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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1931)
*• VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, JUNE 5, ítíál. governments are in such a bad He was always thinking of Co DAIRY SHOW TO BE HELD ever staged in the Pacific north way that only the shrewdest kind lumbia county. In the reappor DURING ROSE FESTIVAL west. of a politician can last long as j tionment lAvsimeiib ngni, fight, in which wnicn ne he suc- The show will be held in the mayor. That mayors in many in-1 reeded with others in tabling in The food value of dairy pro auditorium of the Meier and stances are politicians and not! the house, after we had been Frank building. It is being fi executives. That they continue defeated in the senate—I believe ducts, various ways of including nanced by all branches of the Pacific Coast Representative in office because they can heed we should say something of this, them in the diet, and demonstra Portland milk and dairy products tions of just how high quality Arthur W. Slypes, Inc. the power behind the throne, and because he deserves particular milk is produced, cared for and industry and supervised by U. S. San Francisco not because of the good deeds commendation for this effort. delivered to consumers in a Burt, director of visual educa they perform. Need we cite Wal In the senate a committee was healthful and sanitary condition tion, Oregon State college. Schools ker and Thompson as examples? appointed that was “rigged up” THE LONGVIEW BRIDGE will be shown during the Rose and departments at the college J. —Oregon Emerald. in advance in the first place festival in Portland, June 8 to cooperating in the demonstration Member of National Editorial Although the builders of the against reapportionment. If this 13 in one of the largest educa will include daify, home econo Association and Oregon State bill had gone through it would tional dairy food demonstrations mics, bacteriology, agricultural I bridge crossing the Columbia riv RAINIER UNION HIGH Editorial Association. .«* vixov they mvjr er ui, at xuvuguvn Longview auuuu admit that have remained for ten years and SCHOOL AFFAIRS ARE engineering and veterinary med ] are getting deeply in the red icine. SOMEWHAT TANGLED that long before Columbia county district in eastern Oregon with since the bridge was completed could again come up for consider $2.00. Per Year in Advance Issued Every Friday Model dairy barns, milk houses I they feel quite optimistic that it Petitions presented May 27 to ation. Mac and I talked it over only 9,000, another district with and equipment and a milk inspec [ will be a paying investment in Clerk Fred W. Herman of union and it was decided that this bill 60,000 people has four state tion laboratory will illustrate just Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. i the future. They base their cal- high school district No. 3 to re was to be beaten in the house. senators. There is only one way how the city of Portland super , culation on making $100,000 an- call Victor Furer and E. E. Rose- We couldn’t possibly beat it in the in my estimation to accomplish vises and controls its filk supply. ' nually from travel over the Ore senate, nor get consideration out this, and that is for us to get to Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; gon coast highway when it is braugh as directors were not ac of the senate for Columbia coun gether and initiate a bill, and if The Pacific Northwest Dairy and cepted by him, on the ground Milk Inspectors will hold their legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding complete. There is no doubt that an opinion of the attorney ty this year. In the light of the a committee could be appointed annual two-day convention in insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, i that the coast highway is go general of Oregon holds that there that fact Mac took hold of the in Columbia county and another Portland during the show. 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. ing to develop quite a consider- is no recall of directors of a situation in the house and suc committee appointed in Klamath | able amount of travel from Brit-’ school district of the second or ceeded in having it tabled there, county we could initiate such a Fir Tex Plant Resumes ! ish Columbia and the state of third class. and sent word over to the senate bill, and put it on the ballot, and RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher I I Washington on the north and at the same time, so that I should compel readjustment of the state The plant of the Fir-Tex In Proponents of the recall insist be fully aware of all that had senate. That is the only way it from California on the south, and that opinion was written in been done in the house, so that can ever be done, and I wish sulating Board company in St. it will carry almost the entire 1916, this Helens resumed operations Mon- the union high tourist travel from these points, school before TEAM WORK law was passed, and does I was able to put through the that the people of Columbia coun , day, after having been idle for and not only will it be a delight not apply to union high school senate the bill that