ladies not over 16. Webb. favor of Mr. Miller. Mrs. G. Schmidlin of Vernonia Mrs. Marshall’s home was dec- orated with autumn leaves for called at the home of Mrs. H. Sample Ballots Out Smith. According to sample ballots re the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baslington ceived in Vernonia an X oppo site No. 12 is a vote to put Mr. Luncheon Set Given Mrs. are spending the winter in Cali fornia. Miller out of office, and opposite Mrs. S. John visited at the No. 13, at the bottom of the Monger by Rebekahs sheet, is to retain him. Mountain Heart Rebekah club home of Mrs. R. Stanton on held a farewell party at the home Wednesday. Elmer Bergerson is driving 4 Families Have of Mrs. Ruby Biggs last Thurs- day for Mrs. Jim Monger who the school bus. Birthday Party Mrs. E. Morton, Mrs. Wm. Ha left the next day to join her den, Mrs. F. O’Donnell and Birthdays of Mrs. Dave Mar- husband at Walton, Oregon. Mrs. daughter Molley visited Pleasant shall, Mrs. W. E. Bell, E. A. Monger was presented with a Hill school. Green and E. M. Bleile were lovely luncheon set. The after- Farmers in this vicinity have celebrated at the home of Mrs. noon was spent sewing and visit- started their fall plowing. ing. Sandwiches, ice cream and Koster camp men finished haul District No. 1 of Columbia Coun cake were served to the follow- ing gravel and camp shut down. ty, State of Oregon, that an elec ing: W. Clark is hauling rick wood tion will be held in said District Mrs. E. R. Tteharne, Mrs. E. at school building on the 17th W. Holtham, Mrs. Jim Monger, from his place to Vernonia. Mrs. Henry John, Jeannette day of October, 1931, at 2 to 7 Mrs. Ora Glassner, Mrs. A. P. o’clock in the afternoon; to vote Bayes, Mrs. Mae Mellinger, Mrs. John, Mildred Smith, Georgie on the question of increasing the W. C. Kilby, Mrs. F. N. O’Don Hult, Mrs. Lee Kellar, Mrs. Chas. amount of the tax levy in said nell, Mrs. C. John, Mrs. E. B. Holt called to see Chas. Holt at District for the year 1932 by Miner, Mrs. E. Sunell, Mrs. E. S. St. Vincents hospital. He is get more than six per cent over the Thompson, Mrs. O. D. McCabe, I ting along nicely now. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes amount of such for the year im- Mrs. Lena Stanton, Mrs. H. Fo have moved to their new home mediately preceding. gel, Mrs. A. H. Webb, Mrs. Eula It is necessary to raise this Stanton, Mrs. Sally Spencer, Mrs. at Tualatin. additional amount by special levy Margaret Lines, Mrs. R. L. Spen- enjoyed downstairs. The even for the following reasons: cer. ing was spent playing cards. Teaching and other expenses. First prize was won by Mrs. Dated this 12th day of Septem Mrs. Dickson is J. L. Timmons and consolation ber, 1931. prize by Mrs. S. A. Morton. Attest: Honored by O. E. S. Mrs. Frank Dickson, who is Mrs. Chas. Malmsten, Portland soon, was District Clerk. | After the regular meeting of 4 leaving ------ „ for .------- H. M. Condit, Chairman, Board Nehalem Chapter No. 153, O. E. presented with a picture by Mrs. of Directors. S., in the Masonic temple Wed- H. E. McGraw. Cookies and S-18-25-O-2-9-C nesday evening, a social hour was cider were served. Election on Recall Red & White n for TO 5-oz. tins “ “«*- BAKING SODA Blue & White n for 23c White “ PINEAPPLE Sliced— 9 for 19c Blue & White £ MACARONI Red and J Pkg. 19c White SOAP Bars Feldman's for Naptha TOMATO SOUP Red & White Q for OC — brand <> £JC 2 FRESH MEATS (Government Inspected) BEEF STEAKS- ROUND ..... Ill no SIRLOIN IK /Ilf* t - bone ...... | GOOD FOODS, Reasonably Priced, ALWAYS Dig tip the shoes that you could use, if they were put in shape, Our lightning stitch is one from which no leather can escape. Come in and see the shoes that we can straighten strong and true, Tans, made black, we leave no crack, and old ones look like new. Our price is right. We treat you white, our patrons never roar, Real soles, old pard, so keep this ad, it points toward our door. Shoes Repaired While You Wait EVANGELICAL CHURCH G. W. Plumer, Pastor The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. W. W. Wolff in charge. Both sides in the con test were even last Sunday. Be sure to be on time, it counts for your