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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1931)
I Vernonia History Recounted in Series Of School Essays (Continued from page three) within the next ten days, the court decided, and will be com pleted after about two weeks. The cost is estimated at between $1200 and $1500. A road ripper, badly needed in sections of the county, was purchased for use in road dis tricts Nos. 6, 14 and 21, includ ing the City of Rainier, the Rainier district and the Fern- hill district. The next meetng of the court will probably take place next Monday. —St. Helens Sentinel Firestone Emphasizes Craftsmanship large electrically driven sawmill. Its population according to the 1930 census is 1,625. There are two modern grade schools, with about 500 students enrolled. There are 170 students enrolled at the high school, many of whom are transported 18 miles daily in school busses. Some of the important build ings built in 1929 were the new Masonic temple, several new gar-! ages, the new Oregon Gas and Electric building, the new Joy theatre, the Oregon-American, The crane crew will cease work- guest house, and a large lumber shed. I | ing some time next week, or In 1929 a fire swept out prac-|when all the empty trucks are tically one block of Vernonia. It loaded. Train 103 will also be destroyed one drug store, one' taken off. The store will then Harvey S. Firestone, world famous tire magnate and outstanding industrialist shown working on the tire molds in the mammoth Firestone beauty shop, several pool halls close indefinitely, and restaurants and a furniture! The Larson and Westlin famil Factory at Los Angeles. “There is no American industry “The personal, direct interest of store. This block has not been ies expect to move to Cathlamet, where pride of craftsmanship is employee in making the best built up since the fire. Washington, about August 1, greater than in the Firestone fac every tires it is possible to build undoubt In 1930 the new bridge across where Westlin and Larson are tories,” says R. C. Tucker, vice- edly has been a big factor in the Rock creek was built; also the working for the Crown Willamette president and general sales manager remarkable list of records held by of the Western Firestone factories. Firestone. No one gets any bigger $75,000 grade school and the company. “Mr. Firestone has long recognized out of the Indianapolis races, J. C. Penney building. Those who visited in Portland that it takes something more than thrill Vernonia now has electric while the crane was being repair materials, skill and equipment to for instance, than Firestone em because the tires they build lighting, a sewer system and a ed last Friday and Saturday were build the best products,” explains ployees, “In the vast Firestone or have carried all the winners to vic water system. The water supply Walt Peterson, John Warnstaff, Tucker. ganization this something more is a tory for twelve consecutive years. is taken from Rock creek. same in the great transconti I Chris Beebe, and Mr. and Mrs. pulling together spirit among all of The Vernonia has a chance of be-1 A. Granquist, and sons George the 15,000 designers and builders of nental runs and other supreme tests of tire strength and stamina. Firestone products. Each of these coming one of the leading towns and Robert. , “The fact that every tire Firestone craftsmen is a Firestone stockholder of Oregon because of the amount Misses Bertha and Avious Scott --partners with Mr. Firestone in the builds bears the name Firestone and of timber which surrounds it, business. Each shares responsibility must measure squarely up to the spent Sunday in Portland visiting and reward with the active head of Firestone quality standards is an and because of its good farm their aunt, Mrs. C. Snider. the business. To these men sales other important reason for the pride lands. profits mean far more than ma of craftsmanship and the indomitable Mrs. John Warnstaff and dau and terial gain. Efficiency and progress spirit found in the Firestone factor EGG GRADING PROFITABLE ghter returned to camp Monday are the natural results. ies.” H. E. Botsford market specialst from a visit to relatives at Prine at Cornell University, as a re ville. peas, etc., returned home Sunday. sult of a recent survey on the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson Geo. and Harold Parker are effect of the New York egg grad and Mrs. C. E. Westlin were «er-1 assisting J. Bertraw in building ing, states that a probable in nonia shoppers Monday. Mrs. Lee Hall a new barn. crease in egg consumption can be R. B. Fletcher returned to camp i Mr and Mrs. Gus Hyde went accomplished by sellin eggs on a Saturday after spending a week to Laurel Sunday to visit the definite grade basis. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Malmsten latter’s brother, Arthur Fowler, with his wife during her recent The egg grading law of Ore illness in Portland. Mrs. Fletcher went to Vancouver, Washington gon is a guarantee also of quality is convalescing rapidly. Thursday of last week to visit' Mrs- Nannie Hal1 and Krand‘ to consumer, more careful meth Mrs. F. D. O’Donnell’s sister their son Harvard, who has been I daughters LaVonne Hall and Bet- military training ods of handling and fairer prices and family of Cornelius spent attending ____ _ the __ ___ —, — ...... „ tie Lou Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. wwR. with wav» the v».v O v ’Donnells, ^vi.uv.*o school ovwwi the v..v past six weeks. ........ ». c- Fowler spent the week for the standardized product. last week Mrs.j end „„J *n Waldport visiting Lee r picking ° wild black berries part Alice Malmsten and son Melville ¡Hall TT„11 and 4-U« the XT* E. V E. ltfJllo Mills fnmilv family. Fred Watkins Takes • and J. B. Hair accompanied them, j of the time. Harvard Malmsten is home from W. S. Roberts’ Place Carl Westlin, Jonas Larson and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson Vancouver, Washington, Friday of Wilfred DeClusion spent Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAllister g last week, the session of military Fred Watkins, for the past with their respective families. and sons Jack and Melvin of , ' I training school being closed. eight years deputy assessor of Helens spent the evening at ^1 Miss Lillian Hall of Rainier NOTICE— Columbia county, was given the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. i was in Riverview Sunday for a The undersigned hereby gives x I Fowler Monday, appointment as assessor at the I short visit. of intention to construct „ . notice session of the County Court - . . . river! . I Mr. Clifford Fowler . and Mr. ------ and ------- Mrs. ------- Bert Cummings fish trap in the Columbia .. , sons^ , ---- -- Monday, July 13. Mr. Watkins a located 400 feet from low water' Delbert and Harold visited the and son Val of Dayville, Oregon, will fill the vacancy left by the resignation of W. S. Roberts, mark of lower end of Crims former’s brother at Laurel, Ore. |whiie on their way to Seaside which will take effect August 1, Island, license to be applied for} Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason who J stopped over and visited Mrs. where he has accepted a posi at next meeting of Oregon Fish have been in the house with Cumming’s brother and family, --------- ’s parents, r------- - Mr. ---- and ---- ( Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Throop. tion in the Federal Land Bank. Commission. This trap to extend Mrs. Mason ' Aunt Sally Spencer and grand- from Mrs. Bud Bobbins, have moved approximately 600 feet The appointment of R. W. I into • <• the ,1 Timmons m1.... _ _ ’ » houses 1____ 1 daughter May De Ett Throop | one of shore. Hanaford as deputy county clerk [went to Portland Tuesday. 