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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1931)
Derno New County Vernonia’s First Proposed R. F, D. Route Is Logged A RECORD LILLY A Regal lilly with 28 blossoms clustered on a single stalk was brought to the Eagle office this week. The beautiful specimen was grown by Mrs. M. D. Cole who believes it a record for number of blooms. Can any one beat it? mile or so on the hill was un graveled, and rock on it was be Logging a mail route, perhaps ing spread. Working at the job it is needless to explain, has was Louis Boeck, who is said nothing to do with the removal to have spread more gravel than of timber, In this instance it Organization Formed at refers to a trip last Friday over any other man in Columbia coun a proposed R. F. D. route in ty. On this cut-off also, besides Meeting of Delegates which Emil Messing kept track of stump lands and the well tilled the mileage while Happy Thomp Monday son drove. Through the cour farms mentioned are the fine red tesy of the Gilby Motor company fir holdings of the Koster Pro A county chamber of com- a new Chevrolet was placed at ducts company. A Koster bus merce with E. E. Wist of Scap- the disposal of the party, and it parked beside the road was in poose as president was organized glided smoothly along even in a dication that activities in this Sawing of logs will be resumed Monday at a meeting in the Or- few spots where to many cars section are beginning. at the mill Monday, after a shut Down hill — all good macadam — cadia hotel, St. Helens, of repre the going would have been rough. sentatives from the different com Besides the two mentioned, the was next in order, and along the! down since June 19, according munities. Phil Bewley of St. party included Lester Sheeley Pebble creek road through Clark to an announcement from the of- and Wilson territory to River- fice of Judd Greenman, superin- Helens was elected vice-presi and the writer. vieW- ’ ¡tendent. It is the plan to oper- dent, and Henry Young of Rain From the post office (barring The speedometer registered 20' ate on a s*x day basis as far ier secretary-treasurer. The ques bridge. supply , of . logs and - the ___ -- [as ---- the ____________________ ---> tion of choosing a paid secretary a slight digression to find Lester miles to the Riverview however, 1 condition of the lumber market was deferred until a later meet Sheeley) the journey led out the The route continued, 1______ _ • 1 permit. Forest Grove road as far as the out to the Stony Point road, ing. golf links, where it branched off The Koster Products company Two delegates from each of the to the F. B. Warfield place. The thence out the Rock creek road ,began Saturday delivering logs as far as the J. C. McLees place, five cities in the county formed Warfield, Baker and Lindsay fa j to the mill, bringing them from a board of directors as follows: milies would get their mail at and back to Vernonia, a total of their Rock creek camp. The Kos- H. D. Scott and Phil Bewley, this point, according to the plan. 3.1.3 miles to the post office. | ter trains are running the entire This route, when established, Wist and H. St. Helens; E. E. After turning in the Warfield distance to avoid the expense of Comer, Scappoose; W. A. Wood barnyard Happy steered the Chev will be Vernonia’s first rural route. This distinction between transferring to O. A. equipment and Henry Young, Rainier; Chas. rolet back to Treharne, thence two Stanley and W. Arthur Steele, out the Beaver creek road. The a rural route and a star route, J at the S. P. and S. siding Emil Messing explained, is that'miles above town. Clatskanie; H. E. McGraw and way led past “I ............... Little Arkansas,” a rura] route makes a circuit and Ray D. Fisher, Vernonia. August where a group of settlers have Person of Clatskanie, one of the grubbed out stumps from their returns to the same post office, delegates to the meeting, with small ranches and are building up and cannot back-track on any drew in favor of Mr. Steele, who what promises to be a prosperous one stretch of road for more than was not present, and R. M. Aid- agricultural community. A little a few miles. A star route, such rich gave up his place in favor farther on, along the hillsides, as the present Mist and Timber routes, extends between post of of Mr. McGraw. the Schmidlins banished stumps fices, and may return along the The