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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1931)
VERNONIA ËAGtÉ, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE HX Camp • • • McGregor Classified Ads FOR SALE OR TRADE—3-room house, and lot 50x100 on Weed avenue 1 ..block north of Bridge street. Would trade for team ofl horses, harness and wagon ot ' what have you? E. H. Salisbury, 852 Weed Ave. IM* FOR SALE—I acre of land with! fi-room house: very creap. F. E.l Malmsten, phone ll-F-51. 45c”! FOR SALE— 10-Acre ranch, one and one-half miles out on| Stony Point road. 3 cows, chick ens, 1 hog. 2 acres in hay. straw berries, and garden. Might take light car as part payment. Terms. T. R, Henderson____________ 442* HOLIDAY IN WASHINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and children spent Decoration day vi siting in Olympia and Aberdeen, Washington. (Continued from page 1.) practice game with the American Legion Junior team. The box score of last Sunday’s game follows: A community gathering for a Clatskanie social time was held on the school Geary CF ... 5 1 0 1 0 0 grounds Saturday night in which Goodrich SS . 4 0 0 4 1 1 all the residents and their guests Eilerton 3B 6 1 2 2 2 1 participated. After a spirited White C-P ... 5 0 0 6 3 0 ball game by the youngsters and Hallahan 2-1 IB 5 0 0 4 2 i grown-ups, fires for the weinie Johnson P-SI >S 5 1 2 1 0 0 roast were built while the chil Danielson l- -C 1 5 1 3 6 0 0 dren frolicked in the play shed. Holombo RF- -2 3 2 0 0 0 1 Weinies, buns, coffee, cake and Guthrie LF ... 4 2 3 0 0 0 ice cream were much enjoyed af ter which singing and dancing 42 8 10 24 8 4 were in order. Mrs. Richardson AB R H PO A . E played the accompaniment for the Vernonia singing, Al Johnson with his Linn 2B .... . 4 1 2 3 3 2 large accordian, Chris Beebe as Greenman 3 B 4 1 2 1 0 2 violinist, Frank O’Donnell and Hawkins LF .. 5 1 1 0 0 0 Mrs. Westlin alternately as pi Brooks RF .... . 4 1 3 1 0 1 anists, furnished the music for McRea IB . 4 0 0 8 I 0 the dancing. Credit for the jolly Marshall SS .. 4 0 0 1 2 0 social evening enjoyed by all Gregory CF .. 5 1 1 1 0 0 is largely due Phil Peterson and Barker C ... 3 4 1 12 1 0 Al Johnson who sponsored the Davis P . ... 1 1 0 0 0 0 ... 1 1 1 0 3 0 | Nelson P affair. Mrs. Florence Fraser, prim- 35 11 11 27 10 5 ary teacher here the past year, left Saturday for Portland for Summary: Two base hits, Gu- a short time, after which she thrie, Brooks, and Gregory; will go to Seattle where she will Three base hit, Eilertson; Sacri attend summer school at the Uni fice hits, Greenman; Stolen bases, versity of Washington. I'^lertson, Danielson, Holomljo, Al Johnson and family have Guthrie 2, Linn, Greenman 2, gone to Jewell for the summer Hawkins, and Barker 3; Base on where Mr. Johnson will be head balls, off Johnson 3, Davis 2; carpenter in the construction of Struck out by Johnson. 4,White a bridge there. 2, Davis 5, Nelson 5; Left on L. M. Adams and family have bases, Clatskanie 13, Vernonia 9; gone to their home in Sultan, Hit by pitcher, Goodrich 2, Geary Washington, for the summer, or and Guthrie by Davis; Davis, until work is resumed here in Marshall, Barker and Linn by the fall. Johnson. Miss Jessie Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller and George Lee of Portland spent Friday Jiujutsu of Chinese Origin? and Saturday here fishing and “My old teacher told me,” recalls . visiting at the Joe Wornstaff Taro Mlyenke, Japanese exponent home. George Lee, nephew of of jiujutsu. In an Interview tn the ' Journal, “that jiujutsu 'A a Mrs. Wornstaff, is a student at Atlanta development of the old Chinese I 1 Benson Polytechnic. method of fighting with tlie fingers Miss Frances Bassett, sister of extended. This was a very dan-| Mrs. Jones and Miss Winifred gerous and skUlful system. A man Williams, a niece, both of Port- straightened out Ills fingers stiffly land, were the guests of the and