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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1931)
Natal In Air Program Van Vleet Logging company are hauling cedars to the Me Graw shingle mill this week. Jim Moran bought six more dairy cows for his ranch recent ly. Mr. Moran has eight cows on his ranch now. Lloyd Green from Treharne was at Natal visiting old friends Tuesday. Mrs. Nels Peterson is in Port land taking more treatments this week. Mrs. N. D. Dunlap and son Floyd accompanied her to Portland Monday. The annual school election held at Natal school district No. 22 on June 15 chose a clerk and one director. Mrs. Nettie Peter son was re-elected clerk and J. W. Neurer is the new director. County trucks are hauling sand and gravel this week which will be used for concrete piers for the new steel bridge. The old wooden structure is also being removed. A temporary float bridge is being constructed and used for a detour. o-----------------------------------------o PERSONALS '■ .... o’ Frank Hanson, who is critically ill, has been somewhat better during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lillian Toney and daughter Marabeth, from Missoula, Montana, have been vi CHRISTIAN CHURCH Neurers Celebrate siting Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Vick Miss Krause Marries F. Claude Stephens, Minister rey for two days while on their Four Anniversaries Otto Jaeger 9:45 a. m. Bible school; 10:45 way to California. a. m. Communion; 11 a. m. ser Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller from NATAL—(Special)—Four an- Miss Pearl Krause, teacher in mon. San Diego, California, visited 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor; versaries were celebrated at Mr. his brothers, Claude and John the Lincoln school for the past and Mrs. Jake Neurer’s Sunday. Miller, and families of this city four years and principal during 8 p. m. evening sermon. Oliver Curtiss of Forest Grove, A wedding anniversary June 19, the last year, was married at several days last week. birthdays on June 6, 12 and M. E. Gründen went to Port Sherwood June 6 to Otto Jaeger. former pastor of the church,| and 13 respectively were all cele- will probably occupy the pulpit The local paper gives the fol land Wednesday. brated on the 14th. lowing account of the wedding: both morning and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Davis enter Present were Mr. and Mrs. tained a number of friends at A pretty lawn wedding took EVANGELICAL CHURCH George Neurer, Raymond Hall, their home on Clatsop street Sat place Saturday, June 6, at 2 G. W. Plumer, Pastor Virginia Hall and Willis Weath urday evening. Those present o’clock at the home of Mr. and The Sunday school at 9:45 were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sheel- Mrs. Herman Krause of Hood a. m. will study “The Sin of erbee of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Neurer, Stella Neurer, Jan ey, Mr. and Mrs. Weston Sheel- View, when their daughter, Miss i Causing Others to Stumble.” ette Neurer and David Neurer ey and Mrs. J. A. Miller. The Pearl Krause, became the bride The pastor will have as his evening was spent playing cards of Mr. Otto Jaeger, son of Mr. subject at 11 a. m. “The Christ of Astoria; and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Gus Jaeger. Jake Neurer. and a gorgeous lunch was serv Rev. Barber of Forest Grove ian Sabbath.” The Christian En- ¡ A lovely breakfast and dinner ed by the hostess. deavor society will have as their read the ceremony before an! Mrs. John Miller and children arched bower of cedar and roses. topic at 7 p. m. “How to De were served, including ice cream and cake. The day was spent hav and Mr. and Mrs. Art Davis spent The bride who was given in cide What is Right and What Sunday at the Cronster home in ' marriage by her father wore a is Wrong.” Mrs. Johnson will be ing a good social time, and some beautiful gifts were received. St. Helens. They were accomp [ gown of white net lace with a the leader for this service. anied by Claude Miller, who vis wreath of orange blossoms in her The evening preaching service ited his children at Houlton. hair. She carried a shower bou is at 8 p. m. Theme “Are We 0. E. S. Holds H. E. McGraw attended the quet of white carnations. Birthday Party state chamber of commerce meet Miss Menga Batalgia, as brides Right?” Last Sunday morning two ing in Portland June 12. Others maid, wore a gown of pale pink The Eastern Star members present from Columbia county chiffon, with hat to match and young men were baptized. held their quarterly birthday par were Art Steele