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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1931)
v of — Decision By Fifteenth Is Promise Vernonia Sentiment at Commission Meeting Is Strong -=— - - ■"«' VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1931. VOLUME IX. APPLES, VEGETABLES DONATEDFOR NEEDY The Harvest Any needy family who wishes apples may secure a supply from the community chest, states C. W. Reithner, chairman. As they will not keep any length of time it will be necessary to call for them at once at the Oregon Gas and Electric company’s office. Ar rangements have also been made to supply vegetables. Nineteen sacks of apples have been donated to the chest by K. A. McNeill. MARY KATO RETURNS A promise to designate the road to the coast on or before September 15 was made by the high way commission yester day afternoon, accord ing to Vernonia dele gates. They report that Vernonia sentiment at the meeting was very strong, and consider our chances very good. In their opinion, one road only will be designated, the two road idea not seeming to meet with favor by the commis sion. < o . Mary Kato returned Tuesday | after spending several months in Scappoose, and reopened her chop suey restaurant on Third street. During the quiet season she closed the restaurant and had employment as a cook. CARL DAVIDSON TO STUDY LAW Carl Davidson, assistant super intendent of the Oregon-Amer- ican Lumber company, nas re signed his position in order to take up the study of law, and with Mrs. Davidson and daughter A delegation of approximately Doris will leave Vernonia Sun 30 left Thursday morning to at day. tend the meeting of the state From here they will go to JUDGE REASONER RETURNS highway commission in Salem at Kansas City, where they will re- Pageant Scheduled Plans Discussed Judge D. B. Reasoner returned 2 p. m. when a hearing was jmain for a few days before Mr. Monday afternoon after a week’s scheduled for considering the se Davidson begins his course Sep For County Fair trip to Grants Pass and vicinity For Highway Meet lection of a route to the sea. tember 23 in George Washington to visit his son Ray and family. university, Washington, D. C. His Besides those from Vernonia, His daughter, Mrs. E. M. Bow On two nights, Thusday, Sep Discussion of plans for attend arrangements were being made by family will reside there. Mr. Davidson has taken an ac tember 17, and Saturday, Sep man of Hillsboro, and grand ing the meeting of the state high Barney O. Garrett, secretary of daughter Grace accompanied him. I way commission Thursday and the Columbia county chamber of tive part in community work, tember 19, will be put on in Together with his son and family' of circularizing vacationists at front of the grand stand at the commerce to take about five cars having been prominent in the they went to Klamath Falls and! Seaside Labor day in behalf of from St. Helens, two from Rain- local post of the American Le- fair grounds, the pageant “Spirit Crater Lake, and made side tripsl the Scappoose-Vernonia-Hamlet ier, and at least one from Scap gion, and this year has been 1 of America.” The various epi- to Applegate and down the route occupied the attention of 1 sodes in this pageant are being vice-president and director of the poose to help back the project. Rogue river. the chamber of commerce Wed The hearing was arranged by Vernonia chamber of commerce. sponsored by local organizations “Things are on the quiet or nesday noon at the Masonic He came to Vernonia in Aug of the county. Several granges Willian F. Woodward of Portland, der down there,” he declared, temple. president of the Uptown assoc ust, 1922, and has been with the have a part, the churches, Histori “but not so much as I expected. F. D. Macpherson, Dr. W. H. cal society, pioneers, veterans iation, in accord with a resolu company since October, 1915. Harvesting of the fruit crop Hurley and Joseph Scott were ap He likes the coast, and plans and others are to be represented. tion passed two weeks ago by that helps considerably.” pointed as a committee by Presi organization, urging the highway to locate in Portland after com Altogether there will be several Judge Reasoner made the re dent George W. Ford as a conv hundred people taking part in the commission to designate at the pleting his course, which will setting. A large stage is being turn trip, 320 miles, in one day. mittee to secure a delegation and earliest possible date two take three years. provide transportation to the erected acros sthe track from the routes, the Vernonia- Thursday meeting in Salem. grand stand for the performers. Hamlet and the Wilson river, the Emil Messing told