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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1931)
PAGE SIX FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON _ Miss Florence Santee and Miss Clifford Streadwick and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackie. We are so Marie Kirkpatrick have taken an sorry that this death occurred apartment at Porterfield’s. and our sympathy goes out to i rather a feather in their cap as a (Continued from Page 1) MIST—(Special)— 13 of little NOTICE (Continued from Page 1) the young widow and children. ¡golfing community. The Cascade — I II ournament was recently held at readiness for the coronation. The Olive Hansen's friends gaves her The building on Bridge street Cole- Lloyd Wolf and Harry Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stread ing points than any of the other a surprise on her birthday last formerly occupied by the Reithner over Tillamook where approximately 75 royal party will walk through a man were Portland visitors wick and son Bernard motored to proposed routes. week. A big cake with 10 candles dry goods store is for sale or entries were received from the lane of green trees which will be the week end. 4. Construction of this route golf clubs of Tillamook, Seaside, for this event inside of the race formed the center of attraction. Portland one day last week to Mrs. John Hatfield has been lease. visit Mrs. Streadwick ’ s parents. It was served with ice cream to would open 200,000 acres of St. Helens, Forest Hills, McMinn track, from the large entrance J. W. Baldwin, Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield under the care of Dr. Eby for the little guests by Mrs. Merl land which would produce fine ville, Woodburn, Silverton, Briar part way to the stage. 584* an infected eye contracted while and daughter Johnny Belle, Miss I Tiderman and Mrs. Hansen. agricultural produce. cliff and Vernonia. swimming. I Advancing first will be the Games were played and a jolly Opal Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Stan 5. Columbia county and Clat Mrs. Agnes Wiley and friends j princess, who will form a “V” good time was enjoyed by the ley Olson and daughter Betty sop county have a population of League Nominates lane through which will follow youngsters. June were dinner guests at the were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. 41,000. Columbia county is the' Gwinn over the week end. Budget Committee Nancy and Sally Austin, flower Those participating were Helen home of Mrs. Charles Mackie on E. second fastest growing county in Mrs. Gwinn returned with them girls, then two pages, one carry Sunday. the state being exceeded only by FOR LEASE ing a cushion on which the queen Aamodt, Anne Chechmnek, Ger (Continued from Page 1) The new school bus made its to Portland for a few weeks vis- Klamath county. will kneel to be crowned and one aldine George, Thelma Wickstrom, inital trip into camp on Sunday it. F O R LEASE—Improved dairy 6. This route is the freeest carried the folowing county of a cushion on which will rest the Irene Holce, Elizabeth, Ruth, Vance Sutherland has farm, 120 acres, with large from fire hazard and goes fices be eliminated, the vote be royal crown. Then will arrives the Louise, Leonard and Walter Ek, and all the children tried it out turned to the home of his par- h0US6i ___ ______ _ ______ , barn, orchard, sub-irri- through the least merchantable ing taken separately on each of queen candidate and escort C. Merl and Ione Jones, Walter and and expressed themselves very ents after a visit with relatives in bottom land, right on Ocean anxious to begin their trips in timber. fice: County nurse, home demon C. Hulet, state grange master Maivis Taylor, and Jean Marie it. Clatskanie. i Beach highway. Abundance of 7. Timber interests offer no strator; county agricultural agent; of Oregon, who will crown Prin Tiderman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith re I water. 100 acres all cleared and attending the dance at Those objection to construction of a county engineer, fruit inspector. cess Benita, Her Majesty Queen n cultivation. Will support large Arcadia from camp were Mr. turned Sunday from Portland, ¡ :— :2. - r. highway along this route. Members of the budget committee Benita I. where Mr. Smith has been re- berd. The Longview Company, and Mrs. S. R. Olson, Mr. and 8. Preliminary interviews with were instructed to work to the After the coronation, the royal 592c Mrs. John Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. ceiving medical attention. Mrs. Longview Washington. property owners indicate a will end that all the above named party will be introduced and ____ _ of Mrs. I E. L. Pringle, Miss Opal Hatfield, George Baker, sister ingness on their part to donate offices be abolished. FOR RENT will then proceed to a special Miss Evelyn Olson, Chester Ever- Smith, has been caring for the|_____________________________ property for right of way. Ask Assessment Reduction children i while they ^were away. 3 Desirable apartments for rent. box being prepared for them in eart, Clarence Gunderson, Mr. 9. Construction costs are low Mr. and Mrs. Art Lisenby, Mr. I i 916 Rose Avenue. 