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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1931)
/■ FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO .LOCALS^ some of the sheep and cattle on acreage, the crop limited by one and Armstrong, E. H. Leahy, C. H. Obenhaus, Portland. of the pastures of the mid or more un-forseen causes Wild Blackberries Abundant many dle west because cheap farm pro consequent fair prices. I POULTRY PRODUCTION ducts will not support tractor HOLDING OWN, SAYS ose This will mean, too, And Luscious Here This Year farming. that the consumption of feed, I In spite of the fact that poul try prices seem to have hit rock Vernonia, given the proper pub logged off lands and old burns, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fetsch spent land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. bottom during the past year, Geo. Potter Friday, Saturday and poultry production on the whole licity, might become as famous j The vines have their finest crop the weekend at Eugene. Sunday while they were picking is more than holding its own with for its wild blackberries as Hood | the third year after a burn, Phoebe Greenman was ill for wild blackberries here. | They usually deteriorate in the other Oregon farm enterprises, River for its apples, according to several days last week. ; following years as brush grows according to A. G. Lunn, chief the belief of several local lovers Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer Frank Hartwick spent Tuesday of the poultry department of the I of that delectable berry which I up to choke them out. left Tuesday morning for Port grows in profusion on the logged- One local resident has had in St. Helens on business. Oregon Experiment station. land on business connected with the Nehalem splendid success in cultivating “I do not know of any major off lands around and watering a few transplanted G. W. Johnson made a business the coming camp meeting of the valley. branch of agriculture today that vines and believes there is a Evangelical church. They are trip to St. Helens Tuesday. Wild blackberries only are not is paying the producer as well as expected home this evening. fine possibility of growing these the poultry business,” Lunn said. unusually abundant this year but George Potter, Jr., is in Port berries at home with a larger are especially large and flavor- “ The poultryman who has good land this week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Clow some. Although the peak of the fruit which loses none of its stock and enough of it can more Mrs. Bruce McDonald has been and daughter Lauretta returned that pay his basic cost of produc crop has passed there are still delicate wild flavor in the pro ill at her home for several days. July 9 from a ten day trip tion, even though he may noti many green berries on the vines cess of cultivation. which included visits at Portland, Another wild berry which is and Vernonia residents c"n en Mrs. Hazel Hurley has charge The Dalles and Hood River. They get interest on investment.” joy the fruit for some days to now at its peak following the The situation during the past of the lunch counter at Arcadia celebrated the Fourth at Jant- height of the blackberry crop is year has emphasized more strong come. zen beach. park. Several visitors from other the wild black cap which grows ly than ever, Lunn believes, the in abundance near Vernonia. A Miss Edith Walker of Portland Hotel McDonald guests this i importance of the size of the parts of the state have come large patch of heavily loaded was a weekend guest of Char- week were J. W. Van Order, S. poultry flock. Where poultry con here recently to taste these won canes is reported near Top Hill lotte Green. B. Tisdale, P. Clausen, Mrs. Jack stitutes the principal farm in derful wild blackberries whose and one man estimated that a fragrance and delicate flavor are Stewart of Portland, O. Wyss, come a flock of not less than Harvey M. Seabold of Scofield like no other in the world. Wild ton of the black caps could be was here Monday with his sister, Hillsdale, Bert Waterman, Rain 1000 hens is essential. Small blackberries plain, wild blackber removed from a large patch on ier, D. H. Kinley, Oregon City, flock owners are just “out of Mrs. Draper of Portland. St. Helens mountain without and A. L. Palmer, Mulson, Wash luck" during such times of stress, ries in pie or short cake smother phasing the crop. ed in rich Nehalem valley cream, Dr. Roland Eby and Dr. F. ington. he says. Roemer of Portland visited Dr. Lunn believes that the lowest wild blackberries—anyway you NOTICE— Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armitage levels of egg and poultry prices want to eat them, are food for M. R. Eby here Monday. The undersigned hereby gives enjoyed a trip to Portland Sun have been reached that may be the gods notice of intention to construct Mrs. Archie F. Dugan and day while their son, William expected for at least a couple Ever since the first of July— daughter of Cochran were shop- Armitage, of Vancouver, pre of years, and that with fewer and before—local people have a fish trap in the Columbia river ping in