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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO dergone August 31. Mr. Fred rickson, who operated the Ver nonia Service garage until last fall, is well known here. Mrs. W. McDaniel was a Portland visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson spent the Labor day vacation in Portland. Miss Della Cline went to Port land Friday for the week end, returning Monday. Mrs. Clara Smyth of the Home grocery is visiting relatives and friends in Portland. Hiram Cole of Portland is visiting his brother Dr. M. D. Cole for two weeks. Lloyd Baker left Tuesday even ing for Sioux Falls, S. D., where his father is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wolff and Dorothy June Wolff spent the week end at Seaside. A boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood on Stony Point road Sunday morning. Mr. S. E. Todd of Shoshone, Idaho, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Nanson. German iris—1 dozen—all dif ferent. $1.00. Mrs. W. L. Van Doren, 1021 1st Ave. Phone 1136. Adv. Dr. W. H. Hurley and daugh- ter and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes motored to Seaside Mon day. Vivian Douglass left yesterday for McMinnville where she will enter her senior year at Linfield College. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerns spent three days in Bend last week visiting Mrs. Kerns’ mother, They returned Thursday evening. Why risk dangerous dimming? Road Light doubled. No GLAR- ING HEADLIGHTS. See demon- stration at Vernonia Service Adv. Garage any evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hays of As- toria, Shady Lane of Mist and M. McManus of Longview were registered at Hotel Gordon this week. Mrs. James Grand Island, here Thursday visit with her lass. O. Douglass of Nebraska, arrived for an extended son, E. J. Doug- The Pythian Sisters met in the lodge hall Wednesday evening for an informal discussion of plans for their fall and winter activi ties. Mrs. D. McDonald and daugh ter Nina, Mrs. F. H. Veith, and son Freddie, and Henry Hickey drove to Forest Groves on bus- iness Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss and son and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Malmsten drove to Seaside Sunday remaining at the beach until Monday. H. McManus of Longview spent Monday at the W. J. Armitage home where his daughter Mrs. William Armitage of Vancouver was also visiting. Treharne Natal Kindergarten Ringlette waves are deep, wide ar permanent. Ringlette treatment r simple ... easy ... not even tiring. You can read, write, talk, phone, eat or drink. No need to be cooped up in a "torture chamber, ’ as women call old-fashioned permanents. and it ssfll! ADAMS’ RED AND WHITE STORE Eat Meat for Health BEEF PORK— Full Range Radio * - W e KNOW what a joy it is to be able to listen to the pure rich tone that the ordinary radio cannot give. That is why we are confident that you will find new pleasure in radio with this modern General Electric Receiving Set. THE LOWBOY—An at tractive cabinet in satin- finished brown walnut. Super-heterodyne using nine tubes, four of which are screen-grid. Il i fi rhent er-Remington SUPER-X THE HIGHBOY—A brown walnut cabinet with satin finish; French doors—9 tube super-heterodyne with TONE CONTROL. Remote control optional at additional cost. METALLIC AND SHOT GUN SHELLS Be prepared to get your share of the game when hunting season opens. All ammunition is now lower in price than it has been for years. WE ENDEAVOR TO CARRY ALL SIZES AND LOADS SUITABLE FOR DIFFERENT GAME. -------------------- GI N OILS — GREASE — HOPPES CLEANER CLEANING RODS — ETC. SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS Beauty Shoppe Hoffman Hdwe. Co. Phone 1261 ADVEROSE With the Milady*» Vernonia Hotel Building Miss Amery Purney visited with her grandmother, Mrs. McDaniels, returning to Silverton Sunday. ICHER TONE Ammunition PERMANENT $5 Ohler. Both are getting along I nicely. YOU SET A Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooper children Maxine and Jerry, of Westport were guests over the holidays of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and other friends. A guest of Mrs. Fred Tousley over the weekend was her sister, Mrs. R. D. Bartlett of Tacoma, trips each week bring meats, fruit and vegetables. Mr. and Mrs. E. Reynolds, Mrs. Clyde Reynolds and Mrs. Geo. Holt motored to Portland on Tues day to visit Chas. Holt, who is in St. Vincents hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith and children were weekend guests of relatives at Cornelius and Laurel. Mrs. H. A. Wilson, Mrs. L. Kel lar, Miss Mildred Smith, Mrs. E. E. Garner of Pleasant hill is hauling cord wood to the power plant at O. A. mill. