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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, JUÑE 19, 1931. are times when wisdom and pru i- and coyotes is taken from anI maturity. The attack of the dis for the control of this disease dence are horribly confounded. I article by Dr. C. R. Donham I ease come son suddenly. There can be given. As a matter of fact, this sort t of the Oregon State college at is a high fever, loss of appe “The only method of prevent tite and increeased thirst. In the ing salmon poisoning known at of thing happens fairly often— _i Corvallis: in a little different way. Not F “Salmon wrviazxnivsrw poisoning 4c» is n a ,14 dis a later stages there is a bloody present is to keep dogs and foxes many people who have prepared ease of dogs, foxes and coyotes diarrhea and marked weakness. from eating fresh water trout Pacific Coast Representative for a carefree and leisurely old which occurs only in the Pa The animals usually die in about and salmon, unless such fish MEMBER Arthur W. Stÿpes, Inc. two weeks after eating the fish. have been thoroughly cooked.” age die just as they begin to cific Northwest. San Francisco ASSOCIATION \ Those taste their reward, of course; “It is caused by a small para A few dogs lecorver. If it is known that a dog has but they get cheated out of their site which is barely visible to which recover are immune and recently eaten raw salmon or dues, just the same, They find the naked eye. An immature can eat such fish without danger. trout, the removal of the ob- "Many other diseases of dogs jectional material from the ani that leisure, after a lifetime of form of this worm is found in Member of National Editorial hard work, is boredom, They the muscles, kidneys, gills, _ and are frequently confused with mal's stomach before it reaches Association and Oregon State find that they have forgotten digestive tubes of fresh water salmon poisoning. A definite the intestines may save its life. Editorial Association. how to play. They find that the salmon and trout. They are not diagnosis can be made by find This removal may be accomp empty hours are depressing be found in fish that are taken ing eggs from the parosites In lished by having a physician or cause they do not know what from salt water. Consequently, the stools of affected dogs or veterinarian give hypodermically Issued Every Friday $2.00. Per Year in Advance to do with them. They find most of the salmon that is of- foxes. grain Apomorphine Hy There is waste in advertising: themselves feeling that they have fered for human food does not “Although many remedies have one-tenth Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post drochloride or if this service is been recommended, none have office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. About one-tenth as much as in been put upon the the shelf, and contain these parasites and will not available, a teaspoonful of successful. I i salt not advertising. they grow 10 years older in 12 not injure dogs if eaten by proved universally or a tablespoonful of mus- —Hillsboro Argus. months. them. When dogs or foxes eat This parasite buries itself in the I tard in a little water will gen Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; wall of the intestine, Conse- aren ’ t meant to Perhaps we fresh water salmon, or trout, legal notices. 10c per line first insertion, 6c per line succeeding the vomiting ne- Delinquent Tax Foreclosure meui-i erally induce . .... insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, be too cautious, Deferring one’s mature parasites develop in their quently it is doubtful if medi- to eJeft the '°nt»"*inated 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. Oregon seems to be unusually happiness to the end, when one intestines. Cooking or prolonged cines given through the mouth food. behind in its collection of delin will have time and the means to freezing of fish destroys the are of any value in attempts “The disposal of fresh fish quent taxes. In many other states, take it, is risky. For most of us parasites. Fish which have been to destroy the parasites. This| waste should be accomplished in is because the medicine passes tax titles are offered for sale RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher that gilded tomorrow will never treated in this way is not in- such a manner as to make it within six months of tax delin dawn. If we don’t get our hap jurious to dogs, Canned salmon through the opening of the bowel impossible for dogs to obtain it.” without coming into contact with quency. If tax titles are not piness along the way we shall will not produce symptoms when purchased, foreclosure proceedings never get it at all. eaten by dogs, These parasites th parasites that are completely VERNONIA’S PER CAPITA TAX IS LOW are initiated at once, and the That is a lesson worth learn have not been found in any buried in the wall of the bowel. county takes the property. The ing. The real joy of living is kinds of fish besides the salmon It is advisable to give dogs af fected with this disease extra Statistics of per capita taxes on property compiled by property stays off the assessment not something that can be banked and trout. roll until the county sells it. all of the salmon good care and nursing. They the Oregon Voter prove that Vernonia’s taxes, much berat Thus the assessment rolls are and drawn on at some future and “Practically us sliow you trout that are taken from should be kept ’ warm and in date. It has to be taken from ed as being