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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1931. ment, it is meant, no doubt, that ber that there is unrest all over the county for the purpose of Review is informed, that in case 1 named, although lands in those employees who have been with the the world. If conditions were voting for the retention of the ¡j ¡s refused an appeal will be I counties are presumably more company for some length of time normal, we doubt if this recall county appointive offices, such' valuable than like lands in Co will be given the preference and movement would have made much as county agent, county nurse, taken to the state tax commis lumbia county. that the married men with homes headway, and we understand that county fruit inspector, and oth sion. O. Henry Oleen, who is County Clerk J. W. Hunt, one and families will be considered in the petition barely got under the ers. The court advised them that chairman of the tax league com member of the board of equali Pacific Coast Representative mittee seeking the reduction, has the readjustment of labor distri wire as it was. Mr. Miller is this was outside of their juris Arthur W. Stypei, Inc. zation, is said to be strongly in bution. San Francisco probably being blamed for condi diction. Henry Oleen of Colum made an investigation of the as-' | favor of the reduction. The The basic wage schedule is tions which have arisen from bia City, Carl Hammer of Deer sessed valuation of farm lands of board is composed of the county $2.40 for an eight hour day and world conditions more than any Island and Bert Adams of Deer other counties, such as Polk, judge, assessor and the county Clackamas and Clatsop, and has i clerk. the reduction in wages was ef thing else. He undoubtedly is Island were the representatives. —Rainier Review. Member of National Editorial found that the assessment in Co- fective October 1. “While wages getting the blame for actions tak- — St. Helens Sentinel. Association and Oregon State ------------------------------¡lumbia county is very much high-' For I real bargains—watch the are somewhat higher than they en on the part of the entire Editorial Association. were 20 years ago, living costs court, or as in the matter of RECALL MOVEMENT------------------ er than in any of the counties classified columns of the Eagle. are also higher. We are doing raising salaries, for actions taken IS LOSING GROUND ' ----------------- ------------------- - -------' —............ ........... $2.00, Per Year in Advance the best we can under the cir by the budget committtee or the Issued Every Friday Many Are Sorry That They cumstances and it would please taxpayers themselves. Signed Petitions Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post us very much if the lumber mar When we vote, let ’ s not be led, office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. ket and demand would make it let’s think for ourselves. The recall movement against J. necessary for us to run two —St. Helens Sentinel. N. Miller, county commissioner, is Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; shifts,” a McCormick official legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding stated. noticeably losing ground, not on THE HYSTERIA OF insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, ly in the Clatskanie outlying dis It is probable that under the 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. TAX REDUCTION tricts but all over the county, as new arrangement the mill will be word comes in that this one and for hospitalily Two of our exchanges last week that one who signed the petition ■ operated six days a week instead RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher of the five day shifts which warned readers not to be carried are sorry. fon-foods has been in operation for the away by a hysteria of tax reduc Many have expressed them- , tion and cause damage far out of for service past two years. selves in those terms and have —St. Helens Mist. proportion to the small individual BE SURE TO VOTE told Mr. Miller and his friends tax saving made. The Newberg Graphic points out that there are that they are now working for In a recall election the persons invoking the recall are those who in the past have not him. PORTLAND, OREGON They state they signed the pe certain to be actively on the job casting their own votes made proper effort to meet obli Every facility for every gations who may now take ad tition without thought, they were and inducing others to vote against the officer they want vantage of conditions to escape talked into it, they were given taste ®f every traveller to oust. Those on the other side, who have no animosity to honest debts, and gives warning misinformation, they signed to . . . new decorations, spur them, no grudges to satisfy, no sense of grievance against steps which may cause keep a neighbor from getting an new furniture, new that calls righting what they conceive to be a wrong, are distrust of those having money gry, and so on. lobby lounge and apt to be more lethargic. They wish the officer well, The date for the recall election to loan. Another exchange which NEW LOW RATES. holds that removal of county is Saturday, October 10, and would most certainly vote for him if they voted at all, re THE RECALL MOVEMENT gard the attempt at recall as wholly unnecessary—but of A group of dissatisfied tax agent and nurse in the interest of County Clerk J. W. Hunt is now WITH necessary preparations ten they stay at home on election day.' In that way a payers have put themselves to economy would be a mistake with making BATH Fireproof out corresponding economy