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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1931)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX St. Mary’s Ladies Give Farewell Party The ladies of St. Mary’s church gave a farewell party for Mrs. Carl Davidson at the home of Mrs. F. Browning Thursday. Those present besides Mrs. Da vidson were Mrs. Connie Ander son, Mrs. F. W. Gough, Mrs. N. Allard, Mrs. A. Weis, Mrs. Har- ry Condit, Mrs. C. Ohler, Mrs. A. F. Smejkal and Mrs. F. Browning. Farewell for Davidsons A get-to-gether farewell picnic was held at Arcadia park last Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson and Doris. Over 70 sat down to a bountiful pot luck supper. The usual amusements were enjoyed by the merry crowd during the afternoon and even ing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. A. J. Hale, Hale Greenman, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Greg ory and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Green and Nelle, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lilly, Mr. and Mrs. C. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mar shall, Jack and Larry Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnside, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wall and fa mily, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. McAlis ter and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff and Dorothy June, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Browning and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bleile and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes and Amy, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dickson and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holcomb and fa mily, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reith- ner, Miss Louise Keehn, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell. Mrs. W. F. Briot Complimented tables of bridge for the pleasure of Mrs. W. F. Briot. Miss Macile Roberts won the first prize. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs. W. F. Briot, Mrs. G. R. Van Vleet, Mrs. F. Harding, Mrs. E. Prickett, Mrs. H. Fogel, Mrs. J. E. Kerr, Mrs. L. Hieber, Miss Macile Roberts. Club Honors Mrs. Davidson The members of the Vernonia Study club were the guests Fri- day afternoon of Mrs. Judd Greenman at a lovely one o’clock luncheon complimenting Mrs. Carl Davidson, who is leaving next week for the east. Bowls of deep red roses made beautiful centers' for the two tables. A delicious luncheon menu was as follows: Melon cocktail, crab a la king, tomato surprise, crabapple pickle, hot rolls, potato chips, ice cream puff with pineapple sauce and assorted nuts in vari-colored bas- ets. Mrs. Davidson was presented with a gift by Mrs. M. D. Cole on behalf of the Study club mem bers. The afternoon was spent sewing and chatting. The follow ing were present: Mrs. Carl Davidson, Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. C. W. Reithner, Mrs. C. L. Anderson, Mrs. Charles Richardson, Mrs. W. E. Bell, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. Dave Marshall, Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, Mrs. A. C. Knauss, Mrs. J. A. | Hale, Mrs. Frank Dickson, Mrs. E. M. Bleile. A dream book of the early Egyp tians, which may explain the Inter pretation given by Joseph of Bible fame to the dream riddles pre sented to him, is In the British mu seum. Average Vocabulary Only an estimate as to how many words the average person uses Is possible. C. L. Bushnell in “Good English for Every One” estimates that the average person uses about 5,000. Unde Eben “A boy dat minds his father," said Uncle Eben, ‘‘puts a heap of sponslblllt.v on de old gen-man In de way of keeping hisself up to form as a good example.”—Wash ington Star. March of the Ages Every generation, wrote Ma- caulay, enjoys the use of a vast hoard bequeathed to It by antiquity, and transmits that hoard, augment ed by fresh acquisitions, to future ages. Early Patriot. Two Presidents of the United States were signers of the Deelara- tlon of Independence—John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Washington and Madison signed the Constitu tion. Life’s Span Living conditions have been found by a group of Insurance com panies to be more Important In de termining length of life then hered ity, after a study of 375,000 cases. Made Potato Unpopular The potato, when first Introduced In Scotland, was regarded as the original fruit which caused all the trouble in the Garden of Eden and was denounced as such. But It Must Be High If the stipend Is attractive Yet We All Want It enough, a smull hoy can rake a Personal wealth. It may be ob lawn so thoroughly as just about served, Is a hard master, imposing to eliminate it from the Immediate many worries, burdens, fears and vicinity.