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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1931)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE THREE home in Riverview to Roseburg. Baker and Mrs. Neil Lee motor wick were Portland visitors on Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler ed to Forest Grove on Thursday Sunday. are now living in the house re to buy fruit and vegetables for Eric Johnson is moving to a cently vacated by Mrs. Lee Hall. ' canning. new home during the weekend. Mrs. Bud Rose has been very i One side was shut down on Mrs. Robert Wood, the Misses ill with the flu for the past week. Ray Beeler has returned from1 Wednesday throwing a few men Patricia and Alice Baker, Maxine Ed Buchner has returned to Portland and will soon be back out of work, but most of the Taylor, Dorothy Guinn and Vi Riveiview after several months’ at work. It was very fortunate men were given other work and olet Ennis, Mrs. Earl Pringle, absence. that he wasn’t burned any more rumor has it that all will be back Roy Sidebottom, Willard Ennis, Miss Ora Rundell of Portland severely. to work before long. Junior Portner, John and Her spent the weekend with her mo- Mrs. Irene Ryves and Mrs. bert Piert, James Burke, Lee and Mrs. Robert Wood entertained ther, Mrs. C. N. Rundell. at luncheon on Wednesday Mrs. I Gertrude Mackie were visitors at , Jack Baker attended the foot- Mr. and Mrs. Willard had as Ward of Vernonia, Mrs. Neil; the home of Mrs. Peggy Hatfield ball game at Vernonia on Satur- their guests over the weekend Lee, Mrs. George Baker, and; on Friday. day. Mrs. Mary Taylor and Mrs. Em Mrs. Charles Piert of camp. SomeI Mrs. George Baker, Roy Side- Mrs. Oscar Johnson, Mrs. Clif- ery George, both of Portland. 7 500 was enjoyed after a delight I bottom and Mrs. Earl Pringle. ford Streadwick and Mrs. Ches- i were luncheon guests at the home'ter Taylor were Vernonia visitors Mrs. C. N. Rundell entertained ful lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard and Mrs. Earl Pringle and Mrs. i of Mrs. James Hanna on Friday.' on Saturday. Due to the locomotive being! Mr and Mrs John Hatfield daughter Jay, Mrs. Mary Taylor Stanley Olson motored to Port E P.VIN G BACH ELL E R and Mrs. Emery George at din land last week and enjoyed a 1 repaired giving him a half holi- J were visitors at the Mackie home i day Lloyd Wolf drove to Port- in Vernonia on Sunday. ner Sunday. Peggy and h r brother went to bad been more or less Infir.erved matinee. the Bra des’. While tliey were do- by the discovery of the coat. T ; land to visit friends and relatives' Mr and Mrs Stanley I Olson Mrs. B. B. Hawkins spent the Mrs. John Hatfield, Mrs. Stan !n" what they could to comfort the have put the court in a quandary. [were dinner guests at the home evening with Mrs. Paul Driscoll ley Olson and Mrs. Earl Pringle on Fiiday. stricken family, Sir Harry arrived Nothing will be done until Robert Mr. and Mrs. Amil Mackey of Earl Pringle on Sunday, on Stony point Saturday. with important news. The night returns. They are sending an ofii- were Vernonia shoppers last spent the weekend in Portland. | of the crime Todkill had left the cer to find him.” Mrs. D. R. Fowler was surpris Thursday. town in his canoe. The tavern ship Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall drove' vvvvvvwwvvwvvyvvwvv» “Thank you.” sa’d !’ ss. ‘‘You ed Wednesday which was her Mrs. Lester Greenia, Mrss. Ira to Portland on Saturday and Mrs. ( was in the harbor. It was going will know in time that my William 65th birthday anniversary, by her Rollins, Mrs. Archie Lizenby, out with the tide at midnight and is not the guilty man.” Raymond Beeler accompanied [ W k can help you solve up the coast among the fishermen. two daughters and friends, Mrs. I Mrs. William Hayden and Mrs. With that the uirl left them. Iler them as far as St. Helens where. your printing problems Men passing the ship In a pinnace mother followed her to her room. Alice Johnson, Mrs. Ada McAl- 1 O’Donald of Vernonia and Mrs. about eleven-thirty saw a canoe, The Lady Besn was depressed and she visited friends and relatives.' lister, Mrs. Larby, and Mrs. Mary John Hatfield, Mrs. Stanley Ol with two men aboard, coming In need of comfort. It may be that Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stread- Kyle, coming over from St. Hel alongside the anchored ship. In some "horseless courier of the air” son and Mrs. James Hanna en the moonlight they were clearly had come to her from the lonely ens and bringing several nice joyed a pot luck luncheon at visible. gifts. Will him on Ids bed of straw in the the home of Mrs. Earl Pringle “Robert Heathers and his friend prison house. