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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1931)
,ry> c of Q VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1931. VOLUME 9 Apiary Road Not to be Constructed Highway Commission De clares it Cannot Fur nish Funds The Apiary-Vernonia road can not be built as a state highway, nor can the state advance sec ondary highway funds to assure immediate construction, the Col umbia county court was informed by the state highway commission at a meeting in Portland June 4. A. E. Veatch of Rainier, spokes man for the proponents of the road, argued that the $60,000 which the county has on hand to begin construction would cover about one-third of the expense, at present prices for labor and materials. He believed that the county court should begin work this year, and that the com mission should complete the bal ance next year as soon as it could. Commissioner J. N. Miller de clared that the court' was willing to put up the money on hand. He felt that Rainier was entitlec to a road to the south, which St. Helens and Clatskanie already had. Judge J. H. Wellington hesi tated, he said, to put up the money now unless there were definite assurance that the route would not be changed later on. C. W. Kinne of the Clark and Wilson Lumber company spoke against the proposition, because of the serious inconvenience to legging operation'-.. He stated that his company owned eight miles of virgin timber along the proposed route, and the expense of getting this timber out would be greatly increased because ol inability to log across the road. He also pointed out the fact that the estimated cost of construct ion was $300,000, and not the comparatively low figure that Mr. Veatch assumed. W. L. Van Duzer of the high way comission asked if the bridge company or the Bethlehem Steel company should not furnish the additional money needed for the road, and was assured that it was not necessary, that the pro vision in the budget allowed for outside money from any source. M. A. Lynch, speaking for the commission, declared that the road was not a state highway, and that they were unable to spend any state highway money on it. Attending the hearing besides Mr. Veatch were Geo. W. Ford and W. E. Proctor for the pro ponents, and in addition to Mr. Kinne Judd Greenman represent ing the lumber interests. New Survey* for Coast Road After disposing of the Apiary road question, the commission considered the question of the short road to the sea. Announce ment was made that the com-, mission wished to make further surveys involving new routes and combinations of routes before arriving at a decision. They de clared that the route would be selected without any reference whatever to political considera tions, but solely on its merits from an engineering and econ omic standpoint. QUORUM NOT PRESENT On account of the absence of two of the councilmen. there was no quorum at the adjourned meeting of the city council Monday evening, and no business was transacted. Clatskanie Okehs County C. of C. Plan The Clatskanie Kiwanis club has endorsed the plan for form ing a county chamber of com merce. Up to the time of go ing to press word had not been received as to the decision of the St. Helens chamber of com merce, and upon it will hinge the final decision as to whether or not the county chamber will be organized A meeting of the committees was held in St. Helens Monday night, H. E. McGraw attending from Vernonia. W. A. Davis Marries 32 Qualify In Seattle Young Lady W. A. Davis, local manager for the Portland-Vernonia Truck line, and Lillian Trudgian of Seattle were married Saturday at Vancouver, Washington. They spent the week end at the home of Mr. Davis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. James N. Davis, at Middle ton, near Sherwood, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will make their home here at the Austin apartments. Fire Hazard Is Serious This Year Continued dry weather for the past five weeks has resulted in an exceptionally high fire haz ard for this time of the year, announces the Oregon State Board of Forestry. These ab normal conditions haves made it necessary to place the majority of the protective force in the field from two weeks to a month earlier than usual. Should dry conditions continue, the entire summer personnel with some ad ditional emergency patrolmen, will be on duty within a few days. Factors contributing to the ex treme hazard were the high east winds occuring the latter part of April and the continued dry weather since that time. Many small fires started during April spread over many acres of poten tial forest land during the wind storm, resulting in hang-over fires which the protection agen cies have been forced to fight. Complete windthrow in certain areas, together