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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1931)
Ib *■ « Vi 6,0 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931. VOLUME 9 64 Entrants New Bids Asked STUDY CLUB ENDS PRESENT SEASON Hot and Dry In California Say Mr. and Mrs. Ritz NUMBER 47 TRIP TO EXPERIMENT Gipsy Woman Is STATION IS PLANNED Fined by Recorder A trip to the John Jacob As The last meeting for the pres tor Experiment station at As ent season of the Vernonia Study toria, to inspect the forage crops Cowey, gipsy, was fined In order to change the specifi club was held at the home of grown there has been taken for $10 Lucy in Judge Reasoner’s court cations somewhat, the city coun Mrs. C. W. Reithner last Thurs several years and will be arrang- day. No program was planned Monday for disorderly conduct, cil voted unanimously at its meet A 1914 mile trip to the Sac- ed for this year also. and the gang to which she belong ing Monday" to reject all bids for the day as the time was de ramento The date for this year ’ s trip, valley, California, and ed was ordered out of town at for painting the city hall and ad voted to discussing and planning was taken by Mr. and Mrs. however, will be a little later— once. vertise for new bids to be opened the program tor the coming year back sometime during the latter part A. L. Ritz and Beulah Parker, which is believed will be very ■ July 6. The woman was one of a num who returned to Vernonia last of July of first of August. This A letter from the chamber of interesting and instructive. Shipping will give an opportunity to in ber who endeavored to tell for Planing Mill, Season Gets Good Start commerce After the business meeting week. was read expressing the The weather was very hot and spect the later crops, including tunes of merchants and incident- lovely refreshments were served unanimous opinion of the 26 Department Continue Sunday: Prizes especially dry, reports Mr. Ritz. At Mezet,1 the root crops, ... . the ally rob their tills or pick their members present that two marsh by Mrs. Reithner to the follow where pockets. Angered at being or- they were, there had been | forage crops grown on the tide ing: Mrs. E. M. Bleile, Mrs. M. als be employed in order to give n — 1.» ■ V- Z* Lx Z-, C - —— —— • —— —— — <1 v; c* dered out of the J. C. Penney Operation Offered only one inch of — rain since I lands. adequate protection. George W. D. Cole, Mrs. C. Davidson, Mrs. September, | store by Manager C. G. Whit- Those who are interested are and all the crops Judd Greenman, Mrs. D. Mar Ford appeared before the council there was no irrigation invited to make arrangements I lock she slapped Ralph Rowland, Although the saw mill at the The third annual Vernonia golf in behalf of the request, and shall, Mrs. R. A. Olson, Mrs. H. where were burned up. In the irrigated to attend this excursion to the ' a boy who was standing inno- Oregon-American plant will close V. Holcomb and Mrs. C. Richard tournament got away to a good stated that he was not there to I cently in the doorway. The boy’s station. The date will be an districts fruit was doing fine, but down at the end of this week start Sunday with 40 men and coerce or persuade, but merely son. prices were so low that in many nounced later.—Geo. A. Nelson, i father called upon Marshal Jim the planing mill and the shipping 24 ladies entered. Mr. Macpher to express the sentiment of the ! Monger to arrest the gipsy, and county agent. cases the fruit is not being pick JEWELL LLOYD GETS ed, but is rotting on the ground. son is especially hoping that the organization. I she was taken to the recorder’s department will continue to op- ladies will all play their matches After some discussion the coun | office, where a large crown col- erate, and it is hoped that ar- ARMY ASSIGNMENT Particularly is this true of apri Local K. P.’s Attend so that there will be no defaults. cil decided to reply to the cham i lected and witnessed the trial. rangements will be made to re cots. The tournament is strictly on ber of commerce that in order ' She had entered the Penney store sume in all departments after Contest at Rainier VANCOUVER BARRACKS — Mr. Ritz estimates that they handicap and this will give each to keep taxes down to the lowest (Special.)