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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1931. reference to county as a whole.! At the mill no large develop-1 ■ net and is having his trial today. The roadmaster would be the re ments in the way of a town are Fern Hill Get« Jolt sponsible head of all this work The officers made several ar anticipated the mill representa and also would be responsible for rests around Fern. Herb Wilson tives declaring that they were each item of machinery. The! pled guilty to sale and was I more interested in cutting timber plan has worked wonders in Clat Pacific Coast Representative given $100 fine. Fred Bremmer than building cities. sop county and in Tillamook. It —Forest Grove News-Times. Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. was given $200 for sale and Jess One of the most extensive li would work also in Columbia. San Francisco Perkins $50 for sale. ( quor raids ever made in Colum 11 Recall Election Now Certain k It is suggested that tax reduc- | bia county was made during the The officers also Cy Golden of tionists aim at the $40,000 an- past week by Sheriff Oscar Weed, Prescott with 84 bottles of beer The Review is reliably inform nual expenditure for machinery ( assisted by C. L. Hickman, mem and evidences of moonshine, but Member of National Editorial ed that the committee in charge rather than at the $3,000 salary ( the judge let him off with a Association and Oregon State ber of the state police, a feder item. —St. Helens Mist. , al man and local members of the $50 fine. Last week Ray Hughes of recall petitions seeking the re Editorial Association. call of Commissioner J. N. Mil state police. The raid covered all of Scappoose was given a $100 ler from office, has obtained the SERVICE TO PEOPLE the lower Columbia section of Col fine. required number of signers, but $2.00. Per Year in Advance Issued Every Friday UNDERLYING FACTOR —Rainier Review. that between two and three hun umbia county and extended from IN ROAD SELECTION 1 Scappoose to below Clatskanie dred additional names will be Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post Ye», purity be praised. Plan Development office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. secured in order to overcome any The following article by David The evidence In the various cases Many a person’» life has is said to have been collected Of Scoggins Valley names which may be rejected for Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; Tweedie of Jewell appeared Tues by Sheriff Weed. any reason. The election must been saved because pure . Definite developments pointing be called within 20 days from legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding day in the contributor’s column One of the worst cases the of medicine has been adminis- insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, of the Oregonian. toward the construction of a.mill the time of filing the petitions 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. tered at the correct time. To the Editor: I have read with ficers had to handle was that of on the Bob Walker place in Scog- with the county clerk. E. J. Remy who conducts a res gins valley much interest the comments of and the building of a That's why doctors suggest —Rainier Review. taurant in Rainier. Remy point various correspondents in The railroad up Scoggins valley and that prescriptions be filled RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher ed a gun at Mr. Hickman when Oregonian in regard to the short west to the holdings of the Stim here for they know that road to the sea; but fail to un j he was being placed under ar- son Logging company on Saddle j rest. Remy plead guilty to a only the purest chemicals derstand how many of them can mountain have taken place in the ROSEBURG WINS available are used by us in justify their arguments with the j charge of possession and was last few days. facts. The underlying principles j I fined $150.00. He was also bound Options on the mill site have filling prescriptions. N o I over to the grand jury to answer Roseburg is to be congratulated upon winning its long ■ which should govern the highway ¡to the charge of pointing a gun been taken up and a substantial matter where you are Armi a! part of the options for right of fight to secure the soldiers’ home. While Columbia coun commission in the selection 1, of U1 “ j at an officer. Ethan Allen who way land have been purchased. tage can fill your prescrip road or roads to the sea s.