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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1931)
„ PAGE SIX they were sacrificing anyone to VERNONIA FOLK or no where else for that ATTEND MEETING second matter. Vernonia people attending all or part of the camp meeting of the Evangelical church at Jen nings Lodge for the past two weeks were Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin Malmsten, LeRoy Malmsten, Mrs. A. C. Knauss, Mrs. D. C. Cason and two daughters, Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Condit and Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Pltdser. There were 486 registered campers, Mr. Plumer says, with 128 children attending the va cation training school. There were 125 decisions at the evan gelistic services held evenings. The Duffer Dubber Stands Around during Golf Match Finally after they lost the ball in a little hole in the middle of this green place they took their balls out and started to do the same thing all over again. We stood around and gazed at them with our mouth wide open until they had done their little pans nine different times before we got tired. Then the told us what the score was. It seemed that this statsican fellow and the garage guy had tied at 42 to 42 and then Jack, that’s the bird that runs the moving picture house got 39 and old Babe Ruth got 38 and this man Price from over the hills only got 37 so I guess he had to buy the drinks. All in all a good time was had by all. There was a lot of high powered senators, postmas ters, etcetera, running around out there carrying sacks full of bats. Later we learned they were caddies. They didn’t look much like cads to ua. (Continued from page 1.) ly would have gone for a home run had it stayed inside the park. Not being satisfied with that he got him a new bat and did the same thing over. After fouling off two or three he finally socked one in the same direction but luckily for the visiting club it hit the fence and was called a fair ball. He must have got at least a three bagger on it. After he finally did get his Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Evers made hit everyone pulled off for the a business trip to Westport Mon- outfield. We thought they were day. going to mob the pitcher or some Mr. and Mrs. Pancrast and An- thin’. Anyway after we got half na Devaney were guests at a way to the outfield some bird picnic dinner given by the W. yelled “four” but we didn’t get J. Lindley family on the creek his point as we could see a lot by their home. more than four. Howthesoever, Mrs. J. O. Devaney spent a after he had done his yodeling few days in Westport with Mr. about four everybody came to a Devaney last week. halt like the local American I Fire broke out at the East Legion would do it and these Side camp last week, A warden guys started their hitting all over and five men soon had it under only this time they just got little control. Texas Leaguers instead of good Joe Lindsley returned from clean drives. After they had all Banks Saturday where he has had their turn at bat we moved been working since May. on again and pretty soon we came Mayo Pettijohn and Orris De to a place that was a good deal vaney made a trip to Buster greener than the rest and it sort creek Saturday. The camp start of looked like they kept the lawn mowed there. Anyway when ed Monday. They had all their these golfers got up there they , men from Portland. The Rock Creek school is be- started to bunt but some reason wheVe ’ ng Pa‘nted this week. Mr. Reid or other we couldn’t see v...— - and son are doing the work. KEANEY Arie A eight pound boy was born laUv Thursday of last week to Mr. ’ and Mrs. U. A. Scott in the Wil- WANTED ! cox sanitarium, Portland. Members of the order of Rain WANTED—Best light truck $50 bow Girls, Nehalem assembly 18, cash will buy. Call 409 First held a picnic at Arcadia park Ave. South, Vernonia. 542* July 29. About 20 girls attend DRESSMAKING — First class ed, chaperoned by Mesdames E. dressmaking. Mrs. M. Nelson, A. Green, G. C. Roberson, and F. Vista Hotel. 514* D. Macpherson. Mrs. Mabel Dent visited her FOR RENT cousin Frank Leiferman of -- Mt. — FOR RENT—3 room, furnished ( Pleasant, Michigan, Monday in house. Apply 1042 Rose Ave. I St. Helens at the home of his John Hanson. 