—Jewell L. Lloyd, son under the pretext of wishing to the Fourth. met 500 men on foot going and Crane Breaks Down player an equal chance to win limit possible, it would be neces of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett L. Lloyd, coming, A number of members of Hard buy a hat for a child who accom most of whom were ap The crane used for picking the prizes. Two prizes are be sary to employ only one marshal Mist Route, Vernonia, enlisted ing lodge 116, Knights of Pyth- panied her. parently looking for work. They ing offered in the ladies’ tour at this time. recently at Vancouver Barracks, also passed a great number of ias, motored to Rainier Saturday The gipsies traveled in a large up logs from the right of way buckled under the heavy strain, nament. Washington, for three years ser cars loaded with families and to witness a cometition drill be- sedan of expensive make. and was brought to Vernonia The two cups, prizes for the vice with the Coast Artillery their belongings, evidently with tween Necanicum lodge of Sea I I Wednesday for repairs. It ap side and Cosmopolitan lodge of championship and first flights of Dog Poisoner At corps, regular army, with station no place in particular to go. pears to be in rather bad shape. the men’s tournament are on in the Philippine islands. After Mr. Ritz had no car trouble I Portland. Necanicum won by a Lookout Station The logs were pretty well cleaned display in Kullander’s Jewelry a short stay at the local army on the trip, other than delay I small margin according to the Large in Vernonia post up, however, before the accident store. As there will be a tour he will be sent to San Fran from boiling water in climbing decision of six judges. one of Erected In Tree happened. nament here next Sunday be cisco, sailing from there on the the mountains on the hot days. whom was Earl Smith of Ver- Several train loads of spilled tween Forest Hills and Vernonia, A number of dogs have been U. S. Army Transport “Grant” Mrs. Ritz was tired out during nonia. logs were brought down during The contest is one of a series two weeks are being allowed for poisoned in Vernonia during the for Manila. the home journey. of elimination contests for rep A lookout station, 135 feet the past few days, and a few the first round matches to be past week. Among those who Upon arrival in Manila he will resentation in the finals at grand above the ground, has been er- logs have been trucked in from played or up to and including have reported losing their dogs receive the preliminary military lodge this fall in competition with ected near Camp 10 by the Col- outside sources. Logging operat June 28. The ladies are advised from having picked up poison instruction given to all men after Aldrich Chosen Washington Idaho and Canada umbia County Fire association ions at Camp McGregor ceased to play their matches on week food are Donald DePue, Harold joining the service. Thereafter in cooperation with the county April 29. lodges. days as the course is usually Parker, Charles Barnes and Ross he will be assigned successively Wilson crowded Sundays. Ladies’ handi Meeker. School Director Attending from Vernonia were court and the Clark and to the duties of firing and oper Mike Hannan, R. M. Aldrich, Lumber company. It consists of BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP caps are posted at the club house. The Barnes animal, a valuable ating anti-aircraft batteries, the AT LEGION CONVENTION James Nanson, Harry Culbertson, a crows nest in a tree, and is, The person whose name is first dog, was put out of its misery 155 m. m. howitzers and the big R. M. Aldrich was unanimous- J. W. Brown and Earl Smith. with one exception, the highest should see their opponent and by Marshal Jim Monger. coastal guns, all a part of the de Junior baseball championship of ly elected director of School Dis Mr. Hannan, who Is a member of above the ground in the state. make arrangements for playing Mr. Monger stated Thursday fense of the harbor of Manila. The other, 155 feet, is in Linn Oregon will be decided during trict 47 at the annual meeting the lodge at Seaside, participated the match. Following is a list .hat seven dogs had been report- The training Lloyd received the convention of the American county. of the pairings for the first ad to him as poisoned. One was while a member of Hq. Co. 162nd in the Washington school auditor in the contest. Legion at Corvallis Augusi 6, 7 ium Monday afternoon, succeed The station was completed round: saved by a doseage of oil. Inf., Oregon National Guard and 8. There are 4500 boys in ing J. W. Brown, who was not a Wednesday, reports Warden Lode TREE SITTERS TO Championship flight, ladies— should be of great aid to him in the Oregon league from which candidate for reelection. Kenneth White Marries Mrs. H. King vs. Mrs. II. E. Mc securing promotion. VIE IN VERNONIA McDonald. the best team will be chosen for Loel Roberts, incumbent, was Graw; Mrs. P. Taylor vs. Mrs. Kenneth White of Vernonia War Department regulations unanimously elec