excessively high, are in proportion to popula kept clean and tax delinquency day to day. It is compounded fresh water streams of Western good comfortable, dry quarters why GOOD tion the lowest in the county with the exception of Co is kept at a minimum. usually of many little experien Oregon contain these parasites. lumbia City, a village in size though incorporated as a Here in Oregon we let the de ces. The haze of an autumn af The worms are so thoroughly twenty-four hours of the day. linquency pile up and pile up. ternoon over a flaming woodland; distributed through the bodies They should be given limited1 printing city, and are less than one-half the average per capita tax Tax sharks buy only the cream the confiding smile of a child, of the fish that almost any part amounts of warm i drinking wa-1 for the whole state. of property, where delinquency is nestling in one’s arms for a fairy of the fish will produce symp ter. With our present know pays! On the other hand, Vernonia’s tax levy of 93.7 mills due more to carelessness or er- tale; the smell of a clear wind toms if eaten by the dog. They ledge, no other recommendation ror than to owner inability to as one trudges along a beach of are so numerous that it only is the highest in the county, and the local taxpayer, who pay with its implication of lack blue water; the sudden revelation takes a very small quantity of may know nothing of per capita tables, is not at all ig of value in the property. In of tenderness in the eyes of a the fish to do the damage. norant of the fact that he has to hand to the tax collector some counties, delinquent taxes loved one; the brief, vanishing “Symptoms do not appear until been piling up so long that strain of a bit of music—of six to ten days after the ani altogether too much money in proportion to the value of have property is still on the assess such things is a satisfying life mal has eaten the fish. When his property. A very low per capita tax, but very high ment roll although no taxes have fabricated. You must get them dogs develop symptoms within taxes to pay; what does such a situation mean? been paid on it for more than as you go along, or you will miss a few hours or a day or two them entirely.—Standard, Excel after eating spoiled fish, it is It means, for one thing, that Vernonia’s city govern ten years. due to a food poisoning and is In New Mexico, which some sior Springs, Missouri. ment, school and road districts have been economically ad ten years ago was in about the not what is known as salmon poisoning. The interval of six ministered, considering the population affected. As the same situation on delinquent tax “Salmoning” Causes to ten days between the eating Voter points out, the larger the population, the higher es that now prevails in Oregon, Death of Dogs Here of fish and the time the dog the legislature transferred col tends to be the per capita tax burden on property. With lection jurisdiction to a state of gets sick is the time required 1625 people to govern and to provide schools, streets, wa ficer. If taxes weren’t paid and The following article published for the parasites to develop to in the Eagle last year is re ter mains, sewers, etc. for, Vernonia’s public funds have the county authorities didn’t fore printed by request, on account of close, the county was through and been carefully expended. Were it not for the lack of the state officer proceeded. The the danger that dogs encounter foresight in failing to provide an adequate sinking fund result was that millions of cash I from eating fresh salmon during WHEN IT IS season. for the sewer bonds that must be paid off in 1934, caus were brought in and the local the The death of several valuable SPENT OUT OF TOWN ing an increase of this year’s levy of some 20 mills, the bodies were put back on a cash dogs from “salmoning” or sal basis. We need something of mon poisoning in Vernonia and economy that successive city councils, school boards and that kind here in Oregon. Buy your meats and groceries HAY ----------------------- others have practiced would be all the more apparent. —Oregon Voter. description of this dread animal disease and a warning about of an independent dealer, and -------- GRAIN --------- It means, also, that a considerable proportion of Ver THE DANGER OF WAITING making fresh fish parts avail keep Vernonia money in Ver ----------------------- FEED nonia’s population of 1625, according to the 1930 census, able to dogs seems timely. Life can play foul jokes on nonia ...................................... The following description of are non-taxpayers, leaving to the property owners and people PHONE 681 some times. business men a rather heavy burden of taxation. The sug In a large middle-western city salmon poisoning in dogs, foxes gested plan of continuing as a tax the present high water there was a grocer, who worked rates after the water bonds are mostly paid off, so as to very hard and saved his money religiously so that his old age reach those who add to the cost of government without would be provided for. contributing thereto, is justified. Other methods, also, For 50 years he stuck to his Agency for might be devised of distributing the tax load, that it may grocery store. He worked and (Incorporated) McCormick-Deering saved too hard to have very much A Home-Owned Business for Home Folks. more nearly reach a per capita basis. fun, but he was looking forward PHONE 721 ------ TRACTORS ------ Because of the heavy taxes the people of Vernonia to the day when he could