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Stevenson on Wednesday. Todkill I” Bess exclaimed. “We and Rhoda Bell made a trip to St. must find thenrand get the rope on Mrs. Robert Wood, Mrs. Geo. CHAPTER V the right neck.” Helens Saturday night. Peggy Weld went to Bess and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hender- kissed her and said: “We both Mr. John Samp, Crnrfable, Finds and Grandma Rogers spent Sun- (Continued Next Week) icks and Fred Hendericks of Ca Amo3 Todkill. have a bit of old Eve In us. Lot day at the home of Robert Spen- Tom Holstein of EXT day a constable with an us not aa v hard ' hlngi of ell hi r Ì nada, also able seaman set out in a shal boy. Whether it was one or the Yankton, visited Mr. and Mrs. cer at Treharne. They helped him celebrate his 41st birthday lop to find Robert Heathers. The other who did it. I have a heart D. R. Fowler Thursday. full of sympathy for him.” colony had a long wait for news anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Robb'ns Bess answered: “But Robert of them. They found the tavern Mildred Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and had as their guests Sunday Mr. ran away like a coward and left ship at anchor in a little harbor far the woman and my lover to suffei up the coast. More than a score and Mrs. Chris Matson and son son Olie spent Sunday at the disgrace and death alone.” of fisermen, Including the infamous home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc Dan Nelson and S. A. Allen, of St. Helens. “It Is time that some one spoke Thomas Wannerton and the pirate Bob Oland of St. Helens visited Mullin at Natal. up for Robert Heathers,” said Dixie Bell, thronged Its taproom also Mr. Parker, visited the home Sydney Malmsten is authorized Peggy “ He Is my friend and I and decks in a wild spree. They of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nixon for a Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burtraw Sun agent for Farmers Automobile cannot any longer be silent. It is traded fish and furs for beer and short time Monday. day and Monday. bread and meal and clothing anti Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buchner are inter-insurance exchange. ehsy to convict him when l.e can Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mills and kill-devil, a local name for strong Mrs. S. V. Malmsten accom not speak for hhuseif. 1 t Ca .c water. moving into the house on Smith’s son Mickey, also Lee Hall arrived is not a feather’s weight ui’ «'•’»• panied Mrs. T. B. Mills to Port- The constable was a fat bluster Thursday to take Mrs. Lee Hall property in Riverview. dence against him. Why did in ing Englishman of the name of Clarence Wardle and jjr_ land Monday. run away? I think that thia theory John Samp, with red hair and mut to Waldport, where she will spend i White of Vancouver ______ _ _ barracks, _______ ,! 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buckley is as reasonable us any. If Wil ton-chop whickers and the paunch the winter. i Washington, are spending their Astoria visited at the home liam had come home in a panic mid of an ox. His large weathered Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Pruitt and|10 day vacation with Glen Haw. of Mr. and Mrs. Frenchie Ra- confessed that he had beau caught face had the lusty redness of raw with a pretty wench, what would beef. His belt was like the mid son home ^¡ng _ Alvin have returned j j ehel Sunday. Robert have done? Well, l.e would dle hoop on a hogshead. He had from Grants Pass and other parts' Everett Tucker of Camas> I Goldie May visited in Camp have had to witness against bis a thick bovine neck, bare to the friend or commit perjury. Would breast, and a sb row’d intelligence. of Oregon where they have been Washington> and Ether Mower of Eight Monday night, employed. he not have run away to escape the He was able to read and write. Portland, . called on Aunt Sally, Mrs. D. H. May was greatly WHOLESOME — DELICIOUS — SATISFYING call of the court? Dear Bess, it is j surprised Saturday evening by a Mrs. Clara Smyth at the Home' Sunday, Arnos Todkill saw and recognized easy for one’s judgment to be grocery has been very ill and her[ Henry J. Thompson visited group of 40 gathering at her him as lie neared the ship when Exceptional pies and other pastries “just like warped in the heat of her affection. night was falling. He ran to Rob i home in honor of her thirty- daughter, Mrs. W. Kirkland of i Aunt Sally Monday. I have been thinking of what W il mother used to bake.” ert, saying: “ Go over the starboard liam said to you. When he said side into our