59tf A resolution was introduced by the grandstand and will enjoy the “What period would you go and Mrs. Charles Mackie, Mr. and est along this route. program, which in part is as to” . . . “But I don’t think I’ll Mrs. Denny Ryves and in the and Mrs. S. R. Olson, Mrs. Ira I 10. Actual mileage to Clatsop O. Henry Oleen and adopted to Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles FOR SALE and Tillamook beaches is com the effect that the county board follows: Address by C. C. Hulet; like Latin !” . . . “Gee, look at finals for the prize waltz Mr. Mackie, Mrs. John Hatfield were I Beverly Sherman and Dorothy with and Mrs. Ryves came out the cute teachers!" This is what parable to all others and better of equalization be asked to reduce dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 PRUNES AND PEARS—for sale, Calhoun, doing a Dutch Ilog; than others in alignment and in hte assessment on cultivated land Carrol Butcher, and acrobatic met our ears as we entered the second prize, Mr. and Mrs. Buf- John Olson of St. Helens Fri H. M. Condit, 3-miles N.E. of fmire winning first prize. Tuesday early one-third. A committee composed assembly room year round driving conditions. Vernonia. 591c day. dance; a buck tap by Beverly Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Olson, Mr. of Charles Johnson of Warren, morning. 11. There are 32 feeder roads Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge spent , PRUNES _ lc Pound; bring own Sherman. Mrs. C. W. Sherman and Mrs. John Hatfield, Mr. and that would be served by this L. L. Giese of Hundson, Chris The day was spent in fixing dinner the w'eek end and Labor day in j . boxes. Mrs. K. Jablonski. 1* route. Four of then come from Naegli of Deer Island and J. will play for these numbers. out the class programs and indi- Mrs. Denny Ryves were i..... — I Portland. Mrs. D. E. McCoy will repre vidual schedules, and explaining guests at the home of Mrs. E. Archibald of Goble was chosen northern Washington county. ■o PRUNES AND PLUMS—lc lb. o- 12. The distance from eastern to present the matter to the sent the court fool during the to the “green” freshmen the L. Pringle on Monday. Everyone PERSONALS I | on tree. Phone 11F53, A. L. some enjoyed their short vacation as I Oregon points and points in Wash board of equalization in session evening and will put on methods of high school classes. o- ■° Parker. 592c clever work. many years it is the first time in this month. ington adjacent to Vancouver to The enrollment on the first the loggers ever had Labor Day After the program the royal Mr. and Mrs. R. 1 L- Tyrone C|JT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. Oregon beaches by this route day was 170, 9 more than at the moved Wednesday to Burns,! W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. would be shorter than to Wash Mr. and Mrs. Shay Move Here^ party will proceed to the dance beginning of school last year. off. Mrs. J. C. Hanna, Mrs. Clif- where Mr. Tyrone has employ-! ington beaches over the new high Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shay and pavilion -on the fair grounds, There were 60 freshmen, 22 | WHITE LEGHORN Hens, one way along the north bank of the family have moved from Portland which will be formally opened sophomores, 44 juniors and 44 ford Streadwick and Mrs. E. L. ment. for fair week. Pringle were Vernonia shoppers Mr. and Mrs. Phil Schroeder' year old, fine stock, price 75c. Columbia river. to Arcadia park for the winter, seniors. and twin daughters Colene and Also little pigs. Chas. Schmid- last week on Thursday. 13. There would be ne grade and Mr. Shay will finish the con Thursday the princess will be The teachers for the school bridesmaids at the mystery wed- 591* Those attending the funeral of Colette of Klamath Falls were lin, Phone 13F51. railroad crossings on this route. struction of rustic fences, a deer year of 1931-32 are: Mr. Wilker- We are informed this is the only paddock and other improvements idng which will be a feature on son, who will teach geometry, John Goodman at St. Helens on guests at the home of Mr. and i FOR SALE—All kinds of wood. the afternoon program at 2:00 Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Stan- Mrs. F. M. Ruhl over the week- route that such would be the begun. Frank Lusby. 