53-2* sister, Mrs. Birdell Williams. Claeeiiiorl V/lCLOOlllvU FOR RENT—2-room apartments, CARD OF THANKS new, clean and quiet. Hot We take this means of express water; water, light and wood $15 ing our sincere thanks to our month. P. Hill, 875 Second St many friends for their many kindly deeds, and their watch FOR SALE ful care during the life and death WEENER Pigs for sale. See of our loved one. Also for the Harry Culbertson. 542* many floral tributes. May God bless you all. CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. Mrs. J. D. Reese and family. W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. FOR SALE—All kinds of wood. Frank Lusby. 519* 9 GENUINE GERMAN POLICE PUPS for sale, ready to take away. $5.00 each. See J. L. Timmons, with light and power company. 51tf. NOTICE— Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School Dist. No. 22 of Columbia county, Oregon, for the building of a playshed and a fence according to plans and specifications which will be on file with the Dist. Clerk after August 14. A certified check for five per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid. The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Bids will be opened at 7 p. m., August 24. Dated this 28th day of July, 1931. OLIVER BURRIS, Chairman NETTIE B. PETERSON, Clerk 533« MEMBERS Mr. Smith and I wish to ex press our gratitude to the friends who have sent gifts and have been so considerate during Mr. Smith’s illness. Mrs. Earl Smith and family SAVE L ! Hartwick-Akres Reunion Picnic FLOUR 49 RICE J.C. PEN NEY CO DEPARTMENT STORE NUMBER 1436 • STORE VERNONIA, OREGON f>RUG STOÔf _ A part of every Equipment is IPANA Tooth Paste 29c Gypsy Cream Relieves ths itching and burning of black flies and other insect bites — heat rash, poison ivy — moth itch. Sold only at Rexall Stores. Get a bottle at once. PEBECO Tooth Paste 40c SQU1BBS 33c KOLYNOS AYWON Tooth Paste Tooth Paste 23c 25c FORHANS Tooth Paste Tooth Paste 25c 35c 8 atch Our Windows for *«ltaek io School** Supplies Mac’s Pharmacy Vernonia, Oregon Lowest Price» in Year» SHOP HERE BEFORE YOU BUY .... 39c 3 cans 29c OREGON FULL CREAM .............. SAFEWAY BLEND—Try a pound at this price ....... BLUE RIBBON Large 3-lb. can. Am erica’s Popular Malt ..... 47c 31c Tooth Paste BEANS 19c 10 SALMON CHEESE COFFEE SOAP MALT Tooth Paste 29c PEN-A-TOX Ona Sòia PEPSODENT SUGAR 97c 20 SPAGHETTI 59c 2 10 SAFETY Wise Camper’s FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1931. a late hour refreshments were perienced little difficulty, and is Sunday for Shedds, Oregon to served. feeling much better. visit relatives before returning to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bleile and California. Miss Messing’s guests were Lu- (Continued frem page 1.) Alfred Haverland of Shedds, A family reunion picnic in | ella Williams, Joy Bush, Margar- sons Earl and Harry, and Mrs. ,«I Nelson, Leona New, Velda Dave Marshall spent Sunday in Oregon spent the week end here immediate reduction in county honor of the birthdays of Mrs. , expenditures, especially for car Joe Hartwick of Banks and Mrs. Mellinger, Florence Wall, Louise Longview visiting Mrs. J. E. Crop with his mother, Mrs. H. Eggles mileage and county employee sal-, F. H. Akres of Portland was Roberson, , Nelle Green, Gloyd per. Mr. and Mrs. Cropper, for ton. Mrs. Egleston returned to ( i Adams, Robert Holcomb, Robert mer Vernonia residents, are now Shedds with him and will visit aries. The committee from the ' held at Arcadia park Sunday. Those attending were the three fox, Arthur Lillig, LaVerne Ad- living in Ttijunga, California- her sons Howard, Willard and Taxpayers’ league was of the George opinion car mileage and county ’’’ters, Mrs. Hartwick, Mrs. Akres -, Laird, Jack Mar- Mrs. Cropper is spending a few Lewis. Mrs. Lester Collins left last weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ed employee salaries should be im- and Mrs- T- B- Warfield, Verno- shall William Washburn, Hays in Longview, and recuper week to join her husband at mediately reduced, while Gover- nia> Robert Junior and wife, Dor-' ating from injuries received in Burns, Oregon, where he has em nor Meier’s appointees, strangely : °thy Junior, St. Helens, F. H. Altai oOClety an automobile accident. Mr. and ployment. enough, vigorously opposed any | Akres, Portland, T. B. Warfield, ¡Holds Picnic H. A. Hansen of Portland Mrs. Hays also formerly lived immediate reduction in control Elna and Florence Warfield, Ver- clerked in the MacMarr market >n Vernonia. | nonia, Mrs. Joe Hartwick, Banks, The ladies of the Altar society lable items of county expenses. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Condit re from Monday to Wednesday dur It was somewhate disconcerting Mr. and Mrs. Frand Hartwick, of St. Mary’s church held a meet ing Wednesday, July 29, at the turned Friday from the Univer ing the absence of J. F. Rose. to say the least to find the Gov | Vernonia. sity of Oregon summer session at It was particularly happy oc- city park. ernor’s appointees refusing to A picnic lunch was enjoyed by Portland. Others who attended Alice Parker make recommendations for re 'casion owing to so much talent from Vernonia were Mrs. Lulah Celebrates Birthday duction of expenditure on about ¡in the party. Mr. Junior, of St. all. Fullerton, Miss Charlotte Hilts, the only items over which the | Helens, gave a sailor’s horn pipe Alice Parker celebrated her county court has any immediate ¡dance with 14 intricate steps, o---------------------------------------- o and Fred Spring, Mrs. Fullerton, PERSONALS | Mr. Condit reported, won high sixteenth birthday, July 30, with control and on which they can (while M. Akres entertained with o | --------------------- o distinction in her art work. a picnic dinner in the country for get immediate action that will his singing. Roy Davis and W. A. Miller, several friends. Her guests in Rev. G. W. Plumer officiated result in saving to the taxpayer Tuesday at services for Ralph who were accused of theft of a cluded Edna Owens, Zonweiss The governor’s committee, af Group Enjoy Koehler at Canby, Mr. Koehler, tire belonging to Elmer Berger- Douglas, Mignon Depue, Louise ter much sidestepping and con Wienie Roast an old friend of Mr. Plumer, son, were captured in Washing Roberson and Marjorie Meeker. siderable effort to avoid the is A jolly crowd of young people was drowned Saturday while ton county July 19 and tried in sue, did finally on the vigorous CHRISTIAN CHURCH ¡chaperoned by Mrs. G. C. Rober-,working on a government dredge Hillsboro the next day. Each pled insistence of the committee from the Taxpayers’ league, recom | son, and Mrs. Simmons enjoyed a at Newberg. It was one of the guilty and was fined $100. Not Services for August 9—9:45 mend a reduction in car mileage ■wianie roast and dance at Ar- largest funerals in Canby for 20 being able to pay, they are serv a. m., Bible school; 10:45 a. m. ing the fine out in jail. allowance from ten cents to six Icadia park Friday evening. They years, Mr. Plumer said. Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw and Divine morning worship; theme, A large attendance of the Will cents per mile. This was done were Louise Roberson, Nelle three children of Fairview, Ore Conversion of an Honest Infidel. ing Workers was present at their Green, Mary Ann Childs, Florence by the Meier appointees only af 7:00 p. m., Christian Endeavor; regular meeting in the social gon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ter the Taxpayers’ league commit Wall, Kathryn Malmesley, Mignon 8:00, evening hour of worship. tee had forced a showdown on the DePue, Christine Rainey, Marvel rooms of the Christian church Claude Kuapp several days last Theme, The First Biblical Record issue and then only with the ut Graven, Louise George, Oscar Wednesday afternoon. Following week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson ed Prize Fight, and its interpre Sorlee, Jack Marshall, William a short business meeting two most reluctance. of Skamokawa, Washington vis tation. quilts were tied. Refreshments On the only other item of con Washburn. served by the hostess, Mrs. ited her mother, Mrs. Susie Green were trollable county expense which EVANGELICAL CHURCH Ethel Ray. last week. Floyd Green returned the Meier men might have sug Edna Owens The W. C. T. U. will meet home with them for a visit. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; gested to the court as needing Entertains Tuedsay afternoon, August 11, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kuapp I preaching service 11 a. m. and som downward revision, name Edna Owens entertained a at 2 o’clock in the Christian attended the funeral of Edward 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is ly county employee salaries, Boulby at St. Helens, Monday. extended to all. Messrs. Wist, Hyde and Gallag group of friends Monday even church. The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rose and Omar Sheeley and family are _____ , party . at the her refused absolutely to make ing with _ a theatre NOTICE— any recommendation, taking the Joy. The group met in the after- family returned Thursday from occupying one of the cabins at The building now occupied by position that Governor Meier noon for swimming followed by a Portland, where they spent a Arcadia park while their new the C. W. Reithner store will be “was not advocating percentage lunch at the Owens home. Then few day’s vacation. Mr. Rose re- home is being built. Mrs. Elwood Furnace and two for sale or lease by the tenth of reductions in salaries but was in they adjourned the the theatre, ports that Mrs. Rose and the ! children had a fine time at the children of Sacramento, Californ this month. sistent on salary equalization.” for the evening. J. W. BALDWIN, Those who made up the party parks, while he had a tonsil ia, who have been visiting her In substance, the board’s ans Forest Grove. wer to the taxpayers request for were Zonweiss Douglass, Louise operation on Monday. He ex- mother, Mrs. H. Eggleston, left county employee salary reductions Roberson, Nelle Green, Alice was the suggestion that salaries Parker, Mary Ann Childs, Kath-; in Columbia county be standard ryn Malmsten and the hostess. ized with those in other coun Olsons Visit ties. This may well mean an in A. L. Bowman Family crease in Columbia county sal Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Olson, ac aries at a time when salaries in companied by the latter’s sister, private life are tending sharply Miss Leona Ehret, and Ed Sprin downward, living costs to county kle of Portland, visited over the Prices effective Saturday and Monday, Aug. 8, 10 employees are rapidly declining week end in Eglon, Washington, and the taxpayers who pay the with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowman salaries are struggling to find and children, who were Vernonia out what to use for money at residents until two years ago. taxpaying time. While in Vernonia, Mr. Bow If the added burden of county man was for three of four years employee salary increases is piled associated with A. E. Adams in on the shoulders of the haras the meat market and also worked Safeway Hardwheat Blend—every PURE CANE — FINE GRANU sed Columbia county taxpayer, at the O. A. Mill. sack cat ries our money-back guar LATED — it can be laid squarely at the antee— Since going to Eglon Mr. Bow door of Governor Meier’s Colum man has been steadily employed POUNDS bia county appointees on the Tax at the Port Gamble lumber mill POUNDS Conservation board. and has managed a resort on the Sound where he rents boats for Former Principal Visits the fishing, which is exceedingly O. A. Anderson, principal of the Sara, Washington, school, good in that locality. and from 1926 to 1928 principal Blue Rose, Fancy Head Porter’s Best Coil—made Red Mexican — bright, of the Washington grade school Dancing Party from Semolina Wheat— clean stock— Rice— in Vernonia, visited old friends At Verla Messing’s here Wednesday and attended Miss Verla Messing, popular Pounds Pounds ... Pounds the meeting of the chamber of member of the younger set, en commerce. During vacation Mr. tertained a group of friends at Anderson is selling school sup a dancing party in her home plies. e Thursday evening, July 30. At NonC2 TanSSizePink.... OPPOSE REDUCTION CARD OF THANKS NOTICE— Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School Diet. No. 22 of Columbia county, Oregon, for the grading of the Natal school grounds ac- corling to specifications on file at the home of the Dist. Clerk. A certified check of five per cent of the bid must accompany each bid. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids will be opened at 7 p. m., August 10, 1931. Dated this 28th day of July, 1931. OLIVER BURRIS, Chairman NETTIE B. PETERSON, Clerk 632c COUNTY ^VERN°NIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON HARMONY—the new popular laundry bar for all fine fabrics — especially good for dishes. 6 BAR S..... 29c Cantaloupes CORN Yakima Melons. Large size. Pink meat. Fancy local—Golden Yel low and well filled. 3 For DOZEN ........... 19C Corn Flakes KELLOGG’S An ideal breakfast food for warm £* _ weather. Pkg. Ov BANANAS Large, ripe and fine. 12c 5 Pounds ..... 24C In Our Market PORK STEAK From young pork. lb. ... 18c SLICED BACON Eastern sugar cured— no rhind. lb.................. Oil , Mi/C PURE LARD Open kettle rendered. 3 lbs. 30c