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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1931)
FRIDAY, AÜGÜST 1, 1031. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO - I Railroad Mail’s Heroism Recognized Natal Mr». Jake Neurer ■W K. A. McNeill made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Rose Fletcher visited in Hillsboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kirk and Mrs. J. H. Bush were in Portland Monday. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Hurley and daughter Velna spent Sunday at Cannon Beach. O. H. Graves received this week 200 fine white leghorn pul lets ready for laying. Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mrs. Earl Smith, and Mrs. J. H. Bush were Portland visitors Tuesday. A. C. Timmons of Wilark cut his toe with an ax last Friday. The injury is not serious. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Downs, near Vernonia, Monday night. Hotel Hy Van guests this week included Ed Bates, R. A. Downs of Medford, W. A. Forrest, Ta coma, N. A. Sprague, H. E. Par ker, Spec Ford, Webb Campbell, Robert Acorn, Wm. Brown, Mrs. Crain, Mrs. Ericson, E. H. Leahy, and H. R. Loriman of Portland. Mrs. Fred Veith gave a dinner Sunday in honor of her sister, Miss Grace Dewey of Vancouver, Washington. Other guests were Miss Ethel Clifton of Olympia, Lloyd Kauffman of Vancouver, Miss Margaret McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Veith and son Freddie. Will anyone having cast-off clothing that can be used or made over, kindly leave it at the office _ of the Oregon Gas and Electric company on Bridge street or telephone 1023 and it will be called for. Vernonia Community Chest Board. « • i-.-s ; an ArM(c.lrtlh.»T I. I, . i.'VW. / - I- ?? i SK-KANE .P-. ««I.I.ANI* AND?SFATTI1. RAILWAY ’< V.MPAN V ' 5? » A' 4'¿PA i h- Gl.tÆ LIN TON (T:Nni;RGA.S:i < ■ <!. »rE-è”- ■ feat ..'■■■ :■ W . JKSjl'K • Egli ................. ,•■«*»< »r I... Ul'. -M ■ « ;S ASB.ÀÎA. •’KI a XV s ‘H i tpi:,-. P HlS KAUMA »;< Myr.K/S«: 5 KICK ÍW: v; m F ,, j.o: -vk,,. w.:: i «ii.•• > r t. Itt WtV. «yi'r i. IX* pt : VM«; till lx’xh.N*’X(X' > K ip A<.l HI WAX l’>¿ y. Vft M.U i -IV L¿ IMI. 1 ' i «Miftpiw. f ’¡ i- .1 |,I >u •'/ NÍXi ' Hl’>Xx Ô î RQIC v M ç RJM H . yi i Hli l’ttf IHI.XÍM !A l A IN W*/ AS ( ÌU iíiixisfeg • '.MU r t.u« H, \xt; 'A C’UU> Wl-in M «. í XM- * i IU J <1 7‘V * ** fH.JY (S l'RCÂÎÎ.tw. t así ': ’ • . í 'ai: „ ...... i «V V -'í". ■ FORTIANI> OtlCiUN.-JUn W WJ1 > a —__ y»: * ■ ->• Hi Bob Whitsell began on Monday News has been received of the the construction of a dwelling on birth of a daughter, Janet Ann, his property about one mile south to Mr .and Mrs. Leon Holyfield of town. at Burns, Oregon, July 26. Both A seven pound daughter was Mr. and Mrs. Holyfield are well (Cut courtesy or Oregon Journal) born to Mr. and Mrs. O. H. known in Vernonia. Mrs. Holy Handsome bronze plaque present Graves at their home on O. A. field, formerly Annie Laurie ed to Glen C. Pendergast of the Laird, is a graduate of the local hill Monday afternoon. Spokane, Portland and Seattle Rail high school. way by W. F. Turner. President of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson the road, In recognition of his re Ira Foster who is employed cent heroism In saving from drown and family, Emil Messing, and In the Columbia River, near Lester Sheeley made a business with the Clark and Wilson comp ing any, received a broken wrist and Astoria, Teruko Sumata, two-year- trip to Portland Monday. three broken ribs when he was old Japanese girl. The text of the plaque Is as fol Robert Jones, master mechanic, thrown onto the highway from lows; "SPOKANE. PORTLAND who was injured two weeks ago the running board of the car on AND SEATTLE RAILWAY COM when struck in the knee by a which was riding July 31. The PANY extends to its employee piece of steel is now able to re- accident happened near Pittsburg. GLEN CLINTON PENDERGAST sume his work. Mr. Foster has gone to his home Its sincere thanks for his action on July 4, 1931, tn rescuing from in Siletz to recuperate. drowning TERUKO SUMATA, a Dr. Roland Eby of Portland girl, two years of age who, Registered at Hotel McDonald Japanese was in town Friday and Satur frightened by an oncoming train, day looking after the profession this week were T. W. Cowan, had fallen from the railway trestle al duties of Dr. Marvin R. Eby Westport, R. D. Hill, Newberg, A. at Astoria, Oregon, into the waters B. Igan, Florence, E. Santee, of the Columbia River. He was who was in Portland. Vancouver, Washington, Marie alert In discovering from his posi Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Manuel