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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX ------ Rebekah Club Meets At I. O. O. F. Hall grandi Mrs. Bessie Herrin, secre LOCALS MEET FIRST tary; Mrs. Eula Stanton, right DEFEAT OF SEASON supporter to the noble grand; Mrs. Viola Treharne, left sup (Continued from Page 1) porter to the noble grand; Mrs. Edna Kilby, right supporter to son had little trouble in rolling the vice-grand; Mrs. Sally Brown, up a total of 13 strike-outs. chaplain; Mrs. Martha Frey, in The box score follows: side guardian. ' Vernonia AB R H PO A E lir Linn T : r u .... a 4 1 2 1 0 0 The following officers were ' IW LF absent and ......................................................... will be installed at \ Marshall SS .. 4 0 0 3 0 0 the next meeting: Mrs. Mae Mel-j Greenman IB 3 0 0 9 0 0 linger, outer guard ; Mrs. Grace Davis C ....... 4 0 1 8 1 0 Miner, left supporter to the vice- Meisten 3B 4 0 3 1 8 0 grand; Mrs. Ora Glassner, treas Gregory CF .. 4 0 0 1 0 0 urer. C. Linn 2B 3 0 0 2 8 0 Nelson P ..... 3 1 1 0 4 0 Henderson RF 3 1 1 1 1 0 W. C. T. U. Meet take a chance on a penitentiary term for a few birds. Sheriffs and poultry buyers re port that Oregon poultry raisers Mrs. Jake Neurer The Rebekah club met Tuesday The following article is publish do not seem to understand the afternoon at the Odd Fellow’s ed at the request of Sheriff Os necessity of getting these tags. hall and spent a lovely afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson car G. Weed, who comments, This subjects them to fine for playing games. Prizes were won visited friends at Vernonia Sun- “It will be of value to all poultry failure to comply with the new by Mrs. Helen Fogel and Mrs. day. raisers, in acquainting them of law, which will protect them Pearl McCabe. Mrs. Gilbert Holt Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback some provisions of the law rela greatly when fully complied with. won the consolation prize for and daughter Louise Ann spent tive to the moving of poultry, i Neighboring states are repeat- both games. Whipped cream cake, Sunday at the home of Mr. and the purpose of which is to pro-1 edly asking the Oregon live stock sandwiches and tea were served Mrs. Jake Neurer. and poultry theft prevention ser tect them against theft.” by Mrs. Viola Treharne, Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes vice to hold meetings with their Selma Webb, Mrs. Irene Spencer It may become necessary to add from Vernonia were business visi sheriffs and help develop some and Lena Zinzerling. bird dogs to the poultry theft tors at the Dave McMullen place thing similar to the Oregon sys- prevention force of the “Gasoline I on Tuesday evening. tern. The Oregon sheriff’s of- Rebekahs Install The ladies of the community Cowboy Law” now operating un-J fices, city police officials and der the new Department of Agri surprised Mrs. Ole Stegen, for New Officers state traffic officers have co- At Christian Church 32 3 8 24 15 0 merly Miss Anna Aamodt, with a culture, if poultry thievery de-1 operated one hundred per cent to The officers of Mountain Heart shower on Wednesday. Mr. and velops in Oregon to the extent, make this law a success. We The W. C. T. U. met at the Clatskanie Rebekah lodge were installed a Geary CF ..... 4 1 1 0 0 o Mrs. Stegen will leave for Mon that it has in California, where I need a better cooperation from Christian church Tuesday after just recently two chicken thieves' week ago Thursday evening by noon with a goodly attendance. Goodrich 2B . 3 2 1 4 3 0 tana, where they will make their were arrested at Los AngelesI the poultry raisers, which will the district deputy president, C.Eilertson 3B 1 home. 2 1 1 1 0 come as soon as this new amend- Mrs. F. E. Malmsten was in Mrs. Eula Stanton, and her staff Representatives of the Imperial with a sedan with a false bottom' i ment is understood. whkh Campbell SS 4 1 1 1 1 0 charge of the program, filled with stolen chickens. It | consisting of Mrs. Ruby Biggs, de consisted of several readings, a Hermann RF 4 1 1 1 0 0 Feed company of Hillsboro are is estimated that this outfit had | Great things are expected from puty marshal; Mrs. Edna Kirby, Quillón IB 0 4 1 6 0 calling on farmers in the valley 0 the new state _ police organization. _ ladies’ quartet, and other num taken somewhere around five tons deputy warden; Mrs. Myrtle John, White C ........ 4 0 2 14 3 G this week. ! Superintendent Charles Pray has bers. of poultry from the large yrads Irene deputy secretary; Mrs. already taken steps to cooperate Plans were made for the insti G.Eilertson LF 3 0 0 0 0 0 surrounding that city. There is Spencer, deputy chaplain; Mrs. E. Eilertson P 4 0 1 0 2 1 with the live stock and poultry tute to be held Friday of this no limit to which live stock and PERSONALS Viola Treharne, deputy inside interests of the state and when week and other lines of work poultry thieves will not now go. I guardian. 