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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1931)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1931. Camp • • • McGregor VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON from here to Tidewater camp, where Mr. Mason is employed at present. School will open September 8 with an approximate attendance of 14. W. C. Declusion and Dick Eng strom spent the weekend with their families here. Fred Hagaman and family moved part of their furnishings Mrs. L. J. Rushlow of Hills Sunday to Vernonia where they boro and Mr. and Mrs. Jack will make their home. Mr. Haga Rushlow of Eugene were Sunday man is working for Clark and visitors at the F. N. O’Donnell Wilson. home. Mrs. A. Olsen and daughters Stewart Parson of Forest Grove Eleanor and Nancy have returned is visiting with his cousin Ed to their home in Portland to pre gar Crawford. pare for school. They spent the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Given and summer here for their vacation. son of Marion, Oregon, were Mrs. J. W. Warnstaff is spend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Glass- ing a week in Portland. Mrs. Jennie Miller visited her ner the past week. E. Treharne has returned home sister, Mrs. Warnstaff, for two from Washington, where he was days. Lawrence Adams and family engaged in road work. M. Dooley has moved his fa- returned to camp for a few days preparatory to Mr. Adams leaving I mily to Forest Grove, where he I is employed. for work. Mrs. E. Estey and W. Declu I Nelson Beaver of Portland sion spent Monday and Tuesday called at camp on Sunday. in Portland. Mrs. C. John and children call Arvord Johnson and Carl An ed at the home of Mrs. R. Stan- derson visited their families here iton on Monday. Monday returning to work at Mrs. Lee Johnson motored to Buster creek. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Westlin Portland on Monday to meet her spent the weekend here visiting friend Mrs. George Glass and children of Alberta, Canada, who old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason will be her house guests for a moved their household goods week. Fire in the Rock creek cut NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ting of Koster camp is under control. Men are watching the In thp Circuit Court of the State fire trails. of Oregon for the County of Koster men are working at the Columbia. railroad bridge getting out grav BANK OF VERNONIA, a corporation, el. A crane is loading the grav Plaintiff vs. EVAN R. TREHARNE, MELIAN el and it is being hauled to the V. TREHARNE, HIS WIFE, RO new grades. LAND L. TREHARNE, J. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis and BOND, AND ANNA BOND, HIS WIFE, K. INOUYE, F. H. O’ children motored to Astoria on CONNOR AND EV O’CONNOR, Sunday to visit with relatives. HIS WIFE, AND COLUMBIA George Hult was hurt while at COUNTY A POLITICAL SUB DIVISION OF THE STATE OF work in camp and has infection OREGON, in his knee. Defendants Chas. Holt, who is employed at Under and by virtue of an ex ecution issued out of the above Clark and Wilson Logging camp, entitled court in the above entitl was injured the past week and ed matter on the 7th day of Aug was sent to a Portland hospital. ust, 1931, to me directed upon a Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barnes judgment, decree and order of sale, rendered on the 6th day of and children motored to Sher August, 1931, and entered on the wood on Saturday. 7th day of August, 1931, in said Court, in a mortgage foreclosure Walter Bennett is at his home suit wherein Bank of Vernonia, and is able to be out after his a corporation, Plaintiff, recovered judgment against the said defen injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney taker dants, Evan R. Treharne and Melian V. Treharne, his wife, as and children made a business makers of the note and mort trip to Sherwood, returning by gage as described in the com plaint, and against Roland L. way of Portland. Treharne as guarantor of said note, for the sum of $4974.70 with interest thereon at the rate of 8% per annum from the 18th Begin at Home day of May, 1931, until paid; It Is more needful that . . . and for the further sum of $32.00 my heart should swell with lov with interest thereon at the rate ing admiration at some trait of of 8% per annum from the 28th gentle goodness in the faulty day of May, 1928, until paid; and people who sit at the same for the further sum of $41.40 with hearth with me . . . than at interest thereon at the rate of 8% the deeds of heroes whom I shall per annum from the 3rd day of never know except by hearsay. October, 1930, until paid, and for —George Eliot. the further sum of $32.00 with interest thereon at the rate of Stations of the Cross 8% per annum from the 18th day of May, 1931, until paid and The whole series of the 14 sta for the further sum of $400.00 tions of the Catholic church Is Attorney’s fees and for the costs known as the Via Calvaria or Via and disbursements of this suit Cruel«. Each station represents, taxed at $26.50 and the costs of