ed clerk. I further competition toward na- O. T. Bateman; Mrs. F. D. Mac ,vas married June 13 to Olive prescribe that only two years will Tree sitting is to be a popular tional honors. Mr. Aldrich’s was placed sport pherson vs. Miss Dorothy Holth Hobin in Portland. The couple be spent in foreign service, so in Vernonia this summer, County Chamber in nomination by Judd Greenman, am; Mrs. B. Brickel vs. Mrs. H. will make their home here. according to plans of C. C. Shay, Vi*it* Role Festival Lloyd will return to the main and Mr. Roberts’ by Emil Mess Kerns; Mrs. E. E. Yeo vs. Mrs. proprietor of Arcadia park. land for station during the re ing. Plan Is Rejected Mrs. Judd Greenman was in J. A. Hughes; Mrs. F. M. Ruhl He is erecting five cabins maining year of his enlistment. Portland Friday to visit the Rose There being no further busi 5x7, vs. Mrs. M. King; Mrs. W. G. Macpherson Made with porch and canopy top, Festival and meet her daughter ness to transact, the meeting was Heath vs. Mrs. M. E. Ulshoeffer; GAS STOLEN to be hoisted into trees, for the On account of the expense in Phoebe, who returned from the declared adjourned by Chairman youthful Mrs. H. Fogel vs. Mrs. E. Dial. endurance fans to dwell volved, the board of directors of University of Oregon to spend A thief stole 5 gallons of gas Brown. First flight, ladies—Mrs. A. L. Deputy Grand Master in as long as they please. Meals the St. Helens chamber of com her vacation here. from Elmer Bergerson’s car at Kullander vs. Miss Ethel Tousley; will be hoisted to them. merce decided not to approve the ATTENDS ART SCHOOL his place early last week, using Mrs. C. Davidson vs. Mrs. J. V. Besides the tree sitting con plan of organizing a county On Grange Committee At the annual meeting of the a can from the owner ’ s garage. Mrs. Ulah E. Fullerton, art McAlister; Mrs. K. A. McNeill tests, Mr. Shay is promoting a chamber of commerce as outlined A. D. Hall of Vernonia served Masonic grand lodge of Oregon teacher in our schools for the The empty can was found toss vs. Miss Florence Stubbs; Mrs. horshoe pitching tournament and by George S. Workman, and as on the committee on cooperation C. L. Anderson vs. Mrs. E. M. held in Portland last week, F. ed beside the road near Arcadia past year, has gone to Powers, prize dances. their participation would be es in the state grange convention D. Macpherson of Vernonia re Oregon, for a short visit, after park. Bleile. sential to the success of the held last week in Medford. ceived a signal honor in being which she will attend summer Championship flight, men — A. appointed district deputy grand undertaking, the scheme has been school in Portland, taking the L. Kullander vs. J. H. Bush; M. master of District 24. dropped for the present. The Margarine Sales advanced work in art offered Per Capita Tax Miller vs. E. E. Shank; M. D. following statement was issued HIGH SCHOOL This is a new district which University extension by the Cole vs. H. King; B. George vs. was formed at this session of week by the board: course that leads to a degree. To End on July 1 last “Our O. T. Bateman; E. Messing vs. uhe grand lodge for the purpose understanding is that the Here Very Low Mrs. Fullerton will teach art ELECTION MON C. L. Anderson; T. Brown vs. F. of giving the Masonic lodges of proposed organization would hire next year both in the grades and Hartwick; M. R. Eby vs. M. King; Columbia county equal represen Sales of oleomargarine in Ver Mr. and Mrs. Workman at a high school. L. Roberts vs. J. V. McAlister; tation with other lodges in the Vernonia has the lowest per nonia will cease July 1, reports combined salary of $400.00 per Election of a director for A. Childs vs. Bob Henderson; H. state. capita tax in Columbia county, Frank Peterson, of the grange month, and it was Mr. Harlan’s Union high school district 1 will Green man vs. F. Dickson; P. The fact that Vernonia was giv with the exception of Columbia TO A DOG POISONER committee that secured pledges recommendation that he should be held in the Vernonia high Taylor vs. H. Akerstedt; W. H. en the privilege of having the City, according to statistics com be employed for at least one school building Monday from 2 from the dealers. No doubt you regard all Hurley vs. C. C. Clay; E. M. first district deputy grand mas piled by the Oregon Voter and year in order to get the full to 7 p. m. The name of R. L. dogs — or perhaps only some The committee in canvassing Bleile vs. Dr. J. A. Hughes; E. ter appointed is a distinct recog printed in its issue of June 13. To Spencer appears on the ballot benefit of their efforts, certain dogs—as a pest and the merchants some two months L. Dial