Kirkpatrick, C. G. Davies, Frank tion on the train, upon which he and his family were riding for and son Jimmie of Portland were B. Kahl, J. C. Penelope, H. V. pleasure, the imminent danger to guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gustofson, J. C. Armstrong, Joe this child and was quick to act. Turner Tuesday. Mrs. Manuel is , Weber, H. A. Hansen, I. R. He was unselfish in leaving the se curity of his own family circle and a sister of Mr. Turner. I White, and Lyle White of Port in going to the aid of a child who land. Was unknown to him. He was Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eby of heroic in plunging from the trestle Oregon City and their nephew, The Christian Endeavor society Into the river at the risk of his own Lester Fox, of San Francisco, of the Christian church held a life and without thought for his Glen Clinton Pendergast visited with Dr. and Mrs. Marvin lawn social at the home of Mr. own safety. He was modest in dis claiming any reason for praise for what he had done. This Company R. Eby over the weekend. and Mrs. H. A. Tays on 0. A. Is proud of his action and begs to assure him of its deep appreciation L. H. Plummer of Riverview hill last Friday evening. The and lasting respect. Portland, Oregon, July 10, 1931. W. F. TURNER, injured his leg Monday while evening was enjoyably spent in President.” stepping off a moving railway an election of officers for the truck. He was working for the coming year, then games and a other two, both of which are erinarians pointed out that sal very pleasant time. The 22 peo- now in general use, are immuni mon poisoning may also be trans Clark and Wilson company. pie reported it was an evening ties against chicken pox and coc- mitted by a blood injection, a E. J. Douglass of the Miller well spent. cidiosis of chickens. fact which was used as the basis Mercantile company’s force is About six years ago veteri for the development of the im having his ten-day’s vacation. W. O. s. C. DISCOVERS narians at the experiment station munizing serum. This is said A. Forrest of Tacoma is substi ANOTHER IMMUNITY found that the deadly disease | to be the first time in the history tuting for him at the local store. caused in dogs, foxes or coyotes of medical science that a fluke A. Tays, 88, father of H. A. New Hyper-Immune Serum to from eating salmon and some has been found to act as a car Tays, is suffering from a broken Prevent Salmon Poisoning times trout, was carried by a rier for an infectious disease. nose sustained when he slipped parasite in the fish. The life of Dog» Developed The effectiveness of the new and fell on a road near the O.-A. cycle and habits of the fluke serum in producing immunity to mill Monday morning. His con With the discovery of a new, were studied, and many experi- the disease has been definitely dition is very good. hyper-immune serum which will ments conducted in the search established through experiments The condition of George Ohler protect dogs from the dreaded for a means of controlling the in different sections of western Oregon, according to Dr. B. T. who is in critical condition in St. salmon poisoning which has long disease. In announcing the discovery of Simms, head of the veterinary de Vincent’s hospital, Portland, with been a serious problem to the a broken back and other injuries livestock industry of the coastal the new serum before a group partment of the college. No sustained July 23 is reported to regions, Oregon State college ¡of 100 veterinarians from Ore- I means of curing salmon poison experiment station has developed ,— gon, Washington and British Co-...„ _ ________ ing after .. it has been contracted be improving. its third immunity—a record 1 be- lumbia gathered at the college has yet been found, however, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haight lieved to be unequaled by any for their annual convention last the study will be continued with The J week, the experiment station vet- this end in view. "2 States. . ~2 returned to their home in Chelan, station in the United Washington last Friday morning after spending a week at the home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haight. C. S. Hoffman and Miss Cath erine Hoffman who have been enjoying an extended vacation with other members of the family at McKenzie Bridge were in town for several days last week returned to their McKenzie tage Tuesday morning. AUGUST SALE - - Dresses Reduced This summer’s voile, shantung and wash ray on dresses—the cleverest styles and best ma terials—were $2.95 to $3.49— Aoic $1.95 to $a.