of plans to The entertainment features will W. C. T. U. to Hold selection of the connection be Garden Club Hears aistribute circulars regarding the be more varied than ever before. tween Portland and Vernonia to afternoon and evening per Contest Sept. 15 Vernonia-Hamlet route in each be left to the discretion of the Of Peony Culture Three car at Trails End, Seaside, Mon- formances will be put on before commission. Mr. Woodward re dav, unless the action of the the grand stand. quested a hearing either in Port The declamatory contest spon A letter from E. J. Berneche, land or Salem for that specific Dancing all four nights, under sored by the local organization commission should make the pro purpose only, and named the fol prominent peony expert of Port the auspices of the American Le of the Women’s Christian Tem cedure unnecessary. President Ford commended the lowing committee to present the land, was read at the meeting of gion of St. Helens. Airplane cir perance union will be held Tues matter before the commission: the Garden club in the Christian cus, stunts and entertainment all day, September 15, at 7:30 p. m. work of the special committee who U. L. Upson, Gust Anderson, S. church Tuesday evening. four days. The Texaco Oil com in the auditorium of the Evan have done so much during the past two months to draw atten Mr. Berneche had been invited pany’s broadcasting car will be H. Mathieu, Ben Riesland, Mor gelical church. tion to the advantages of the ris Taylor and Joe E. Dunne of to speak here that evening but here. Amplifiers will be placed High school students who will Portland; Otto Erickson and H. was unable to be present and in the grand stand and on the contend for the silver medal are Vernonia-Hamlet route and se cure favorable attention from sent the letter in which he dis L. Davenport of Beaverton; Loyal grounds. Doris Anderson, Billy Bassett, various organizations. The com M. Graham of Forest Grove; J. E. cussed at length his method of Thursday is St. Helens day, Fri Helen Charlesworth, Jeanette Kerr of Vernonia, E. E. Wist of soil preparation, planting, and day Clatskanie and Rainier day, Johns, Marian Lindley, June mittee consists of J. E. Kerr, H. E. McGraw, Lester Sheeley, and care of the peony which he con Scappoose, H. T. Botts of Tilla Saturday pioneer and granges. Mitchener and Benji Wilkerson. mook, Merle R. Chessman and siders one of the most beautiful On these days special entertain Vocal and orchestral music will J. H. Bush. Emil Messing, for the com Guy F. Boyington of Astoria. Be flowers for which our climate ment will be put on by those rep be an additional attraction. mittee on finance, stated that sides the committee, attendance of and soil is especially well adapt resenting the cities and organi $299.50 in cash paid in had been interested citizens was also reques ed. zations. received from private subscrip Mrs. Ethel Ray was elected ted. This fair should be attended F. Claude Stephens tions to pay expenses of the cam secretary-treasurer to take the The resolution of the Uptown place of Mrs. J. L. Timmons, re by every person living in this paign for the highway. community or the surrounding association was passed as amend signed. Among subjects of gen Invited to Remain Rev. G. W. Plumer reported territory accessible to it. It is ed by Lester Sheeley, and carried eral discussion, were the proper on the Boy Scout trip to Portland in fact, your fair, and the of with only five dissenting votes a week ago Monday. He expres time of planting delphinium seed, ficers are running it for you. At the annual meeting of the from proponents of the ridge the prevention of rust, roadside They want your assistance in Christian church Sunday morn sed appreciation of Chief L. V. route. No sentimeltal at this: planting, and the vacant lot situ making it a fair the whole com ing F. Claude Stephens, minister,; Jenkins for the many courtesies meeting was expressed for the ation. A tour for inspecting the munity will be proud of. They was invited to remain another shown the boys by the police Wolf creek route. gardens of club members was not only want your attendance,' year. Mr. Stephens has completed department, and for the local chamber of commerce in furnish planned for Thursday. Mrs. W. but they want you to exhibit' his second year in Vernonia. Entertain L. Van Doren presided. something. A fair cannot be The services morning and even ing cars. Those present were Mrs. A. W. made a success without liberal | ing were in charge of Rev. C. D. H. S. Club Sauer, Mrs. H. Veal, Mrs. W. O. and substantial encouragement, F. Swander of Portland, secre MRS. FEST LEAVES Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell enter Porterfield, Mrs. W. C. Crowder, from the public and exhibitors.' tary of the Oregon Christian HOSPITAL SUNDAY tained the D. H. S. club at their Mrs. Ethel Ray, Mrs. Van Doren While the management assures' churches. home on Rose avenue Saturday and Mrs. Ray D. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa left the people that it will spare “Persecution did not kill the evening with two tables of bridge. neither time, labor, nor expense' church,” he assured the congre Friday evening of last week for Miss Louise Keehn, who is leavingI F. A. BLOUNT HOUSE to make the exhibition larger and, gation in the evening, “nor did Portland to see their daughter, Friday for San Francisco was a | DESTROYED BY FIRE better than ever, it wants to be j the age of reason, nor can any Mrs. Clara Fest, who was serious special guest of honor. High I seconded by the liberal hand of thing else. It is the same struct ly injured when knocked down scores were made by Mrs. C. W. I The house of F. A. Blount on whole people in this part of the ure, built upon the same found by an automobile in Portland Reithner and Frank Dickson. the Slaughterhouse road in River state, and is relying upon you, ation, the same divine building August 6. Refreshments of sandwiches,, view was destroyed by fire at and your neighbors and friends, that has withstood all onslaughts. ‘ Mrs. Fest is slowly improving cream torte and coffee were serv about 11:15 p. m. Monday night. to boost the fair in every way It is the thing that is going to and was removed from the hospi ed to Miss Louise Keehn, Dr. Some of the furnishings were you can devisa. tal to her home Sunday. Her wear time away.” and Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mr. and | saved, but the house was a total right leg will have to be in a —Clyde M. Watson, Secretary. Mrs. Frank Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. loss. Mr«. Kelland.r Return« cast for six weeks ax the liga C. W. Reithner and the host Geo. F. Clow, who resigned his An overheated cookstove is said Mrs. A. L. Kullander returned ments were torn loose. position in the Joy Barber shop from St. Vincents hospital Wed and hostess. to be the cause. Mr. Rosa expects to bring Mrs. Mr. Blount's brother Grover Saturday, is working this week in [ nesday, Mr. Kullander driving in Fest to Vernonia within the Dennis Davis left Thursday of lost his house by fire a couple Miller's Barber shop while Mike to bring her back. next two weeks. Mrs. Rosa stay last week for Gsston and will of months previously. Miller, proprietor, is on vacation. She underwent an operation ed in Portland to take care of probably be gone for some time. Mrs. Dan Cason entertained August 14, and has been improv her daughter. W. C. T. U. To Meet the children of her Sunday school ing nicely. Mrs. K. A. McNetlt enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Clow The W. C. T. U. will meet in class and their friends at Arcadia visit Thursday and Friday of last Mrs. Ollie Roberts visited went to Portland Sunday and week from her father, H. A. j the Christian church Tuesday af park a week ago Wednesday. Arps of Seattle, and her uncle, G. I ternoon, September 8, at 2 o’ They all reported a very good friends in Portland over the week spent the day with Mrs. John Moro. end. clock. time. F. Arps of Columbus, Ohio. NUMBER 58. 4-H CLUBS PICNIC AT FAIR GROUNDS Members of 4-H clubs are plan ning to go to the county fair grounds at Deer Island on Sep tember 5 for a picnic. County Agent Geo. A. Nelson, and the Home Demonstration agent, Sarah V. Case, who are in charge of club work in Columbia county, plan to meet with the boys and girls for a rehearsal of the pro gram which the 4-H clubs will put on at the fair during the week of September 16 to 19 inclu sive. Everyone will bring his own lunch and will be at the fair grounds as soon after 10:30 a. m. as possible. Previous pic nics for 4-H club boys and girls have been greatly enjoyed and both Mrs. Case and Mr. Nelson expect the children to have anoth er enjoyable day. Timber Fire Causes Are Investigated Incendiarism Suspected; Four Held for Questioning Evidence of incendiarism in timber fires near Vernonia have led to an investigation by county and state authorities, and four men, whose names have not been released pending the substantia tion of charges against them are being held in St. Helens for questioning. “We expect to stay with this until we have it all cleared up,” LOADER KILLED stated Warden Lode McDonald Thursday. NEAR CAMP 10 Six state police were here Sunday to find traces of the fire John Goodman, loader for the bugs, and a number of import Clark and