can.»e and pull off n ; Portland, is taking care of her. j Mrs. Stella Monger was given a ' seventh birthday anniversary. that lie was no coward did he not Many wonderful gifts were re Mrs. Carl Fowler and son Carl, | farewell party at the home of and lie to within hail till ye wish to have you remember that bit my whistle.” days , Mrs. Baslington. She was pre ceived. A delightful luncheon was 'Jr., are spending a few “ ’ ‘ he would take his punishment like hear The two were prepared with her sister, Mrs. Blanche I sented with a lovely luncheon set served by the hostesses, Misses a man? In his wish that you emergencies. Amos went i Irene and Goldie May and Gladys would understand, doos it mean landing stair and ' from the Rebekah lodge. Millis. met Mr anything more than his hope that a pulling I Mr. 'and Mrs. John Robbins, Mr. and Ms$. Dave McMullin (End. after his climb. great truth would temper your took the hand of the consta have returned home from a week’s and daughter Marian also Mrs. | thought of him, namely, that after ble lie and I said: i visit with Mr. and »Mrs. Jay Bur Charley Hill spent Thursday at all he is only human and that yield “ Jim. my eyes are glad. What ing to temptation, as he had done, news have traw of Soul ’ s hill. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John you?” began in the Garden of Eden and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tindel and Estes. Samp answered: “ News! Must 1 has continued ever since?” children are moving from their I Aunt Sally, Grandma Cameron These arguments had no effect bring news to you? Well, then, 'Tale of thejòcginnivf N woman swore it to Will Heydon. A coat found In the hriars had a letter o’ his In Its pocket. The hue and cry came on him hiding In the wood. He Is In prison. It’s likely lie'll wear the rope necktie. They have sent me here to get Robert Heathers. The case is stout ag'ln young Reydon. Robert has nothin' to fear. Why should he break bls neck runnln' away? If he's got any sense In Ills inazzard he’ll go back with me. The court needs his testimony." Todkill smiled, exclaiming: “Oil's blood! Ye loqk as wise ns a mid wife at a bfirnln’. I give ye my word he Is not on this ship or on the shore.” Whereupon, Mr. Samp, always philosophical In bls cups, turned Ills thought toward the eternal ver lties: “As a liar ye couldn’t earn a Birthin' a day. Ye don’t do It nat ural like. It’s left-handed lyin' Everybody likes to believe ye If ye’ll only give him a chance. Now there was Bill Shakespeare. I used to pass him every day on the street. He wrote out a lot o’ lies—spun ’em so slick folks could believe 'eiy and thev did. " ‘ What happened? Why, Bill made a fortune by it. Amos, ye lie like a tapster. Ye don't give no one a chance. Ye’ll die a poor man. If I was you I’d try the truth to help me. Now, there’s a start on the right road." Mr. Samp looked gravely into the faee of Todkill. "Well, John,” said Amos, “this Is hay to a jneknsa that Is full o' oats. Ye got no more knowledge o’ this world than a lame cobbler, I can’t help ye. If I could I wouldn't take yer money." Camp Eight It i verview Your Child will enjoy... MOTHE It'S BREAD Vernonia Bakery on the opinions of Bees. She said: “I know William as you do not—• as you never could know him. lie lias a great soul.” “Well, great souls have yielded to temptation,” Peggy answered. Harry Vane had listened with in terest to these arguments. He said: “I have more news and I think that you should both hear it. I sat for an hour by the bedside of Mabe) Hartley. She admitted that she might Lave been In error in the identification of her paramour. She did not see Ids face even by the light of the constable’s lantern.” “But she must have had an ap pointment,” said Peggy. “She says that she had no ap pointment.” “Poor woman!” Peggy exclaimed. “I am not so sinless that I have no sympathy for her. Women al ways get the worst of It. We have moved to a strange world where laws are made for saints and not for human beings. Enforced sanc tity is a fright to me.” “It’s only because you are accus tomed to he favored by the law,” said Sir Harry. “In England we hang for stealing. That catches the poor man. Here they hang for offenses that catch the rich as well as the poor. In America the gen tleman Is on the same footing as the fishmonger. In England adul tery increases as you ascend the social scale. It lias become a mat ter of grave concern in all the Old world.” Ro^ewell Brade said: “We shall know the truth soon. The court is sending for Robert Ileal hers. As soon as he conies we shall see our way.” Young Sir Harry took the hand of the Lady Bess, saying: “This deep