with broken bran ches on the forest floor through out the state, all caused by the same wind, has created a fire hazard almost unparalleled in the listory of the state. In many of the state and as- ociation units men are at pres ent fighting fires. While none of these fires are of a very serious lature, nevertheless they must be ■xtinguished if possible before an other period of eakt winds and low humidity occurs. An inspection of some of the eastern Oregon units reveals the fact that the continued drought has caused a drying out of the grass and weeds a month earlier than normal. It is only in the deeper canyons that the vegeta tion is still green. This condit ion has materially added to the fire hazard in that section of the state. Golf Tournament Amy Hughes To Be Schultz Residence Graduated June 15 Destroyed by Fire NUMBER 46 . R. Sergeant Marries I In Portland Sunday • T> 11 JUDlOr D311 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Miss Marian White of Port- Eugene—(Special.)—At the im land and Robert Sergeant, man- Up to Wednesday noon 30 men! pressive services of commence Fire supposed to have been ager of the local Miller Mer- and two ladies had qualified ini ment, which will be held from caused by defective wiring gutted cantile Company store, were the third annual Vernonia hand June 13 to June 15 at the Uni the house of A. J. Schultz on quietly married Sunday at the icap golf tournament. Those who versity of Oregon, Amy E. T | Second avenue shortly after nine home of the bride's parents, Mr. 1— o’clock lM"rtr»/1oxr wish to qualify will have up to Hughes, of Vernonia, will be in- Monday vxirrVx7 night, AlthOUjji) and Mrs. J. L. White in Portland. 4 p. m. Sunday afternoon to turn eluded among the candidates for the flames were confined to the Only members of the family wit in their scores. At that time degrees, which will number more attic, burning of the rafters ana nessed the ceremony. 1 damage by water made the struc- pairings for the first round will j than 600. Mr. and Mrs. Sergeant will Loses First Game to be posted. Next Sunday, June 21, live at the Cherrytree apart Miss Hughes is a candidate f° ior rAu ---- ^j_ - a ------ loss, ----- a match will be played here be a bachelor of arts degree. She The fire was first noticed by ments. Clatskanie, Wins tween Forest Hills and Vernonia is majoring in music at the uni Mrs. Eugene Shipman, who lives so the committee are allowing versity, and has gained distinc I next door, and Mr. Shipman got Second two Sundays for the first elimin tion for her excellent work in I his car out and sped down town ations to be played off, or until this subject. She is a member Ito turn in an alarm. Mrs. Schultz The Vernonia American Legion June 28. After that one round of the Polyphonic choir which 1 had heard the crackling of the Junior baseball team got under will be played each week. has given a number of outstand i flames, and supposed it to be way during the past week when Last Sunday the Columbia ing programs during the year. • rain on the roof. As soon as they played Clatskanie a two county team journeyed to Long She is the president of Hendricks the blaze was discovered, neigh GEO. A. NELSON game series, losing the first over view and defeated the Longview hall, women’s dormitory, a posi bors assisted the Schultz family the furnishings, I The tuberculin testing of cattle at Clatskanie 14 to 7 and win divoteers 33 1-2 to 29 1-2. M. E. tion given only to those of spe-[ I in removing Ulshoeffer of Vernonia No 1 cial ability, and who have proven ! which were virtually all saved. ¡was completed in the Nehalem ning the second at Vernonia 16 to man on the county team was un their responsibility. I~ Miss Hughes 5400 insurance was carried on i valley some time ago by Dr. F. 3. The second game was called i G. Rankin, county herd inspector, at the end of the first half of able to compete as he has had graduated from Vernonia high the house. The fire department responded Jand shows that there has been the sixth inning on account of pleurisy since Friday. Those who school in 1927. promptly, but was handicapped ['an increase in the number of darkness. went from Vernonia were O. T. Bateman, J. V. McAlister, Tom by the fact that the standpipe , stock since last year of from In the first game played at Brown, M. D. Cole, John Miller. at the end of Third avenue was ; 1100 to 1309, an increase of I Clatskanie last Saturday the local This shows about 19 per cent, out of order, and it was neces H. E. McGraw, Emil Messing and boys seemed to lack confidence sary to stretch a hose from First the interest that has developed in themselves and were quite ner Albert Childs. dairy in the Ne- vous. In addition to this, Oleen, tin Old"* avenue, causing a slight delay, ¡in I 'n the lne aa ’ri' industry 1 A