Vernonia Tuesday. sided at their drug store. Mrs. eggs in storage and fewer birds been filling their store rooms with located 400 feet from low water mark of lower end of Crims Mr. and Mrs. C. Watts, Alice Armitage and her father O. Mc being raised, the price of eggs rows of jars of this delicious Island, license to be applied for Watts and Margaret McDonald Manus of Longview also spent this year will be an improvement fruit, either picking the berries at next meeting of Oregon Fish Sunday here. over last. ~ This, however, de themselves or buying them at Commission. This trap to extend were Portland visitors Tuesday. pends somewhat on general busi fifty cents a gallon. Among guests registered at approximately 600 feet from Arthur Anderson, furniture ness conditions, he says. Let hard times come if they shore. dealer of Clatskanie, called on Hotel Nehalem this week were R. ¡will- Next winter Vernonia folk 512c (Signed) Ole Soleim Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald Sun H. Case, Seattle, P. E. Davis, i are going to have plenty of the S. P. and S., W. D. Bishop, day. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ¡finest fruit in the world to eat. John Edwards, T. C. Valek, Har I Several families boast around Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Smith of ry Bulcher, Charles Warren, H. 100 quarts on their pantry In the County Court of the State Independence visited Mrs. Smith’s G. Leadbetter and T. R. Belding shelves. One couple who spent of Oregon For Columbia County. sister, Mrs. A. L. Kullander Sun of Portland. In the matter of the estate their Fourth picking have over day. of Meier Ovesen, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. De Graff forty quarts. Another group of CATHOLIC CHURCH Notice to Creditors C. Bruce and A. L. Kullander and Robert De Graff of Port Monthly services will be held 14 from this city spent parts of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN returned Saturday from a ten- land spent the weekend at the Saturday afternoon and Sunday That the undersigned has been day fishing trip at McKenzie home of Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole. Sunday at 11:30 a. m. near the old Wheeler Camp 7 appointed administrator of the Mrs. De Graff is an aunt of Mrs. bridge. at the head of Louisingnoit creek Estate of Meier Ovesen, de EVANGELICAL CHURCH Cole and has visited here a num and came out at three o’clock ceased, by the County Court of Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wolff, ber of times. Robert also has G. W. Plumer, Pastor Sunday afternoon with 170 gal the State of Oregon for Columbia Mrs. E. M. Bleile and Dorothy many friends in Vernonia. The Sunday school meets at lons. County, and has duly qualified. June Wolff motored to Portland They were easy to find, ac All persons having claims against Mrs. Leia Butler was a guest 9:45 a. m. The Christian En Friday. over the weekend of Mr. and deavor hour is 7 p. m. The pas cording to one of the party, who said estate are hereby notified Miss Willie Potter and Miss Mrs. George Clow. Mrs. Butler tor will preach at 11 a. m. and said he coaid easily fill a five- to present the same, duly verified Marian Lindley will return Sat a cousin of Mrs. Clow, came here 8 p. m. gallon pail from two or three as by law required, to the under urday from three weeks visit in to enjoy Vernonia’s wonderful vines and declared that the pick signed at his residence in City of Vernonia, Oregon. Washington. wild blackberries before going to FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE ers quite ignored the small ber FRED OVESEN, ries, going only after the largest Weekend guests of Mr. and her new home in Bend, where her Administrator. Sunday services: 10 a. m. Sun of the crop. He also said that Mrs. Robert Sergeant were Miss husband has purchased a laundry. day school; 11 a. m. Praise ser Dated and first published June he knew of 287 gallons which Jane Carter and Arlington Crum Mr. and Mrs. George Ogg and vice; 7:45 p. m. subject, “The had been brought to Vernonia 18, 1931. W. A. Harris, Attorney. of Portland. Mark of the Beast. ” Thor Roberts all former residents from this particular patch and Saturday 8 p. m., street meet that plenty were left. 1 Dobbin’s Return Announced Dr. Marvin R. Eby drove to of Vernonia drove here from Many berries have been found There is a pronounced shift Ocean Park, Washington, Thurs Portland Sunday. Accompanying ing. Revival services are still on on St. Helens mountain, at Wil- back to horses this year, The day to bring his family home them back to the city that even ing was Mrs. Roberts who had and interest is growing. Come ark, near Sunset camp, as well as horse population of the country from their outing at the beach. spent the week visiting her par- and worship with us every night in numerous places closer to town shows an average of fourteen The three tree sitters at Ar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cul- at 7:45 p. m., except Saturday. including pastures and vacant years while it should be but seven radia park, Ed Roediger, Bill ver. Evangelist A. H. Gilpin of Los lots. years. Stevenson and Malden