—New Castle News. distractions.—American Magazine. Earth’s Center Underground water In the earth «mounts to almost one-third as much as nil the water In the oceans. Daly estimates the temperature of the center of the earth at 90,000 degrees centigrade and the p'as sure 25,000 tons per square Inch. Coral Island Group Smuggled Jewel« Much Water Under Earth The Bermudas are a group of nbout 360 coral Islands and Islets, Mrs. Frank Hartwick entertain- about twenty of which are inhab- ee Tuesday afternoon with two No Clew in Meteorite the J. C. Penney store. He wilder and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Of 400 known meteorites not one leave September 21 to attend R. ” L. T Raymond, D J and ““'1 Mr. Lind 1 has shown any trace of fossil re Willamette university at Salem. gren’s daughter Doris. mains to Indicate life away from Its own sphere. Wesley Northup sailed for Ja pan aboard the S. S. President Introduction of Bananas Cleveland August 8. He will be An old historical account says back to complete his senior year that bananas were introduced Into PATENTS America from the Canary Islands ¡about October 1. In 1516. ! Mrs. J. T. Kirk left Thursday Sell your invention or patent China Scores Again for Eastern Oregon, where she by exhibiting your model or draw Manuscripts dating back more Worth Remembering 'will visit her daughters, Mrs. F. ing at the Second INTERNAT than 1,000 years, recently found In Do not lose faith In humanity; B. Richey at Heppner and Mrs. IONAL PATENT EXPOSITION, China, show that mutual benefit so cieties were popular as early as the there are over a hundred million iJ. C. Sharp at Condon. While September. _ .... 14 -- to „ 27, CHICAGO. -------------- Ninth century, fines being levied people In America who never in Heppner Mrs. Kirk will at- j Thousands of manufacturers and for failure to bring In one's con played you a single nasty trick.— tend the Rodeo. patent buyers, will inspect new Elbert Hubbard. tributions of wheat and millet. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson, devices and patents for market- Sacred to Mahomet Mrs. Dave Marshall, Mrs. W. W.1 ing. Rates $1 per day for 14 The World’s Islands Al Kadr is the night upon which i Wolff and Dorothy June Wolff days, entitling you to 14 feet. The total area of all the Islands In the world Is approximately the Koran was sent down to Ma It you have no model, drawing 4,000,000 square miles. This In homet. It Is supposed to be the ! motored to Portland Tuesday. cludes Australia, the largest Island. seventh of the last ten nights of | Mrs. Stella O’Connor of San or description will do. Send for Besides Australia, there are ap Ramadan. 1 Jose, California, and her daugh free pamphlet if you have time. proximately 1,910,000 square miles ter, Mrs. B. Barnes of Los An- If not, send $14 with descrip Hospital Romance of islands In the seas. tions and drawings and we will Practically every male patient I geles and son Byron, have been fancies himself in love with his I visiting this week at the home look after your patent interests. Has Two Meanings B. Hamilton Edison, Managing The expression “double entendre" nurse. It’s part of the regular I of Mrs. O’Connor’s sister, Mrs. Director, International Patent ¡Geo. F. Clow. They will leave has the same meaning as the ex routine.—American Magazine. pression, “double meaning”—a ¡today, and Mr. and Mrs. Clow Exposition, Merchandise Mart, Chile’s Long Seacoast 573c word of phrase that can be Inter will rejoin them in Albany Sun- Chicago. Chile has 2,000 miles of seacoast preted In either of two ways, one nuu w puns, uniKiug ner , day at the home of Mrs. Clow ’ s and 60 ports, making her people FOR SALE of which Is often of doubtful pro the only genuinely maritime race [mother, Mrs. Margaret Keeper. prlety. Birds Traveled de Luxe Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson CONCORD GRAPES — for sale Too exhausted to continue their cheap this season, any amount and Doris were dinner guests overseas flight, a linnet and a chaf Wednesday evening of Mr. and and any variety. Dick Holscher, finch alighted on a liner on Its way Rt. 1, Forest Grove, near Watts Mrs. W. W. Wolff. from New York to Liverpool and 58—.. remained on the vessel until It Mrs. Victor Bergerson, Mrs. school. reached port. I Roy Brady spent Sunday with j Henry John and Jeanette John FAT HENS For Sale, 18c pound, his family. He reports that , accompanied Donald Northrup to live weight. Mrs. A. B. Counts, The Two Pests He sailed for Los i will probably be ready for' Portland. Phone 8F525. 