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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1931)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO John Hatfield, Opal Hatfield,' There has been considerable ex Miss Evelyn Olson, Chester, Ev- pansion of chest over the other erett, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rives, boys that were the stay-at-homes. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lizenby, [ Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Guinn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackie, daughter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs; Neil Lee have Robert Mackie, and Cecil Me- Via Ennis and daughter Violet, All reported a good an<j Mrs. Earl Pringle, Mr. just returned from their trip to Claine. Joseph Scott spent the weekend of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs. ^and Mrs. John Hatfield, Mr. •nd Toronto, Canada. The seven time. [Wilbur Davis here last week. Mr. Mrs. Clifford Streadwick and Mrs. Stanley Olson, Mr. and Mrs. in Portland. thousand mile trip was made with and Mrs. Davis accompanied them little trouble in their new Ford. Mrs. John Elder were Vernonia Denny Rives, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burke have back to Seattle, returning Sun- ! Charles Mackie, Miss Evelyn 01- Mr. and Mrs. Lee were gone shoppers last week. moved to Forest Grove. day. Piert _ has been'’0" and chester Everett =ttend- about two months visiting her Mrs. Charlie _____ ____ __ ___ parents, friends and relatives in visiting with friends and rela- ed the dance at Arcadia park and Mrs. John B. Hair spent the Hotel Gordon guests this week Toronto. tives at Vancouver, Washington, *lad t^ie honor of Mr. and Mrs. weekend visiting in Portland. included N. W. Scott, W. Rives winning the prize waltz. Miss Evelyn Olson of St. Hel the past week. Clark, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Olson, Miss Olson, ’ Miss Betty Dougan of Portland ens has been a visitor at the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sergeant Jack Hayes, Astoria, O. W. Kleen, home of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Ol Mrs. Archie Lizenby of Verno- visited over the weekend with spent the weekend visiting in C. M. Kleen, and Ed Kufren, nia were luncheon guests last Miss Eliabeth Piert. Miss Dougan son for the past week. Portland. Salem. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. was at one time a resident of Miss Opal Hatfield of Eugene A six pound boy arrived at Earl Pringle. [camp and spent a pleasant week Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogel has been visiting for the past Mrs. L. R. the home of Mr. and Miss Ila Cook and Ralph Butts end renewing old acquaintances spent the weekend in Forest week with Mr. and Mrs. John Norris Sunday. drove to Wilark one day last and making new ones. Grove and brought back with Hatfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Elder spent week to visit Miss Cook’s sister. Luella Williams left Sunday them their son, Billy, who has Mrs. R. A. Wood and son ‘Whitey’ Gaye, high climber, the weekend visiting at St. Hel for Salem where she has employ spent the summer there visiting Vance made a trip to Clatska- relatives. ment for this fall. nie this last week on business. had the misfortune of falling 40 ens. Mr. and Mrs. Eversaul of St. Mrs. Oscar Johnson, Mrs. Chet feet from the top of a tree he J. E. Rose of Riverview has a The Eastern Star social club was working on onto the boom. Helens spent Sunday with Mr. Taylor and daughter Maxine mo- sprained ankle as a result of his will meet next Wednesday at Eversaul’s sister, Mrs. Stanley tored to Portland last week and At first it was thought he was fire fighting activities. 2:30 in the Masonic temple. The very seriously if not fatally in Olson. ¡Tualatin valley and purchased a enjoyed a matinee. fine Jersey heifer Friday. Henry Parker of Riverview committee on hostesses for the Due to the hot weather last jured but at last report he was Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Norris are Friday camp was closed early in not even confined to the hospital burned -his foot Sunday while coming year will report and a large attendance is requested. happy parents of a boy born Sun the afternoon. A swimming par and seemed to be in the best of fighting fire at Mist. spirits. day. This is the third boy. ty at Big Eddy was planned. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mrs. C. R. Lewis, Ted Lewis T. W. Cowan of Westport and Mrs. Margaret Dunlap visited Those attending were Mr. and We do but C. G. Held of Rainier were at Armitage this week were Mrs. at the home of Mrs. D. R. Mrs. S. R. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Florence Greeling were Armitage ’ s sister, Mrs. Dolly visitors Saturday. Hotel Nehalem this week. Fowler Friday. one kind of CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cheney and the latter’s daughter Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pringle, While fighting fire Saturday ing to bale hay and straw this Louis Davis has an infected an and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. printing — F. Claude Stephen», Minister Bush, Roy Sidebottom Kenneth Fowler stepped into week also. i Everett kle resulting from an injury sus- Harrison, who arrived here Sun and Junior Portner motored to wearing low Services for Lord ’ s day, Sep some fire while tained while fighting fire. The steel work on the Natal day from Seattle. tember 6: 9:45, Bible school; shoes and received a very pain bridge is completed now and the : Hillsboro last Friday visiting rela- [ GOOD | tives and friends there. 