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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1931)
FRIDAY, JUNE 1Ô. 1951. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO LOCALS $ Joy Ball and Marian Lindley were in Portland Friday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson drove to Portland Monday on business. Floyd Deeds, U. of 0. student, has returned to his home at Natal for the summer. ] Mr. and Mrs. Earl Groat, dau- ’ ghter and son-in-law of Mr. and I Mrs. H. Veal visited at the Veal * _____ # of the home here over the week-end. The ________ Missionary society Christian church, which met with They returned to Astoria Monday Mrs. E. Knight Tuesday after- taking Alberta Veal with them, noon, concluded a six-months’; study of India with an article on I Eagle classifieds get results. “New Vocabularies and New I Pleasures,” by Mrs. Harry Cul I bertson and the last of a series Ringlette Permanent of articles on “To Those We I Hand the Torch,” read by Mrs. R. A. Olson. Including The newly elected officers were installed in a special service Shampoo wherein they and the remaining and members consecrated anew their Finger Wave 7 I — lives to Christ in the new yeari Those who once try the of missionary work. i “Ringlette” will never again Special music was given by Mrs. endure the discomfort of Knight and Mrs. Olson, accomp waves given with the old anied by Mrs. F. Claude Steph type, heavy over-head chan ens. Delicious refreshments were delier. served by the hostess. Any one interested in missions is welcome to attend the meet ings. The next regular meeting will be July 21 at the home of Mrs. H. Veal. 1 Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 For results—try an Eagle clas sified. It reaches the prospects. COMPLETES STUDY OF INDIA stayed over the weekend, return ing to Vancouver Monday. Harvard S. Malmsten, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten left here Wednesday for the Citizens’ Military Training camp at Vancouver, Washington. He is work during the summer for the a sergeant this year. Washington Gas and Electric Henry Kauppi has accepted a company. position in the Long Creek, Grant Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes county, high school. He expects went to Eugene Saturday to at to teach history and English, tend the graduation of their dau- and to coach athletics. He grad ghter Amy, who returned with uated last year from Albany col lege. them Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Allen Mrs. Vernon Sorensen and Mrs. Thor Roberts of Portland daughter Mary Lou of Tacoma, of Prince Albert, Sask., and W. is visiting her parents Mr. and Wash., are visiting Mrs. Soren- Stevens of West St. Helens were Mrs. Wm. Culver this week. sen’s sister Mrs. H. A. Yundt of dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Malmsten and Mrs. A. Soule Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight and Saturday. Mr. Allen is a neph Hieber, Glen Della Cline, Helen family went fishing at Clatskan- ew of Mrs. Soule. Hieber and Neal Bush, students ie Saturday. Stopping at the Gordon recent at the University of Oregon, ar George Stanton was in Port- rived in Vernonia last week after ly were A. E. Crawford of Spo land Friday attending the Rose completing their year’s studies. kane, Ira A. Roberts of St. Hel Show. ens, I. A. Jordan, R. B. Early, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kelting of Bill Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Es W. V. Lindley and Alfred tay, A. Henderson and A. ci. Jones made a flying trip to Port- Portland stopped here Tuesday Bryson of Portland. on their way home from a motor land Saturday afternoon. trip to Tillamook. Mr. Kelting Among those registered at Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss has property interest in Vernonia. Hotel Nehalem this week are Mr. and Kathryn Malmsten visited Enoch Dumas of the J. C. Pen and Mrs. M. J. Johnstone of the Rose Festival in Portland ney store staff spent several days Salt Lake City, Clarence L. Web Friday. in Salem the first of the week ber, R. E. Whiteman of Salem, Mrs. D. Marshall and Jack and attending the commencement fes- Z. A. Toye, A. 0. Bryson and Larry went to Portland Sunday tivities at Willamette University. M. A. Shaw of Portland. to visit John Kirk who is in a Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amy Hughes, who was grad W. J. Amritage were their son hospital there. uated from the University of and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander Oregon last week is home to went to McKenzie bridge Friday spend the summer with her par William Armitage of Vancouver, ot spend a week with the C. S. ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes. Washington., the latter’s father, J. H. McManus of Longview, and Hoffman family. Mrs. Fred Zeiner and daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Van Vleet The Kensington club meets Lavina and son Donald from Liv of Mist. this evening (Friday) at the ingston, Montana, are visiting Vivian Douglass, student at home of Mrs. Harry Kerns at their mother, Mrs. Clara Smyth Linfield college, arrived Tuesday 7:30 o’clock. of the Home grocery. for a visit of several days with Margaret McDonald left Tues Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wolff, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. day evening for Seattle where Mrs. Carl Davidson, Charlotte Douglass, before beginning her she will spend a short vacation Green and Dorothy June Wolff summer’s work in the state auto visiting there. drove to Portuand Friday to see mobile registration office in Sa- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Soule and the floral parade of the Rose lem. son, and P. F. Soule of Trout- Festival. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Soden had dale visited Mrs. C. Malmsten Algie Ratcliffe, who is employ as their guests one day last week and Mrs. A. Soule Tuesday. ed at the O.-A mill is ill with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walters who Dr. W. H. Hurley left Wednes asthma and complications, and stopped here while on their way to their new home in Palo Alto, day to attend the State Dental was taken to a Portland hospital California. Mrs. Walters is a Convention in Portland. He will Wednesday in the Legion ambul niece of Mr. Soden who, with ance. return Saturday. Mr. Soden attended her wedding Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taylor and recently in Lewiston, Idaho. Week end guests of Mrs. O. T. Bateman were Mr. and Mrs. son returned Sunday after spend Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McKibben Eddie Doyle and Mr. and Mrs. ing a two week’s vacation in went to Portland Tuesday evening Weiser, Idaho. Miss Bertha Tay Howard Douss of Portland. lor returned with them to spend to attend the wedding of Mrs. McKibben’s sister, Frances Plog, B. W. Goodwin and H. E. the summer. and Rolla Matthews, at the Rod Goodwin and their wives of Che with Clifton who Miss Ethel ney avenue Lutheran church. Mr. welah, Washington visited their sister, Mrs. W. V.Lindley Friday Miss Grace Dewey spent the Matthews is assistant manager of Miss past week at thfc home of the Kress chain stores and he and and Saturday. Dewey's sister, Mrs. Fred Veith, his bride will make their home in Glen Hieber left Tuesday morn- left Saturday for her home in Portland. ing for Longview where he will Vancouver, Wash. Miss Dewey The following were registered at the McDonald this week: L. P. Caldwell, Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Cohen, Salem, C. C. Loyd, Arthur C. Bradley, Frank Norris, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Peck, L. R. Hawes, Ella Mae Pringle, Bert Waterman, J. C. Penelope, Wm. Johnson, and C. L. Larson of Portland. SPECIAL EXTRA THICK ALUMINUM COOKS WITHOUT WATER Mrs. F. D. Macpherson, Mrs. W. E. Bell, Mrs. A. J. Hughes and Mrs. E. E. Yeo attended the installation of the grand offic ers of the grand chapter, Order of Eastern Star, held in Portland Thursday evening. Mrs. H. E. Me. Graw, Mrs. H. A. Pearse and Emil Messing were delegates from Vernonia and attended all the sessions. Hotel Hy-Van guests recently were Leo A. Iasac, U. S. Forest Service representative, W. F. Hintzen, H. E. Parker, H. V. Monigold, Roy C. Conger, Wm. Brown, Dean Asdell, E. H. Leahy, A. C. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peterson, H. J. Snell of Portland, Dan W. Chambers, Sea side, J. A. Sholorth, Salem, H. Von Cleff, Clatskanie, and J. Wesley Smith. Astoria. CASSEROLES CONVEX KETTLES ROASTERS SAUCE PANS CHICKEN FRYERS FRENCH FRYERS Hoffman Hdwe. Co SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS A group of young people en joyed a weiner roast at Parker’s grove Sunlay evening. Those pre sent were Carl Berg, Otis thump-, son, Arthur Spofford, Carl Biggs, Charles McNutt, Ted Anderson, Bill Johnson, Geo. Stanton, Al fred Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Herrin. Willie Potter. Mildred Walters, Marian Lindley, Lucy | Hopsin. Joy Ball, Doris Anderson, Frances McNutt, Helen Charles- worth. YOUR GROCER has a choice assortment of MOTHER'S CAKES Made in Vernonia tsk for Them by Name VERNONIA BAKERY The Home of Mother's Bread, Mother’s Cakes and Exceptional Pastries $5.00 Milady’s Beauty Shoppe 7V. S. Soden Describes Recent Journey to Lewiston, Idaho N. S. Soden who, with Mrs. . Crops this year are large and Soden, visited in Lewiston, Idaho i especially fine, but the price of- from May 30 till June 3, where ! fered is so poor that owners can he went to attend the wedding ; scarcely afford to pick the