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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1931 PAGE FIVE | and mother spent the week end with Miss Olga Holmstrom. Bertha are working in a cannery HERE’S AN OREGON {judgment against the said defen- | in Longview. in Portland. I Mrs. Cleo Shelton from Mon- rehRarneTreh^fea^ WORLD CHAMPION Mr. H. E. Stevenson visited tana and Mrs. Ray from Klam- makers ^ of VaTn the Wilfred DeClusion was at home note and mort- his wife in Portland Sunday. ----- — J---- j «.. j in the . com- ------- lath Falls are visiting •»-- Mrs. Molly gage as described over Sunday from Cathlamet. Iwrivht ! plaint, and against Roland L. in River-1 Wright. Paul Driscoll visited P. H. Peterson spent a Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cummins Treharne as guarantor of said | Mr. Shoffert is helping E. T. -note, for the sum of $4974.70 view Sunday. and daughter Barbara of Port hours in camp Thursday. Sonny Sneriock has returned Wallace do some timber felling. with interest thereon at the rate Joe Doyle made a brief land are spending their vacation Portland visitors Wednesday of 8% per annum from the 18th to Riverview to go to school. at the home of the latter’s mo in camp last week. day of May, 1931, until paid; were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sund- and gave a ther, Mrs. D. K. Mendenhall. Mrs. Alice Peoples H. W. Jones and family moved for the further sum of $32.00 land and Mrs. E. T. Wallace. with interest thereon at the rate stork shower for her mother, C. O. Evers left Wednesday for into camp Monday after living at of 8% per annum from the 28th A airplane had to make a for Mrs. Henderson. Many of her Forest Grove to work through the Keasey several months, while day of May, 1928, until paid; and ced landing in Dan Berg ’ s field friends attended. Jones was engaged with Mr. prune picking season. for the further sum of $41.40 with Miss Melba Laramore returned Monday but was able to take interest thereon at the rate of 8% Norman Pettijohn and Jean Cormick in clearing out the off immediately for Portland. per annum from the 3rd day of recently from Honolulu, to teach Purney are spending a few days i jam near the power plant Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Alberta October, 1930, until paid, and for school at Parkdale, Oregon. She at the D. K. Mendenhall home, j Keasey. further sum of $32.00 with visited at her home over the DeRock spent a day in Portland the Arne Anderson aged 15 injur- interest thereon at the rate of they fought fire for a few days this week. week end. i ed his right hand recently when 8% per annum from the 18th while staying here. Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick, day of May, 1931, until paid and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heath Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cummins 1 he unwittingly reached into a the further sum of $400.00 spent the week end in Portland. Kenneth Smith and Irene De- for of Portland visited at the J. O. I honey extractor at the bee ranch . Rock spent Friday evening with Attorney’s fees and for the costs and Mrs. M. B. Willard Mr. while it was in operation, and disbursements of this suit Devaney home Sunday. spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. Patrick’s mother at Goble. taxed at $26.50 and the costs of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Devaney may have resulted seriously Charlie Sundland and the and upon this Writ, and com Bill Johnson was home for the and son Darrell drove to Westport not a bystander jerked the Berg brothers played for the manding me to make sale of the end. He is now employed week off. Arne ’ s hand was badly mortgaged property, described as Saturday. Mr. Devaney had to at Weyerhaeuser, in Longview. dance at the Highway Pavilion follows, to-wit: see the company doctor, and will bone being exposed, but for Saturday night. All of the E% of the S.E.U of not be able to resume work for timely and efficient aid of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Crouder are Section 7, Township 4 N. R. 4 Scott, the first aid man, another week or more. staying with her brother Mr. West of the Willamette Meridi- dian, Excepting therefrom the two Bob Lausman moved his fam repeated dressings, is healing Carmichael until they can get tracts as described by deeds dated nicely. ily up to EJast Side camp for a located from the fire of last March 5, 1920 