10:45, Divine morning worship, ful burn which is still bothering Mrs. Alvin Herrin Mr. and J. W. Brown returned Monday planking is being done this wc|k. , Richard Lewis and John Piert moved last week into the Biddle from Pomeroy, Washington, where theme, “Inanimate Rock that Be him. PRINTING The final coat of paint is also are certainly proud boys, as they house just beyond Sixth avenue. he had spent ten days with his came vocal. being put on. | were among the Boy Scouts to 6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor; Natal grange held a dance at shake hands with Jack Dempsey.' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Condit step-father, Sam Shawley, who 7:30, Evening hour of service. the Natal hall last Saturday even and family have moved into the is seriously ill. His father’s con- Theme, “We are Laborers To ing. A. H. Savage house on B. street. dition was still very critical when gether with God.” Mr*. Jake Neurer Zale Holmes from Riverview Mr. Brown had to leave him. Please note the change in time Virginia Romernan of Aber was a business caller at Natal Stopping at Hotel Hy Van for the evening service. deen, Washington, is visiting Mrs. The Natal school board held a Monday. F. Moak on Second avenue this during the week were G. W. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Graham director’s meeting Saturday. The EVANGELICAL CHURCH Longview, H. Von Cleff, Astoria, week. Portland were recent guests of grading work on the school W. F. Hintzen, N. A. Sprague, J. G. W. Plumer, Pastor ground is completed and the Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shipley H. Roberts, N. A. Niedermeyer, J. PAY CASH-------------------------------------- PAY LESS George Devine from Clatska- < The Sunday school meets at work was accepted by the Board. and family are now living in S. Rine, S. J. Domnisse, E. H. Judge Reasoner’s house on Rose Leahy and F. W. Monroe of 9:45 a. m., W. W. Wolff in The contract and specifications nie is working for the county on ALPINE MILK TOMATOES I charge. 11 a. m. the pastor will were turned over to Mr. Matth the Natal bridge. avenue. Blue and n for OO Portland. Fallers and buckers for the speak on “The Oppression of the ews and construction of a 30x50 White 2 %’s ¿ Clint Kelley's 12-year old boy Mathews Bros, on the Clyde Registered at Hotel McDon- Laborer.” The Christian En- playshed will start this week. PUMPKIN KRAUT cut his foot quite badly while aid this week were Loron Wod- deavor meets at 7. p. m. Mr. Lee Miss Leora McCormick was a Johnson place have resumed op-' Red and splitting wood at his home in arge, St. Helens; L. S. King, Sal will be the leader. The pastor house guest over the weekend of erations again this week. Bertj White 2% ............... 2 Mi can ............. Treharne Sunday. Woods from near Vernonia is em; Mrs. Geo. Simmons and son speakes again at 8. p. m. Goldie Keaton at Mist. HOMINY RICE FLAKES Oral Estes from Riverview one of the fallers. There is a place for all and a Mrs. Cora E. Young of Cedar I Forest Grove; C. C. Clearwater, Mrs. Wise, Miss i called to see his sister, Mrs. Ida J. H. McDonald, R. B. Schmeer, Annie Ban- welcome for each. Rapids, Iowa, is a guest this 2%( can ................. . zer, and Miss Agie were Natal McMullins, Thursday. week at the home of her broth- T. Ashlund, R. M. Ward, J. C. SHRIMP SALMON CATHOLIC CHURCH business visitors Tuesday even Armstrong, I. R. White and F. Mrs. John Thomas and daugh- er, N. S. Soden. Green and n for QP Alaska—Fancy Pink D. Williamson of Portland. Beginning Sunday there will be ters Marie and Dorothy spent ing. White .......... “ Tall can ........... .... Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill, who Thursday at Mrs. M. Peterson’s Mildred Walters returned this Mrs. E. C. Wright returned Sunday school at St. Mary’s every and Mrs. N. Dunlap's. COFFEE I OYSTERS live in Portland, and have spent week from her summer’s vacation Tuesday from Portland where Sunday at 10 a. m. Red and White Blue and White Mr. and Mrs. James McCorm several months this spring and I in Washington where she had she has spent the past two weeks 1 lb. Pkg. ........... No 1 can .............. ick spent Saturday evening in summer returned to their home been visiting relatives. visiting and left Thursday for in Portland Tuesday. They will Vernonia shopping. She plans on Kenneth Fowler of Riverview San Francisco. Ed Wallace, Joe Benzar and ge back this fall. is suffering from an infected returning to Vernonia in the Fred Oveson, bridge contract son Davee, Hy Tracey and Mrs. Mr*. Lee Hall foot which was burned while he spring. While in California she G. Taylor and son Ray, Mr. and or, announced that the Natal [ will visit her daughter, Mrs. Ha- was fighting fire Saturday. Government Inspected Mrs. Lee Osborn and Mr. and bridge would be open to traffic, zel Ebenson, and granddaughter, The Vernonia Study club will Mrs. Helen Williams. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cline of Mrs. Jake Neurer were shoppers in a short time, probably the last of this week. hold their first meeting of the Vernonia visited ot the home of in Vernonia Saturday. Reed Halding is working for Miss Evelyn McMullin from season next Thursday at the home Treharne Boy 25c Mrs. Cline’s mother, Mrs. J. N. ROASTS lb..................... 12%c CHOPS lb. of Mrs. A. J. Hughes at one Morgan, Sunday afternoon after Pebble creek spent a few days M. Mathews on the play shed I BOILING MEAT lb. 10c 18c STEAK lb. Celebrates Birthday o’clock. returning from a tour in Idaho at Natal with her uncle and aunt, for the Natal school now being Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin. built. ALL STEAKS lb ............. 25c SHOULDER ROAST lb. 16c and visiting the Pendleton Round M. L. Johnson injured his foot TREHARNE — (Special.) Mrs. Noble Dunlap and son Mr. and Mrs. Hy Tracey were Up. quite painfully while working Leonard Bolongia celebrated his I Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler Floyd motored to Eugene last business visitors on Tuesday even- with a pick last Friday, He was fourth birthday on Friday. Those week. Floyd will attend Oregon ing at Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neur- able, however, to go to work the attending were Clare Sunell, Mol- are the proud parents of a boy, University again this school term. er’s. 20c MINCED Spec. lb. EASTERN BACON lb. 23c following day. ley and Douglas O’Donnell, Betty Lawrence Edward, who is mak Mrs. Charlie Hall and Mrs. Roadmaster Chandler from St. BOLOGNA lb. 18c D. S. PORK, Belly lb. 15c ing his stay at the present in an Mrs. Charlie Johnson accomp and Dorothy Doris, Betty, Robert incubator in the Emanuel hospital. Dave McMullin and children spent Helens was here looking over WEINERS lb. 15c Butter Forest Grove lb. 32c anied her house guests, Miss Effie and James Glassner. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker Saturday with Mrs. McMullin’s the new bridge and also some! He received many gifts. The Dahlman and Miss Margaret Wile, and daughter Beulah returned [parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Estes road work. to their homes in Quincy and Ya afternoon was spent in playing home from Portland last week at Riverview. games, after which refreshments Threshing was again delayed colt, Washington, Sunday. i were served. Wilma Glassner as- where they were called to the when the A. R. Meilis folks went bedside of Mrs. Parker’s mother, Sally Corner and George Kay'sisted the hostess. Mrs. Ann Solomon, who later to the Pendleton Round-up last passed away and was buried in week. Threshing in this com munity will be finished this week Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker of and the Berg Brothers are com- Bay City are the guests of Hen ry’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Riley Hall went to Zillah. Washington, Wednesday to stay over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hall’s daughter, Mrs. Willie Jacobs. THE GRADE SCHOOL LISTS ARE READY FOR YOU—WE ARE READY Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall left TO SUPPLY YOUR EVERY NEED AT THE LOWEST PRICES, FOR THE BEST Wednesday for Waldport, where GRADE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES. they will visit a few days with their daughter, Then Mrs. Hall Be sure and buy your circulating heater will go on to Weiser, Idaho, built for western fuel. Many heaters sold at where she will visit her sister, low prices are made especially for coal and are Mrs. B. T. Hall. who is very ill. very unsatisfactory when you wish to burn Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason have wood. We have a special heater this year. All Our line of all leather “Star Brands” moved to Tidewater where Mr. cast drum, humidifier. Porcelain enameled, take From tiny dresses for the little one is most complete — straps, oxfords, Mason has employment. up to 20-inch wood and chunks. UJ 1 7 KQ just starting school to the frocks for shoes, ties, pumps—tne latest styles. Bert .Hawkins went out in the SPECIAL PRICE / »OV Camp Eight Church Notices Natal ADAMS ’ RED AND WHITE STORE 4 for 25c 15c 19c 15c 2 for 19c 14c 13c 33c Riverview Meat is Cheap Here BEEF PORK For that Labor Day Picnic OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS Circulating For Your SCHOOL HOOKS and SUPPLIES Heaters tor Your SCHOOL Supplies LARGE SIZE $59 Will Keep All Rooms Warm SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS With a GO TO FOR Don’t compare these with heaters that have fire box about the size of a tin bucket; sheet steel drums and selling for just a little less money. Such stoves will prove expensive—forced draft, continual loading and rooms not heated properly. SCHOOL NOTE BOOKS PENCILS, PENS JUMBO TABLETS RULERS, INK SPELLING BLANKS I GET READY Ringlette Permanent It’s fun to have a Ringlette. No discomfort from heat or heavy clips. Easy to care I $5.00 1 Miladv*s * Hoffman Hdwe. Co. Beauty Shoppe Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 MAC’S Pliarmacv SCIIOOI. CLOTHING SUGGESTIONS Star Brand Shoes Wash DRESSES $1.19T0 $5.00 the senior of high school—see them before you buy. TO $2.95 A. B. C. Percales A new low price on this fatnous per cale. Guaranteed boilproof. Long wear ing. 25c a yard last year. IQ/» NOW, Per Yard ....................... Li/C B. V. May Silk Hose A splendid bit of news—our regular 98c full-fashioned pure silk hose ia_at a new low price— Pair..................... 79c BOYS’ NEEDS Waist O’Alls, Bib ” ” Cords Shirts SHOP SAVE HERE MONEY 79c-98c 69c-85c . $1.98 .39 to 89c z