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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1931)
FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR POST OFFICE STAYS HAWLEY DECLARES Tïrnwtiia Eaglr other items necessary to the sheep usual combinations of weather1 LEGION TO STAGE industry and the amount of out- conditions may affect the trees! WRESTLING BOUTS lay justifies strenuous effort to so as to bring on the briwn stain Square Deal The Houlton post office is in' increase the use of wool, mutton trouble, but this has been sug- CORVALLIS, Ore.,—Abe Kap- and lamb crop. no danger of being discontinued gested as a possible factor. Congressman W. C. Hawley ad lin, 220-pound wrestler, now in ------- I A more thorough survey of Service Station Pacific Coast Representativa vised Leslie B. Frizzell, Houlton Portland, has been signed for the FILBERT TROUBLE ¡the situation is now being un-' Arthur W. Stypas, Inc. big match headlining a snappy postmaster, in a letter received STILL IS MYSTERY dertaken by C. E. Schuster and San Francisco U. S. Royal Cord Tires lx wrestling card to be pulled on ______ IP. W. Miller, federal investigat-! Tuesday. The so-called “brown stain di-1 ors of nut culture and nut dis- The letter acknowledged re Bell Field at Corvallis on Thurs Shell Products ceipt of the petition signed by day evening of the Legion con sease” of filberts that threatens eases at the Oregon experiment Member of National Editorial nearly 300 west side residents and vention, August 6, 7, and 9. Kap- to cause severe losses to fil- station, Dependable Mechanics Association and Oregon State Mr. Hawley declared he was for lin took a fall from Gus Sonnen bert growers this season has been ___ Exper- ____ 1 Read the Eagle classified ads warding it to the postmaster gen berg in Portland two weeks ago observed by the Oregon Editorial Association. Shop Work Guaranteed eral with the recommendation and is considered one of the iment station for more than 15.—there may be something that far neither a will save you money. years, but thus foremost contenders for the hea that the post office be continued Issued Every Friday 12.00, Per Year in Advance vy-weight wrestling world crown. cause or cure has been found for as in the past. Either “Australian" Muiro or it, according to a statement just — St. Helens Mist. Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post Strangler Lewis will be Kaplin’s made by specialists of the en office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. opponent in the bout at Corval- tomology and plant pathology de-; lis. Negotiations are being car partments. Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; While the trouble has appear ried on with the managers of legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, both men. ed in a limited way for many 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. Negotiations for the prelimi years, only in certain seasons,, naries and semi-windup are not like the present, has it ever as-, as yet complete, but real top- sumed the proportions of a ma-' RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher notchers are promised by the Cor jor problem. This year it is vallis committee, Ed Brands, being experienced by growers THE SHORT ROAD TO THE SEA County Chamber of Commerce chairman, which is receiving as from the Umpqua valley in Sou There is started in this county sistance from sportsmen in Port thern Oregon up into Washington and in well cared for as well as a movement for a county wide land in arranging the card. In commenting upon the article in the Eagle two weeks chamber of commerce that is de The wrestling program will be neglected orchards, according to ago regarding Vernonia’s hopes for a short road to the sea, serving of the fullest support and gin at 6:30 o’clock Thursday hasty survey made by the col- the Tillamook Headlight says: cooperation of everyone who has evening in the south circle of lege. This trouble is characterized Bell field and will be over in “Messrs Kerr and McGraw and the Vernonia cham any interest in the development time for the big convention ball by an exhudation of a brown of Columbia county. Every big ber of commerce are of course only exercising their development of any section of at the Memorial Union building liquid that first appears as small droplets on the side or ends of right to work energetically for the interests of Verno the country has always had its near the stadium. We have boxes large enough to accommodate the nuts which soon show a sol nia, and their friends in Portland may believe they beginning in some organization. EARL HUNT HURT valuable papers, records, keepsakes—whatever id brown stain. The kernel in are in close touch with the plans and purpopes of the Whenever a group of local men BY LOGGING TRAIN side fails to develop properly