<95 G. L. Brown, employed by Ornduff Logging company badly bruised Tuesday morning as a result of being struck by a log when the truck tipped over as he was loading it. He was brought to a local physician’s of fice for medical attention. A special purchase of voile dresses for the larger women—were $2.95— Now $1.95 Millinery Bargains On every ladies’ hat in our stock regardless of cost—on all childrens’ hats— were 50c to $4.95----------- Ringlette Permanent $5.00 Note 25c and $1.00 Including Shampoo and Finger Wave Those who once try the “Ringlette” will never again endure the discomfort of waves given with the old type, heavy over-head chan delier. Blondo Shoes All blonde shoes—some are pumps, some are straps, some lor .port- O|| STAR BRAND’ SHOES ARE BETTER Miladv*» SHOP SAVE Beauty Shoppe HERE MONEY Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 Matthews Brothers are now logging on the Clyde Johnson Johnson place. Operations start ed last week. There is some fine first class timber there. Clyde Johnson and Earl Holce are do ing the falling and Matthews are using their trucks to haul the logs to Oregon-American mill pond. Mrs. Marie Holmstrom was a business visitor in Vernonia on 1 uesday. Jake Neurer sold a milch cow recently to Ivan Sherer on Rock creek. Frank Peterson and son Rich ard were business callers in Ver- nonia Tuesday. Mrs. Doe James carried the Vernonia-Mist mail route for Mrs. C. R. Watts one day last week. Fred Paarknon from the Burn as a Natal visitor on Sunday. John Benzar made a business trip to Vernonia Tuesday morn- ing. Don Pringle spent Tuesday in Vernonia on some business. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback and daughter Louise from St. Helens arrived Friday evening to spend a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. Miss Olga Holmstrom and her mother were Tuesday evening vis- itors at the home of Mrs. Noble Dunlap and her mother, Mrs. M. Peterson. Zale Holmes irono Riverview was rt Natal visiting friends Monday. The Clyde Henderson family from Portland called to see Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Mills from Long Beach, California, are here visit ing Mrs. Mills's sister, Mrs. Mollie Wright. Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Wright were both born and raised here on the place known as the old Ray place. The two fami lies spent part of Sunday visit ing their old home place here. C. C. Clay of Vernonia was a community business caller Satur- day. Lincoln Peterson had as a house guest his sister for the past week. Harvest time is here, Several farmers in this vicinity have cut grain. Some are cutting and Shower at others shocking, and will be stack A. R. Melis Home ing soon. I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn took I i MIST—(Special.) — A miscel a load of vegetables to Vernonia I I laneous shower was given at the Monday. A. R. Melis home Saturday even Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Hill mo- ing for Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Melis, tored to Portland last week and the occasion also being Mrs. Met returned again Saturday. is’s birthday. Both Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Burris and granddaugh- Chas. Melis and Mrs. A. R. Melis ter, Miss Beatrice Perry, were in received many beautiful and use Vernonia Monday on business. ful gifts. Mr. Matthews is doing the car The evening was spent in penter work on the new Natal games and music, Delicious re- bridge now being built. freshments consisting of sand- Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were wiches, cake, coffee and ice on business in Vernonia Tues cream were served. day. I Those present were Mr. and Lloyd Green from Treharne and Mrs. u. J. W. Foster, aiiu and «ix. Mr. m$u ... I i airs. vy . rusicr, was at Natal Saturday visiting • Mrg Fred Fogter of clatgkaniei friends. Mrs. Lowrey of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peterson and her jjrg' O. Steagens of Montana, grandson Floyd drove to Portland' Mrs. M: Aamodt and son, Mrs. where Mrs. Peterson is taking _ ^ye^ 1. medical .r_„ . A 4 . A « . Dowling and son ann Ror. meuicai treatments. treatments._______ j Mrs Ber- The Vernonia Bakery truck ig n«d, Donald Sundland Mr. and making daily runs out to Tre- Mrs. George and daughter Char- . I leen, Anne Cechmnek, Mrs. E. T. arn 1_________ __________ | Wallace, Mrs. A. Wallace, Mr. and Read the Eagle classified ads i Mrs. F. E. Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. —there may be something that i A. R. Melis and Miss Bernice will save you money.Updike. JM \ ' \x hr PI - W ■ Sliced Bread Mother’s Bread may be obtained sliced or un- sliced. Modern Methods Always. Vernonia Bakery