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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR 1 era. Let us have mercy on the ¡poor taxpayers! —Rainier Review. FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1931. for the team this year. Among Our Neighbors • This is the first year a bowl ing tournament has been on the Lenon For Lumber Trade list of events. Considerable in j Northwest lumbermen received terest is shown in the contest, ac Delivered To and Called for at Your Door Pacific Coast Representative a rude shock this week on learn cording to Ray DeMoss, who is in Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. ing that Representative Dyer of TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY Several San Francisco Mrs. E. H. Flagg, pioneer resi charge of the affair. Missouri will introduce a meas posts have already sent in word Long Distance Furniture Hauling ure at the next Congress requir dent of St. Helens, died June 24. they will enter teams. Between Vernonia and Portland t t t ing railroads to preserve the na The St. Helens chamber of Something that probably is tion’s timber resources by using Member of National Editorial steel or concrete ties. Congress commerce will hold no more meet causing more talk than anything Association and Oregon State else in connection with the ath- man Dyer’s argument is, of ings until fall. W. A. Davis, Local Manager. t t t Editorial Association. letic program is the proposed course, too absurd to warrant R. W. Hannaford has been boxing and wrestling tournament much discussion. Many experi RES. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 appointed deputy clerk in the which is being promoted by Al $2.00, Per Year in Advance ments with steel ties have been county clrek’s office. Issued Every Friday Keeney. Keeney is endeavoring tried without satisfaction. Am t + t to procure a colorful card with Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post erican rail and steel industries Rainier is planning a big cele office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. have in the past exported ship bration for the Fourth, under Jack Reynolds and Robin Reed as the headliners on the wrestling loads of steel ties to foreign the sponsorship of the Lion’s program. Should Keeney’s plans Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; countries. One may even travel club. materialize the bouts will be held legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 6c per line succeeding through the high veldt of dark t . t . + on the football stadium at Ore insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, est Africa and see American- Donald Parcher was elected gon State college. . I made steel railroad ties, useless 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. director for the Rainier union for their intended purpose, used high school district, winning ov for mile after mile of rough er A. J. Burns 212 to 91. Mr. The Vernonia Eagle job print ¡fence posts and the like—not a RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher Parcher favored an economy pro ing department is fully equipped striking example for the better- gram while his opponent en- to print the job for you—whether jment of our foreign trade. dorsed the present policy of the it be butter wrappers, a poster, But in respect to the “surp- stationery, office forms, or an THE MENACE OF THE DRUNKEN DRIVER Irise” and the “shock” exhibited board. nouncements. t t t I by Northwest lumbermen at this The next meeting of the Lower Whatever one’s attitude towards prohibition there cansubtle attack on an excellent Columbia associated chambers of be only one opinion regarding the danger of mixing alcohol I say that it |g indeed timely Thig commerce will be at Clatskanie in The business man who does not ad and gasoline. Scarcely any thinking person, be he politi-, preposterous proposition of Con- September. vertise might be compared with the man cally wet or dry, would deny that the law should see to it gressman Dyer has its counter- Ralph Coleman, who is base who digs a well and does not put a pump part in many more, less prepos that roads and streets are made safe for the sober, and f terous, far more subtle inroads ball coach at the state college, in it, or the concern that would construct a that drunken drivers should be kept out of their cars un into the markets of Northwest is in charge of the finals of the HAY ------------------------ junior baseball tournament to be pipe line and fail to include power for til they are able to steer them without danger of bowling lumber. Over a period of years,' played on the college diamond. -------- GRAIN --------- forcing the product through the pipes. As over unsuspecting pedestians or smashing into other auto the thought of this country has Preliminaries are being played in ----------------------- FEED been gradually and ingeniously sembling a stock of merchandise is only mobiles that are where they belong. Theory, that is, turned to regard wood as a cheap all sections of the state at pres PHONE 681 not fact. and makeshift sort of building ent and more interest than ever the first step in doing business. is being shown in the state finals, material. according to Coleman. The col A situation which allows drunken drivers to maim Repitition wearies. But at the : —Selected. lege baseball diamond, one of the and kill without paying even a mild penalty is deplorable. risk of such odium, The Spectator best in the state, is being kept in again points out, as it has these An article on the subject in Tuesday’s Oregonian is many times, that the great need first class condition for the big of the Northwest lumber industry tournament. 