Jabbed with them, preferably All for tiie eyes. Falling to reach the Jones family at Keasey. attended the weinie roast here eyes, he sought various nerve cen ters on tlift body. Saturday night. “When the Japanese took up the Mr. and Mrs. Imboden of Port- science, more than 1,000 years ago, land spent several days last week they began to improve it. Instead with the latter’s sister, Mrs. of jabbing for the eyes they grad Estey and family. Mrs. Benedict ually” developed a system of lev- j also of Portland came Saturday erages that would work against to visit her daughter, Mrs. Es- bones and nerve centers.” tey, and family. Cleve Mellinger of Vernonia English Poppy Field* was a visitor in camp Saturday. The popples not only bloom In Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dunlap Flandeps Helds. There Is a grent were visitors in Vernonia Satur poppyland In England. Bight be day. side the cold North sea, stretch ing for miles and miles between Sunday Visitor From Portland and about ruined church tower and ancient manor house, encircling the Mrs, G. F. Stevenson of Port villages about the Norfolk broads I land was a Sunday visitor at the and near to the city of Norwich, home of her brother, W. J. you will find the warm colors which Armitage. Their father, B. M. make a Californian envious. It has A rm itage of Newport, was also been called the Holland of England for It has Inland seas, windmills, here. dykes and popples. This grenl NOTICE OF TEACHERS’ EXAM poppyland, like others that we know, Is in the most restful sense INATIONS the most charming sense, a gar Notice is hereby given that den of sleep and Its silent fields the County Superintendent of and fens are beautiful. Columbia county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of Division of Virginia applicants for state certificates The social conditions in western at St. Helens as follows: Com Virginia were entirely unlike those mencing Wednesday, June 10, existing In the eastern portion ol 1931 at 9 o’clock a. m. and con the state. The ragged nnture ol tinuing until Saturday, June 13, the country made slavery unprofit 1931’ nt 4 o’clock p. m. Those able, but as time wore on the so interested apply to County Super clal. political, and economic differ enees between the eastern and west intendent for program. ern parts, that were then Virginia Elizabeth C. Murray, became more pronounced. In 177C County School Supt. a petition was presented to con 442c gross for the establishment ol “Wests} lvnnfa’’ on tlie ground that the mountains made au almost Jin passable barrier between tile wed and the ea«t. The Civil war final!} furnished the occasion for separa tlon of West Virginia from Vlr MOTH ERS—Leave your children gtnla. with me while you play golf, go shopping, visiting or take a Stray Buffalo Bullies vacation. Mrs. Mabel Dent, one Prize Herd of Cattle mile south of Vernonia. 434* Altus, Okal.—N. B. Coker, farm DRESSMAKING Have your er of near bare, was startled by summer sewing done now. one- frantic mooing* from bls herd of cattle. half mile along pavement. Mrs. prize Going to the pasture he found Chas. Ratkic. 451* them huddled in a eoiSier of the field cowering from the menace of FOR RENT a huge buffalo bull. The buffalo apparently was tak V ERN ON IA 11OTEL—Remodeled ing a keen delight from the fear of rooms to meet the wage condi the bovine*. Snorting, he would tions, $2.00 and $2.50 per week. dash nt them. Just before he 442* reached oi e of tlie timid creatures he suddenly would halt and back FOR RENT—2 room apartments, away. Fearing harm might come to hts new, clean and quiet. Hot peaceful herd Coker chased the water; water, light and wood $15 animal away. Brass rings nt the month. I’. Hill, 875 Second St, tip of its horns Indicated It was a stray from some private herd. FOR RENT- Furnished 3-room house. Ten dollars. W. E. Bell, Phone 704. 