Vernonia baseball club These delegates were selected and created fertile farms long j same road. A rural carrier may made a trip to Clatskanie Sunday subject to by-laws to be adopted ago, and are at it yet. 1 sell stamps, weigh packages, etc., and took their first defeat of later. H. E. McGraw was ap When the end of the gravel while a star route carrier cannot. | the 1931 season when they were pointed by President Wist as a was reached, near the old mill, A requirement for a rural route 1 knocked over by the Clatskanie committee of one to suggest by- the car again turned about, and is that the roads to be traversed ) chiefs to the tune of 6 to 3. The laws for consideration at the the route was retraced as far as F. be passable the year round. The game was well played, there be next meeting, July 27. C. Braun’s where well cultivated rocking of the hill road leading ing only one error committed Helping the farmers who are fields cluster in the neighborhood from the Braun school to the during the entire game. That was already here become more pro- of the school house. From there Siedelman places fills in the gap made by E. Eilertson, Clatskanie ductive was stressed by President the Chevrolet turned on the cut-! that previously has existed, and a , pitcher. -------- Wist as one of the main objec off that leads up the hill past; favorable report from the postal j Walt Linn and Malmsten were tives of the organization under the three Siedelman and the E. inspector after he has made his the big heroes for the Vernonia his administration. "We have lost A. McDonald ranches. Only a investigation is expected. clan, Linn particularly being the sight of the fact that within big shot, as he drove a home run reach of our own arms are the far out into left field and right Ulhsoeffers Win means of development,” he de down the third base line in the Prize Waltz at Park eighth inning with two men on dared. the paths. Malmsten connected W. Arthur Steele was elected Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ulshoeffer with three hits in four trips to Columbia county representative won the contest in the prize waltz the plate and was on third base for the state chamber of com at the dancing party at Arcadia on three different occasions but merce. H. D. Scott, Charles The home of Omar Sheeley J. H. the punch to bring him in was Stanley and Ray D. Fisher were near the golf links was destroyed Lodge Saturday night. appointed as a committee on sel oy fire Wednesday evening short Bush and H. J. Buffmire were lacking in the pinch. the judges for that evening. Nelson did the hurling for Ver ecting a secretary, and W. A. ly after eight o’clock. The final contest will be on nonia and although he started Wood and Ray D. Fisher as a Mr. Sheeley was the only one Labor day when there will have poorly, allowing two hits and two committee to recommend boun at home, the rest of the family been ten couples selected. runs in the first inning and daries for the five districts com As prising the field of the county being out berry picking. A large crowd enjoyed the mu three hits and four runs in the nearly as he can determine the sic of Parrot’s orchestra from third, he settled down and seem- chamber. fire started from an overheated ed to get stronger after those Dues were fixed at a minimum kitchen stove, and it spread so ra- Portland. first two uprisings had been of $12.00 yearly. The three tree sitters, Ed Roe- pidly that he could only save a quelled, retiring the Clatskanie diger, Bill Stevenson and Walden few belongings, some clothing, boys in order thereafter. Bill W. W. Wolff Passes bedding and a little furniture New, declare they are settled for Davis did the backstopping for the summer. State Accountant Test from the bedrooms. Within five the local club and did a mighty minutes, he estimates, the house good job of it. Walter W. Wolff, accountant was gone, and neighbors who WESTIMBER STORE Vernonia was minus their hard for the O. A. mill, has just re reached there at about that time ROBBED TUESDAY hitting stars when Hawkins and ceived word that he passed the were unable to be of any assis Brooks failed to put in their Oregon state examination for tance. M.r Sheeley himself had The general merchandise store appearance. With a weakened certified public accountants, which to make a hasty exit after snatch of the Eagle Lumber company at hitting line-up in the field Eilert- he took