New, de- Angeles will be with us all The best patches are found on Apparently horses will replace fern Two men from a party of clare they are settled for the month. gatherers stopped at Hotel Ne- summer. halem this week. They are work CHRISTIAN CHURCH Clifford Counts, an employe ing for a company which ships of the VanVleet Logging com large quantities of ferns from F. Claude Stephens, Minister pany cut his hand severely with the coast mountains to New York Services for July 19: Bible an ax while chopping wood last City. Because of the fire danger school 9:45 a. m. ; Divine morn- Friday evening. they left for other territory but ing worship 10:45; Christian En deavor 7:00 p. m.; Evening ser- Guests of Mrs. Rose Fletcher expect to work from here later. vice 8:00. Friday, Saturday and Sunday Registered at Hotel Hy-Van “Communism” will be consid were her brother and sister-in- this week were K. M. C. Neill, ered from the Scripture Sunday law. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Mosher, Miss II. Neill, Grants Pass, A. evening. of San Francisco. Ried Liverett, Indianapolis, Ind., J. Reid Liverett of Indianapo Mrs. Walter McDonald, who H. Von Cleff, Clatskanie, Mr. was taken to the Emanuel hos and Mrs. S. H. Mosher, San Fran lis, Ind., paid the Christian church pital last week, has returned to cisco, W. F. Hintzen, W. Lee a visit Thursday evening at a her home on Rock creek, but is Foust, Wm. Brown, A. R. Silva, Church Night. The occassion was Sam Smith, Franklin, R. very enjoyable. still confined to her bed. raised on the farm will be in creased by the larger use of hor ses in motor power and less cash sent out of the country for gaso line and tractor accessories. Bet ter prices for meat should pre vail because the horse that will replace the sheep and cattle on the farms will not be used for meat food. For Drinks That Cool You Off INCREASE EGG RETURNS “Oregon producers at present can increase their average net re turns from eggs in but one way —general improvement of quality. Average net return could, through improvement, be raised a few cents per dozen. This is not much, but at present values it would be a tremendous per centage of in crease in price now received by the producers,” says the Manager of Pacific Cooperative Poultry Producers. MOHAIR The consumption of mohair during the past year has decreas ed because auto and furniture manufacturers curtailed their op erations and used less of this product in upholstery. The car- ryover of the clip is heavy, and the prosepects for the new crop are bright. So much is being said to dis- courage potato planting we won der who will be willing to shoul der the blame in case of smaller After you’ve once enjoyed the sodas — just cold enough, just sweet enough — at our fountain you'll make it your regular soda headquarters. Rich, smooth ice cream— fresh, full-flavored syrups —courteous service. Mac’s Pharmacy Vernonia, Oregon Churcli Notices Mrs. A. L. Kullander visited her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. William Seaman, at Inde pendence last week while Mr. Kullander was up the McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gründen, Mrs. R. A. Space and Lorraine Space left Monday on a motor trip to Eastern Oregon where they will visit the J. C. Lindley family at Nyssa. Daisy McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald left Sunday for her __ vacation _______ which ____ will include visits with friends in Portland, Sherwood, and Van couver, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Elia Sancha and Mr. and Mrs. John Reed of Port- CURLS! for your little Girl. I I I Summer Special Order of Eastern Star Water Tumblers 25c Green Tumblers 35c Fancy green 50c Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Water Jugs CRYSTAL .................................... CRYSTAL (Large size) ROSE (Large size) .... Children as young as 2 H years have had .... 39c 49c 60c Ringlette Permanents .................. in our shop with- out the least discomfort. LESS WEIGHT —LESS HEAT Milady's Reality Shoppe Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 CRYSTAL GREEN STEM 60c 60c Hoffman Co nottman Hdwe. nawe. v*o L A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs- ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS I. O. O. F ^o. 243, 1.0.0 F., meets »very second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit I. O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. ors always welcome. 246 meets every Tuesday night Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis Helen Fogel, Secretary itors always welcome. J. F. Jones, ’ ' N. — G. Chas. Holt, V. G. Pythian Sister* John Glassner. Sec’y. Vernonia Temple 61 meets Mike Miller, Treasurer. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y. W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. American Legion KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Vernonia Port 119, American HARDING LODGE 11« Legion. Meets Meets every Monday 2nd and 4th night in the W.O.W. | hall. Visiting broth Tuesdays each ers welcome. month. 8. p. m. H. Mayfield. C. C. Dan Nelson, Ad- H. Culbertson, K.R.S. | jutant; P. Hughes, Commander.