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith and children visited with relatives at Dallas the past week. F. N. O’Donnell is employed at Clark and Wilson camp. Mrs. N. Thacker and children spent a few days the past week with her parents. Emmett Roach has moved his family from Lindsay mill to Tre harne. Charles Holt and George Hult mo tored to Portland on Friday to see Chas. Holt and visited with Geo. Pleasant Hill school started your merchandise Monday morning, September 7. Miss Mae Holt and brothers The primary teacher is Miss G. wiH Washington. Mrs. Bartlett visited James and Walter spent a few' Murphy. Mrs. James Gordon here about four years ago. days the past week at Scappoose teaches the fourth, fifth and where their father is working. 1 sixth grades, and James Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Veith and principal, teaches the upper son Freddie spent' Sunday and grades. Monday visiting Mrs. Veith’s mother in Vancouver. They drove Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bennett there with Frank Hurt and Henry and family have moved to their Hickey. new home near Eugene. and Mrs. F. S. Olsen of The Banks truck is making two Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rose and Hillsboro have been guests for Glen- children, Floyd, Frank, and i several days this week of their —The Buyer Saves da, and Buster Cason spent the daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and working on the road last week, The Owner Serves grading surplus gravel from the They en- weekend in Portland, Mrs. Thomas. During the Labor Specials for Saturday and Monday, 12,14. joyed swimming and I several day holidays Mr. and Mrs. Thom- outer edge on to the road bed to fill up some small holes which shows. sa were in Hillsboro with Mr. and have accumulated. CAKE FLOUR COFFEE Miss Mabel MacDonald of Ti Mrs. Olsen and they all motored Red and White QQ- Red and White 33 C Miss Doris Merryfield, Natal Z i DL 2% lb. pkg. . .. gard was a guest over the week to Camas for a visit with old teacher, is boarding with Reed end of her aunt, Mrs. W. S. Mc friends whom they had not seen Halding family. MALT MILK Daniel. Miss MacDonald will soon for twenty years. Charles Hambley made a busin- Nürnberg, Hop Alpine, A for OP return to her studies at the Uni 39c flavored. Lge. cans .... “ ess trip to Portland Tuesday and versity of Oregon. returned that night. RICE FLAKES SHRIMP Waldon Higdon of Vancouver, Business folks and shoppers in ™*This Ad good for $1.50’™ Red and O for Green and n for n r Washington, spent the weekend at Mr«. Jake Neurer Vernonia Tuesday were Oliver on $5.00 Permanent wave at 19c White........... ¿ White, No. l’s £ the home of Lester Sheeley. He Burris, Miss Beatrice Perry, Mr. HAZEL SKINNER’S brought Jack Sheeley, who had and Mrs. Hy Tracey, Mr. and BEAUTY SHOP SOAP GRAPEFRUIT The school bell rang and doors Mrs. Jake Neurer, Mr. and Mrs. spent the summer with him, home 300 Columbia Big., Portland Classic white O for Blue and White O for of the little school house were for the school year. 367 Wash. Phone AT 1518 24c Ira Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee broken. No. 2’s «J J«/C laundry O opened Monday morning to wel- Osborn, Mrs. Joe Banzer and Marcel or Finger wave 50c Don’t take a chance on GLAR come the little 1 folks at the Na- Offer expires Oct. 10 sons George and Dave. 25c 1-2% can Red and White Kraut, and 1 lb. Franks. ING HEADLIGHTS. See new au- tai school. to bulbs demonstrated at Vernon- John Taylor from Roseburg ia Service Garage any evening. made a business trip through the j Adv. valley last week. Government Inspected Mr. and Mrs. Pasco Hill from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fogel and Freddie, Jr, of Astoria were Vernonia spent Thursday after- FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. noon at the home of Mr. and I HAMBURGER lb. 15c Henry Fogel. Both families went Mrs. Bud Baldridge. General groups in Nature study, Story Telling, SHOULDER ROAST lb. 16c (No water—No cereal) to Forest Grove Monday and vis Mrs. Lee Osborn went to Port I Music, Drawing, Dancing, Out-door, Indoor Play. 18c ROASTS lb.................... 12He STEAK lb. ited Mrs. Fogel’s parents, Mr. land on business and returned to I i and Mrs. Milne. her home Saturday. Supervised by BOILING MEAT lb.........10c I CHOPS lb. ....... 