32 6 9 27 10 1 * | the new organization gets to were discussed. We have found them with trucks The officers installed were Vernonia .......... 000 000 030—3 functioning it will be difficult Mrs. E. B. Miner spent several disguised as bread wagons fitted Mrs. Grace Sunell, past grand; Clatskanie ........ 204 000 OOx — 6 days in Portland last week return ] to make a living as a stock up to kill and dress their stolen noble Mead Family Mrs. Margaret Lines, Summary: Home run, W. Linn; ing Monday, She was accomp- or poultry thif in Oregon. Last grand; Mrs. Estella Monger, vice- Hold Reunion Stolen base, G. Eilertson, W. anied home by Mrs. Franklin animals enroute—regular mobile I week a sevently year old rustler houses. Linn, Malmsten 2; Base on balls Pierce, who will be her guest slaughter I was taen in Malheur county and The Mead family held a re off Nelson 4, Eilertson 2; Struck till Friday. That is why the last legislature two combined still operators and union at the Hillsboro city park out by Nelson 5, Eilertson 13; About 100 attended the band amended the “Gasoline Cowboy cattle thieves were taken in Jack- on July 12. Left on bases, Vernonia 4, Clats picnic at Big Eddy park Sunday, Law” so that poultry now sold son county. Those present of M. M. Mead’s kanie 5; Wild pitches, Nelson 2. A fine time is reported. and moved on the highway must WANTED family were Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. C. Phernetton of Montana be covered by a bill of sale or WANTED—Furnished House, 3 Mead and daughter of Nehalem; Mrs. Judd Greenman, her mo- BEEF CATTLE bill of lading, If the farmer or has taken over Jack’s Tailor shop or 4-rooms, modern. Call 1041. Mr. and Mrs. James Walters and } ther, Mrs. John Hale, and Miss The number of beef cattle has poultry raiser transports more while the proprietor, Jack Carkin, family and Phil Mead of Port , Phoebe Greenman are leaving the shown a moderate increase in the than ten fowls at one time, he is away on business for the Am DRESSMAKING — First class land; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sand I last of the week for a week’s corn belt area of the United must secure from the sheriff a erican Legion. dressmaking. Mrs. M. Nelson, ford and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. ¡vacation at Olympia, Washington, States since 1928. The low prices poultry sale tag, which is furnish Mr. Phernetton has operated Vista Hotel. 514» R. Chamberlain and children, and i and vicinity. for this type of cattle during this ed free and which he must dis tailor shops in San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson and I A seven pound boy was born time is due to decreased demands play on his vehicle when on the Reno and Montana for many LOST AND FOUND baby of North Plains; Mr. and | to Mr. and Mrs. George Hobson' rather than to increased market highway and attach to the coop or , years. He specializes in tailor- LOST — Yellow Persian kitten. Mrs. O. B. Hartrampf, and Mrs. July 6. Mother and child are ' ings. With an upward trend in container when he sells the poul ing as well as in cleaning and Notify G. E. Barker, S. P. and and Mrs. Roy Dorland and chil- ■ doing very nicely. business higher prices are anti try, It was thought that small pressing. S. Garage. Phone 861. 51» dren of Hillsboro; and Mr. and , J. W. Pennington of Portland cipated. lots of poultry would not be Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and family I is visiting friends in Vernonia | Curtailment of range facilities dangerous if not covered by proof] FOR RENT of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. A.] 'for a few day3. I* Mr. ~ Pennington and financial depression in the of ownership as poultry thieves FOR RENT—2-room apartments, W. Mead and family were the lived here for about three years, | consumer market has obviously generally steal forty or fifty new, clean and quiet. Hot only ones absent. moving away in 1926. I affected this commodity. birds at a time—they will not water; water, light and wood $15 Those present of A. E. Mead’s month. P. Hill, 875 Second St family were his widow, Mrs. Lu VISTA HOTEL—Apartments for cinda Mead of Battleground, rent $10 and up. Everything Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. furnished. 511» W. E. Kelly and family of Banks. The representatives of C. R. Mead’s family were Mrs. Della FOR SALE Peterson, Mrs. Waive Townsend; SIX WEEKS And Feeder pigs for and son, and Mrs. Vina Pierson j sale, Vi-mile south of Vernonia. and daughter, all of Eugene. Those who were not members See Robt. Whitsell. 