vs. Harold King; F. M. nition of the Blue lodge here. The figures given include taxes a nuisance, and you think this would have to be added of- as a candidate, and voters may ago met with encouraging re Ruhl vs. Harold King; C. David the city would be better off Vernonia Masons who attended for state, county, city, school and sponse. One local grocer declared fice rent and the numerous ex- have the privilege of writing in son vs. B. Brickel. without them. that he did not handle oleomar-' penses incidental to an effective the name of any one eligible for the grand lodge were E. G. An all other purposes for which taxes That being your point of First flight—E. S. Thompson derson, K. A. McNeill, E. E. Yeo, are levied on property. The tax garine at all, and the rest read county-wide organization. Appar director. view, we shall not argue the vs. W. G. Heath; O. D. McCabe Emil Messing, F. D. Macpherson. es per inhabitant are as follows: ily agreed to discontinue sales ently the first objective was the matter with you, nor try to At the same time there will vs. H. E. McGraw; Carl Kern vs. Vernonia, $24.17; Columbia appeal to you on the ground if all would promise to do so. publication of a county booklet; be an election upon the question Karl Hammer; F. D. Macpherson SCHOOL LAWN IS City, $22.51; St. Helens, $28.67; that the owners of the dogs Pending authority from their and the other objectives would of consolidating this district and you hate may love them Clatskanie, $31.91; Scappoose, vs. E. Salomonsen. headquarters, the managers of be determined upon by a board District 29, Braun’s school, for BEING PREPARED $38.80; Rainier, $39.24. tenderly. the chain stores gave provisional to be composed of two directors high school purposes only. For you would maintain The average for the whole consent, and no date had been from each town. It is under that people who value the The lawn of the Washington state, according to the Voter, is LAST SUNDAY’S set for the disposal of storks on stood that the expenses for the lives of their pets should grade school is being terraced, $49.44 per inhabitant, or $40.69 first year would run from seven keep them strictly at home. hand. rolled and seeded, under the all cities outside of Port Nor shall we try to arouse The authority has now been to nine thousand dollars, includ- GAME CANCELLED supervision of A. C. Knauss of for your pity for a dog in con land. Portland’s per capita tax given, Mr. Peterson states, and ing the booklet. the school board and Chet Dus is $57.70. vulsions, suffering horrible the date has been fixed as above. “Our board very carefully con- agonies because of the type tin, janitor. It will be sown to sidered the project from all Due to rain and extremely blue grass and white clover, and of death you wished on it, They appreciated the I angles, for of course you are not wet grounds the Vernonia Base shrubs will be planted this fall. Valley Pioneers spirit of cooperation expressed County 4-H Clubs around just then, and if ball club was forced to cancel When completed the lawn will you were capable of imagin at the meeting by representatives their game with the Eastern be in keeping with the beautiful ing the scene you would not Clatskanie and Vernonia, George Ford appeared in town and Western Lumber company building. At Birkenfeld have In Air Program from been responsible for and they join in that spirit. The Monday with a red hat bearing team scheduled for last Sunday. it—not in just that way. question of raising upwards of a Longview Rolleo sign. Said he It is hoped that this game can Leavitt* Have Son For it is safe to assume nine thousand dollars was the had to wear it or get thrown into The Nehalem Valley Pioneer that you are not poisoning be played oi. some future date. Seventeen 4-H club members, troublesome News has been received here one at this particu Lake Sacajawea. dogs for the fun, so-called, No game has been scheduled of the birth of a son to Mr. association met Sunday in the in charge of Mrs. Sarah V. Case, of torturing them. You t t t for this Sunday as continued and Mrs. Teddy Leavitt at Carl Birkenfeld gymnasium, where a home demonstration agent, and lar time............. merely want them out of “It was also believed that Ben Cline was accused of hav- rains during the week have kept ton, Oregon, on June 8. Mr. program was enjoyed by the mem Mrs. Pearl Becker, of Scappoose, some your way. of community organi ing his pocket picked by one of the grounds in such poor shape Leavitt, who is now in evangel bers and visitors. There were se broadcast a program from sta zation form Yet, here is something we could be worked out with the