512c in Vernonia. (Signed) Ole Soleim went on record as being ap Mrs. Elsie Parker went to Kea-' George Ford was a visitor at proved by the court. sey Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Aunt Sally Spencer’s Sunday. Hebrew Money Dog licenses in the county Mason. | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Throop The monel «ry system of the He were fixed according to the am- brews was based upon the Baby Mr. and Mrs. Bud Robbins, who and family and Mrs. Spencer were ended 1930 provision of the Ore- Ionian system of weights. The ratio gon Code at $2.00 and $3.00, of the value of gold to silver was I has been spending two weeks at calling on Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'the home of J. Bertraw on Soul’s Spencer of Treharne Sunday, with an added penalty of $2.00 I ;1S 1 3 and prevailed over all 'hill, assisting in haying, canning' Mrs. Alta Johns and Rilla each for dogs not licensed with- western Asia in the time provided by the law, all sums to be paid to the coun ty clerk. The bridge over the Nehalem river at Birkenfield will be re paired, the work to be started Camp McGregor Riverview A simple card or envelope job or a complicated color or book job. The Eagle’s job shop is ready to serve you with the best. SAFETY SAVE PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1931. DPl/G SIQPt No More Tiresome Fly-Swatting Elkay’s Fly-Kil is ths mod ern method of exterminet- lng flies, mosquitoes, and all types of bugs. Just a few shots with ths spray gun and the flies sre no more. "NOTHING . . . reveals the character of a firm better than the stationery it uses” . . . Mary Ann Childs, and Sara Mc cream, cake and punch were serv Gee. ed. The guests included Geraldine Cason, Eva Chambers, Maxine Miss Zonweiss Douglass was Birthday Party For Brady, Linn Brady, Shirley Ann complimented with a surprise Virginia Johnson Brady, Ralph Chambers, Nina Me- birthday party at her home on To celebrate her seventh birth Donald, June May Hobson, and the evening of July 16. Games were played and delic day Virginia Johnson entertained Violet Johnson. ious refreshments served. Friends a group of friends with a party present were Nelle Green, Doro at the home of her parents, Mr. Quality paper, the best work thy June Wolff, Kathryn Malm-, and Mrs. C. V. Johnson, on the manship, and guaranteed to please you is what the Vernonia Eagle Sten, Edna Owens, Hattie Ross, afternoon of July 19. Refreshments of home-made ice1 stands for in printing. Try us. Zonweiss Douglass Complemented Right Always First In every perplexity, every crisis, do the thing which Is right if you have to do it with your eyes blinded and with the consciousness that you are put ting your whole fortune on the scale.—Lyman Abbott That’s Not Very Fast Penn’s Inheritance William Penn Inherited from Admiral Penn, his father, a claim against the crown of 16,000 pounds. King Charles II gave him the land, practically the present state of Pennsylvania, In settlement of the claim. “Fickle Multitude” The word “mob" is a contraction of the Latin “mobile vulgus." mean ing “fickle multitude.” It came Into use In England as a slang term some time between the reign of Charles II and the overthrow of James XL Stagnation "When you »Its yohse’f on yoh own mind,” said Uncle Eben, "you can't go forward no mo' dan a man who let one foot go to sleep while It was standin’ on de other.”— Washington Star. Varieties of Evidence Though no evidence affects the fancy so strongly as that of sense, yet there is other evidence which gives us as full satisfaction and as clear a conviction to our reason. —Atterbury. Value of Complimente Compliments are something you treasure all your life; and those who pay them are always held in pleasant memory. One who Is stingy with compliments Is a goose. Snider of Treharne visited the home of Mrs. T. R. Throop Sat urday. Read the Eagle classified ads —there may be something that will save you money. Mac’s Pharmacy Vernonia, Oregon ru jhnB■***• ****■ * FIRESTONE control every step in the manufacture of of their products. They have their own rubber preparation factory end warehouse in Singapore — their own cord fabric factories — their own great tire factories — the most efficient in the world. The millions of dollars saved annually by Firestone from these great economies are passed on to you in Extra Values. You get the full benefit of these values because every Firestone Tire bears the Firestone name, anil is doubly guar anteed by Firestone and Firestone Service Dealers. \\ by take chances with special brand tires, built just to sell -—-.without the manufacturer’s name, guarantee or responsibility for service. Come in Today and make your own comparisons with cross sections of Firestone Tires and special brand mail order tires. Get the facts yourself about tire quality ami conrtrue- tion. W hen you see the Extra allies you get you will feel secure only on Firestone Tires. COMPARE PRICES MAKE OF CAR Ford__________ ) Chevrolet....... _ ) Chevrolet....... _ „ Ford___ -J.