trouble gives to your face a radiance curious and yet beautiful. I have never seen a face more fair to look upon. It should not he spoiled with too much grieving. Before you leave us here Is more hopeful news for you. I have had a long talk with the constable. Mr. Iladialiah Grout. He. too. admitted that he might have erred in his Identification, in view of the fact that the young men are alike in height, weight and color. He admits that his judg ment as to the identity of the Square Deal Service Station U. S. Royal Cord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed there are fewer fish in the sea than when I set sail on it.” “Good luck is fond o’ good com pany,” said Todkill. “Also my belly is full o’ emptl ness. There’s news for you.” “Come, let us drain a cup or two.” They could scarcely hear each other among tile noisy, Jolly sea men who were singing and shout ing and arguing on deck. Some were engaged in feats of strength. “Wi'. t side o’ h. Il is this?” Samp '■•deed as they n.cde their way to ilie taproom, Ills face bore a look of ov< i wiiclming gravity. “The north side! Not often as hot as now. They’re a lot o’ roy- sterin’ good follows. Be sociable and rolypoiy with ’em and ye have no trouble* They’re in the midst o’ a plenty that they see none too frequent.” Samp looked around him. moment he said: “They’re like cattle In a field. It puts me in mind o’ ton’s Merrymount. As the Lord’s my savior I never had such a thirst on me! Our beer give out yester day and our waler today.” “It’s a leaky keg Hint goes to sea,” said Amos. “Here’s to fair winds!” Tliey drained three cups and then another. The last h id a baptism of strong water. “My heart is in the little town,’’ said A num. “Tell me what has hap pened there.” The constable was growing dig n I fled and philosophical. His na tlve cunning was now a bit <11 luted. His gravity deepened as he answered: “I reckon you know as well as I ’bout that woman trouble in the pine thicket.” “As God’s my witness—not a quintain.” “You can lie like Satan and look like a lamb ' • dropped. The FOR hay -------------------- --------- GRAIN --------- ------------------------ FEED PHONE 681 Vernonia Trading Co w Get Better Acquainted Our Store Managers $100,009 PREMIUMS 21st Annual Exposition combines Pure-bred Livestock Show; Fat Stock Show; Dairy, Manufacturers’ and Land Products Shows; Wool and Mohair Show; Poultry and Rabbit Show; Industrial Exhibits; Boys’-Girls’ Club Work Exhibits; Wild Life Exhibits; ‘ Truth-in-Mects” Exhibits; and spectacular Horne Show. Eleven acres under one roof. Parking space for 5,000 autos, Taved roads direct to entrance. Reduced fares on all trensportation Portland, Oregon O. tober 24-31 ________ _______ at ___ Food shopping our _______ friendly _____ stores takes on a deeper significance when our smiling, bright-eyed store managers await to personally fill your every need. Alert and courteous—thev are always at your service! Come in and get acquainted with them. You » il! like their shiny, well-arranged stores, their up-to-the min ute merchandising ideas. And whether you shop here today, tomorrow, or any day, you can always be assured of receiving this same polite, thoughtful service. TIMELY SAVINGS EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1931 CORN MEAL DEL MAIZ CORN Best Nebraska Corn Meal— MacMarr — No. 2 Tins — SUGAR Best Cane 10 POUNDS granulated — 48c 9 Luncheon PINEAPPLE Hillsdale — broken slices, best for salads. 1 •) 1/, No. 2% tins 1£-C CALUMET BAKING POWDER Insures your baking. nr 1-tb. Tins ............ ¿JC 2 23c For ....................... 9c on-American Best Quality — 3 Lumber Co. Best for Qft/. JVC 25c Pounds For .... A mild mellow blend. 9Q>> Pound ............... 3 43c Cans GRAPEFRUIT Broken Slicei 2 Cans for 29c PURITAN MALT Rich and strong — 2H lb. tins for ... SARDINES MacMarr — A good flour at a reasonable price — North Star — The best im ported— 49 it>. Sack $1.05 COFFEE Economy— Pound ...... Packages Cans for 29c ASPARAGUS 20c KELLOGG PEP 2 3 23c Hillsdale — Tender and fla- vory, ungraded for OÇ_ size. No. 1 square can TOILET TISSUE Waldorf— E_ Roll ................................ MARKET FEATURES HAMBURGER — (All Beef) Agency for McCormick-Dee ring SALT BACON 2 LBS 25c LB. 14c TRACTORS POT ROASTS LB. 14c Eagle classifieds will pay you ; QQ/» ûî/C FLOUR CREAM of WHEAT The nation's best cereal — Package .. Selected — Delicious and of fine flavor — COFFEE CAKE FLOUR Swansdown — making cakes. Package 19C 29c For SAN WAN PEAS LIMA BEANS DEVILED MEAT Food Products — Libby’s— Net Weight 3'4 ounces. 2 SALMON Pink — Contents 15^4 oz. PORK & BEANS Van Camp’s—Med size. 25c tb. SACK