you may wish to preserve secure from burglary become sufficiently enthusiastic state highway commission, however, it does not seem and the nuts affected frequent or fire. The charge is nominal. over the prospects of the com probable that the commission is conducting experi munity in which they live to de Earl Hunt, brakeman for the ly fall prematurely. Clark and Wilson company at ments in order to find out if there is not some pos vote some real energy and finan- Wilark, was severely injured Studies by the college have sible way to avoid building the short route from Port ciel aid to the development of Tuesday afternoon when he fell revealed no evidence whatever that the trouble is caused by an land to the Tillamook beaches other than by the “ridge that community it is bound to go beneath a logging train on which infection of any kind. No fun ahead. The only thing that can he was working. He managed route” or the Wilson *river route, either of which its gi or bacteria have been assoc possibly hold it back is the lack engineers found will afford a shorter, more feasible of any resources to develop—and to save his life by rolling clear iated with it. It is confined of the wheels but sustained sev largely to the Barcelona variety, route and one over which a road can be constructed even that has been overcome in ere internal injuries. but is general on various soils, at much less cost than via the Vernonia-Hamlet route. several instances. He was rushed to a Portland elevations and exposures. The plan of having delegates hospital where an operation was The engineers found the length in miles and cost of It is not known whether un- from each of five sections of the performed that night. He rallied construction of roads by the three routes to be as county centering in the incorpor and since been inmproving. follows: “Ridge route, 72.2 miles, cost $2,510,102; Wil ated municipalities is sound. Each well Mr. Hunt is a brother of J. W. son River route, 68 miles, cost $2793,794; Vernonia- section will have equal represen Hunt, county clerk, and Mrs. J. tation in the administration of G. Thompson. Mr. Hunt and Mr. Hamlet route, 84.1 miles, cost $3,177,500. “As regards reaching the most popular beaches, the affairs of the organization. and Mrs. Thompson drove to the distance from Portland to Rockaway via the Ver The only thing that will ever Portland Tuesday night to be at seriously menace the effective nonia-Hamlet route is 113.4 miles; via the ridge route ness of the group will be a pos his bedside. —St. Helens Mist. the distance is 86.6 miles; via the Wilson river route sible spirit of jealousy that might INVESTMENT IS HEAVY route, 91.2. To Twin Rocks, the distance via the “ridge arise. So long as there exists a route” and the Wilson river route is practically the willingness to give and take be Last year there were 5,750,000 the sections of the county sheep valued at $5.40 a head in same, about 90 miles, while via the Vernonia-Hamlet tween the good work of the county Oregon, Washington and Idaho, route it is 113.4. Then, too, it should be remembered chamber of commerce can be con the three northwestern states. that the beaches at Netarts and Oceanside are both tinued and the whole county will This is an investment of $31,150,- Keep cool by letting us do it for you . . be benefitted. The men who are 000. Add to this sum the cost populous and popular.” on the board now are big enough of housing, feeding, interest and at astonishingly little expense. If the main purpose of the proposed short cut is to to realize that and broad enough reach the Tillamook beaches, there can be no question that to insure the success of the un- as it really is, and who doesn’t care much anyway. the Wilson river would be the shortest and best, and the dertaking. —Astorian Budget proponents of any rival routes, the Vernonia-Hamlet includ We say it is a move in the right direction and deserves the ed, would be wasting time and energy in urging their own whole-hearted support of every in projects. No one denies the fact that Rockaway, Twin dividual, firm and industry in 1 Rocks and the rest are popular beaches, but they are by no the county. —St. Helens Mist. means the only ones that Portlanders wish to reach over What Other Editors Think Protect our Valuables by renting a Safe Deposit Box B ank of V ernonia Hot Weather Time Is Baking Time. . . FOR US VERNONIA BAKERY some faster and better route than is now available. By far Portland papers report that the most populous of the beaches is Seaside, which would drunken drivers there, now that not be benefited by the Wilson river road if built. Accord public attention has forced the ing to distance tables in the reconnaisance report of W. D. courts and enforcement officials apply the proper penalties of Clarke, district engineer, January 14, 1931, Seaside would to the