25c W. R. Johnson from Mist has BUTTER, Forest Grove lb. 32c Trained and Qualified Director Among those who have stayed the contract to drive the high BACON. Swift's Empire. ... lb. 25c at Hotel McDonald this week school bus from Mist to Natal and Dorothy Spring Terms very reasonable PICNICS ................................... lb. 16c were L. R. Harves, Lyle White, on to Vernonia. Austin Apts. Beginning September 14 J F. M. Davis of Portland, Mr. Mrs. Oliver Burris and grand and Mrs. Ed. Gerhardt of Van daughter Miss Beatrice Perry couver, B. C., and Nettie E. Alley were in Vernonia shopping Thurs of St. Helens. day. Mr. and Mrs. William Armi Charlie Hanna from Vernonia tage of Vancouver visited the was a Natal business visitor one former’s father and mother, Mr. day last week. N. W. Kreitz and his daughter and Mrs. W. J. Armitage over the Labor day week end. W. J. from Hillsboro were in this com-, Armitage motored to Vancouver munity on business last week. Mr. with his son and daughter-in- Kreitz represents the Imperial law when they returned Monday. Feed company of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson Guests registered at Hotel Ne and children were weekend guests' halem this week included Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn. Ted Lervis, Scappoose; T. W. Little Annabel Nelson from As Cowan, Westport; Mr. and Mrs. toria was a guest of Leora Mc R. V. Thomas, Hillsboro, Miss B. Cormick last week. Her father I P. Pfeister, Canby, E. H. Mac- is working on the Natal bridge. Daniels, Jewell Walter, Portland Joe Checkmnek took several; Charlotte Hilts, Constance Bough- porkers to Vernonia on Friday. | er, and Ruth Martin, Vernonia, Dorothy Jones from Mist was a visitor at Mrs. Dave McMullin’s Among those who stopped at the Hy-Van recently were C. B. on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams and Flett, A. J. Slater, Yamhill, C. U. Hudson, Portland, Mabie MacDon children and A. M. Oling from ald, Tigard, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Clatskanie, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gra Slatstup, Astoria, Chas. H. Me-! ham and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ves- Clees, W. A. Cornel), W. F. ka from Portland were Labor day Ryckman, Dean Asdell of Port- guests at Mr. and Mrs. Jake land and Miss L. H. Gosa of Neurer’s. Mrs. Dave McMullin and chil- Keasey. jdren called on Mrs. McMullin’s Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Frazer at Riverview. drove to St. Helens Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. John Schlippy of call upon L. ... E. ................ Fredrickson who Mist were Sunday s guests of ..... Mr. is in the St. Helens hospital con- and Mrs. Bud Baldridge, valescing from an operation un-l The county road grader was W. S. McDaniel returned home Sunday after an absence of seven weeks during which he was em ployed with the Hauser construc tion company of Portland who were building a bridge for an Oregon Electric extension line in to the timber holdings of the Dollar Co. The bridge work was about 15 miles from Sweet Home, Oregon. Mrs. Minnie Aspland who has been operating the Mazda lamp shop on Bridge Street left week for California, where will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Beauvais, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Kirkland were guests over Labor day with their mother, Mrs. Clara Smyth of the Home grocery. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1931. We are anxious to demonstrate FULL RANGE Performance to you ... to let you hear how completely the FULL RANGE Selectivity separ ates each station and how the FULL RANGE Tone brings wonderful nat ural richness and true musical quali ty. Come in and examine the fine cabinets and hear the sets. You can buy any General Electric Radio on the Budget Payment Plan. Liberal allowance on your old Phonograph or Radio GENERAL ELECTRIC FL'LL RANGE RADIO I Oregon Gas and Electric Co. 622 Bridge St. Phone 691