retire, are compelled to pay this year, it might appear that they Then he would have his fun. He have money and leisure, have been victimized by careless and extravagant officials, would and he would moke up for the but such is not the case. Better financing in the one ins years of hard work. PAPER HANGING tance referred to there indeed might have been, but in all Well, he finally retired- I AND TINTING other respects there is much to praise and very little to money in the bank, an assured income, a nice home, everything blame. he needed, “Now,” he told his For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on J. C. Henderson friends, “I am going to enjoy this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business life. ” and professional people. CONCERNING A COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phone 1021 And just 24 hours after he Books of 1930 Wall Paper had retired he dropped dead. Samples Now Here 4NNnllNCFMFNT<; The plan of organizing a county chamber of commerce If a novelist put that in a MORTUARIES DOCTORS On Display employing a paid secretary appears to have been put into book we wouldn’t believe it. We TELEPHONE— ANNOUNCEMENT say that things don’t real Office 672 Rex. 673 the discard, but the county chamber idea itself seems to would I have leased and am now op- ly happen that way, and we would Vernonia Sessman Black- erating the have met with some favor. accuse the novelist of straining DR. R. A. OLSON smith Shop. Chiropractor In the opinion of this newspaper a county chamber of too hard for an ironic effect. Paint Shop Repairing of all kinds But life takes queer twists OVER CLINE FURNITURE BROWN MORTUARY commerce without a paid secretary is scarcely worth while. that Faulkner W. M. are not permitted to good STORE Vernonia Phone 593 Unless a competent man is employed to be on the job all fiction. It all happened, precise MONEY TO IOAN the time and serve all parts of the county impartially, the ly as it is described here; and organization accomplishes little. It can, of course, pro all we can do is admit that there BARBER Ufninitia Eatjlr recently been distributed through the county agent’s office to far mers in the Scappoose and War ren districts. The lime will be used largely in correcting acidity on land to be planted to alfalfa and other legumes. What Other Editors Think Your Dollar never comes back to YOU FOR House And SIGN: PAINTING Vernonia Trading Co. Nehalem Market & Grocery Professional and Business Direéìory COMPLETE,, ,,, funeilals Jcy SHOP Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed mote good fellowship, and the social contacts are valuable. Otherwise it becomeiTa body which meets periodically, lis tens to resolutions presented by the board of directors, approves them duly, and goes home to forget. What is everybody's business is nobody's business. The purpose of promoting good fellowship and fos tering the spirit of cooperation is already served well by the Lower Columbia Associated chambers of commerce. The only justification for organizing a county chamber would be to call attention to Columbia county’s undeveloped re sources, bring in new industries and new pay rolls, place real farmers on some of the abandoned or near-abandoned farms, and cultivate the logged-off areas. Local concentrated effort to accomplish these aims seems to this newspaper to promise much better results than a generalized effort without trained leadership. and Mrs. E. R. Treharne and Mias Gurtha Rosemary Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Wilson, and Harry Walter Wilson, both witnessed the ceremony. of Vernonia, were united in mar —St. Helens Mist. riage at noon last Saturday at LIME DISTRIBUTED the Methodist parsonage by Rev. ST. HELENS—A carload of Leroy H. Walker. Parents of both the bride and groom, Mr. lime, consisting of 30 tons, has VERNONIA COUPLE WED Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 ( ARD ROOM RESTAURANTS PASTIME DR. J. A. HUGHES CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Pbysician and Surgeon Lloyd Baker, Prop. Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon CONTP ACTnpq Oregon-American Lumber JOHN A. MILLER DR. C. O. ANDERSON General Contractor Eye Spelialitt—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store I__________________________________ C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail LUMBER HOTEL GORDON Newly Furnished Rooms Hot and Cold Water Next to Post Office Very Reasonable Rates Freight BAFFORD BROS Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT Delivered To and Called for at Your Door General Plumbing TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY Long Distance Furniture Hauling Between Vernonia and Portland Vernonia DENTISTS Portland-Vernonia Truck Line M. D. COLE W. A. Davis, Local Manager. Dentist Vernonia, Oregon OFFICE PHONE 1041 Delicious Chile and Sand wiches—Also Roasts and Short Orders CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling HQTF's Vernonia, Oregon RES. PHONE 443 DAD’S SANDWICH SHOP TRANSFER — TRUCK Glasses Fitted Eyes Tested Mason Work, Building Money to Loan On improved real estate; long time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St. Helens Oregon. The best for those who appreciate the best. CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store REEHER A LUEBKE New And Used Goode Bargain» in Furniture A Stoves fi him f U UAeEATIMj ‘ à AT HOMI 4 J hotel M c D onald 11 First Ave. North Forest Grove, Or ego b To buy, sell or trade, t Eagle classified ads.