____ ty would have preferred, naturally, selection of the St. be the road that would best s serve ou | was in the Remy place at the tion better. A construction engineer and a Helens site, after it had been eliminated from serious con the people best, In order | time of arrest is said to have mill wright have arrived to be on sideration and the general location designated as south of to determine what road or assaulted one of the officers with the ground to do preliminary a bottle, and he was also bound work with some activity expected Portland and east of the Cascades in Oregon, all of the roads would answer this test over we can do it to the grand jury. they should about September 15. Harold Mil determine what state should have united in support of Roseburg, the fore Many Caught at Clatskanie ler in charge of the operations and do it right I most and most deserving candidate. Rivalries that arose people will wish to travel the road Last Saturday night the of of the company has been on the and where they desire to go. It after—and not before—the general designation threatened is my opinion that the people of ficers made a big sweep at Clats ground for some time having ar NEXT TO POST OFFICE loss of the home to the state altogether. Roseburg was in Portland and its metropolitan dis kanie. Jack LaFountain was rived 1 when the survey crew was the fight early, worked tremendously hard, and saw the tricts in Oregon and southwestern fined $80, Art Johnson $100, Mrs. working four months ago. Work is expected to develop Washington are by far the largest Anna Johnson wras fined $200 and thing through to a finish. Her success is well earned. i as the company has from number who would travel such a given a 30-day jail sentence, Mrs. slowly road and the road that is select-1 Salmonson plead not guilty and eight months to a year cutting ed should be the one that would her trial w/s yesterday after on its present operations in WORK, NOT DOLE noon with results unknown at Washington supplying its mills best serve their interests. Another controlling factor the time of going to press; Nick near Seattle. Over in England the Labor party is making a serious should be, what intermediate ter Karipus was given a $200 fine 80 Acre Pond Planned blunder in opposing the efforts of Ramsay MacDonald and ritory would be developed, and and 30-days in jail. H. W. Clif The Walker place where the Order of Eastern Star A. F. & A. M. others of the far-sighted leaders in cutting down the dole could the proposed highway be ford who operates a filling sta mill will be built is two miles Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 tion below up the Scoggins valley road west Clatskanie, known as in order to save taxes; for the dole system, other than for entered from intermediate points Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets the “ Bear Station, ” was of the Tualatin valley highway. given a along its route so that travelers j nication first the few who are physically incompetent to work, is vicious. at Masonic Temple, and third Wed $300 fine and 30 days in the On this site it is the plan to on other roads could use it. Stated Communication It leads nowhere, except to national bankruptcy. The man It is my opinion that there is cooler. nesdays of each build an 80 acre log pond and a First Thursday of each month, at Ma or woman who receives dole produces nothing, and merely only one route proposed that Coming back toward Rainier mill of a capacity of approxi sonic Temple. month. Special called All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs exists. Though morally he may be above reproach, in an meets more than one of these re- the officers arrested Mrs. Sap mately 200,000 feet to a shift. ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors economic sense he is like a spendthrift drunkard who uses quirements and fortunately this pingfield at Delena, who was giv The company has timber holdings ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Leona McGraw, W. M. up his family’s substance. When the bottom of the sack one meets them all better than en a 30-day sentence which was sufficient to afford a 20 year E. G. Anderson, W. M. suspended. Louis Salenki of supply for the mill that have any other route, and that is the Alma Bell, Secretary. is reached, there is no more. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Scappoose-Vernonia-Hamlet route. Clatskanie also got caught in the been held for many years. It is easy for us to think of the dole system and its This route would serve the people Mountain Heart The Stimson Logging company portentious evils as applying only to England or some other of Portland best for the reason winter months on account of officials are old and substantial Rebekah Lodge No. 243 I. O. O. F. far off country. We may be drifting, unconsciously but that it would serve the most snow (if statements of cruisers mill operators, having been in No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in the state of Washington for many ! inevitably towards them in America. The unemployment beaches better than any other, it and timbermen are cridible) and I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit would develop 200,000 acres of ¡is through a territory that would years and before that having cut ( ors always welcome. situation is acute, and people must live. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. tillable land in the Nehalem wa | be so impossible of any develop- timber in Michigan. Margaret Lines, Noble Grand. | 246 meets every Tuesday night What the national, state, county and even city govern tershed, and in addition it would ( ment that a ground squirrel at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis Bessie Herrin, Secretary. ments should do when private enterprise cannot or dares be possible to enter this highway i would starve, and could not be itors always welcome. Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. not adequately support industry is to provide work, not from five interlinking market i entered from any angle except- Pythian Sister* G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. Vernonia Temple 61 meets , ing either ------------------- end without ---- .------------- the use of charity, for the unemployed. The taxpayer who foots the roads from the Tualatin, West...» G. M. Holt, Secretary. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Side Pacific and Columbia river'a balloon. bill gets a sufficient return for his money, and the wealth W.O.W. hall. highways. I The Wolf creek route has the Service Station Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. of the nation is not impaired. Let us apply this test to all of same beginning and the same end- American Legion Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. Various are the kinds of work that government can the other proposed routes in or-1 ing point as the Scappoose-Verno- Vernonia Post U. S. Royal Cord Tires provide: a road to the coast and other highways, settle der from south to north. The ¡nia-Hamlet route but is over much KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 119, American j higher altitudes and through ter Wilson river road is primarily a HARDING LODGE 11« ment of logged-off lands as has been proposed by the state Shell Products Legion. Meets Meets every Monday commissioner of labor. What can be done should be done market road for the people of ritory that would be impossible 2nd and 4th night in the W.O.W. southern Tillamook county, de- of development and could not be Dependable Mechanics this winter, else the dole. hall. Visiting broth Tuesdays each velopes no intermediate territory, approached as easily from both ers welcome. month, 8. p. m. and cannot be entered except on north and south sides, Shop Work Guaranteed M. D. Cole, C. C. Dan Nelson, Ad- built to suit the whim of a small either end. The Ridge route fol-1 Why in the name of common H. Culbertson, K.R.S. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. district and each district would lows the top of the highest range reason don’t the highway depart - purchase more expensive machin of mountains between Portland ment apply these tests and desig- ery that would of necessity lie and the sea at an altitude of nate a road that would be a mon- idle the greater part of each year. 3200 feet, is practically impos- ument to sensible highway con- Machinery costs in the county sible of maintenance during the struction? have averaged around $40,000 For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on per year for the last 10 years this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. and any real tax reduction ef CAN HUNT BIGGER GAME fort should be aimed at this item The elimination of the office i rather than at the roadmaster's RtBRFR SHOPS of county roadmaster is often j salary. Machinery costs can be advocated as a means of tax re reduced by combining all road DR. J. A. HUGHES ■ BARBER Mary Kato duction. I districts in the county into one JLy shop Physician and Surgeon I If the office should be elimi- district with the roadmaster in Haircutting for Men nated the too-enthusiastic tax re- charge. Every piece of machin Vernonia, Office Phone 663 Women and Children Oregon Res. Phone 664 ductionists would find that they ery then would be available for Expert Work Guaranteed had defeated their own purpose. | use in whatever part of the coun it would be a reversion to the'ty it was needed. The road pro- ■LARD ROOM Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted old system where roads were gram could be worked out with 15 Arrests Made Umtintia Eaglr In Liquor Raids PURITY &PRABHI Printing Armitage Co. Square Deal What Other Editors Think Professional and Business Directory Keep Your Boys and Girls FIT FOR SCHOOL Chop Suey Restaurant PASTIME Eye CARDS AND LICHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building BAFFORD BROS Children suffering malnutrition are found to be backward in their school __________ work. If your children aren’t doing well in school, check up on their weight and general health. A quart of whole milk for each child every day will do wonders in keeping him phy sically and mentally fit! Ask your doctor! Pasteurized and Raw Milk and Cream, handled under strict sanitary conditions. NEHALEM VALLEY ICE& CHEAMEItY CO. VERNONIA PHONE 471 General Plumbing Vernonia DENTISTS M. D. COLE Spelialist—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander's Jewelry Store I _______ HOTELS_______ TRANSFER — TRUCK Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 The best for those who appreciate the best. Local and Long Dis tance Hauling Ft1TIMC WMf* r U MteEATIMi 4 L AT HOME 4 hotel CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance M c D onald MONEY TO LOAN I Money to Loan Dentist Vernonia, Oregon On improved real estate; long tis.e and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St Helens Oregon. DOCTORS RESTAURANTS Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Terminal Cafe Physican and Surgeon THE RIGHT PLACE TO EAT Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 You’ll enjoy a bowl o f delicious Chop Suey ofter the show. DR. C. O. ANDERSON H. A. SIMMONS, Proprietor HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store The .... best tine to buy needed printing is NOW