return match between the There has- also pitcher for Clatskanie hurled a Longview and Columbia cdunty members : e n ra ;S .. — — - — — aiarm .been a steady increase over a teams will be held at Briarcliff nice game, having plenty of con ------------ | Mr. and Mrs. Schultz moved. Pe™<>d of years. . course June 28. trol and mixing them up in good dairy Adverse conditions in the The Vernonia baseball club their furniture into the house on I . A-verse con_r... The ladies are taking advantage shape. He received credit for T as in other striking out ten of the Vernon a of the free instruction class which won its third consecutive game Second avenue recently vacated' ¿™ustry as branches of agriculture and other is being held Saturday morning last Sunday when they traveled, by Mrs. Enola Williams, and are boys and would have had two or industries are developing ,ne"! three more to his credit had not at 10 o’clock. Mr. Ulshoeffer ( to Jewell and defeated that club , occupying it. problems to confront the " his catcher dropped a number of hopes that there will be a large by the close score of 7 to 6. The industry. number out next Saturday. third strikes. game was exciting from start to Dr, Cole Elected In an article by A. E. Engbret- finish and the final outcome was The second game was played as son, superintendent of the John K. P. Chancellor in doubt until the last man had Route Agent Here Jacob Astor Experiment station, a twilight game Wednesday even been retired in the last half of ing on the local grounds. The Monday night the Knights of which appears in another part At C. of C. Request the ninth inning. local boys seemed to have replac Pythias elected the following of- of this paper, he speaks about The locals were short several ficers: Chancellor commander, M. the growing of farm feeds in ed their loBt confidence and gave O. E. Longwell, route agent Barker lots of support in the of the Railway Express agency, of their star players and accord- D. Cole; vice chancellor, Lester order to cut down the cost of field. Aldrich was the mainstay was in Vernonia Wednesday to ing to the dope was not supposed I Collins; prelate, Van Peebley; production, which is important in with the stick for the Vernonia investigate the possibility of es to win. Greenman was I awa>'' j master of work, W. Van Doren; meeting this situation. club getting a double, a single Brooks was laid up, Davis was in In the Nehalem valley a num master at arms, L. R. Norris; tablishing a pick-up and delivery the hospital and Barker was un-| master of exchequer, Earl Smith; ber of new forage crops are be and two walks out of four trips service in Vernonia. able to go with the team and in keeper of records and seals, Har ing developed at the present time. to the plate. He assured a delegation fromI The box score of both games the chamber of commerce that he spite of these shortages the Ver ry Culbertson; inner guard, J. Among these are alfalfa, which being Saturday’s would take the matter up with his nonia club kicked through with a Nanson; outer guard, R. M. Aid- furnishes succulent feed during follow, last victory. rich; grand lodge representatives, the dry summer months, Danish shown first followed by Wednes- superiors. Nelson went the full route for W. Van Doren, R. M. Aldrich; Bortfield turnips for winter feed day’s game: Mr. Longwell was here at the AB R H PO A E instance of the special commit the locals and was in mighty good alternates, Earl Smith and J. and the improvement of the pas Vernonia ture with the use of Ladino clov Gregory 3B . 5 1 2 2 0 0 tee of the chamber of commerce, form, getting a number of strike' Nanson, The new officers will be in- er in proper mixture with other Holcomb 2B .. 4 1 2 3 3 1 J. H. Bush, Harry Kerns, and outs and walking only two men. 5 1 0 10 1 1 Other import Cline IB Lester Sheeley, appointed to find His support was not of the best stalled July 1. N. S. Soden is the pasture grasses. ant legumes grown are clover, Nanson C .... 4 0 0 3 5 0 out what could be done to im and he was continually in a hole retiring chancellor commander. 4 0 1 1 0 1 vetch and Austrian winter peas, Austin LF prove railway, express and tele due to errors. However, he bore down in the pinches and threw GILBERT BERGERSON and other crops. Barker P ... 4 0 0 2 4 0 graph service in Vernonia. his fast ball by the Jewell boys In the tuberculin testing Jepson SS ...... 5 3 2 1 1 2 in nice shape. Dustin “ was on the AWARDED SWEATER which is mentioned in the first Graven CF .... 3 1 1 2 0 0 PIONEERS TO MEET receiving end of Nelson’s slants part of this article, all the cattle Davis RF .. . 1 0 0 0 0 0 IN BIRKENFELD GYM and he did a mighty nifty job OREGON STATE COLLEGE, in the Nehalem valley, except Hillman RF .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 of catching. Corvallis, June 12.