581 . There are two kinds of motor prunes picking this week at Forest Grove. I Angeles aboard the Faragut. He car pests. One tries to hitch-hike On- Mrs. K. A. McNeill made a ¡will enter his junior year at you for a lift when you are In a FOR SALE—Two-year old Jersey hurry, and the other dumps print trip to Portland Monday and,**"0- California, bull. (Can be registered.) J. T. ed trash In your car when it Is while there visited with Mrs. A. L. j Mrs. Charles Richardson left Hollet, Stony Point road, on Geo. parked.—Florida Times-Union. 572* Kullander in St. Vincents hospital.! yesterday for Idaho for a short Higdon place. George W. Ford came Wednes-1visit with relatives. •’Carol” and “Hymn** SIX WEEKS And Feeder pigs for It Is hard to draw a line between day morning from Longview to at-1 Dave Lindgren, saxophonist of sale, % -mile south of Vernonia. a carol and __ a hymn. A carol may tend the chamber of commerce [Vai Valiente’s orchestra, spent 572* be said to be a song of religious luncheon, and remained over un-!the weekend here with his moth- See Robt. Whitsell. joy. A hymn may be this, but it CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. may also carry a distinct note of ' til Thursday to join the delega-I tion to the highway commission I NOTICE sadness. W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. I meeting. I The building on Bridge street O. W. Holmes’ Hobby FOR SALE—All kinds of wood. Enoch Dumas has returned j formerly occupied by the Reithner It Is said of Dr. Oliver Wendell Frank Lusby. 519* from Portland, where he attend- dry goods store is for sale or Holmes that he always carried a LEAVE YOUR ORDERS for can 80-foot tape line In bls pocket with ed the summer session of the lease. which to measure any big trees he University of Oregon, and is tern-J J. W. Baldwin, Forest Grove, ning prunes with Harry Cul New saw in his travels through porarily filling his old position in 584* bertson. Phone 73. 57tf England. Astronomical Not. Joseph’s “Prompt Book"? Of the millions of stars that ran be seen In the heavens with the aid of powerful telescopes, all but a few are entirely oatside of our solar system. Only tse planets like the earth, their satellites like the moon, revolve aroumN «ur sun and form the solar system. Easy Marks The jewels taken from smug- glers, If not redeemed, are forfeit- ed and sold at public auction a't the where tliev were seized. Americans don't wear linen dust- ers any more, but their per capita consumption of gold bricks still re mains the largest of any country In J.C. PENNEY GO. DEPARTMENT • Classified Ads STORE The Store that Packs Your Dollar Full of Value VERNONIA----------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON Back to School— WE WILL BUY FROM PENNEY’S Why? Why? BECAUSE THEY BUY FOR LESS BECAUSE THEY SELL FOR LESS Prices Effective Friday and Saturday POTATOES BANANAS Good size and quality. Firm, ripe golden yellow fruit. *,b 5c 12 5lb> 23c ORANGES Medium size, sweet, juicy Sunkist Valencias COFFEE Our choice blend. We grind it fresh when sold. LB. LUNA—The white laundry soap for family use— IO Bars 25c Hi way—6 boxes to carton— EACH ......................................... CHEESE FLOUR CORONA— A 49*lb. sack 95c 23c DATES Back to School MAYONNAISE With PENNEY’S Good Shoes. BOYS’ CAPS 14-1NCH TOP BOYS’ . . . with a Jacknife. Fast Color ,s?“_12'/a $3.49 49c Unbreakable, water proof visors. $3.98 BOYS’ BOYS’ SWEATERS CORDS $1.95 $1.49 STYLED RIGHT. PRICED RIGHT. In light cream. Sizes age 6 to 16. GINGER ALE puddings Pale Pound Pkg. 25c 2 Gold Medal—Delicious on fresh tomatoes or in salads. QUART JAR .................................... 49c Face Ginger Ale or Lime BOTTLES .................................... Rickey. 25c SOUPS Q CAMPBELL’S— any kind ................. O PEACHES AND PRUNES ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST FOR SEE OUR DISPLAY AND GET OUR PRICES CANNING BEFORE BUYING. In Our Market Baby Beef POT ROASTS, tender lb. 13c PICNICS, Swift’s, 4 to 6 pounds lb. 15c SHORTENING, Vegetable COMPARE OUR VALUE hard wheat blend. Makes good bread. POTATO CHIPS cakes, 25c MATCHES Kraft's assorted kinds— l2-tb Pkg.......................... in Pounds Oregon grown, deep yellow meat. Large size—EACH ........................... SOAP Golden Dates—Fine or stuffed. s) 8 CANTALOUPES íY Bell Brand—fresh and crisp. LARGE Pkg................................ They cook well. 3 lb. 31c <