is the for it. vigorous but nevertheless decided minority may control an quite a little expense and are Vernonia Eagle, which points to Last week in paid advertise- now forcing the county to spend what has election and recall an officer whom the majority want. been accomplished by ments, recall proponents made a around $1,000 in an effort to In Vernonia there is no doubt that the recall move recall County Commissioner J. N. the agent in Columbia county by plea for funds to carry on the I directing production into more fight against Mr. Miller, stating ment against Commissioner J. N. Miller meets with little Miller, of Clatskanie. Dissatis profitable channels and asserts they were not men of means and faction on the part of only a few sympathy. Fifty-seven names of local people appear on the that what is needed is not merely needed financial aid. Many are recall petition filed with the county clerk. These names, people is often sufficient to start greater frugality, but greater wondering why they called a re- rolling stone which frequently earning. The Eagle also shows few as they are, were obtained by solicitation, and always, a causes ,call election with its cost of more trouble than was when petitions are circulated, there are many who sign reckoned for. Many people un-1 I that the nurse saves far more $2,000 and more upon the coun Order of Eastern Star A. F. & A. M. not from conviction but from a spirit of accommodation, doubtedly signed the recall peti than her salary in investigation of ty in order to settle petty griev Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 applications for relief. All that ances. — Clatskanie Chief. Regular commu a disinclination to refuse such an apparently slight favor tion without realizing that they both newspapers say applies with A. F. & A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, as the writing of one’s name. Deduct those who signed were signing a petition to spend equal truth to Washington coun COURT TAKES BACK and third Wed Stated Communication the money they thought they nesdays of each REDUCTION PROMISE ty. As to the nurse, the county and are sorry, others who signed and do not particularly were trying to save. Many First Thursday of each month, at Ma oth- care one way or the other, and it is readily seen that the ers do not realize that they will is now disbursing a large sum month. Special called sonic Temple. It appears that the county All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs- anti-Miller campaign can expect next to nothing in the way have little or no choice in the for relief and must pay more dur board of equalization favored a I ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ing coming months. Unhappily matter of filling the vacancy if all applications for relief do not reduction of 20 per cent in the of support from Vernonia. ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Leona McGraw, W. M. Yet even so the showing here may be disproportionate Mr. Miller should be recalled. merit it, and the investigations of valuation of all cultivated land Mrs. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. We have no way of knowing who W. E. Bell, Secretary. and the strength of the movement elsewhere in the county will be appointed to take Mr. Mil the nurse and probation officer in Columbia county, and, after making a tentative allowance of Mountain Heart sufficient to carry the election, unless the friends of Mr. ler’s place for the unexpired separate the sheep from the goats, the reduction, reconsidered and as it were, and see that the mon Rebekah Lodge No. 243 I. O. O. F. Miller get out and vote. The only way to assure a majority term. I No. 243, I.O.O.F., ey goes only where it is needed left the matter as it was meets every rule is for the majority to cast its ballot. We do not say that Mr. Miller and the recipient has no other The reduction was requested second and fourth Thursdays in Don’t neglect to vote tomorrow on the blissful as should not be recalled (altho per- source of assistance. As to the by two committees, one from the I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit- we shall vote against it), agent, the question was settled Pomona grange and one from the ors always welcome. I.O.O.F.— Vernonia Lodge No. sumption that Miller will be sure to win anyhow. The re sonally Margaret Lines, Noble Grand. | 246 meets every Tuesday night but we do ask the voters to con long ago. In recent years sug-1 taxpayers league. at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis call element takes nothing for-granted. Bessie Herrin, Secretary. sider the question fully and not K gestion « that tuav his appropriation — be i | The county assessor objected itors always welcome. be led or talked into doing some stricken from the ballot has been to the reduction on the ground Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. that it placed a burden on his I Pythian Sister« thing they know nothing about. A camouflaged still was found Sunday near Tacoma. scouted and those defending the G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. office in making the necessary ' Vernonia Temple 61 meets Mr. Miller was elected last fall appropriation when such sugges- . Probably the odor wasn’t camouflaged. G. M. Holt, Secretary. j xu ? /, every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in by a good majority. He has serv- tion was made were the farmers, changes, and that some cost would w q w hall ed the county satisfactorily for I for the cities have kept hands be attached to it. It was shown, ■ Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Sir Thomas Lipton will be