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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1931)
PAGE FOUR » h ——. Umunna Pacific Coast Representative Arthur W. Slype», Inc. UTM»»« San Francisco IXV j If 4<sociAnr>‘i Member of National Editorial Association and Oregon State Editorial Association. *2.00. Per Year in Advance Issued Every Friday Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, Sc per line succeeding insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher AN UNJUSTIFIABLE INCREASE Governor Meier has done a great deal for the tax payers in urging economy in administration including, where necessary, reduction in salaries. Unfortunately he set this week an atrociously bad example when the board of control increased the salary of its secretary, William Einzig, from $4000 to $7000. Obviously the governor him self must have had a hand in awarding this rich plum to a favorite, for he and Rufus Holman, state treasurer, cast the deciding votes on the board. One can hardly conceive of Holman joining with Hal Hoss, the third member, in opposing the governor. Instead of an increase to $7000, the Governor to be consistent should have voted for a 20 per cent reduction. $3360 in these times ought to be a fairly comfortable salary for a clerk of the board of control. Rigorous economy for all except one’s special friends and appointees is no rule even for a capable governor who has enoyed a popularity seldom equalled in the history of the stata SHUTTING DOWN THE MILL Although the mill of the Oregon-American Lumber company ceases the sawing of logs this week, the shut down is neither so complete nor so paralyzing as some have supposed. For one thing, the planing mill has several months work ahead and will continue to operate, The shipping department also will be active. Then too the management, though it cannot make any promise at this time, hopes to resume sawing in the fall. That this will be done if possible is evidenced by the efforts of Judd Greenman, general superintendent, to keep the whole plant operating as much of the time as he can, and by the cooperation of Charles S. Keith, president, and J. M. Bernardin, receiver of the parent company, with his efforts. For the credit of Mr. Greenman and the company it may be mentioned that the motive of continued operation is not profit, which seems to be out of the question in the present demoralized state of the lumber market, but to provide employment and help Vernonia. Besides the business of the O.A. company, Vernonia is receiving an increasingly large share of Clark and Wil son business from Camps 8 and 10. The “repression is still on” as Andy puts it, but it is neither so severe nor so threatening here as some have thought. There is still a great deal of vitality left. THE FARMERS’ MARKET The chamber of commerce committee appointed to in vestigate the question of a farmers’ market is collecting information, and pending its receipt an opinion as to whether or not the establishment of one is feasible here would be premature. In principle, however, the proposition is sound. Whole sale prices for produce, even though as liberal as the gro cers can afford to make them, are an insufficient return for the farmer’s labor and investment. He needs, often, a full retail price for his commodities in order to break even. There can be no sound prosperity in this country until the farmer has an adequate buying power. The move ment to establish farmers’ markets is an effort to restore to him the ability to provide for his family the things that they should have. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON be a good man, we cannot say, but we do know that Burnett saved the county many a dollar in the construction of the Mist- Clatskanie market road. He prov ed beyond a doubt that he knows road building. But the issue is not between Miller and Tracy. This does show, however, who is behind the recall movement and why. More facts can be given along thia line if the people want it. We would like Tracy and his followers to give answers to the following, taken from the charges he as chairman of the recall pre FRIDAY, AUGUST ?, 1931. The Annual Tug o’ War! fers: her sister, Mrs. Good, and also ter, Mrs. J. D. Reese, formerly of the Lee Osborn family. Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn were Milton Kerr was born at New business visitors in the village Brunswick, Maine, July 25, 1854, Sunday evening. and was orphaned at the age of Mr. and Mrs. A. Buckley and seven years. Oscar Jones were up from As He was sent from his native toria where they are employed city at that age to make his home over the weekend. with his father’s sister and fami- Ray Taylor and Orville Jones ly in or near Green Bay, Wis- spent the weekend at the beach, I consin. Here he grew to man- Raymond McGee spent Sunday hood. a week ago at the beach with In his early youth he sojourn- a party of friends from Verno ed to Wadena, Minnesota, where nia. he secured a tract of land and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and niece made his home. Irene DeRock spent a couple of He was married November 1, 1881, to Anna Geaba. days last week in Portland. Death A number from the village at called his wife on November 16, tended the birthday party given 1888, leaving a baby daughter. for Ruth Scalling Friday night Broken in spirit, he sought sol at her home in Birkenfeld. ace and peace in God’s great out Mrs. Grover Devine and moth- of doors in the Rockies. He was er and Mrs. Lindborgh motored always happiest by himself until to Clatskanie Monday evening we find him "asleep” in God’s visited the John Devine fam- care, his great sorrow forgotten to awaken in the Home Over There.. MILTON KERR He leaves to mourn his loss The following obituary of Mil a daughter, Mrs. J. D. Reese ton Kerr, who was found dead and her family. in his home a week ago Wednes day was furnished by his daugh- Eagle classifieds get results. 1. Give us definite instances where he is or has been ineffi cient in the performance of his duties as county commissioner. 2. You charge that he has failed to comprehend and live up to the purposes of his office as county commissioner, has over looked the wishes and desires of the electorate in making appoint ments which have hampered and obstructed road work in various districts. Mr. Tracy, take your district where a large petition favored you for supervisor. How would you have been better than Talburt in the Washington Dailv Newa Burnett has been? Would you have spent more money or less? What did you do that was solknow where he stands all the' | back for a six weeks vacation ¡from school at that place. much better than Burnett has;' time. | Robt. Shields came down from done? These are questions of He does not court public opin- which you should have definite ion. He does what he thinks is Cottage Grove Tuesday taking knowledge and should be able to right and stands by what he does. his mother and brother back with him Tuesday evening. They answer, figures on the cost of have been visiting her daughter, Is that the kind of a man we your work, etc., are on file at the Mrs. G. Devine, for the past county offices and are available. want for county commissioner, or do we want a jelly fish who ag month. Let us have them. rees with everyone he talks with Seaside visitors Tuesday were 3. Where has Mr. Miller not concerning county matters? Mrs. Wm. Bridgers, Mrs. L. B. been economical? Give us defi Eastman, Mrs. A. Wallace, Mrs. nite instances. Again figures are I It is going to be up to the G. Devine, and Mrs. J. Lawyer. they should voters to decide and available, let’s have them. You Mrs. Nancy Lindborgh return charge he has not reduced ex think seriously and go to the ed to Astoria Tuesday after visit penditures consistent with the bottom of all stories. —Clatskanie Chief. ing a few days at the Devine trend of times. The county tax home. league met recently and made its away from the drudgery of Mrs. Chas. Melis came down recommendations with a proposed wash day .... from Portland to spend the week cut of approximately *10,000 pro end with her parents here, bably less, on a million dollar tax I Mrs. Lourey of Portland is vi roll and a good share of that Mrs. A. A. Dowling siting for a few weeks with her cut was in salaries of clerks and daughter, Mrs. Eder Wallace. under deputies getting less than Mr. and Mrs. Steagens left Mrs. Woods has as her guest *100 a month. This speaks migh ty well for the economical way Sunday for their home in Mon her daughter and child from Port the court has been spending tana, 5 miles from Great Falls. land. Mrs. Steagens was formerly Miss Mrs. Dowling was a caller at money. 4. You charge that county Anna Aamodt. They have been the Chas. Sundland home Thurs For Prompt Service. moneys have been unwisely ex spending their honeymoon here day. in the valley, visiting at the ( Mr. and Mrs. Rymal Johnson pended. That means nothing. home of her mother. I were up from Thompson’s Siding A Grudge Recall Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers Wednesday visiting the Johnson Low Pound Rates for Family Wash. The recall movement is * and the Misses De Rock spent (and Sundland families, grudge recall, an attempt to get the weekend down at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush motor- revenge for personal reasons. Miss Olga Holmstrom and herjed to Vernonia Saturday, The campaign is being carried mother motored to Vancouver, L. E. Knowles butchered four on by stories that have no basis Washington, Sunday to