492* FOR SALE At It Again LOCAL TEAM WINS SECOND BALL GAME Rinolette Permanent Onlv #5.00 EASY AS A MARCEL Our patrons have discov- •red that the Ringlette wave s truly easier because they Io not have to endure the weight of an over-head ■handelier and heavy wires —and there is less heat. Milady's lieauly Slioppc Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 FRIDAY. JUNE 5, 1Ô31. Loretta, daughter of Mr. and M . G. F. Clow, visited her aunt, Mrs. Kay at Alsea, Oregon, over the weekend. Neil Bush was one of 15 out of 700 in the freshman class at the U. of O. to make the honor roll this spring. Natal grange is arranging for an entertainment and dance the night of July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nicer left Monday for Beaumont, Texas, where Mr. Nicar will engage in the trucking business with his brother. 1 1 1 I 1 Something Lost When “Family Dinners” Went 4 This country should revive the fine oJd custom of having family Polire ».«. dinners, when the extension table was pulled out to Its limit, rela tives or neighbors Invited, and a dinner fit for a king served. An ap peal for a revival ot the art of eating was made at recent conven tion of grocers In New York. ! The family dinner social custom flourished In the pioneer days. In the modern day of rush and hurry It has lost out. It is too easy to telephone the restaurant and or der a dinner for a certain hour. There were Evelyn and Elinor, World Pays Tribute at Most people can recall family for instance, small twins, whose Shrine of Bobby Burns great similarity was the despair dinners where joy reigned and Many places have been ‘•mude" by of the young kindergarten teacher. Bweet domestic peace was all the genius of a great writer. Scott If only their mother would dress about. They helped make the has done more for the tourist agen them differently or put some distin home the most popular place known cies and the railways of England guishing mark on them! Should to members of the family, helped than any of his countrymen, be she ask them in the morning which build up family life and agreeable dinner cause his range was so wide, Ho was which and put labels on them? understanding. The fnmlJ.v and It discovered the Trossachs and Loch Or what should she do? They has a place all Its own results. Katrine, and even made the Peak were adorable, blue-eyed, fair chil might be revived with good of Derbyshire world famous, But dren with soft, light hair. If only —Ohio State Journal. there are no more hallowed spots the hair of one were straight and than those which dot the Burns the other curly! But, no; even Salt and Sugar their ringlets were exactly alike. country. A young woman entered an east The country town of Ayr lies iu What should she do? the center of a fine sandy coast, One morning they came to school end drug store and bought some with wonderful sea view across the and, O, joy! One had a tooth out. supposedly salted peanuts. “There’s no salt In these pea great firth. There Is no house In right in the middle of her upper the kingdom, no palace or castle or jaw! The teacher ascertained that nuts,” she protested. “ Well, we don’t salt them mucl; great mansion, tlmt has half the at the lacking tooth was from Elinor’s traction for the world as the little set of pearls. Now her problem was —salt hardens your arteries.!’ “Oil, is that so? Try eating a thatched biggin at Alloway where solved and when she looked at El Robert Burns was born. In its inor and called her by name El , little sugar sometimes and see if visitors’ book are inscribed the inor, and not Evelyn, would answer. I It won’t soften your heart I” Here endeth the conversation fit names of men and women famous One less worry she rejoiced. in literature, art and statecraft, But the next morning when they I to print!