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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1931)
FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1931 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON are eaten away, tear down the Mrs. Wise and her daughter were brick work to solid construction Thursday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer’s. • rj r i i an<l rebuild i it with hard-burned Program tor Lumber I brick laid in i: cement mortar, Mrs. Jake Neurer “WEAR MORE WOOL” Cracks may be located in a chim- The modern woman requires an When representative lumber i ney by building a smudge fire in W. H. Wolff from St. Helens average of about three yards for furnace or fireplace and cov- operators of the United States the ________ v with ___ _________ was at Natal Thursday looking a dress of silk or rayon of ap __ _ the 1 ering chimney a board or met recently in Chicago and ag proximately four ounce weight wet sack so as to cause the smoke1 after some business. reed on a definite program of while the mothers of a few years stabilization for the lumber in to filter through defects in the James McCormick is putting in ago wore all wool dresses re brick work. ¡Lincoln Peterson ’ s hay crop this dustry they set in motion a _______ .________ quiring five or six years of ¡year. movement that will have a far- 'CUTTING STRAWBERRY cloth of 10 or 12 ounce weight, I Ray Taylor and his mother reaching effect not only on the | TOPS IS RECOMMENDED^were ¡n Vernonia on business Woolen hosiery and underwear industry itself, but also on the ' has also been largely supplanted economic world in general. Practice Found to Give Partial ''a^urda^- by rayon and silk, The effect r. . . of . a. . ox Among the recommendations Control Strawberry Root I . Ben Carter was at Natal Sun- upon the use of wool is obvious. „ e ct .1 g. agreed upon unanimously were I Bor.r,_S.y.Colle , day renewing acquaintances. However, there are signs of en William Brown couragement for the producers. the following: Definite control of lumber pro-1 At least partial control of the was a caller in this community Attempts to offset the effect of duction and ditsribution through root borer, a serious strawberry Thursday, substitutes for wool promotion physical integrated consolidations Pest> bas been obtained in some Lloyd Green from Treharne campaigns for increased use of went to work for Jake Neurer. of properties in each region, phy-, cases by removal of the tops of wool are under way. “Wear more Hi Tracey is improving after wool,” is a current slogan in sical consolidations of timber the Plants immediately following ownership, management control harvest of the berry crop, says being confined to his bed for wool producing districts; cooper through the medium of companies the Oregon Experiment station, the past two weeks. atives are putting forth strenuous C. Cook from Birkenfeld effort to reduce overhead costs organized by the parties in in- As complete control methods for terest, sales corporations created thia Pest have not Vet been work- sPent Saturday at Natal on busi- in selling, and to develop a wider to sell the total production of ed out- the station is recommend-.ne88- range of markets. ,i.„ companies _ ______ *_ ...» ...ixv the contracted with ing ing that that growers growers follow follow this this prac- prac- Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin until a more effective meth-(and were of Mr. IRISES MAKE LAVISH SHOW and to probate sales in proportion tice 1 — j children »»— Edward ---- j guests _ 2. j and Mrs. McMullin on Few flowers make so lavish a to each company’s normal rated j0“ ' •_ 3 ^ound ', Experimental evidence collect- Pehble creek Friday evening. show for so small an effort in capacity in comparison with the! , , -------- . ---------- 7 ---- 7 ’ I aha — L. growing them as irises. If planted . . . ................ .. led by the experiment station in-' District Attorney John total capacity of all contr«ting - - Foote of St. Helens was a visi- in a border, irises should be parties. neighborhood last spaced so they can develop into All these proposals admittedly which is the adult of the root- f°r *n borer prefers to lay its eggs dur- weekend, clumps strong enough to carry 8 are necessary for placing the in ing mid-summer on the leaves and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Thomas to 10 stalks of bloom. Do not dustry on a stable and profitable leaf stems of strawberry plants. and two daughters were in Ver- let plants surrounding them grow basis, yet what is regarded as Removal of the tops discourages ,,on>a shopping Saturday, over them after their flowering one of the most outstanding ac- this to a large extent, and at the j Wayne Lappe of Vernonia season. Shade over the iris rhi by the group was the tions taken same time aids in controlling called on all the Ford owners in zomes prevents the proper ripen unanimous adoption of the fol strawberry leaf spot, a fungus this community Saturday. Mr. ing of the plant and so curtails lowing resolution: trouble which sometimes reduces Lappe >s with the Kerr Motor the bloom the next year. The “That uniformity in operations yields in old strawberry plantings, ¡company now selling Ford cars. flower buds for the next sea throughout the various regions be Mr. and Mrs. John Estes were son are formed in late summer Where an old patch or even a given the most thoughtful con few rows are to be plowed up guests of their daughter’s fami or early autumn and it is best sideration to the end that lumber before another year either be ly, Mrs. Dave McMullin, Sunday. to divide and transplant either production in all districts may cause of age or other reason it Mrs. Bob Lindsay and son before or after this time. be made uniform.” has been found advisable to Clarence called on Mrs. Noble This has a much deeper signifi leave the tops on them to serve Dunlap and son Floyd Monday. It costs more to harvest 50 cance than a cursory considera as a trap crop. The adult moths I Lee Osborn was - a business acres of wheat or oats with a tion of it would indicate. It is, are attracted to these and will be visitor in Vernonia Monday morn- combine than by the old methods; in truth, a history-making pro destroyed when plowed under. for 100 acres costs are about ing. nouncement. It means that the Olie Estes is working for Wil equal; for 150 or 200 acres the The tops of the strawberry mills in the south and east, es plants are best removed with- a liam Pringle on his farm. combine is considerably more pecially, which have been oper sharp hoe, a hand sickle, scythe Pete Benzer, Annoe Benzer and economical. * * * ating nine, ten and 11 hours, or large knife, as care is neces soon will be on a parity with sary to avoid damaging the the Pacific northwest through crowns of the plants. Mowing à \ > adoption of the eight-hour day. machines are not recommended, The operators in those districts for this reason. After cutting, at last have discovered thaf by the tops are allowed to dry for working extra-long days they a time, then raked to the center have been adding to the over- of the rows and burned. Another production of lumber, They practice recommended by the sta have been paying lower wages tion is shallow cultivation follow than the northwest mills, This, ing harvesting to remove weeds. too, has been a handicap to the Deep cultivation which severely northwest mills. root prunes the plants is a ques A majority of the southern op tionable practice at any time in erators attending the Chicago the life of the strawberry field. conference favored the eight- hour day, and several said they DALLAS—Last year Ernest recently had put it into effect in Hoisington of Lewisville in co their mills. C. C. Sheppard, operation with J. R. Beck, county president of the Southern Pine agent, applied ground lime rock to association, recommended strong a portion of his alfalfa field, and ly to his group that the entire left an equal area unlimed. At group immediately adopt the the first cutting of alfalfa this shorter work day. spring, Mr. Hoisington cut just W. C. Ruegnitz, president of 4% times as much alfalfa from the 4L, is convinced that the the limed as from the unlimed operators will be forced by eco plot, and the second cutting, nomic conditions to adopt the which is now ready for harvest, eight-hour day. He said that as shows an even greater difference. long as three years ago the 4L organization began making ef HILLSBORO — By using home forts toward a