and recorded Apr. Dowling J. W. Warnstaff received news few weeks while some track work 15th, 1920, in Deed records of week. last week of the passing of his Columbia County, Oregon, in is being done. grandmother in Seattle August Book 29 on page 192, to Portland, R. W. Devaney of Klamath Mr. and Mrs. Jesse George NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Astoria & Pacific Railroad Co., Falls visited at the home of his were Clatskanie shoppers Sat and one dated Feb. Uth, 1924, brother, J. O. Devaney, Wednes In thp Circuit Court of the State and recorded Feb. 14, 1924, in urday. of Oregon for the County of Book 36 page 342 Deed Records day and Thursday of last week. Among those who went to the of Columbia County, Oregon. Lavelle Gosa arrived Monday dance at Arcadia park Saturday BANK OF Columbia. VERNONIA, NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE from Toledo, Oregon, to resume evening were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. a corporation, IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Mrs. Lee Hall Plaintiff vs. Monday the 21st day of Septem school. She said she was glad to VanVleet, Hector Firestone, Mr. R. TREHARNE, MELIAN ber, 1931, at the hour of 10:00 be back. She received her high and Mrs. Forrest Harding, Ber- EVAN V. TREHARNE, HIS WIFE, RO o’clock a. m. of said day at the school education in Vernonia. nard Dowling and Alberta De- LAND L. TREHARNE, J. C. West front door of the Court Doris Stevenson is the guest of Norman Pettijohn and Jean Rhoda Bell for a few days. Rock. BOND, AND ANNA BOND, HIS House in the City of St. Helens, Purney made a trip to Cochran Mrs. L. B. Eastman was a vil- WIFE, K. INOUYE, F. H. O’ Columbia County, Oregon, I will Mrs. Clifford Fowler and baby CONNOR AND EV O’CONNOR, sell in obedience to said execu Monday. lage caller Monday evening. returned home from the Eman Ills WIFE, AND COLUMBIA tion, decree and order of sale, at Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis and COUNTY A POLITICAL SUB public auction (subject to re uel hospital Sunday. Bernice Updike spent Sunday af- DIVISION OF THE STATE OF demption) to the highest bidder Mrs. Winky Parker and family OREGON, for cash, all the right, title and returned to their home in Bay Thia picture was taken as Marlon County neighbors welcomed ternoon at the Jesse George Defendants interest which the above named City Sunday, after a short visit Frank E. 8tudnlcka home after he won the World’s Championship for home. Under and by virtue of an ex defendants may have in and to riding bucking horses at Pendleton. His friends have organized an Those spending the week end ecution issued out of the above said real property to satisfy said with Mr. and Mrs. George Parker escort of honor for him In the Wild West parade which officially opens at Joe Cechmanek’s home were entitled court in the above entitl execution, interest, attorney’s of this city. the Oregon State Fair, September 26th. matter on the 7th day of Aug fee, costs and accruing costs, and Mr. and Mrs. Bolar and children, ed Miss Beulah Parker is leaving ust, 1931, to me directed upon a the over-plus, if any, be paid to Mr. and Mrs. Senkirck and dau judgment, decree and order of the person or persons entitled Thursday for Hillsboro, where School began here Tuesday, she has employment in the can- night with Grandmother Rogers day, talking over old times. ghter from Kelso, Washington, sale, rendered on the 6th day of thereto. September 8 with an enrollment nery. OSCAR G. WEED. this week. Edna Mitcham, formerly of this' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sivesik and August, 1931, and entered on the day of August, 1931, in said Sheriff of Columbia of fourteen pupils, all grades be Mrs. Sara Smith and child city is spending the week with daughter Mildred from Aberdeen, 7th Mrs. B. B. Hawkins has been County, Oregon. Court, in a mortgage foreclosure ing represented. The teachers are very ill for the past few days. ren spent Sunday at the home Allie Simmons and Audrey Aus-j Washington, and Mr. Henry Jas- suit wherein Bank of Vernonia, First publication. August 21. Mrs. Theodosia Lambert, Who a- a corporation, Plaintiff, recovered Last publication, September 18. tin. of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Throop. eska from Longview, Washington. Miss Ida Mae Hawkins return gain has the four upper grades, ed home Friday from Portland Mr. and Mrs. T'ommy Mitcham I There are