from Clatskanie carried an arm bouquet of pink ty in the Masonic temple after Shower For and John L. Foote of St. Helens. carnations. the regular business meeting A number of Vernonia men Mr. Frank Krause, brother of Wednesday evening. Honor guests are planning to attend the meet the bride, acted as best man. Mrs. C. Burt present were Mrs. H. A. Pearse, ing of the Lower Columbia as Little Lois Jean Murray was A shower for Mrs. Cecil Burt Mrs. Maude Space, and Mrs. G. sociated chambers of commerce flower girl. was given by Mildred and Ethel W. Laird. A piano solo by Miss in Ilwaco today. Geo. W. Ford Preceding the ceremony Miss Tousley Friday evening. I Amy Hughes and song by Mar- is president of the organization. Those invited were Mrs. Roy 1 caret Nelson were much enjoy F. Claude Stephens, minister Alice Eaton of Vancouver, Wn., of the Christian church left Tues sang “At Dawning,” accompanied Scott, Mrs. B. A. Vickrey, Mrs. ed. Charlotte Green and Margar- day to be with his sister at by Miss Neva Ruppel, of Port Geo. Clow, Mrs. M. Mumbach, | et Nelson tied for first prize for land, who also played the wed Mrs. Everett Prickett, Mrs. Scott, ! the flower and vegetable game Gresham for several days. ding march. A reception was held Zelma Wall, Merle Mills, Dorothy and Mrs. Frank Dickson was immediately following the cere Holtham, Margaret Shipley, Mrs. awarded consolation prize. NOTICE TO CREDITORS mony. The young couple then A delicious luncheon of pine In the Cour.ty Court of the State left for a short wedding trip af Shelia Bateman, Macile Roberts, of Oregon For Columbia County. ter which time they will make Beulah Scott, Mrs. Wayne Hieb- apple salad, sandwiches and punch er, Violet Roberts, Ethel Tous I was served by Mrs. L. Bever In the matter of the estate their home near Wilsonville. ley and Mildred Tousley. idge and Mrs. E. W. Holtham. of Meier Ovesen, deceased. The entire community joins in Notice to Creditors wishing them much joy and hap NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN piness. That the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reddick of Estate of Meier Ovesen, de Klamath City, California, were ceased, by the County Court of guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. the State of Oregon for Columbia Monger Tuesday. DEPARTMENT • STORE County, and has duly qualified. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beam and STORE NUM HER 11.36 VERNONIA. OREGON All persons having claims against , children of Portland spent Sun said estate are hereby notified day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. to present the same, duly verified C. Davidson. as by law required, to the under signed at his residence in City of Vernonia, Oregon. FRED OVESEN, A FULL LINE OF Administrator. Dated and first published June 18, 1931. W. A. Harris, Attorney. 475c o J.C. PENNEY C-O. SUNDAY NOTICE—I will not be respon sible for nny debts contracted by my son, Harve Edens. John Edens. 471* FOR RENT FOR RENT—2-rooni apartments, new, clean and quiet. Hot water; water, light and wood $15 month. P. Hill, 875 Second St FOR SALE FOR SALE—2 small farms, 1-2 acre tract with house and small barn, also unimproved land. All near Vernonia. T. B. Mills 462* FOR SALE—Girl’s Henderson bicycle. In good condition. $8.00. 102 O.-A, Hill. 467* 6 WEEKS OLD PIGS for sale. Phone 8F525. Mrs. A. B. Counts. 471* FOR SALE—30 tons Grass Hay (J? $5 per ton; standing in field. 1 mile north of Verno nia on Rock creek. See Elmer Bergeraon. 14F1555, (472*1 FOR SALE—One acre land and 5-room house on highway. $400 cash. S. V, Malmsten. Phone 11F51 I ■— County 4-H Clubs . Mr*. Jake Neurer Classified Ads FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX Agnes Sorel and Muriel Astor TCI LET Articles Father’s Day For Fashion-Wise and Thrifty Men, select one of our outstanding val ues in all-wool suits. AMONG THEM— Cleansing Cream Face Powder Powder Base Creams Face Tonic Nourishing Cream 1 package Clean sing Tissues free with each $1.00 purchase of Agnes Sorel or Muriel Astor pro ducts. Armitage Drug Co. NEXT TO POST OFFICE (Continued from page 1.) successful achievement. There is much to achieve, for, each year in Columbia county, there is a County Fair in which one build ing is set aside expressly for 4-H clubs. Not only is the com pleted work exhibited there, but demonstrations concerning their projects are given by the clubi members. Premiums awarded i are great inducements for dili-, gent work. Besides, the displays | in this building there are live-' stock barns, where the livestock of the club members is exhibited