side. The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. on “Get Right With God.” The Junior choir will meet for practice at 6 p. m. Both En deavor societies will meet at 6:30 p. m. This church will join with the Christian church in a Union Temperance meeting at 7:30 p. m. at the Christian church. Realistic Permanent With RINGLETTE ENDS $4 and $5 Annette BEAUTY SHOPPE Bridge St. Phone 431 J.C.PENNEYGO. DEPARTMENT • STORE VERNONIA, OREGON STORE NUMBER 1436 SHOE WEEK Blue Ribbon Winners Boys’ Work Shoes Rubber outsole. •rices I New low Sl-49 ( 98s Boys’ 12-inch Boots Of first quality double-tanned leather! U h Fl ( AKE FLOUR Sperry’s extra cream Oats— Q lb. <7 Bag .......... ..................... I BEANS I J Great Northern — Large, white, exceptional cookers. 4 LBS................ 19c Spaghetti Porter’s Best Coiled Spag hetti, made from western hard wheat. 3 LBS. 29c 39c Gold Medal — The best Cake Flour that money can buy— Large Package ... Sizes 1234 to 2 . $2.69 Sizes 2*4 to 5*4 ■ $2.98 Real Ivory in powder form —for silks or woolens. 2 ...... 23 c pkgs COFFEE sack Potatoes 9-12 Ivory Snow CORONA — An all pur- pose family flour. Femco — sweetened . . . the finishing touch to that cake— 09« Pound ............... MtjC Sizes Si 29c FLOUR io 33c COCOANUT I Good-looking brown hi-cuts with the popular moccasin-type toe — heavy composition sole that will give excel lent service. LOW-PRICED! M. J. B.—Vacuum packed, safety sealed. Work Shoe Value! 1 LB. Double-tanned first quality leather, rubber sole and heel. Formerly $1.79. now— With STORM WELT Heavy composition welt sole. Pliahte brown elk. Real value at $1.59 SZ.9S 38c HOT SAUCE Maximum or taste better. Del Monte—Makes ' 4 Cans ............. _________ hfr ,1 _________ things 19C Work Shoes 16-Inch BOOTS of special oil-tanned, waterproof leather Oranges U. S. No. 2 Oregon grown potatoes Sunkist—288 size, sweet and juicy — 13 lbs. 19C 2 doz Penney’« Low Priovt HALF SOLES ON LADIES’ SHOES 90c When you fail to save your souls in church— Come in and see what we can do. Emil Eloranta, Prop. In Our Market Picnics Steaks Eastern Sugar cured— "1 K 1 / z» 4 to 6 pounds—tb ------AO 12 (- Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop Vernonia, A letter from Frances Lappe to her mother, Mrs. W. B. Lappe, describes an impressive scene at the game between St. Mary’s and the University of California in the Memorial stadium at Berkeley Saturday. “Brother Leo of St. Mary’s,” she wrote, “gave a short talk on Knute Rockne, which was follow ed by a few moments of silence, then taps were sounded. The whole crowd had to rise while he talked. 72,000 people were per fectly quiet. It was terribly im pressive.” Miss Lappe is a junior in the University of California. Sizes 12*4 to 2 ‘01.39 Sizes 9 to 12............. 01.29 , u * SIDE BACON, Half or whole, Pound 23c SMOKED COTTAGE BUTTS—lb ............ 19c BACON BACKS— Skinned. Half or whole, lb . 23c SHORTENING 3 tb 29c Services for October 11 as fol lows: 9:45 a. m., Bible school; 10:45, Divine worship, theme, the Aaronic Priesthood of the Bible and its relation to the Church of Christ today. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. for those who are not at tending the C. E. convention at Astoria. The evening services are given over to the special attraction at the seven o’clock hour of worship. You are welcome to participate in the services for this day. Value possible only at Pen ney’sl Black or brown elk double sole; rubber outsolel FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Specials Saturday and Monday, Oct. 10-12 OYRTFRS DESCRIBES IMPRESSIVE SCENE Child’s Shoe RED AND WHITE STORE COFFEE— I tb. QQ Red & White 1 Pkg. «>OC PANCAKE FLOUR Red & White 27c 3 34-lb pkg...... GELATINE DESSERT Red & White Q for 1ft Assorted ... « luC CHRISTIAN CHURCH F. Claude Stephen., Minister i ADAMS9 UNIT 2 19c STARCH GOLDEN SWEET CORN Fancy Red 29c and White ... 2 Treh «irne OATS YOUR SATISFACTION . . . OUR DESIRE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON —— --- — Oregon From Young Beef—All cuts LB.............................. ............. J1 20c Beef Pot Roast Shortening Choice Cut LB.............. 13’/2 c White Satin Finish— 9‘/2 c $3-49