national eight- grown feeds supplemented with hour day for the lumber industry some purchased materials, Elmer and also a national minimum Guerber of Hillsboro has decreas wage, and it is gratifying that ed the cost of calf meal more DE LUXE SEDAN » TOWN SEDAN the organization's efforts were than 30 per cent, he recently re just beginning to bear fruit. ported to W. F. Cyrus, county The eight-hour day has been in agent. Mr. Guerber is using the CONVERTIBLE SEDAN effect in the northwest since the calf meal ration developed by the establishment of the organization dairy department at O. S. C. He VICTORI 4 14 years ago. Most of the oper- says that in addition to the sav DE LUXE TUDOR ators of the northwest are sup- ing, the heifers fed this med! in porting its program, as it has 1930 were the finest bunch he proved of inestimable benefit to has ever raised. CABRIOLET them in weeding out the radical element and creating greater ef For real bargains—watch the classified columns of the Eagle. ficiency among the workers. —Chas. W. Myers, in the Ore T he most striking fine car types ever offered at such gonian. Stabilization Is Natal ct j BEAUTIFUL NEW FORD CHIMNEYS FIRE CAUSE Defective chimneys are one of the most frequent causes of fires in dwellings. All chimneys should be built with sound, thick wall and preferably lined with fire clay flue lining. Woodwork should not be built into or in direct con tact with chimney masonry. Chim neys disintegrate most quickly at the top, owing to the action of the weather and hot gases. Wide cracks may form or mortar joints open up through which the sparks can pass. Sparks are par ticularly dangerous if the cracks are below the roof. Cracks and loose joints should be filled with cement mortar. If the chimney is badly cracked or if the bricks FOR HAY ----------------------- -------- GRAIN --------- ----------------------- FEED PHONE 681 Vernonia Trading Co Agency for McCormick--Deering ------ TRACTORS ----- Freight Delivered To and Called for at Your Door TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY I_ong Distance Furniture Hauling Between Vernonia and Portland Portland-Vernonia Truck Line W. A. Davi», Local Manager. RES. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 low prices are now being presented by Ford dealers. These are the six newest de luxe creations of the Ford Motor Company. They are designed and built to meet every need of the automobile buyer whose desire for motoring luxury and outstanding perform« ance is tempered with sound economy. Get the facts about these fine cars. Compare the?-* lithe, clean-cut style with any you have ever created in your own imagination. Learn about the de luxe materials with which each car is trimmed and uphol stered, and how carefully these are tailored. Sit and ride in the wide, restful seats and you frill realize that just as no restrictions have been put on mechan ical performance, so no limits have been placed on comfort and beauty. There is much to interest the careful buy r—a choice of sparkling colors, a variety of rich uphol- •tery materials. Rustless Steel, safety glass, Hou I-;':? double-acting shock absorbers, one-piece welded »»♦•« 1 wheels, slanting windshields, and many other featu. i a which make the Ford a happy investment. PAGE THREE visited at the home of Mr. and tail stores selling honey in the Mrs. L. Crawford last week. New York metropolitan area. The Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer 1-pound tin can was second in have as their guests, relatives popularity and the 14-ounce glass from California. jar was third. More than half of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bennett1 p Frank ■ Lines bought a piano the quantity sold was packed in and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson for famHy His daughters these three kinds of containers, made trip to Southern intend taking music lessons. ........ ... a business ........... . “ ¡Honey in glass costs the consum- Oregon the first of the week. Helen Barnes of Vernonia is er from 10 to 15 cents more a I Koster camp moved their loco visiting with her cousin Loretta1 pound than it does in tin con- motive on Saturday taking No. 5 Baker. tainers of the same capacity. up Rock creek and bringing the Mrs. Merril has returned home other one down to Treharne. from Washington. Her mother AN ECONOMIC PROBLEM Eight men employed by Koster accompanied her. camp arrived Monday evening The mail carrier was late re The number of hogs is increas- from Portland. They are working I turning on Saturday, Timber ed on Oregon farms this year. on the section. road was oiled, holding up traffic. j We have been shipping wheat and Mrs. E. Morton, Mrs. F. Lines! Edmond Rhoediger is still in ¡barley to the east and pork from and daughter Arvadia motored to the tree sitting contest at Arca there and the mid-west to this Portland on Friday. section of the country and paying dia park. Mrs. Jim Monger called at the ! Tom Engen and son Lee are , freight both ways. Fifty million home of Mrs. A. Webb on Mon building the new barn for Mr. j dollars worth of pork products day. were shipped into the Pacific Warfield. Chas. Dodge’s mother is visit A large crowd was at the swim Northwest last year. The effect ing with her son. He has moved ming pool the hot days last week, of feeding the wheat and barley into the store building and willl I some lamines cringing ineirit° hogs raised here on Oregon families bringing their carry some groceries. I lunch and spending the afternoon, ¡farms, thus saving freight charges Mrs. Grager Schmidlin, Mrs. H. |------------------------------ land increasing our own output Smith and children and Edward POPULAR HONEY CONTAINER deserves both study and trial. Baker motored to Laurel and Cor- nelius on Friday. The most popular container for Farmers and other individual Mr. and Mrs. C. Dooley and honey is the 2H pound tin pail, 1 landowners in the United States son, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dooley and i according ___ 21„_ to a U. S. Department ___ " ¡planted ' ■ • 33,407 ■ acres to forest in children Frances and Virginia of Agriculture survey of the re- 1930. * * * Treharne I MIDSUMMER 1 FOOD SALE! AT THE WEST’S FAVORITE FOOD STORES. Now comes our big July Food Sale! This is an event offering you select foods from every field and shore— hundreds upon hundreds of items, the biggest values that money can buy. Come in! Share in these greater values. Select the world’s finest foods from “The West’s Favorite Food Stores.” Saving Prices effective Fri., Sat. and Mon., July 17,18 and 20 Libby Pineapple No. 1 flat—Sliced or Crushed—Each 9c MACMARR OR LIBBY- MILK TALL CANS Canned milk has the largest pro- A duction of any canned food item, ¿4 cans 25c Shredded Wheat A most popular summer breakfast food.................. WHITE STAR TUNA The most popular brand of a favorite sea Q i)P food. 1/4’s— for CROWN FLOUR A favorite fancy patent flour. 2Pta. 19c RAINIER MALT Real economy in Malt. Light or Dark ................ SNOWFLAKE SODAS Or Honey Grahams — De liciously 9 lb. 9ry crisp ......... £ pkg. I L 01/ OQp £ /2 can £ «7 V $1,29 lb. sack MacMARR COFFEE For your summer meal you’ll like iced MacMarr Coffe—Pound ..... SOAP WHITE IO Bars Regular size bar of excellent white laundry soap —manufactured by Luckel King & Cake Soap Company, Portland—A home product. (While quantity Lasts) CERTO—2 •Bottles Your jelly never fails to “jell” when made with Certo— Lime Rickey, Piedmont JAR CAPS Mason, Economy or Kerr re gular----- I’er Dozen .......... An excellent summer beverage 4 with the lime tang, 14c bottle. bottles JAR RUBBERS First quality ... r Floridagold Grapefruit Juice, 9^p Pkgs. ¿wtJV RICE KRISPIES No. 1 tins. A new product with 9 9^P the true grape fruit flavor......... Lt for W. K. Kellogg’s new rice breakfast food. 1 ilp Package ................... Sardines, CANDY BARS and Chewing Q Gum, Ass’t. O for Pound Tin . North Star Genuine imported Norwegian Sar- Q 9Qz» dines in pure olive oil, *4 cans O for di J/C 1 4- VU Best Foods Mayonnaise THOMPSON’S MALTED MILK 1 tltlL Everybody likes salads in hot weather—Pts. 39c 97r» I V «i» 49c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES A COMPLETE LINE AT LOW PRICES. Watermelon», Beet», Lettuce, Carrot», Tomatoes, Etc. MARKET FEATURES QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK W/zc“- POT ROAST, Beef Rib Boil, 9c Lb Beef 12’/2 c L b - GROUND BEEF Smoked Picnics 16c Lb QUALITY ------ SNAPPY SERVICE — 100% SANITARY Vernonia, Oregon