and judged. The winners at the County Fair are entitled to a trip to the State Fair or the Pacific Livestock Exposition. Who ever is winner in the state is privileged to attend the Exposi tion in Chicago. “Last year a short program was presented by the club mem- bers at the Columbia County and j ¡g b the united efforta Fair, it was greatly enjoyed, and of the members - of .......................... each club that because of its success, a more ex- i they were able to send delegates tensive one has been planned this from Columbia county to this year. The club members will en school. Candy sales and par tertain in front of the grand ties were given in order that stand with colorful folk dances they might send one of their and marches. Each member is number there. Although this is welcome to take part in this pro one of the enjoyable interests gram, which will probably take of club work, the greatest fea two hours or more to present. ture is the fact that we gain prac “Several interesting achieve tical knowledge from our club ment day programs were held in work, which will be a benefit to Columbia county this year. Ach us all our life, directing us ievement Day means much to club healthfully and happily to a cher members, for it is the day when ished goal.” merit is received for work which A short talk was made by Mrs. has been done. The parents and Pearl Becker, as follows: “It is friends of the members are in- great to temporarily be mother vited on this day to inspect the to the 17 boys and girls and it completed work, and enjoy the is a pleasure to be with them. demonstrations which are given, Like true Club boys and girls They are days full of interest they are regular in class attend and enjoyment, and those which ance and also are enjoying the are looked forward to by all 4-H recreations provided. Each of club members. them will tell you about his or “By working together in these her work.” clubs, friendship and good fel The members of the delega lowship are stimulated, as we tion were introduced and each each strive to live up to the made a short talk. They were ideals maintained by the mem Stanley McNallen, of Deer Is land; Esther Karasti, of Clats bers. “This summer school at Cor kanie; Mike Brusco, of Rainier; vallis is but another one of the Margaret Braward and Albert delightful features of club work, Bishop, of Goble; Helen Lloyd, '■ ■■■■"- — ' ■ J of Deer Island; Phyllis Hauge* berg, of Rainier; Vivian Talbot and John Koller, of Deer Island; Ruth Eilertsen, Gertrude Elippin, Margaret Sweeney, Mildred Tho mas, of Clatskanie; Geraldine Ol iva and Woodrow Lovelace, of Rainier; Norman Nitengale, of Deer Island; and Robert Spen cer, of Goble. The program ended with a song by the club members en titled “Our Club Will Shine.”— Geo. A. Nelson, county agent. BIDS WANTED Bids for painting city hall will be received by the city coun cil July 6th, 1931, up to 7 p. m. Specifications on file at city re- Corder’s office. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. By order of the City Council. J. E. TAPP, Mayor. Attest: D. B. REASONER, City Recorder. V. PRINTING Costs Less There is an old «aw . • . “Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.” Es pecially is this true of printing. Printing, han dled as we know how to do the work, is a gn -d in vestment of money. J&L icp* Let us show you how we can improve your present k; LETTERHEADS STATEMENTS CIRCULARS FOLDERS CARDS Î : & We know that we can prove to you that Good Printing Costs Less For Saturday and Monday, June 20,22 Pears Firefly — Bartlets, fine for desserts, salads or fruit cups. No. 2i/2 can .... lUu SHREDDED Asparagus WHEAT A wholesome breakfast Delicious with food. fresh fruits. Lge. Pkg. 2 PKGS...... 19c 19 c SUGAR Cheese You’ll be using plenty of sugar in canning and jelly making. IO Pounds 4oC Cedarbrook Valley, aged just right. Pound ............. lut 1 Waters MACARONI Porters, Elbo-Cut, for bak ing or salads ........................ Salad Points for salads or a vegetable. Large Can . 4 ib.. 23c CATSUP Van Camps — Rich, red and tasty. Large Bottle ... 15c LETTUCE Large sweet, firm, crisp heads. EACH ..................... 4c WATERMELONS Ripe, black seed watermelon — Pound ....... 3c Crisp Sugar Waffers—- colors and assorted dainty. Pound 24c Tomatoes Smooth, firm and ripe. Pound 10c See Our Windows for Latest in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In Our Market WW« •____ Eastern suger cured. p°unds.......... Picnics 4 to 7 Greatest Value in Years— A Food Selection $19.75 Pork Roasts Shoulder roasts from 4| young pork............... dU« ■>