quite a few new stu Mrs. Harvey is working in the and who will be principal this friends for the past two weeks. J. C. Penney store, in the ab- are the proud parents of a nine j dents going to Vernonia in the year, and Mrs. Gilkerson of Port Miss Dorothy Throop returned sence of Miss Alice Rundell, bus this year which started Tues and one half pound baby boy. land who is a graduate from home Sunday from Portland. Miss Rhoda Bell visited rela day. | The infant son of Mr. and Monmouth Normal and has charge Ernest Lane has been confined Miss May De Ett Throop re-' Mrs. L. R. Norris has been nam tives at Trenholm over the week of the primary room. to home with quinsy sore throat turned home Sunday. She had ed Jack Elmer. Both mother and end. Mrs. L. M. White and children been employed at Wildwood golf son are doing nicely. Miss Alice Rundell spent the for several days. moved to Portland Monday, where course for the past seven weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Gorham Mrs. Alma Urie spent the af week end in Wenatchee, Wash the three older children will at and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ketchel Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fowler ternoon with Aunt Sally Spencer ington. tar rand tend school. and Mrs. Guy Cameron from Portland spent Labor day visited a few days this week Saturday. Altha and Florence White are with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kirk of Albert Sherlock spent the week attending the girls’ Polytechnical Pleasant Hill. end visiting his parents in Wash school and their brother Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson ington. will attend Benson Polytechnical, left this week for California. Clarence Wardel spent the taking a course in gas engineer Aunt Sally Spencer spent the night with Glen Hawkins Satur- ing. Florence and Lloyd complet ed the eighth grade in the school here last May. Ruby Faught also SMARTLY DESIGNED of last spring’s graduating class, GENUINE 13-PLATE PUMPS » TIES < STRAPS is attending high school in Ver nonia, and Marian and Erma Lar-| son are attending high school at I Cathlamet, Washington, where the High and Low Heeia family is now living. Oke Anderson, who recently finished a course in a Portland barber school, is seeking employ All shoes look good while they're ment in Portland. new, but "STAR BRANDS" retain Mr. and Mrs. O’Donnell and children returned to camp Mon their beauty longer because — day. Mrs. O’Donnell and children They're made of all good leather visited relatives at Cornelius, while I and not leather substitutes! No Mr. O’Donnell was looking for work. Bread has been called the staff of life. Now paper! No fibre! Never!! H. C. Ridenour and D. F. O’ it assumes a new role for today it supports Donnell are felling snags for the our town. No home in Vernonia sets a Come and see the many beautiful O.-A. company. Mr. Ridenour re- table without bread. It dominates the menu. Delivered To and Called for at Your Door patterns we have on display, ready turned from Portland Sunday When bread is so important, why not have TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY for your approval. where he was seeking work. the best? Unquestionably. Mother’s Bread Long Distance Furniture Hauling E. R. Estey went to Portland baked at Vernonia Bakery is the best. Buy Friday on business. Between Vernonia and Portland some for your table today. Paul Dodge is working as a SAVE SHOP brakeman near LaGrande, Oregon. Portland-Vernonia Truck Line Mrs. J. W. Warnstaff and sons W. A. Davis, Local Manager. returned from a week’s stay in HERE RES. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 Portland, last Thursday. Mrs. T. F. Scott and daughter KEASEY Mist Riverview Camp • • • McGregor LASTING BEAUTY in "S B " SHOES Willard Battery $2.98 to $5 $6-95 VERNONIA SERVICE STATION It Supports the Town! Freight Vernonia Bakery DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR 4 Davs 4 Nights SEPT. 16-17-1819 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! GATE ADMISSION — Adults 35c, School Chil- dren 15c. Children under 10 years of age free. SEASON TICKET 75c •< Grandstand Prices— AFTERNOON — EVENING — Adults 25c; Children 15c Adults 35c Children 25c Largest Livestock Exhibit ever shown in Columbia County. Wonderful agricultural display. Races, Entertainment and Amusement—Pleasure and Recreation, DO THE SENSIBLE THING—GO! AL PARKER, Pres. CLYDE M. WATSON, Sec’y.