1 Agency for worth careful consideration. It says in part: VERNONIA EAGLE Plans are under way for Le is for a concerted front, to arouse McCormick-Deering gion members to participate in “The drunken driver knows that odds are heavy in a national esteem for wood I golf and bowling tournaments. craftsmanship in building. Con- l his favor, that he will ease out of anything really serious. gressman ------ TRACTORS Dyer’s thinly disguised Cecil Blakely is chairman of the Here are the odds: committee, and Ray DeMoss piece of propaganda for wood golf I “If arrested for driving while intoxicated the driver substitutes will have served ex- ¡ is in charge of the bowling con 1 has almost one chance in three of not paying any fine or cellent purpose if it awakens the test. The golf tournament, open to Northwest lumber industry to spending any time in jail. “The chances are almost three to one, in the drunken realize its need for public edu- all members of the Legion, will played on the Corvallis coun driver’s favor, that he will not spend any time in jail cation on the beauty and merit be try club course on Friday, the other than the few hours in which he may be sobering up. of wood. -The Spectator. second day of the convention. A “The chances, likewise, are almost three to one in his For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on cup will be presented the winning this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business favor that he will not pay any fine for his indiscretion. four-man team and another cup and professional people. Athletics Stressed He may pay some money to the bondsman and to an at to the individual medalist. Posts torney who knows the ropes, true enough. But it’s almost At Big Convention wishing to enter teams are asked a dead cinch, even if fined, that the state bill will not be to communicate with Blakely as ——— - MONEY to toan DOCTORS CORVALLIS—(Special.)— Ar soon as possible. more than $100. CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENT TELEPHONE— “The chances are approximately even up that the rangements are under way for a The Corvallis post won the last Office 672 Res. 673 Money to Loan drunken driver will retain his driver’s license. In fact, big program of athletics for golf tournament at Salem in 1929 On improved real estate; long members of the American Legion and will be out to defend the DR. R. A. OLSON the driver is more likely to retain his license than not.” time and reasonable terms. who will meet in convention here ehampionship this yed|r. The Chiropractor See Attorney John L. Storla, What is the remedy ? At bottom there is only August 6, 7 and 8. Members championship team was composed OVER CLINE FURNITURE St. Helens Oregon. Annette Beauty Shoppe STORE one: a public conscience so aroused that the guilty are of the local post who are head of Dr. Erney Quesinberry, Carl ing up the athletic activities are Lodell, Blakely, and Bill Moyer. Telephone 431 REMACHANTS sure to be severely punished and their drivers’ licenses Ralph Coleman, Al Keeney, Cec Lodell won the individual honors. BARBER shops forfeited until such time as they can reasonably be trust Blakely, and Ray DeMoss. All these divot diggers are eligible Bcrttimia Freight Portland-Vernonia Truck Line The Business Mail Who Does Not Advertise FOR Vernonia Trading Co Professional and Business Directory ed never to drive unless sober. What Other Editors Think Initiate R.apportionm.nt Initiate reapportionment of state senate, is proposal by Sena tor Joe E. Dunne in Vernonia Eagle. He says it is hopeless to try to get a just reapportionment through the senate. He also com mends ability and industry of Representative McGraw, first- termer from Columbia county, which commendation we unre servedly endorse, as we observed McGraw closely and found him extraordinarily effective and in fluential for a new member. —Oregon Voter. AFTER THE MONEY Our St. Helens friends (the Mist and the Informant) already have a place for the money which was laid aside for the Apiary- Vernonia market road. They want to pave the road from St. Hel ens to Yankton—a very laudible ambition to be sure. But— How would St. Helens feel if they had waited on to 10 years for a market road, paid taxes all these years to help build the other fellow’s road, only to find that they were to be left out in the cold—as usual. Now, it is not NECESSARY to spend this money at all, not at •11. Why not keep the money intact where it ia and use it for repairs on th« market roads we now have so that it will not be necessary to make a levy for market road purposes. As it was apparently too great a burden for the taxpayers to build the Apiary-Vernonia mar ket road, is it not also too great a burden for the taxpayers to pave the road from St. Helens to Yankton, or is it a case of sauce for the goose not being sauce for the gander? Gentlemen of the county court, in all sincerity, we are suggesting the above seriously, not sarcasti cally. Save this market road money, make no levy for market road purposes the coming year and live up to the idea advan ced in opposition to the comple tion of the Apiary-Vernonia road, namely—too hard on the taxpay- THE FEATHERHEADS DAD’S SANDWICH SHOP Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 Delicious Chile and Sand wiches—Also Roasts and Short Orders CARD ROOM DR. J. A. HUGHES CURLY’S TRANSFER PASTIME Physician and Surgeon Phone Business 221 Residence 653 BARBER SHOP Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed Lax juries, unscrupulous attorneys, technicalities that defeat the purpose of law—all combine to favor the ir responsible driver who gets into a “jam.” Some day, perhaps, we shall wake up to the fact that the driver of an automobile madly careening out of con trol is fully as dangerous as he who runs amuck with a loaded gun in his hand. The one is promptly deprived of his weapon, bundled off to jail, and if not committed to the insane asylum at least given a penalty that makes him (and others like him) realize that that sort of con duct simply isn’t tolerated. The other hires a clever at torney, secures selfish bondsmen, and shortly goes his own way without let or hindrance. In some cases, perhaps, the experience has sobered him so that he never repeats it; whether it does or not it certainly encourages the next man to think that he, too, can get away with it. Unfortu nately he succeeds all too often. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon low/ J Ly TRANSFER — TRUCK Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. Eye. Tested CONTRACTOR Vernonia, Oregon JOHN A. MILLER Oregon-American HOTELS Mason Work, Building C. BRUCE Lumber Co Spelialiat—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store General Contractor I Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. DENTISTS M. D. COLE i By Osborne Dentist Vernonia, Oregon i ¥ Bargains in Furniture & Stoves \¿d BAFFORD BROS Vernonia CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store REEHER & LUEBKE New And Used Good* Vernonia, Oregon General Plumbing i Glasses Fitted DR. C. O. ANDERSON Eye Local and Long Dis tance Hauling I I inc wwr 11 First Ave. North SEATING L AT HOME hotel M c D onald á MORTUARIES COMPLETE,, ,,, FU NERALS BROWN MORTUARY Phone 593 E Forest Grove, Oregon Money spent here for printing buys Quality Work *< VERNONIA EAGLE Jop Printing Dept. Just ♦