Mac succeed ty would take hold of that situa 1 several months. The plant will ful summer highway, but will be districts. ed in getting through, that per tion, because the vote in the sen- ] 1 be in operation during the month open in the winter as well, for it mitted you to have one represen is so lined up, that it would' . of June at least, according to an Criticism of Representative H. E. McGraw’s record in is only on rare occasions that The petitions were presented tative and a joint representative ate be an utter impossibility to get I | announcement by H. F. McCorm- by A. E. Veatch and F. O. Mc- the legislature this year has been made in some quarters there is any snow to stop travel. Caskey. with Clatsop county. I succeed it any other way, on account of, j ick, with the possibility that im It used to be argued by the early ed in getting that through the the districts affected. provement in business conditions to the effect that he “didn’t do anything.” boosters of the coast highway that With my kindliest and best will mean continued operation. senate after he got it through the house. He deserves considerable wishes, and again expressing my Obviously, McGraw was not spectacular, for that is it would get 90 per cent of the travel and although numerous recognition, because that gives appreciation and congratulating Phone or mail your want ads not his style. Incidentally it may be remarked that any highways have been built across you a chance for two represen McGraw on his record, I am, to the Eagle. All its readers are one who tries to be spectacular in his first year in the the coast range to divert the sincerely yours, tatives in the house. interested in the classified col- JOE E. DUNNE. legislature only succeeds in making himself ridiculous, and travel from the coast highway to There isn’t any question in my I umns. cities in the Willamette valley and mind but what Columbia county McGraw is the sensible kind. But lack of any desire to, Southern Oregon it is i t going is entitled to a senator and I hog the spotlight, to have his name spread over the first to do so to any great extent, es JOE DUNNE COMMENTS ON made that my fight this last H. E. McGRAW ’ S RECORD year, but it was impossible for pages of Portland dailies, or to orate to his bored col pecially when Californians are on their way to Washington or Brit leagues, does not mean that he was an idle spectator watch ish Columbia, and it is upon this Editor, Vernonia Eagle—I no me to succeed, because of the collation in the senate against it. ing the rest perform. McGraw was on the job all the time, large amount of travel that the ticed in the past week a report The reapportionment committee from Representative McGraw on as Senator Joe Dunne points out in his letter published Longview bridge builders expect the work that he did in the le was all “rigged up” in advance. to make a large amount of Klamath coupty, which has in this issue. money to help them out. We gislature, and I want to add my Both 30,000 population, and Columbia wish them good luck for it will word in praise of the exceptional county, which has 20,000, cer Joe Dunne, as everybody knows, is a prodigious work- be a good thing for the coast work that he did there, because he was one of the hardest work- tainly are deserving of considera Nobody accuses him of not doing anything in the last counties as well. tion and should have senators. —Wheeler Reporter. inv members of the legislature, Josephine session; in fact, it is generally conceded that he did more county with only 11,- really tried to do the best he than any other one man. A testimony of Dunne’s to the OUR MAYOR POLITICIANS knew how all the time, and for a 000 people has a senator, another man coming to the legislature for effectiveness of McGraw is worth considering: “I never The mayors of 25 American the first time, accomplished much. could have accomplished it had it not been for the 100 cities “Profits represent progress and if the As you know, I had probably who are visiting in France per cent cooperation of Representative McGraw.” as guests of the French govern the busiest committees in the en- profits of the community are not kept ment have not forgotten for a i tire senate this year and was within it the community will die.” Not every player on a football team carries the ball moment their obligations to the personally interested in a tre number of bills, and over the goal line. Some merely block, tackle, form in- folks back home. Politicians that mendous most of them are, they have seen succeeded in getting by so many —Montavilla Flowers. would be no crossing HAY ------------------------ terference—and without them there to it that plenty of publicity bills myself personally that it was startling almost to see them, and -------- GRAIN --------- reached the home town papers, the goal. Outstanding political stunt of I could never have accomplished ----------------------- FEED Not only did McGraw cooperate with Joe Dunne, but the trip so far, was the refusal it had it not been for the 100 PHONE 681 his faithful work on committees, his activity in the house of Mayor John C. Porter, of Los per cent cooperation that I receiv to let champagne pass ed from