Wilson Lumber com ant clues were discovered. A fire started intentionally, Mr. pany, was killed at 9:30 a. m. Wednesday morning near Camp McDonald believes, along Beaver creek at Braun’s siding Sunday 10 crossing. Accounts of eyewitnesses as to was discovered in time and was the cause of the accident vary, put out within an hour’s time the published report being that an by a small force of men. overhead clevis broke, throwing I The fire on the Koster Pro a log upon him. According to a ducts company’s Rock creek hold close friend of the family a boom ings has been brought fully un- fell upon him without anyone ler control, as is also the one being able to tell just how or near Mist. Both are suspected to have been incendiary. why. A fire was reported to have About four months ago Mr. Goodman and his family moved to been starting near Birkenfeld Vernonia from Camp Eight. He Thursday afternoon, and Mr. Mc bought a two acre tract in Lone Donald left to combat it. Pine Acres, about a half mile Fire Monday evening on the J. south of town along the river.' W. Brimmer place north of town He. is survived by bis widow ^[ong Rose avenue was for the and three children, James, 6, El purpose of burning slashings, and mer, 5, and Richard Lee, 20 was set under the supervision of months. Warden McDonald, with a crew Mrs. Goodman left at once for on hand to guard it. St. Helens, where Mr. Goodman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Good man, reside. The services will be held in that city today at 2:30. Feathers . . . Recall Committee Visits Vernonia Orris Kellar, B. C. Witham, Walter Tracey and C. L. Wil burn, of the J. N. Miller recall committee, were in Vernonia Saturday circulating petitions. They stated that they have se cured approximately 700 names to date, and needed only between 100 and 150 more in order to file the petitions. The committee reported grat ifying success in the country districts, but admitted making small headway in the towns, par ticularly in St. Helens and Ver nonia. The reason, they ascribed, was indifference on the part of city people with respect to con duct of the office of county com missioner. 2 MEN POISONED BY STINGS OF BEES and.. .Talons Folks have wondered why the tremendously long stem on N. S. Soden’s pipe. The secret is out: He was told by his physician to stay as far away from tobacco as he can. t t t Happy Thompson surprised some of his friends Tuesday by dashing breathlessly into their stores or offices and starting a conversation about nothing in par ticular. He was trying to dodge his landlord, who was in town. t t t Helen Hieber and Della Cline got the scare of their young lives while on a camping trip at Pringle Bend Wednesday night. They were sure a wild animal was about to devour them, for they heard him in the bushes about to leap out at them. 'Twas a frog, they found out later. t t f Seen on the Street—Fire lad dies hosing off Bridge street, one Two Vernonia men have suf of them in slicker and gum boots, fered considerably from bee stings and behind him, helping to lug during the past week. the hose, another in shirt sleeves Willis Orrenduff was in a and low shoes . . . The big yellow critical condition for several hours school bus out for exercise, with after he was stung by a hornet a half dozen children in it for whilt he was sitting in his home the fun of the thing . . . Owen Saturday. Calvert delivering groceries at He thought nothing of the Jim Brown’s on a hand truck . . . sting at first but in a few min George Ford’s coupe with a ban utes fell to the floor unconsious. ner on the bumper advertising A physican who was called found a Cathlamet festival. Mrs. H. E. him badly swollen and nauseated McGraw driving a new Ford se from the effects of the poison. dan. O. H. Graves recently suffered T t t from the effects of honey bee WE ARE GLAD THAT— stings when he accidentally tip- | F. Claude Stephens is to re ped over the top of a hive whil\ main as he is an asset to the working with the bees at his community, and his loss would be home on O. A. Hill. 45 stingers severely felt; were removed from his arm. AND SORRY THAT— Several other cases of bee Carl Davidson is leaving. Carl sting poisoning have come to the had an important part in the attention of a local physican dur life of the community just as in ing the last two weeks. From ex the affairs of the company he periences in past years as well served for so long, and every ax this he has come to the con body liked and respected him. In clusion that bee stings are more preparing for his new vocation he poisonous than usual during ths has the hearty good wishes of late summer season. his many friends here.