law to such offenses, are be 3.2 miles farther by way of the Wilson river route turning to jury trials, in hopes of through Hillsboro and Forest Grove than by the present escaping by this method. We have had the same experience Lower Columbia highway. On the other hand, the Vernonia-Hamlet route through here, and once in a while the drunken driver profits. It is up Hillsboro and Banks would shorten the distance to Sea to the average man, who is called side 19.5 miles. If the Scappoose cut-off (not estimated upon to do jury service to decide in the report) were selected, the saving would be approxi whether or not the next time he mately nine miles more, but the populous North Plains and his family go for a ride on district would not be served. The Banks-Vernonia-Hamlet the highway, they will have to dodge some booze filled idiot who route would be 9.3 miles shorter to Rockaw’ay than is the thinks the road is twice as wide ! present McMinnville-Hebo route and 43.4 miles shorter than by way of the Columbia river and Oregon Coast highways. The Vernonia-Hamlet route, therefore saves mileage to all the beaches along the Oregon Coast highway from Rock away to Seaside, and not merely to one section only. The somewhat higher expenditure would be justified by the fact that a much greater number of people would be served. It may be added, by way of correction of some of the figures stated in the Headlight’s article quoted above, the total distance from Portland to Tillamook via the Forest Grove-Wilson river route is 76.9 miles, not 68 miles. Con struction of the Orenco-Thatcher lake cut-off would lessen the distance to 74.6 miles but increase the cost to $2,938,706. FOR Professional and Business Directory hay ------------------- -------- GRAIN --------- ----------------------- FEED For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. PHONE 681 Vernonia Trading Co. Agency for McCormick-Deering ------ TRACTORS ------ — CROQU1GNOLE PERMANENT MONEY TO LOAN DR. R. A. OLSON On improved real estate; long time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St. Helens Oregon. OVER Annette Beauty Shoppe Telephone 431 --------------- DOCTORS TELEPHONE— Office 672 Res. 673 Chiropractor CLINE FURNITURE STORE I KEhTAUR ANT.1 BARRFR «¡HOPS Marvin R. Eby, M. D. BARBER J Ly shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed Physican and Surgeon DAD’S SANDWICH SHOP Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 Delicious Chile and Sand wiches—Also Roasts and Short Orders CARD ROOM DR. J. A. HUGHES CURLY’S TRANSFER PASTIME Physician and Surgeon Phone Business 221 Residence 653 ----- TRANSFER — TRUCK Vernonia, Oregon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. Eye* Tested CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER Report has it that some of those who signed the peti-j tion that the extra help in the city hall be dispensed with' and that the city recorder be required to collect water rent' did so under the impression that water rates would thereby be reduced. The measure if adopted can not possibly have' any effect upon water rates for several years to come. The reason is that bonds issued at the time of the in-' stallstion of the water system are due in 1934, and to pay these off the present high rates, including the minimum $2.00 charge are absolutely essential. Th*e amount saved from the water collector’s salary (provided some equally effective method of collection were devised) would have no effect upon the principal due at that time. No reduction in water rates, therefore, can be expected until after 1934. If they were lowered before then, the city would have to borrow money to pay off the bonds. That would mean more indebtedness, more taxation, and no hope of relief until we can get out from under. Every little helps, to be sure, but minor economies of themselves will not solve our tax problems, whether city, county or state. General Contractor Eye Spalialisl—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullandor’s Jewelry Store HOTELS Mason Work, Building Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT C. BRUCE The best for those who appreciate the best. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Varaoaia, Orego. BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia ... . DENTISTS------------ I U Uhtl ATINC *4 AT HOME j hotel CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen'* Store REEHER A LUEBKE New And U«ed Goode Bargain. in Furniture A Stoves 11 First Ave. North M c D onald _ __ MOR TIJA RIES__ COMPLETE« M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Local and Long Dis tance Hauling Glasses Fitted DR. C. O. ANDERSON WATER RATES NOT REDUCIBLE Oregon-American Lumber Co. Money to Loan BROWN MORTUARY Phan* 593 E Forest Grove, Oregon Money spent here for printing buys Quality Work «< VERNONIA EAGLE Jop Printing Dept.