Representative McGraw. against any reapportionment that would leave Columbia Angeles, during a toast to the his lips county without a senator for the next ten years, and his president of France. He explain (Incorporated) success in securing an added joint representative for this ed that he was under oath to of the county refute completely the charge that he “didn’t do uphold the constitution United States, and that to drink A Home-Owned Business for Home Folks. Agency for anything.” liquor was in violation of this McCormick-Deering oath. What there is in the constitu- PHONE 721 ------ TRACTORS ----- THE WALKATHON tion of the United States, that prohibits a citizen from drinking alcoholic beverages in a foreign Great is the pother and furor now about the so-called country, is hard to discover. Furthermore, the refusal to parti PAPER HANGING walkathon—now that the original walkathon that lasted for cipate in a toast to the president months and took thousands of dollars away from legitimate may be in the nature of an in AND TINTING trade and bestowed it on stunt promoters and cake walkers sult. But the act of the Los Angeles mayor is the kind of po For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on is over. Two others were starting near Portland, to be litical “hokum” that the elector J. C. Henderson this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business sure, and every town is likely to have its applications for ate consumes with great gusto. and professional people. Phone 1021 walkathon permits, for one success always prompts a host Throughout the trip the Ameri Book* of 1930 Wall Paper can mayors have displayed their of imitations. Hence it is well to squelch the craze, if pos great ANNOUNCEMENT«; DOCTOPS I ___ MORTUARIES flare for publicity. On one Sample* Now Here sible, before it spreads everywhere. occasion they held up a trip plan On Display ANNOUNCEMENT TELEPHONE— ned for their entertainment while Office 672 Re*. 673 I have leased and am now op- More effective, however, than any action the law can they posed for sound pictures, erating the Sessman Black- Vernonia DR. R. A. OLSON take, will be public indifference after the novelty is worn They have even declared that i smith Shop. Chiropractor their French hosts were rushing off. That there must be entertainment of some sort in them Paint Shop Repairing of all kinds around so fast that they OVER CLINE FURNITURE W. M. Faulkner BROWN MORTUARY watching drowsy couples trying to keep each other awake had no time to prepare publicity STORE Vernonia I Phone 593 while they perambulate around a dance floor, and keel over for their local papers. RARRFP <tMon<; I MONEV TO I PAN when they can no longer stand up, is evident; else the im What does it all mean? Simply this. That many American city ~ BARBER Ih riunii a tzaglr What Other Editors Think The Open Forum - - Keeping Profits ... at Home FOR House And :SIGN: PAINTING Nelialein Market & Grocery Vernonia Trading Co Professional and Business Directory COMPLETE ■^ funeral ' s mense crowds would never have bothered to go and watch. That it is entertainment which will continue to fascinate is improbable. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Jly shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed The fad will shuffle out, sleepily, and none sufficiently interested to poke it into life again. Physican and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 Money to Loan On improved real estate; long time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St. Helens Oregon. CARD ROOM RESTAURANTS LOW FARES EAST Many Routes —Liberal Stopovers A FEW ROUND TRIPS FOR EXAMPLE ST. PAUL $77.85 ST. LOUIS $87.85 NEW YORK $153.95 WASHINGTON $148.11 CHICAGO $92.55 Other points in proportI om Co tstf vis the famous Columbia River Scenic Route of the Spokane, Portland fir Seattle Railway on either the EMPIRE BUILDER or the NORTH COAST LIMITED R. M. ALDRICH. AGENT Vernonia Phone 161 PASTIME DR. J. A. HUGHES CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Physician «nd Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Lloyd Baker, Prop. Eye* Tested JOHN A. MILLER Oregon-American Eye Spelialist—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store Mason Work, Building I C. BRUCE Lumber Co. HOTFI S Newly Furnished Rooms Hot and Cold Water LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon Next to Post Office Very Reasonable Rates BAFFORD BROS. Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT UT1RN LIMIT OCT M I The best for those who appreciate the best. M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon TRANSFER — TRUCK CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store REEHER & LUEBKE New And Used Good* DENTISTS PORTLAND Delicious Chile and Sand wiches—Also Roasts and Short Orders 4 HOTEL GORDON Wholesale and Retail Vernonia MAY 22 OCT. 15 Glasses Fitted DR. C. O. ANDERSON General Contractor General Plumbing IN EFFECT Vernonia, Oregon CDNTPAÇTQPS~ J. C. WRIGHT General Agent — Astoria G. C. PENDERGAST Trav. Paigr. Agt. — Astoria DAD’S SANDWICH SHOP Bargain* in Furniture A Stove* id AT NOMf hotel < M c D onald ; 11 First Ave. North Forest Grove, Oregon To buy, sell or trade, Eagle classified ads.