fruit. of his niece, tells many interest ■ Although a price of 7 cents for ing facts about his motor trip in ■ cherries was contracted earlier. to the neighboring state. the canners refused to pay it un- Although the distance is some i der existing conditions and of- 461 miles, Mr. Soden made it ; fered 2 cents which was refused. both going and coming in less l The compromise price of 4 cents than twelve hours. The country is , finally agreed upon is so inad- beautiful and roads, he said are , equate that cherry growers are excellent. Although the weather • quite willing to be generous with was very warm, they were for their fruit. Mr. Soden was in- tunately protected by clouds while , vited to bring a truck and help himself to all he could haul away. crossing the desert country. Mr. Soden describes Lewiston The Lewiston lumber mills as a “long” town stretched out have been operating steadily but between the river and high bluffs there are many unemployed men at the back. Situated as it is in town. Almost Mr. Soden’s first against these bluffs the town . experience upon reaching it was suffers considerably from the to be “touched” for a meal. Many heat during summer days. ■of the towns through which the On the high lands, where Mr. Sodens passed seemed dull in a Soden’s sister’s family lives, are business way and large numbers large irrigated fruit orchards. of unemployed were noted in Pendleton and Walla Walla. Mr. Soden enthusiastically en- joyed his trip and visit and re- lates with much gusto how he helped the bride and groom es- cape in his car after friends The last meeting with the home at their large wedding had let demonstration agent, Mrs. Case, the air out of the tires in their was held at the home of Mrs. machine. Alice John with 17 ladies pres- ent. The subject was “Short cuts in summer cookery and picnic lunches.” This will be the last meeting until next September. Another dance was held at the old Kist school house where a large crowd enjoyed the evening. A. F. Ornduff had the misfor tune of losing a colt in an aban doned well. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ohler and family made a business trip to Verboort Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rainwater motored to Hillsboro Monday on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ohler and family motored to Forest Grove Tuesday where they picked fruit. The Ornduff Logging company has been forced to shut down be cause of the rainy weather. C. R. John, who has been work ing for Scott and Vale Logging company at Gales creek, is home to begin work at the rock quarry when it opens. Mrs. H. C. Ohler and Mrs. A. F. Smejkal spent a day at the home of Mrs. H. E. Condit to quilt a quilt for Mrs. Ray Condit. Phone 191 or call at the Eagle office. Our up-to- date equipment makes it possible to give you the best quality of work, the finest service, and the fairest prices. Call us on your next job. QUALITY—SERVICE—PRICE KIST B ack Vernonia Eagle COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT of this ^YEAR GUARANTEE Eagle classifieds get results. is the name GENERAL ELECTRIC T IS SIGNED by one of the greatest electrical institutions in the world—this notable new 3-Year Guarantee on the General Electric Refrigerator. General Electric guarantees every new purchaser against any upkeep expense for three long years! I NOW Equip Your Bathroom from Soap to Brush ! With hot weather coming on the bathroom is the most used room in the house. To make its use more enjoyable see to it that it contains everything necessary for fast, thor ough bathing. We have all your favorite soaps and then some; Lady Fair, for example—the new colored soaps with fra grances to match (10c to 30c a cake)—sold only at Rexall Stores. Examine our dis play of Bathroom Needs today, pay ing particular at tention to our exclusive line of K 1 e n z o Bath Rrushes (50c to »2.49). J And always you are protected by the simple mech anism in the famous Monitor Top — hermetically sealed — self-oiled — lastingly quiet. Dust-proof, moisture-proof, and tinker-proof, the current-saving unit in the Monitor Top naturally shields you from upkeep. And now the 3-Year Guarantee signed by General Electric— becomes final conviction for thousands of buyers. GENERAL ALL-STEEL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS, ELECTRIC WATER COOLERS, ELECTRIC mît g COOLERS -Í Oregon Gas and Electric Company Telephone 691 Mac’s Pharmacy Vernonia, Oregon Jth tu i» ibrGuurtl B tit trie fntrtn. irtriiril nm httr tynmti u» • tint-uhr N. B. C. rttwrrB Come in yourself. Realize that prices have actually been reduced on all new models! Quickly all the General Electric economies will return your small down payment. And then the savings go on! 622 BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA, OREGON