519* p. m. Thursday night the court commercial law, Latin, and civics, ley Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl end. case. The grandchildren, Robert and will enjoy seeing the pageant. Mrs. Hammack, geometry and Pringle, Mrs. John Hatfield, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Tucker I LEAVE YOUR ORDERS for can 14. In Columbia county there Larry Hastings, will attend school Friday afternoon they will re sewing; Miss Drake, English; Miss R. A. Wood, Mrs. Charles Purt, have moved into the Austin ap- ning prunes with Harry Cul are deposits of iron ore and coal in Vernonia. commercial subjects; Chester Evereart, Mr. and Mrs. artments. view the children’s day marches Bolton, bertson. Phone 73. that would have a method of Miss Hughes, English and French; and program. Friday evening they reaching market over this route, CHANGES IN BAKERY will have dinner at the Orcadia Mr. Tucker, science; Mr. Mills, 15. This route would best Albert Bolton of Portland is Hotel. Later Mr. and Mrs. G. O. history and sociology; Mr. Mc serve the most people. The center working in the Vernonia Bakery Entire, algebra and commercial of population in Portland is at in place of Cecil Burt, who has Garrison will entertain the royal arithmetic; and Miss Bougher, 17th and Hancock streets. From moved to Forest Grove. Mildred party at the Columbia theater. music and Miss Fullerton, art. there over the St. Johns bridge Tousley takes the place of Mrs. Physical education both for Attend I. O. O. F. over this route would be the Burt in the sales room and Merle In Clatskanie boys and girls is being offered most direct route to the beaches. Mills has been employed for the this year. The periods being 40 16. Maximum elevations and shop. minutes long and the classes be Twenty-six members of Vernon grades are the lowest on this ing held twice a week—either ia Oddfellows and Rebekah lod route. EVANGELICAL CHURCH ges went to Clatskanie Tuesday before or after school hours. 17. There are approximately 200 evening and enjoyed a meeting streams that would offer sports G. W. Plumer, Pastor Miss Louise Keehn men unexcelled fishing near this This will be “Home Coming at which Homer D. Angell, grand route. Day” at this church Sunday. Be master of the grand lodge I. O.- Complimented For these reasons we there ginning with Sunday school at O. F. of Oregon was the principal Complimenting Miss Louise fore urge that the Vernonia-Ham 9:45 a. m. The pastor will preach speaker. An interesting musical Keehn prior to her departure for program was followed by dancing let-Scappoose route be designated at 11 a. m. on the subject, “I San Francisco Mrs. W. E. Bell as the primary highway between Serve.” Christian Endeavor at and refreshments. The Vernonia entertained with a one o’clock delegates reported a very enjoy Portland and the sea and that 6:30 p. m. Sermon theme for luncheon at her home on Rose able evening. Those who attended construction be commenced there 7:30 p. m.» “I Be True.” Rainier—100 per cent in quality and flavor. Bulk pickling . . . purest quality . . . buy were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Webb, avenue last Friday. Covers were on as soon as possible. your needs here and Take advantage of this low price. Oil/» Every member and friend of Mr. and Mrs. Baslington, Mr. and laid for Miss Keehn, Mrs. Dave (Signed) B. O. Garrett ¿ul the church should be in the ser- Mrs. Russell Stanton, Mr. and Marshall and Mrs. C. W. Reith- save ! GALLON ............... 2U LB. CAN J. E. Kerr vices Sunday. ner. Later in the afternoon the Mrs. R. L. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. II. E. McGraw Perry Mellinger, Mr. and Mrs. group accompanied Miss Keehn E. E. Wist FULL GOSPEL CHURCH George Holt, Mrs. Marie O’Don to the station to bid her farewell. Frank A. Kohler 642 Second street nell, Mrs. J. Monger, Mrs. W. C. Committee Kilby, Mrs. Rose Fletcher, Mrs. Mrs. S. J. Smith Is Quarts . . . regular Ball or Kerr Masons . . . Pastor A. H. Gilpin 11. Fogel, Mrs. Margaret Lines, and we have the fruits to can, Hostess for Gleaners Local Golfers to Services Sunday: 11 a. m. Com Mrs. Sally Brown, Mrs. Viola too! DOZEN ........................... Safeway Family . . . blended from Vie With Portland munion service; 7:30 p. m. Evan Treharne, Miss Elna Spencer, Mrs. S. J. Smith entertained Northwestern wheats . . . for both gelistic meeting, Wednesday, Mike Miller, E. Herman, C. Van the Loyal Gleaners at her home breads and pastries. (Continued from Page 1) prayer meeting. Alstine, N. Hammack, Jim Jones. Wednesday afternoon. No pro new location Please note the LB. gram was presented but a social or Emel Messing, managei- pro SACK time was enjoyed and the hos tern, with regard to placing and of the church. All are welcome, Rebekah Club Red Idaho . . . ideal for Sick prayed for at any meeting tess served delicious refreshments. position. Holds Luncheon or in your