____ Ford............. _ ) Chevrolet_____ > Whitfpet ) Erskine_______ ) Plymouth--------- ) Chandler------------- DeSoto ........... Dodge....... .......... Durant-------------- I Graham-Paige Pontiac.............. I Roose-elt......... 1 Willys-Knight J Essex....... ............ ) Nash____ < Essex.............. j Nash . ' Oldsmobile......... ) F 1 rettone Firestone Special Oldfleld Oldfleld Brand Type t « m Cash Prie« Mail Order Cash Price Tire Each Per Pair TIRE SIZE 1.50-21 «•*9 1.75-19 MB 6.65 1S.9O 5.66 5.68 11.14 1.75-20 *•7« 6.75 13.10 5-75 5.75 11.*6 6.98 IS.60 S-99 5.99 11.66 5.00-19 Let the Meat Decide the Vegetables 7-*O 7.10 X3.SC S.1O 6.10 II.90 7.M 6.33 6.35 11.40 5.25-21 •-57 7.35 14.30 8.57 16.70 7-37 7.37 14.SS Firestone Oldfleld Type Cash Price Each -k Special Brand Mall Order Tire Firestone Oldfleld Type Cash Price Per Pair 5.25-18 6790 $7.90 613-30 5.50-18 e.75 8.75 5.50-19 e.90 8.90 17-30 •I2E Gardner. Mannon------------ Oakland_______ Peerless______ Studebaker..... - Chrysler.__ Vikin#___ Franklin__ Hudson...... Hupmobile. LaSalle___ Packard .... Pierce» Arrow Stats_________ Cadillac Lincoln .......... 6.00-18 It.SO 11.20 *«-7O 6.00-19 6.00-20 6.00-21 6.50-20 7.00-20 11.40 11.40 II.5O 11.50 11.65 13.10 15.35 Lamb and Peas Pork and Green Beans Ham and Spinach Beef and Beets 11.63 13.10 13.33 BUS TIRES TRUCK •lie Here is an idea or two: Firestone Oldfleld Type Cash Price Each -ffSpecial Brand Mail Order Tiro Firestone Oldfleld Typo Cash Price Per Pair 617.9s *9.75 3*.9S 15.33 $17.95 29.75 32.95 15.35 634-90 57-90 63.7« »9 »0 30x5 H.D........................... 321« H D. ________ H.D. E.BB-2B H.D----------------------- COMPARE CONSTRUCTION and QUALITY 4.75-19 Tir« Firestone Give You Tempting Varieties at That was a compliment, for he implied that our workmanship is in keeping with the fine grade stationery of his choice. • Phone us your Market and Grocery Needs— 721 $1.35 •«.so 4.7« 9.16 9.40 4.85 5.00-21 =1 =1 is EASY 64.35 4.76 4.S3 5.00-20 TIRE then /leal Planning Firestone Firestone -^Special Sentinel Sentinel Brand Type Typs Cash Price Mail Ordei Cash Price Tlf< Each Per Pair $4.98 sew 5.60 lO.gO 5.69 1X.IO 4.40-21 64-96 4.50-20 5-60 MAKE or CAR Moro Weight, pomade Moro Thlcknew, I m U, . . . Mor« Non-Skid Drpth, iwk.. Mor« Plies Under Tread . I1BM Width, inekee • 0 • Some Pr • • • b • . • • 4.SO-S1 Tir« Tlr««t««« ★ A Special Flrol.n« ★ A Special OldR.ld r,p. Sentinel Typ. Brand Mail Or der Tire Brand Mail Or der Tira ìa.oo 17-80 17.02 Ifc.lO .598 .581 .«SB .005 .*50 .254 .Ml .250 • 0 5 5 5.10 5.20 4.75 4.75 sees ••-*5 $4-85 $4-85 “« jmc I o I Brand” tire I. made by a manufacturer for dis tributor« such at mail order house«, oil companies and others, under a name that does not identify the lire manufacturer to the public, usually because he builds his “best quality** tires under his own name. Firestone puts hie name on erery lire he makes. ★ A DdliHt GudWOflt«— Every lire manufactured by Firestone Prompt Deliveries bears the name “FIRESTONE” and carries Firestone's unlimited guarantee and our«. You are doubly protected. Firestone Service Dealers and Service Stores Half Plat 45c Control Every Step in TIRE MAKING Buick_____ Prices within the reach of every pocket book. What sort of business are you conducting—as indicated by your stationery? i from Plantations to Firestone Service Stores and Service Dealers Just as we refer to the speed of an engine by saying It turns over so many revolutions per minute, we can describe the circulation of money by saying roughly that It turns over twenty times a year.— Collier’s Weekly. remarked a customer of ours as he placed a printing order with us on some high quality stock. We can please him, we know—and you. O nly O ne Smail Prosit Vernonia Eagle Bave You Meaojr wad Berre Tea Better Nehalem Market and Kerr Motor Co. Grocery, Inc. Vernonia, Oregon 1