visit rela hogs Sunday and shipped them of fact. to Portland the first of the week. tives. The Clyde Henderson family If everybody who is handed a Mrs. L. E. Knowles’ daughter petition to sign will investigate Marguerite arrived last week from from Portland are spending their thoroughly the story that is told California for an indefinite visit vacation in the valley visiting him before signing the petitions with her mother. will not be signed. We under Mrs. Joseph Banzer was a Fri stand there are some sorry they day evening caller at the Austin have signed the petitions. Dowling residence. Ruth Scalling was a Thursday The recall backers are preach ing extravagance. We wonder guest of Alberta DeRock here in For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business if the voters realize what a spe the village. and professional people. Mrs. John Patrick and brother cial election will cost the county. After all, are they so interested Kenneth Smith motored to Verno in economy? Or is it because nia Friday afternoon. RESTAURANTS DOCTORS Lois Devine also came home. they couldn’t get a job? TELEPHONE — CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENT She has been visiting relatives Office 672 Re». 673 Miller Has His Faults Terminal Cafe in Cottage Grove for several J. N. Miller has his faults, He weeks. THE RIGHT PLACE DR. R. A. OLSON is a darn poor politician. One Chiropractor TO EAT L. E. Knowles was a Vernonia of the worst in the county, He business visitor one day last week. OVER CLINE FURNITURE H. A. SIMMONS, Proprietor Annette Beauty Shoppe STORE won’t keep his mouth shut when Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland Telephone 431 asked for his opinion. He won’t, drove ____ to _______ , „ __ _ Portland ______ Friday going TRANSFER — TRUCK pass the buck. He takes what he ■ on to Monmouth for the evening naoRFP '■unce does and thinks on the chin. You and bringing their son Donald Marvin R. Eby, M. D. MONDAY back on Mist Simply Call 711 Vernonia Laundry Professional and Business Directory $5 BARBER SHOP Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed CARD ROOM PASTIME CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Physican and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 What Other Editors Think I CONTRACTORS. Physician and Surgeon Vernonia, Oregon Office Phone 663 ftes. Phone 664 Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted DR. C. O. ANDERSON JOHN A. MILLER Oregon-American Lumber Co. Spelialist—Optometrist General Contractor Mason Work, Building HOTELS Wholesale and Retail I Eye 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store C. BRUCE LUMBER Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. Vernonia, Oregon BAFFORD BROS General Plumbing Vernonia DENTISTS M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling DR. J. A. HUGHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. ranted or not. Charges of inefficiency, extra vagance, incompetency, etc., can be hurled in general terms and a recall following springs up with out any specific instances on any of the above charges given. That is a deplorable affair and is a discredit to any democratic and so-called enlightened community. WHAT’S BEHIND THE W. I. Tracy who last year was MILLER RECALL? supervisor in the Rainier district is heading the recall movement. Last week saw the start of a Miller was the one responsible recall petition against J. N. Miller, for him losing his job. True, a county commissioner. large petition from that district While the recall is headed by s . favored him, Mr. Miller and the discharged road supervisor and is ¡court favored Lee Barnett and having the support of at least I put him in the job instead of one former supervisor and others Tracy. Tracy is charging Miller with who have been eating from coun ty road work, it is to be taken extravagance. Here’s an inter seriously because of present eco esting fact. Last year Tracy charged *153.60 for mileage fees nomic conditions. The cry for decreased taxes, which is so much in the public less expenditures, and bigger and eye right now. Burnett to date more improvements is in the air has sent in a bill for *28 for the and every official from President seven months of this year. Why the difference? Maybe Hoover down is now the popular subject of an attack whether war. Mr. TYacy can tell us. Tracy may howl CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store REEHER A LUEBKE New And Used Good« Bargains in Furniture A Stove» 11 First Ave. North Forest Grove, Oregon ■■■ IILW1I FMTIWilonZ IH (MeEAIINC à AT HCMI j hotel M c D onald MONEY TO LOAN Money to Loan On improved real estate; long time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St Helens Oregon. If it is Printing we can do it and do it right