gipsies. Ben insists, though, it is feared play would .be im istic work, is a former minister lections by the quartet, a solo do ask you to think about. tion KOAC, at Corvallis, Friday reference to publication of • she never got anywhere near his In McMinnville the other possible. In addition to this fact, for the local Christian church, by Bernard Dowling, several vo evening, June 12. booklet and central point of dis- pocket. day a child picked up a slice the local club has been unable having lived here until about cal selections by Mrs. Bunce, a The first number on the pro of poisoned bread intended t t t recitation by Martin White, a to work out during the week as three years ago. gram was a song by the delega tribution that would entail but for a dog, and ate part of additional expense. It has Ed Holtham has a winning way weather conditions have prohib The young son will be called poem by E. A. Veatch, and a tion, entitled “Columbia County’s little it. Luckily, he ate but and been done in other counties with the gipsies. Instead of their talk by Clifford Barlow. ited. here.” The members then gave little, and recovered from Maynard Dale. of counties tn this state, touching him up for anything A turkey dinner was enjoyed A week from Sunday, or June the effects of the poison. the 4-H Club pledge. This was groups we have taken steps to he sold one of them a dollar at noon. 18, the locals go to Clatskanie Not every child might Logging Operator Arrested followed by a paper written by and have been content with only Officers were elected for the for a return game with that club. R. W. Maxmeyer, logging oper Velma Nelson, of Warren, and ascertain the exact procedure shirt and got his money. elsewhere with the idea a taste. t t t They previously defeated Clat ator, was arrested Monday by coming year as follows: Walter read by Gertrude Flippin, of adopted In our own city this week submitting some plan that may Judge Reasoner also came in skanie at Vernonia 11 to 8 and J. J. Russell, state fire warden,, Carl, president; A. M. Berg, vice- Clatskanie, entitled "Club Work of an adult found in his yard acceptable to all and without for a share, adding $10 to the are in hopes of turning in an and his operations closed down president; Mrs. Frank Peterson, in Columbia County,” and was as be two poisoned wienies which any great financial outlay.” city funds. Judge says he would other victory to run their consec until proper fire equipment is secretary. you, or somebody just like follows: if he’d have made it twenty I Among those in attendance utive wins to four straight. you. had thrown there. provided in accordance with the "In Columbia county 680 boys Pai* Eighth Grade Exam* seen that Hudson i sedan the gang Thank heaven, it was an from the vicinity of Vernonia It is possible that if the! Oregon forest fire laws. and girls join together in their adult, who knew enough not The following took the eighth was riding in. were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter grounds do get in shape by Sun-; respective groups to carry on to put them in his mouth. t t ’ t son, Chas. Mellinger, Mr. and Harry Phelpi 111 day afternoon, the Vernonia r their club work. There are 70 grade examinations June 4 and What is to prevent a Enoch Dumas bought a Ford Marshal Harry G. Phelps was Mrs. Alex Sword, Harry Wilson, American Legion Junior baseball clubs each carrying on its own 5 and graduated to high school: child from finding and eat dolled up the wheels team will play a practice game taken ill with an attack of pleur Jim Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Albert ing the poison bait you particular project under capable Goldie May, Virginia Cummings, roadster, Paul Cummings, Alberta Veal, with orange paint, and drove to with the Hillsboro junior team. isy Saturday and has been quite Parker, Mrs. L. A. Rogers, Newt meant for some dog? supervision. Do you wish to be a mur It is understood that Hillsboro ' sick, Some improvement in his Parker. “In a spirit of friendly rival- Malden New, Howard Nutt, John the Willamette university com- derer of innocent children? Helen Brimmer, Ethel Chris- mencement to show them what Pioneers who lived in the has a good strong club and will condition was noted Thursday. |ry we work for blue ribbons and Lee, Something to think about, tiansen, Marion Miller, Walter a collegiate flivver ought to look Jim Monger is serving in his valley before 1890 are eligible be a good test for the local Mr. Dog Poisoner. Chambers, Ward Plummer. like. (Continued on Page 6) to membership. youths. place. For Painting Hall In Annual Tournament Temporary Is Belief Fea+hers . . . and.. .Talons