hy fresco, picture or otherwise, and upon this Writ, and com some Incident In the passage of manding me to make sale of the Christ for the judgment hall to mortgaged property, described as Calvary, and at each prayers are follows, to-wit: offered In memory of the event rep All of the EH of the of resented. Section 7, Township 4 N. R. 4 West of the Willamette Meridi- Danger in Mended Grindstone dian, Excepting therefrom the two The bureau of standards says, tracts as described by deeds dated March 5, 1920 and recorded Apr. due to the enormous Internal 15th, 1920, in Deed records of stresses generated by centrifugal Columbia County, Oregon, in force in a grindstone running at full Book 29 on page 192, to Portland, speed, It would be extremely dan Astoria & Pacific Railroad Co., gerous to operate such a stone and one dated Feb. 11th, 1924, which has been broken and mended and recorded Feb. 14, 1924, in by any known means. Book 36 page 342 Deed Records Matters of Controversy of Columbia County, Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE There is good reason for suppos IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on ing that dogs, horses and other an Monday the 21st day of Septem imals dream. The question is close ber, 1931, at the hour of 10:00 ly linked with another, namely, o’clock a. m. of said day at the whether animals can think and rea West front door of the Court son. Both questions arc still sub House in the City of St. Helens, ject to controversy among natural Columbia County, Oregon, I will ists. sell in obedience to said execu tion. decree and order of sale, at Simple in Their Tastes public auction (subject to re To the pygmies of the Belgian demption) to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and Congo tender roots are staples, interest which the above named but birds, small game, rodents or defendants may have in and to caterpillars are not objectionable. said real property to satisfy said A dish of white ants Is prized execution, interest, attorney’s highly, while a slice of raw ele fee, costs and accruing costs, and phant meat makes a feast. the over-plus, if any, be paid to As the Twig Is Bent the person or persons entitled Children should learn to judge thereto. OSCAR G. WEED, for themselves what Is right and Sheriff of Columbia wrong, and to control their own County, Oregon. acts. That, In fact. Is the highest First publication. August 21. level which most grown-ups ever Last publication, September 18. f ".”’*22-J?;'™» Treharne Freight list a couple of days last Week. A. R. Melis and son Richard Charles Dooley is hauling his were at the Round Up last week. logs to Pittsburg and loading Mrs. Harding, Alberta and them on the cars. Irene DeRock went to the movie Threshing is in progress, apple at Vernonia Monday evening. picking going on and in two fa 5llM,COMEOH<Ml> Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam weeks the school bell will peal Scott a 10-pound baby boy Mon WÊ Í%2M(SED IO 60 forth, all gentle reminders that day evening at the home of her ít fall is just around the corner, parents, Mr. and Oscar HOME WHEN TH'MAIL Mr. and Mrs. John Devine of Jones. Clatskanie were callers one even ing last week on the Grover De vine folks. Miss Olga Holmstrom spent the weekend a week ago at the beach. Mrs. Agatha Nelson took charge Rodeo-Buckeroo - 3 days of the central office for her. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jackson Fireworks •• Canoe Canal and daughter Nora and son Carl Boys and Girls Free Day spent Tuesday evening with the Chas. Hanson folks. The Jack- $60,000 Prizes Purses sons live at Midland. Mrs. Amarill left for Portland Night Horse Shows this week. She has been visiting Oregon Products her mother for several weeks. Visitors Thursday at the home ■ Horse racing of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanson Band contest t were Mr. and Mrs. Merl Tider- I man and daughter Jean from Jew t1 K> Formers' day ell, Miss Marie Salmi and her 1 brother George from Marshland, and Miss Nell Anderson from Clatskanie. <°XKia®@K] Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ellis left Tuesday morning for a business trip to Portland. Mrs. Agatha Nelson is leaving Friday for Umapine where she is teaching this year. (Copyright, W. IV. u.) Earl Doran is expected from Extreme Southern foint daughter are visiting Mrs. Jami Seattle at the Knowles home to Cape Sable, Fla., is the southern son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. take his boy Jimmy back. Jim most point of continental United my has been visiting here this Crowder. States. It is 49 miles farther south summer. than the most southern point A. A. Dowling Mr. and Mrs. A. Buckley were Texas. up from Astoria Sunday. Glase Not a Solid Mrs. Wm. Bridger was a Ver- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland Glass Is a liquid and not a solid, and Donald left last Wednesday nonia visitor Monday morning. In the opinion of Geoide \V. Morey Jesse George is taking care of of the Carnegie Insti • at Wash for Pendleton to see the Round the Mist garage during