in Portland in May. ing some clothing from a closet. Westimber was broken into Tues (Continued on Page 6) Some years ago Mr. Wolff pas Some insurance was carried, day night, and shirts, shoes and sed a similar examination in Il The house was comparatively new, other merchandise were carried linois but under Oregon law he having been built six years ago off. The exact loss is not known was required to take an exami after an earlier house of Mr. pending a careful inventory, but nation here to qualify. The ex Sheeley’s was burned to the it is thought that a whole truck load of goods may have been amination is exceedingly diffi ground. cult and only a comparatively Mr. Sheeley plans to rebuild. taken. few men are able to pass it. At the same time a number of A local girl whose name is The foundation, he believes, is un damaged, and can be used. The ; vacant houses in which furniture withheld by request was slugged DRIVE TO OCEAN PARK house was a one story structure, had been stored while the owners Wednesday evening in Riverview V. H. Drorbaugh and family, 28x36. had employment elsewhere were by a man who apparently mis- Dr. and Mr.s W. H. Hurley and pilfered. took her for some one else. daughter, A. J. Hughes, Dr. Mar She was walking beside the Vi.itor Return, to Portland vin Eby, and Dr. Roland Eby and road when a car passed her and Dr. F. Roemer, the last two of Miss Edith Walker of Portland, stopped. A man alighted, made guest of Miss Charlotte Green the remark, "You had a bright Portland, drove to Ocean Park, over the weekend, returned to idea, hadn’t you," and hit her Washington, Saturday to join Mrs. Eby and children and Mrs. her home Tuesday and was ac- over the head with some flat companied by Miss Green, Mrs.' . instrument. Hughes, who had been vacation- Forged checks, each for $7.50, A. E. Green, and Norman Green, ing there for a week. The victim was knocked uncon- Iscious and was left lying in the The group enjoyed a house were passed on the Midway gro who motored to the city. road. M. W. Mumbach, driving party in a large cottage and in cery, the Twin Fir Service sta Work Progressing on Jail the stage from Portland, caught dulged in the usual clam digging, tion, and the Lincoln confection Work of demolishing the old sight of her just in time to avoid fishing, surf riding, bathing and ery Sunday evening by a youth who represented himself as an i city jail is in progress. H. A. running over her, and brought similar sea shore sports. employe of Ross Duncan. The Moulton, who has the contract, her to her home, where she soon checks were on the Bank of Ver- I _ is now working on the job even- regained consciousness. Inspects Work on Log Jam George W. Ford was in town nonia, ostensibly signed by Mr.l^ and spare time. The struc The young lady’s skin yesterday to inspect the work of Duncan, and made out to Bob ture is about half down. not broken, but the temple was Handing. clearing the log jam at the pow black and blue, and the cheek Iowa Club to Have Picnic er dam, and attend to other busi The identity of the forger is somewhat swollen. She was, The Iowa club is to have • however, able to return to her ness. He reports Bodie Hieber, suspected, and a warrant has been who is working for him in Long- issued for his arrest. He and a picnic Sunday at Parker’s Grove, regular duties Thursday morning. view, as getting along fine, as young man known locally have beginning with a basket lunch is also Neal Bush, who is en- been traced to Portland. The at noon. All former Iowans andi Mrs. E. E. Yeo and children gaged in construction work on home of the alleged guilty party their families are invited to at-|were over from Banks Wednes- the Weyerhauser pulp mill. ¡is said to be Burna. tend. day. Organization NUMBER 51. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1931. VOLUME 9 Wist Heads U°fo R. D. F. Mill Resumes Mon. Morning I Locals Meet First Defeat of Season OMAR SHEELEY’S HOUSE BURNED LOCAL GIRL IS SLUGGED BY MAN Three Bad Checks Passed Here Sunday Nurses Have Task Keeping Vernonia 1-Year Old Down 1ST WOMAN CLIMBS LOOKOUT STATION Evelyn McMullen has the dis tinction of being the first wo man to climb the lookout station near Camp 10. The station, next to the highest above the ground in the state, is on top of a tree, reached by a ladder 135 feet high. Miss McMullen made the ascent Monday. “Other women have tried it,” states Warden Lode McDonald, “but she was the first to succeed. Lots of men haven’t climbed it yet,” he added. 