long remembered as a good nine years, Does it seem reason off. If the agent has been of however, that the saving to Co-; Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. American Legion loser—but if he had been a poor winner not even his' able that a man who has given benefit in the past—and he has lumbia county in state taxes in- Vernonia Post nr’DVTUIAe good service for nine years would as a long list of accomplishments cident to the reduction would Ri’lUnl □ Ur rT 1 nlAo 119, American passing would have attracted particular attention. HARDING LODGE 11« change so radically in a few by the office proves—he is, as amount to several thousand dol-1 Legion. Meets Meets every Monday months and so flagantly disre- the Vernonia editor suggests, lars and that the county would 2nd and 4th night in the W.O.W. Vernonia may not be on the highway map—yet—but gard the best interests of all the needed more than ever just now. be considerable money ahead if hall. Visiting broth Tuesdays each the highway agitation has certainly put it on the map. people that he deserves being put —Hillsboro Independent. the reduction had been made. ers welcome. month, 8. p. m. out of office? Wouldn’t it be 1 As the matter now stands the M. D. Cole, C. C. Dan Nelson, Ad LUMBER MILL GOES |down the mill or work on a sche- better to trust in a man who has COUNTY COURT HOLDS reduction will be asked, so the H. Culbertson, K.R.S. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. ON SINGLE SHIFT, dule of decreased time. It is served well enough for nine years SPECIAL MEETING I believed that by giving some of , that he was re-elected by a big Beginning tonight the saw mill;,)Ur men the opportunity to work majority rather than taking a A special meeting of the county of the C. R. McCormick company, full time, it is better for the pub- chance on a good man being ap court was called Wednesday to here will be operated on a single ]jc and the company. The deci pointed? Won’t Mr. Miller’s ex draw a warrant for $1000 for shift, according to an announce-1 „¡on of the company was arrived perience count for a great deal the county fair board in order For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on ment by H. R. Hudson, district at after much thought and with in the next few years, whereas that awards for premiums may be this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business manager of the company. About present conditions before them. a new man would have a lot to sent out to the prize winners. A and professional people. 100 men will be affected by the We would like to give employ- learn which might be expensive to group of representatives from new schedule of operation, as ment to as many men as possible the county. the county taxpayers league met RARRFP ÇHnpq DOCTORS there were about that many em-|and it wj]i be the company’s ef- In such a matter as this we i with the court to obtain their ployed on the night shift. Lum-!fort to do so, but if we cannot believe that it is well to remem- sanction of a special election in ■ <\w/ BARBER Mary Kato ber production will be less and'dispose of our product we must Marvin R. Eby, M. D. J < ▼ SHOP shipments from St. Helens will i curtail the output.” Physican and Surgeon Haircutting for Men show a corresponding decrease. From an authoritative source it Women and Children Phone Hospital 931 “Demand for lumber,” Mr. j is learned that will take some Town Office 891 Expert Work Guaranteed Hudson said, “has fallen off and time to adjust “working condi- the company was forced to one of|tions,” as one official of the CARD ROOM two alternatives, either to shut company stated. By that state- TJertuntia Eagle AMO US tel M ultnomah Wliat Other Editors . Think Professional and Business Directory /■-I 1 Ï li» Chop Suey Restaurant PASTIME DR. J. A. HUGHES CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Lloyd Baker. Prop. “Fewer and better cows.” is the . progressive .. . dairyman __ ,____ ’s slo- gan today, and this policy is exemplified in the exhibits of Dairy Cattle to be found at the 21st Annual Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition, Portland. Oregon. October 24-31. Exhibits also include millions of dollars worth of Beef Cattle, Horses. Sheep, Hogs. Goats. Poultry and Rabbits. And $100,000 are offered in Premiums. The Bank of Vernonia again urges attendance at this great farm university—this year’s Exposition promising more in teresting exhibits than ever before. 729 THIRD STREET TRANSFER — TRUCK CONTRACTORS HOTf'A Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT CURLY’S TRANSFER JOHN A. MILLER The best for those who appreciate the best. Local and Long Dis tance Hauling General Contractor John Strunk, n northwest farmer, with the aid of the Coun. ty Agent in his locality and by more careful feeding of his herd of 16 cowi made twenty timet more money than when milking 21 cow». "Culline out’’ the five poorest producers changed his profit from $2 over feeding costs to $40. Vernonia, Oregon OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY Mason Work, Building BAFFORD BROS General Plumbing Vernonia I F uti Ne f U UteEATINC L AT HCMf j hotel M c D onald MONEY TO IOAN C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail Money to Loan Vernonia, Oregon Cn improved real estate; long ti*<e and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St Helens Oregon. DENTISTS RESTAURANTS M. D. COLE Terminal Cafe LUMBER Dentist Vernonia, Oregon THE RIGHT PLACE TO EAT H. A. SIMMONS, Proprietor Phone Business 221 Residence 653 CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store Tfitf • • • • • best time to buy needed printing is NOW*