—Ipdianapolis News. and peasants appeared each child was minus a ! the names of peers . and of kings, all come to worship tooth and each gap was right In; For results—try an Eagle clas? at the shrine of genius. the middle of tlie upper jaw,—>’ew sified. It reaches the prospects, Close by Is the Auld Brig o’ Doon, York gun. Eagle classifieds will pay you. leaping in a single gray and grace I ful span the little stream whose; name has gone round the world. : Ledge Catches Auto; Close b.v, too, Is the haunted kirk. | where Tam o’ Shunter saw witches j Saves Six from Death and warlocks holding revelry in its Newburgh, N. Y.—Six persons churchyard. In the town itself can escaped possible death when their still be seen the Auld Brig of Ayr, automobile plunged off u 100-foot the theme of one of his finest cliff on the Storm King highway poems, whilst the river Ayr Is for* and landed upright on ii ledge 30 ever associated with the ode. feet below. The automobile became wedged, preventing it from falling Into the Hudson river 70 feet be Twins in Class Mean low. ' Several of the occupants were Injured severely. Trouble for Teacher “Twins.” complained the young teacher; "they’re more trouble! It's Eagle classifieds will pay you fun for them, but for us—” W. M. S. To Hold Japanese Tea lass was appointed on the finance committee. Orange bread, fruit” salad and coffee were served by Mrs. Strong, Mrs. A. C. Knauss, The Women’s Missionary soc- Mrs. J. M. Lillig, and Mrs. W. H. iety will hold a Japanese tea Kent. Others present were Mrs. E. M. next Wednesday afternoon, June 10, at the home of Mrs. W. W. Bleile, Mrs. E. H. Cor.dit. Mrs. C. Wolff. Members of the society and U. Enstrom, Mrs. M. R. Eby, Mrs. E. E. Mrs. Green- their friends are invited to come — — Garner, — ... Judd v-=<=n- and bring their daughters, who, I man, Mrs. Lee Hall, Mrs. H. V. if possible should be dressed as Holcomb, Mrs. J. B. Hair, Mrs. Japanese. A short program will Lindstrom. Mrs. C. Malmsten, Mrs. be given. The committee will S. Malmsten, Mrs. D. Marshall, welcome the loan of Japanese Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer, souvenirs for the occasion. 1 Mrs. L. A. Rogers, Mrs. E. S. . The next regular meeting of the society will be a pot luck Thompson, Mrs. M. F. Wall, Mrs. picnic, July 1, at Weed’s grove. I P. Widemann, Mrs. W. W. Wolff. At the meeting held Wednesday I afternoon in the church, Mrs. A. Graham and family of Port Mann had charge of the devot- land were here Sunday to visit ionals and the program included readings by Mrs. H. S. Strong, his mother, Mrs. M. E. Grunden, Miss Louise Malmsten and Mrs. and aunt, Mrs. E. C. Wright of L. F. Malmsten. Mrs. E. J. Doug- Little Falls. Minn. JUST TO REMIND You BEFORE YOU ARE OUT OF LETTERHEADS — STATEMENTS ENVELOPES SEND IN YOUR RE-ORDER Sample« Gladly Shown. Fine Workmanship Moderate Prices Vernonia Eagle Saturday and Monday, June 6 and 8 Tuna Fish 2 Clear Water Fancy Flakes, for salads or sandwiches Ad cans Crackers J.C. PENNEY GO. DEPARTMENT STORE NUMBER 143« • Snowflakes—crisp and Fresh from the Ovens STQR| Still Lower Price Levels Tremendous Savings Maximum Brand —- All that the name implies. LARGE CAN Cantaloupes Fancy med. size. Pink meat. 23c Tomatoes Fresh California’s — smooth and ripe. 3 Pounds 29c SOAP 10 Bars 33c White Wonder Laundry Soap, an Oregon product. Absolutely Fast Color! “Avenue »RINTS Sensationally Low«Priced yard Save substantially on material for house frocks, aprons and children’s wearables! Colorful floral designs and novelty patterns in this fast-color cotton fabric, so very low in price! 36 inches wide. 1b. 2 Box 27c Pimentos VERNONIA, OREGON Saturday, Last Day Ibi National Cotton Week 25c SUGAR 10-lbs. 47c Thia value will appeal to the keen shopper. Limited, Peas New Green Peas, well filled and sweet, 3 n». 19c New Potatoes 6 n». 17c See Our Displays for the Latest in FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Solid and smooth. In Our Market Shortening Swift's Jewel PA tlVU 5 POUNDS Pot Roasts Choice Shoulder Cuts— POUND Steaks All cuts—from young Beef—POUND 25c Bacon Squares Fine for seasoning POUND ................. IC« IOC