3 Robberies Perpetrated Same Night An operation for appendicitis is nothing in the young life of four year old “Bucky” Davis, who was seen racing around the streets the first of the week, 13 $60 in Cash Taken from days after his emergency opera tion in a Portland hospital. S. P. & S. Depot It is said that “Bucky” was found by his doctor wandering Safe around the hospital asking for his mother at 6 a. m. July 1, Burglars Sunday night or early only four hours after fhe opera Washington County Monday morning pried open the tion was performed. It goes Oiling Road to Grove safe at the S. P. and S depot and without saying the nurses had a secured about $60.00 in cash. The strenuous time keeping "Bucky” Oiling of the Forest Grove same night the distributing plant down. highway south of the Washington of the Standard Oil company and county line is in progress. Cars ’ the Vernonia Service station were Jack Carkin Speaks traveling over the road this week entered, but sustained only trif ling losses. At Rainier Meeting are badly spattered with oil. Entrance to the depot office The Rainier Review of last was obtain by picking the lock, week has the following to say the waiting room being open. regarding an address at the Lions The thieves peeled the front of club of that city July 7: the safe door and forced the Jack Carkin, well known Amer locks. No explosive was used, ican Legion leader of Vernonia, as far as can be determined. A mixed two-ball foursome will accompanied by M. K. Tolles- The men were careful to take haug, visited the club and spoke 'start next Sunday on the Verno- only money. A check for $200 in behalf of the national con inia golf course. The first match was left untouched, according to vention of the organization | has to be played off by the fol- Dr. R. A. Olson, clerk, and tick meeting in Portland next year. ' lowing Saturday evening, states ets and various documents were Mr. Carkin was here in the in-, M. E. Ulshoeffer, who has charge. undisturbed. Some loose pennies terest of a page advertisement | The tournament will be on ■ were spurned, but a roll of pen in the Legion publication which j handicap basis. nies was taken. was calculated to aid in obtain-) The following pairing has been A broken screwdriver was left ing the convention for Portland, arranged: Mr. and Mrs. F. D. wedged in the safe door and a He asked the Lions club to in Macpherson vs. Mr. and Mrs. O. smaller one, warped out of shape, some manner contribute $25.00 T. Bateman; Mr. and Mrs. Carl was lying on the floor when the to aid in paying for the adver- Davidson vs. Dr. and Mrs. M. R. robbery was discovered next tisement. The executive commit- Eby; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dickson morning. tee of the club decided to spon- vs. opponent to be selected; Mr. Five gallons of gas and a gal sor a dance on a 50-50 basis! and Mrs. M. King vs. Mr. lon of gear grease were stolen from the Standard Oil plant. An with the American Legion, and, Mrs. J. V. McAlister, Mr. axe kept outside for fire protec K. W. Braune was appointed to Mrs. M. E. Ulshoeffer vs. tion was used to smash a padlock. confer with the Legion in regard and Mrs. P. Taylor; Mr. Mrs. W. Heath vs. Mr. and The office of the Vernonia to the matter. H. E. McGraw; Dr. and Mrs. M. Service station across the street D. Cole vs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank from the garage was entered and Hartwick; Mr. and Mrs. H. Fogel the cash register forced open, vs. Mrs. Harry Kerns and part but the contents did not appear ner to be selected; Dr. and Mrs. to interest the thieves, who did W. H. Hurley vs. Mr. and Mrs. not take any of the small change M. Ruhl; Emil and Verle Messing left there by the proprietor, Grading of the road to Camp vs. Mr. and Mrs. H. King; George Johnson. Only two tire Dorothy irons were missing, and Mr. John Roberts and 8 has been completed to approxi- Loel mately a half mile of camp. The Holtham vs. Mr. and Mrs. son is not sure that they were shovel is now digging at a point Ed. Thomelson; Mr. and Mrs. A. stolen when the office was brok where there is considerable rock, L. Kullander vs. Waldo Taylor en into. but as soon as this is out of and Florence Stubbs; Mr. and The depot robbery was clearly the way the rest of the work will Mrs. Earl Dial vs. Mr. and Mrs. the work of experts. Whether