home anytime. soups and baking. . Members present were Mrs. F. The local team also has a match C. Stephens, Mrs. M. L. Herrin, coming up with the date set ten club Mountain Heart Rebekah CHRISTIAN CHURCH tatively for September 27, with held a pot luck luncheon at the Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. Frank Lang, the Inverness Golf and Country Odd Fellows hall Tuesday noon. Mrs. Ray Charlesworth, Mrs. F. Claude Stephen», Minitier club of Portland. They will send Services for the day of Sep- Eleven of the members who had George Stankey, Mrs. E. Knight Standard quality . . . with puree a 20 man team on this date. An tomber 13: 9:45 a. m. Bible birthilays during July, August and and Mrs. Phil Taylor. Mrs. A. from trimmings. No. 21 g can ..... other match in the near future school; A special 10:45 Divine September were specially honored B. Johnson and Mrs. W. C. Sor- will be a collision with the Union morning worship, Theme "Stu- with a large pink birthday cake ber were guests of the class. Honolulu . . . pure cane, fine granu The next meeting of the group Pacific team of Portland. The dents All.” Adapted to all stu with eleven green candles. After lated—packed in sanitary paper bags. date has not yet been decided dents and teachers of our schools the luncheon the regular meeting will be September 23 at the home and will be announced later. was held. The following were of Mrs. Henry Fogel on Corey and other. 1 JLU ALB Corn or Gloss . . . products of proved hill. Roll call will be answered With other matches in the off-1 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor; present. BAG merit . . . Shopping with verses of scripture from ing there is no question but what 7 ..... ;3o ), evening worship. Theme, Mrs. Pearl McCabe, Mrs. Mar Bag FREE!......... the local team will have their “All Things Are Yours.” garet Lines, Mrs. Mae Mellinger, the last quarter’s lesson, and the hands full for the balance of the • You are welcome to these ser Mrs. Marie O’Donnell, Mrs. Grace program will be a “History of season in competitive golf. Sunell, Mrs. Selma Webb, Mrs. the Passion Play.” vices. An omission from the report The local course has been ten-1 Irene Spencer, Mrs. Estella Mon ger. Billy and Colleen Fogel, of the last meeting in August Van Camp’s . . . stock the pantry now at Molly O’Donnell and Bobby Sun- was that a baby blanket was this low price. No. 214j A real saving for the thrif- J rolls presented to Mrs. V. Haight by ell. Dozen $1.57. ty . . . shopping bag free. 41 JC the class members. I dered an offer to hold the Cas Royal Court Plans ¡Mist Girl Has ROAD ENDORSED cade tournament here next year. Are Announced Surprise Party AT SCAPPOOSE If this is accepted it will be Camp Eight Classified Ads Timberline Prices Effective rriday, Saturday and Monday HARVEST SALE Reap Grand Savings on Seasonable Merchandise MALT FLOUR 99c 49 VINEGAR FRUIT JARS 89c RED BEANS 5B 19c TOMATOES SUGAR AR<«O STARCH 2 p“- 15c PORK Ä OEANS J.C. PENNEY GO. Social Club Arranges Schedule DEPARTMENT STORE NUMBER 1436 • STORE VERNONIA. OREGON The Eastern Star social club held their regular meeting Wed nesday. The program committee presented a schedule of hostesses for the meetings for one year, Each hostess is to choose her own assistant. Mrs. W. E. Bell and Mrs. A. J. Hughes were appointed to plan the sewing for each meeting for the balance of the year. Mrs. K. A. McNeill. Mrs. H. E. Mc Graw, Mrs. J. E. Tapp and Mrs. F. D. Macpherson were appointed to draw up a constitution and by laws. Hostesses for the next meeting are Mrs. H. E. McGraw and Mrs. J. L. Timmons. Fall Showing Of Ready-+o-Wear Saturday DO NOT FAIL TO SEE OUR WINDOWS NEW DRESSES. HATS AND COATS ARE HERE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spring re turned to Vernonia Friday and I are again living in the Austin apartments. i 49c Waldorf TISSUE ~ 13'/2c Miss Louise M. Keehn, who has been with the C. W. Reith ner store here for about six years, left Friday afternoon for San Francisco for and indefinite stay. Miss Keehn still retains her at tractive Rose avenue home which will be cared for by friends. The Just Eight Bridge club met at the home of L. L. Baker last Thursday evening. Mrs. Rose Fletcher won the first prize and Mrs. Mary Nelson the consolation. Mrs. J. A. Hughes and Mrs. W. J. Armitage were guests. A dain- ty luncheon was served by Mrs. Baker. Members present were Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. R. F. Nance. Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. W. M. Henderson. Wallace McCrae of Monmouth was in town a few days this week. Mr. McCrae will enter Willamette university as a junior this fall. In Our Market POT ROAST HAMBURGER BEEF STEAK Lb. ll'Ác Lb. llJ/2c Lb. 17c PORK STEAK BACON—Any Size Piece SHORTENING Lb. 21c Lb. 9V2C