—Gilbert Ber one, passed the test, showing The game featured by Haw gerson of Vernonia is one of the that the cows in the valley are 37 7 8 24 14 5 The Nehalem Valley Pioneers will meet in the high school gym kins long three base hits and 21 varsity trackmen recommended in a healthy condition and free AB R H PO A E nasium at Birkenfeld Sunday, young Barker’s double to right to the board of athletic control from this disease. Johnson C .... 5 2 1 12 4 4 June 4, at 10:30 a. m. There center to score two runers at a for sweaters by R. W. “Dick1 ” Oleen P-RF 1 .. 5 2 3 0 4 0 Newman, track coach. Bergerson, will be a song by the male quar crucial moment. Jones IB .... 5 2 2 9 0 0 The score in innings follows: who specializes in the shot and tet, roll call, address by a speak Brown 2B 1 0 0 1 0 0 discuss, will be receiving his sec er from Astoria, songs by Mrs. Vernonia— Erickson 2B 4 1 2 0 0 1 Madge Bunce and the male quar Hits— 1 0 1 0 2 3 0 3 0— 9 ond sweater in track. Eilertson SS 5 1 2 2 1 0 Bergerson enoyed the great tet, lunch at about noon, music Runs— 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 1 0— 7 (Continued on Page 6) Jewell — est sucess of any member of and election of officers. Martin White and Grant Watts, Hits— 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 0 2—16 the team this season, winning Sunday was . Columbia county president and secretary respec Runs— 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1— 6 his event in every meet. He is Batteries Nelson and Dustin; making a name for himself not day at the Masonic and Eastern tively of the Columbia County only in track but in football. He Star home at Forest Grove and Pioneers will be present in the Larson and L. Berg. Masonic lodges and Eastern Next Sunday’* Game practically has one of the guard the interest of their association. chapters of Clatskanie, Rain- The Vernonia baseball club will positions cinched for next fall. Star lier and Vernonia had charge of It is also rumored that this 6 play here again Sunday when they CHILDREN ACTIVE IN the services. The Douglass or take on the fast Eastern & West feet 6 giant who weighs 220 GARDEN PROJECT ern Lumber company team of pounds may also grace the basket chestra consisting of E. J. Doug Postland. This team has been bell floor next season. If he lass, Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Zonweiss The Garden club shows some playing in the Commercial league plays center, he will probably Douglass, Dorothy June Wollf, Cigar sales have shown a very good returns from the ac in Portland and so far has given have no trouble at tipping the Elbert and Leon Brock, Howard marked increase since Bob Ser McGilvray, and Ralph Condit play geant and Wilbur Davis took the tivities of the children, states a very good account of itself. ball for he stands head and ed the opening selection. Mrs. plunge. F. Claude Stephens of the com To date the local club has won shoulders above most ordinary Wolff sang a solo and there were mittee of judges. t t t three straight games and is out men. Monday this committee, con now to make it four in a row. "The worst of it is, this is Bergerson will be one of Ore-, also an accordian solo, vocal solos, sisting of Mrs. Judd Greenman, They have defeated Jewell twice, gon State’s candidates for the 1 i and a whistling solo. The address my car, and folks will wonder ¡was given by Rev. J. M. Atkinson. what this rice is doing here," ex Mrs. E. Knight, Rev. G. W. Plum anl Clatskanie once. All of the Olympics next year. ¡Mr. Bollinger of Clatskanie was claimed Albert Jensen, as he er and Mr. Stephens, called on regulars will be back in the line the children having garden pro up Sunday. scooped handfuls out of his coupe E. E. . Yeo Working in Portland| ch“irn}«n who attended from Vernonia were jects and found seven young The line-up will probably be as E. 1 E. Yeo left the first of the Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McCabe, Mr. Tuesday morning after lending people who are trying for the [ follows: Barker, catcher; Nelson, week for Portland, where he will it for Bob’s honeymoon trip. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Mr. and prize. t t + pitcher; Greenman, IB; Linn, 2B; serve as pharmacist of a drug Mrs. W. E. Bell, Mrs. E. W. Hol The following children are Marshall, SS; Malmsten, 3B: store on Sandy boulevard while Albert Childs declines now to tham, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, C. L. Brock, showing increasing interest, Mr. Hawkins, LF ; Gregory, CF; the regular clerk is on a vaca- Leona Hillman, May De Ett stir soap grease, which used to be Stephens reports: Charles Field Brooks, RF; and young Barker, tion. his regular job. It might hurt Throop. ing, Melvin Boecx, Norman Crow Dustin, C. Linn and Henderson in his golfing arm, he says. Mrs. Yeo and the children will der, Willa Crowder, Alberta Veal, reserve. t t t remain in Vernonia, and Mr. Yeo “SAP” LEWIS GETS Claudie Veal and Velma Veal. Shorty Kullander is sporting a will return to his duties in Mac’s The committee makes an in pair of glasses. He got so 10 YEAR SENTENCE new Pharmacy as soon as his tempor spection once a month until the Riverview Boy Has excited Decoration day having to ary position in Portland expires. garden truck is ready to take Peculiar Accident Raymond K. (“Sap”) Lewis, mend sone one else’s glasses that out. who was captured near Vernonia he smashed his own. Harold Parker, 6, of Riverview + t t March 3 after an exciting man George Ford says he is still was the victim of a freakish but hunt, was sentenced June 4 by painful accident Sunday even Zimmerman m circuit a citizen of Vernonia. Correct, Judge ing while playing with firecrack court, St. Helens, to ten years in no doubt, as his family stays ers. He threw a lighted cracker the state penitentiary, and was here, and never fails to apear at the chamber of commerce lunch- which hit a pole, bounced back taken there Friday. The annual school election for into his mouth, and exploded Lewis was found guilty of steal eons when George does. t t ♦ It is expected that two shifts there, tearing his tongue loose District 47 will be held Monday ing typewriters from the Clatska It’s mighty good to see Eddie will soon be put to work on the at the base and bruising his lips in the Washington school at 2 nie high school, and was charged p. m. with theft of an automobile. The Tapp back again. road to Comp 8, states T. B. badly. J. W. Brown is the retiring I heavy sentence was imposed be t 7 t Mills, county commissioner. If • The boy’s tongue is growing Ellis McGraw couldn’t collect that is done, the grade will be back and healing nicely, He will director, and does not wish to cause it was not his first offense. his county chamber of commerce completed very shortly, he said. be ail right in a few days, states be a candidate for reelection. committee Monday to attend a Mention has been made of R. M. HERE ON BUSINESS The grade is in for more than the attending physician. Aldrich to succeed him, and oth Harley Barber of Forest Grove meeting in St. Helens to decide half the distance already. Frank Hanson Seriondy III ers may be nominated at the was here Wednesday on business upon the proposition. So he made The road will be rocked this Frank Hanson, who has been meeting. for the West Coast Telephone the trip al! by his lonesome only summer, according to Mr. Mills, to find that the St. Helens del ex- also The clerk, whose term poor health for some time, is company. in probably in August. egation hadn’t made up their considered seriously ill, and at . pires, is Loel Roberts, and he Mrs. Hannah Smith of Port minds, and nothing was done. R. B. Early leaves today for latest report Thursday afternoon I will probably be a candidate for Portland after two days here was delirious. He is said to be | reelection. No opposition is ex- land is visiting her daughter, Mrs. The committee feel they got the best of him. V. L. Powell, for two weeks. gradually growing weaker. pected. on business. Team Gets Under Way Nehalem Valley Herds Increase Vernonia Club Wins 3rd Game a>> Masonic Home Train Service Is Discussed at C. of C. Improvement in train service occupied the attention of the chamber of commerce at the lun cheon Wednesday at the Masonic temple. J. H. Bush, chairman of the committee to investigate, report ed that the company officials could not promise any betterment until business conditions improve. George W. Ford told about the failure of the Apiary road pro ject, and Judd Greenman expres sed the opinion that some time in the not distant future the Ne halem Valley highway would be made a state highway to relieve congestion on the Lower Colum bia highway, and in that case the road to Rainier would likely be built. FIREMEN’S SCHOOL SUCCESSjSAYS SMITH The firemen’s school at Corval lis last week was more education al than any of the others, re- norts Earl Smith, local fire chief. Instructive work accompanied by demonstration was put on by Oregon State college. Attendance was not so big as formerly, but more business was transacted, he says. 4-H CLUB SUMMER ' SCHOOL IN SESSION 4-H Club Summer School is in session at Corvallis. Columbia County is well represented by 18 members who have provided [their expenses through their club activities. These club members will be heard over radio station KOAC, Friday, June 12, between 7:30 and 8:00 p. m., in a program on "Why I Like Club Work.”— Sarah V. Case, Home Demonstra tion Agent. Visited Sunday Feathers . . . and • • • ns Two Shifts Likely On Camp 8 Road Annual School Election Monday