the be comparatively light, along a E. M. Bleile; Dr. and Mrs. J. A. same men entered the two other hillside with few fills and no log Hughes vs. Albert Childs and places is a matter of conjecture. jams. About two weeks will Ethel Tousley; Mr. and Mrs. C. Similar Robbery in Timber co.nnlcte the grading, thinks Anderson vs. Mr. and Mrs. Ben A robbery similar to the depot Brickel; J. H. and Joy Bush vs. Commissioner Bert Mills. The road is passable in dry Mrs. K. A. McNeill and partner job was committed the night of July 6 when the post office at weather to where the shovel is to be selected. Timber was robbed of $173.49 working, but is rough. At one A small entrance fee will be in cash, $2.19 in stamps, money point where the road is to follow charged. I order forms, and other articles. an old railroad grade the track Everybody seems to be quite The front of the safe was peeled temporary is still in place and a enthusiastic over the tournament, in the same manner as was the roadway, narrow and not at all declares Mr. Ulshoeffer. one at Vernonia nearly a week adapted for meeting trains or later. Handicap Tournament Held cars, has been made beside it. states that J. H. Rose, supervisor, Emil Messing won the third PRISONER IN JAIL he has had assurance from the annual Vernonia handicap golf A local man was arrested by lumber company that the track tournament Sunday when he de will be removed within a week. feated Jack Bush six and four. Marshal Harry Phelps last week Rocking will be commenced The 36 hole match was very on a charge of being drunk and as soon as the grading is com close until the last round when disorderly, and is serving out in jail a fine of $25 which he was pleted, says Mr. Mills. It is Jack’s game went to pieces. unable to pay. hoped that the entire work will F. M. Ruhl repeated his win be done in time for school next of last year and captured the Attend Officer«' Convention fall, he says. first flight cup, defeating C. C. Judge D. B. Reasoner and Clay in a walkaway match, 10 Marshal Harry Phelps attended Committee to Meet and 12. O. D. McCabe won the a police officers convention in With County Court second flight when he beat Sandy Hillsboro Tuesday. They report Macpherson 7 and 6. a very profitable meeting. A. E. Veatch, president of the The finals of the ladies’ mat- Columbia County Taxpayers’ ches were exceedingly close > both league, has named a committee to being decided on the last hole. meet with the county court Sat Mrs. Helma King defeated Mrs. urday at ten o’clock to discuss Sheila Bateman, one up. 1 These reduction of expenses in county ladies played a very even match government. but only halved one hole and it Members of this committee are was decided on the last putt. Judd Greenman of Vernonia, O. Miss Ethel Tousley defeated Mrs. J. Evenson of Clatskanie, L. L. Catherine McNeill, one up to win George Clow wants to know Giese of Rainier, A. H. Tarbell the first flight. why red blackberries are always of Warren, E. E. Wist of Scap- green. poose, O. Henry Oleen of Co Undergo«« Tonsil Oporation lumbia City, Ira Hyde of St, Miss Gavena Charlesworth, who Little Eva was in our midst Helens, and A. I E. Veatch of is a nurse at the Emanuel hospi- Rainier, ex-officio. tai, underwent a tonsil operation Thursday. Monday and came home Wednes DOG RUN OVER Have your operations while day to spend a few days with her young. It you don’t consider A dog belonging to Merle Mills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray the advice sound, witness Bucky was run over at about four o’- Charlesworth. Mrs. Charlesworth clock Wednesday afternoon by a Davis. and Wilburn went to Portland car driven by Lloyd Baker. Mar The crooks seem to be waking shal Harry Phelps was called to Wednesday to get her. put the animal out of its suf GETS SHEEP ALLOWANCE up to the fact that Vernonia is on the map. Sorry, we didn’t fering. E. A. McDonald of Vernonia mean to attract their attention. The accident was unavoidable, as the pup ran in front of the was allowed $32 at the July ses sion of the county court for sheep Some folks are just finding car unexpectedly. which had been killed by dogs. out that Vernonia is on the best Roma Howell moved to Klam A total of $164.25 was paid of the proposed short routes to for slaughtered sheep. the sea. That’a fine. ath Falla Friday. MIXED FOURSOME GOLF SCHEDULED CAMP 8 GRADE ALMOST FINISHED Feathers And ... Talons..