502» of the family were Ross Hart- FOR SALE—25 registered ewe rampf and Robert Hartrampf. lambs. Dandy start for some Two letters were read at the one. See or write F. B. Warfield, picnic, one from Lewis Mead, Vernonia. 512c and the other from Sidney Mead Fresh Fig Bars. Just received. Either White and family of Spokane, Wash. or Whole Wheat— Pure Cane, Granulated FOR SALE—House and lot on Sugar at a saving. Stock highway, Riverview. Apply to Miss Phoebe Greenman com- up for canning. owner, R. A. Smith. 511» plimented Miss Edith Walker of FOR SALE—All kinds of wood. Portland, who was the house Pounds ARIWAY—Full bodied flavorous Frank Lusby. 519» guest of Miss Charlotte Green, at an informal tea Monday after High quality at a low price—Lb...... FOR SALE OR TRADE— For noon. Miss Green, Miss Frances Portland property, Hotel Vista, Lappe and Miss Amy Hughes Vernonia. Write 709 Flanders were guests. Street, Portland. 511» Mr. and Mrs. A. Henges of ! Washing Powder. For the dishes or laundry. Easy on the hands. 9 GENUINE GERMAN POLICE Vancouver, Wash., have rented Schlitz — Hop flavored. Large Package .................................... PUPS for sale, ready to take Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yeo’s house Light, medium or dark. away. $10.00 each. See J. L. for a short time. Mr. Henges is Timmons, with light and power employed at the Kerr Motor company. 51tf. company. Mrs. J. H. Bush and her bro Trinity, Bulk. Excellent for frying, salad irestone Tires FOR SALE—30 tons grass hay ther, John Kirk, were in Port dressing or shortening. (Bring your at $5.00 ton, plus cutting and . wnu »» eunesuay to LU CUIWUII me land Wednesday consult the are the safest tires in the own container.) QUART ............... shocking charges. 1 mile north surgeon who recently operated world, because of in of Vernonia. See Elmer Berger-Ion John. His condition is report- Bunny Imitation — built patented construc son, 14-F-1555 502c ed to be excellent. True Vanilla flavor tion features — Gum- 4 Ounce Bottle ...... Dipped Cords. Patented Double Cord Breaker, MAXIMUM — Evaporated milk in tall anil Tough, Thick Non- Heinz Rice Flakes, delicious. 14 ounce cans— _ Skid Tread, which give Rich in energy food. IO«» Poultry Theft Law Necessity Explained Natal Classified Ads FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1931. " . —a The Ladies’ Aid society of the Christian church will hold a silver tea at the church Wednesday, July 29. Hale Greenman is leaving for Portland today to attend the golf matches. FREE Every Wednesday even ing we will give away absolutely free a ' valu able kodak— See Our Window Special Offer Ever-Ready Gold Plated Razor and 2 blades— Ever-Ready Shaving Cream— Witch Hazel, pt. bottle— All îor 49c A rmii age Drug Co. NEXT TO POST OFFICE AFEWAY STOBEÇ Greater Values for Sat., and Mon., July 18 and 20 FIG BARS Sugar COFFEE Wlty <D rive in ^Danger OXYDOL SAFEST TIRES , X9C .... 89c 18 MALT when the WORLD’S 19c SALAD OIL 49 c c» COST SO LITTLE? F VANILLA J. C. PEN NEY GO. DEPARTMENT • STORE STORE NUMBER 1436 VERNONIA. OREGON MILK Rice Flakes 4 c................... zsc L^C Large Package Beans SUNBRITE Small white beans—Fine for baking— The household cleanser that does the work 6 Pounds Carrots, Onions, STRING BEANS Beets, Radishes Green String Beans. Fresh clean and tender. 2c Bunch 4 c». 19c CANTALOUPES Large No. 36 size, mel low, ripe, thick yellow meat. 4 Pounds ..... 15c 3 For See us for latest in fresh vegetables and the season’s best fruits which are always at rock-bottom prices, quality considered. In Our Market Picnics Special sugar cured. 4 to 8 Pounds ...... lb. 16c 5 IB . 5tt% 20% 25% longer flexine life in every cord stronger bond be tween tread and cord body greater protection against punctures and blowouts longer non-skid wear 25% to 40%, longer lire life Firestone saves millions of dollars annually through economies in buying, manufacturing and distributing to give these extra tallies at lowest prices in tile history of tire building. We have a complete line of Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires for you to choose from. Every Fire stone Tire bears the name “’Firestone'', and is doubly guaranteed by Firestone and by us. Come in TODAY — we will make full allowance for the unused mileage in your old tires. Let us show you how little it will cost you Io equip with Firestone High Speed Tires —and eliminate the danger of worn tires. Firectoae Service Dealers and Service Stores Save Y*u Money and Serve You Better Beef Pot Roasts Shortening ------- ------------- e -- -- Fine Satin Finish From Prime Beef ......... lb. 14c 31b. 3OC Kerr Motor Co. Vernonia, Oregon