Mr. Sund- ington. He describes it as being Up. I land’s absence at the Round Up. In a state of “suspended anima Wm. Bridgers spent last week tion.” Grover Devine is threshing his vacationing at Seaside. Miss Al second time this week. berta DeRock also spent a part of “Spineapples” Little Leland Lane had the mis Pineapples were not named be- last week at Seaside. fortune to get quite a cut over cause of any association with pine Geo. Van Vleet was a Portland his eye last week while playing trees, but were really meant to be “spineapples” because of tlielr business visitor on Monday. horse shoe and his father took prickles. Mrs. Frank Jamison and little him to Clatskanie to the doctor. He is getting along nicely now. Odd Taste in Butter Duplicate of Historic Flag Mrs. L. B. Eastman was a vill Among some early people of Asia, The Washington flag at Valley butter was regarded ns most deli Forge Is a duplicate of General age caller Monday evening. cious if It could be burled for years Washington’s headquarters flag James Hill and L. Wickstrom before it was placed on the ban and was made after extensive re have nearly completed their gar- quet table. search. It Is 6 by 6)4 feet, of navy- age and are building a large hen Vernonia Eagle has printed a supply of blue bunting, with 13 white stars house on their property. of 6 points each arranged in a textbook labels complying with the requirements Lie Works Fast bet- The fire situation is much circle. It often happens that If a He of the free textbook law, in the form submitted ter this week on the cuttings in be believed only for an hour, it by the County Superintendent of Schools, Eliza Easy Rental back of the Melis and Jepson has done Its work and there Is beth C. Murray. On the anniversary of the bat- ranches. For a time last week it no further occasion for It.— tie of Waterloo the king of Eng- looked very dangerous for the Swift. land receives from the reignlug PRICE—45 CENTS PER HUNDRED, duke of Wellington a small banner, farms close by. But, Do We? Earl Knowles was helping stack by which annual presentation the $4.00 PER THOUSAND, IN PADS It Is our fundamental likeness to duke holds the estates voted his grain Monoday for Q. Devine. other men that enables us to un great ancestor by parliament The Ladies Aid will meet with derstand them, and to live In peace. Mrs. Hedlund sometime in Sep- Peculiar Chemical Element —Woman's Home Companion. Fluorine is a poisonous, intense tember. “Red” Hall made a flying visit ly corrosive gas. In Its pure form Luck for the Rabbit “Dar is luck in a rabbit's foot,” It destroys all living matter, yet a to his home in Gaston Saturday COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT said Uncle Eben, “specially If it very little of It, In chemical com night. Mr. Hall is a driver for bination, Is believed to be neces helps de rabbit to run as fast as the Van Vleet Logging company. de ’casion requires.”—Washington sary for the growth of the enamel Forest Harding was on the sick on our teeth. Star. Punctual Mist Textbook Labels For School Districts Vernonia Eagle No Need of Coaxing Happy, well-exercised like to eat. If they don’t meal they will the next. starves on purpose. — Home. children eat one Nobody Country Idea an Old One John Duton's Athenian Mercury, began In 1690, was similar to the question and answer department of modern periodicals. Limit to Atonement We can prostrate ourselves In the dust when we have committed a fault, but it Is best not to remain there.—Chateaubriand. Mink Active Hunter Minks not only hunt rabbits, muskrats and other animals for food, but they go into the water nnd ,enntiire fisll PRE Ancient Powder Horne The larger end of the old pow- der horn was closed with a disk of wood, to which a loop was at- tached for the shoulder strap or cord. The tip of the horn was bored through and a wooden stop per closed the opening. About Oursolvoa Since we are all approaching the time when we are sure to be called either “a dear old soul” or “a hor rid old thing,” let us fly our joy signals now, so there may be no doubt of our future cognomen. Fooling Evil Spirit When an epidemic strikes gome Eskimo tribes, the well people dis guise themselves by wearing their hair in a bang, so that the evil spirit will not recognlxs them and give them the disease. Portland-Vernonia Truck Line W. A. Davia, Local Manager. RES. PHONE 443 i ■ — OFFICE PHONE 1041 ------------ ~~------ -" 1 TWENTIETH A N A L COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR Wonderful showing in all departments 2 SLICE» BREAD <•’ No crumbs No waste - thinness SEPT. 16-17-18-19 4-Days 4 Nights Horse Racing, Airplane Stunts Three Night Shows, Splendid Exhibits SPECTACULAR HISTORICAL PAGEANT Mother’s Bread Delivered To and Called for at Your Door TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY Long Distance Furniture Hauling Between Vernonia and Portland PAGE FIVE “THE SPIHIT OF AMERICA" On Second and Fourth Nights MADE IN VERNONIA BY THE Dancing in Pavilion Vernonia Bakery This in Your Fair, We Want You There A. L. PARKER, Pre«. CLYDE M. WATSON, Sec’y.