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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1931)
FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON MONEY BURN PETER B.KYNL 1 V W. N.U. SE.R.VICE. “We'll get them a quick tr.qi in ---------------------------------------------- , the San Jose police court before know 1 can manage to stand up un they can get ball, find 'em guilty der that ridicule of you? Don't you an’ send ’em to the county jail for think It will hurt me terribly?" three months.” "Would it?" he queried eagerly. “Oh, make It six!” Nellie plead “I’d like to think so. I’d like to ed. “With credit for good behavior think you love me still, with all my they'll be out altogether too soon. faults. Do you, darling?" It only costs a few dollars to file “You’ll have to go on guessing. 1 a suit, and nothing at all for pub have some womanly pride, you licity. That woman will do that for know, and you have Jarred It fright revenge as soon as she gets out, fully." no matter what happens to her. . "I’ve been a dog," he murmured Elmer can’t afford It.” sadly. “It serves me right. Of “Well, seeln' as how you ask It, course I have the nerve of a lion I’ll make It six months. That’s | tamer to ask this, but—ivlll you the limit. Consider It done! Me,, give me another chance, Nellie? I've been tryin' cases In the judge's Will vou take me back—on proba- chambers for ten years. That’s the I tlon?” only way us dicks can get any jus-1 “I accept. I’ll take you back- tlce or recognition. Good night! not as a sweetheart but as the dear Sleep tight!” old friend you were before you A week later Nellie Cathcart ke- told me you loved me and asked celved by registered mall a small me to marry‘you. . Meanwhile, you cardboard box. Upon opening it are not to run away from Pilarcl- she discovered It contained a small tos. You must stay here and make gold shield hearing the legend: your campaign for mayor." “Honorary Detective Sergeant, Los “I can never he elected mayor Angeles Police Department." The now." he assured her. “That suit shield bore a number also—No. 1! and the publicity of my letters to In fact, that week everybody re Doris—” ceived something. Colorado Char “Were the»- love letters. Elmer?" ley and Mae, to their great bewil He hung his head. "I tried to derment, were given six months in make them sound that way. hut I the county jail and blamed Elmer don't think they were as enthusias Clarke for It. Mae even wrote to tic as ones I could have written him accusing hint of it, but bidding you under the same circumstances. him refrain from thinking he was Still, I suppose they’re silly enough little Jack llorner, since every dog to tickle Pilarcitos to death. They'll be hard for me to laugh off.” must have his day. “Take the chance." she urged. Alas! Mae was counting bei Elmer shook his head dolefully. chickens before they were hatched, for immediately upon his return to “I dare not—now." Los Angeles, Detective Sergeant "But you announced your can Lipowsky decided to strike a blow didacy with a blare of trumpets, for true love. He knew a burglar as it were. ’ You ........... ’ll have to enter who was also an expert at opening the fight now.' ordinary safes. So be burglarized Elmer shuddered. "But I never the office of Colorado Charley’s at Intended to run for mayor this torney, and presently Elmer But year,” he protested lamely. “I was terworth Clarke received by or merely announcing myself as a can dinary mall a large fat envelope. It didate to run against the Incum contained his love letters to Mae. bent when he came up for re-elec alias Doris, tlon, as I figured he would. Now Simultaneously, from another anon the infernal kill-joy has disap ymous source, he received a clip pointed everybody by resigning and ping from a Snn Jose paper. It moving out of tbe county, the city contained the story of the arrest council is deadlocked over the ap and conviction of Joseph Skidmore pointment of his successor and in and his companion, and since the order to save their faces they have story had been illustrated with pic ordered a special election to decide tures, Elmer was no longer In doubt who shall be mayor to fill the nn of a very significant fact, to wit: expired term. So you see, Nellie, that God had been very good to I've got an excellent excuse for withdrawing now. I can say 1 do him, Indeed: not care to make a campaign for Prior to the arrival of Colorado the unexpired term, because It will Charley and Mae at his home that not afford me an opportunity to In night, nobody, not even astute Nel itiate reforms. All my friends will lie Cathcart, could have Imagined understand—” “You remind me of a small boy the extent of Elmer Clarke’s ter ror and suffering. He felt exactly wbo whistles up his courage as he as he had always felt tn France passes the cemetery after dark. El when his unit was In reserve, but mer, you know very well that If waiting to be ordered up to the you are elected to fill the unex front. Once under fire, however, plred term and make good you can he would say to ldmself: “Well, he elected tor the next two-year here's where 1 die. I can't escape term without half trying," "No, I cannot. I'll make an an this, so I might as well quit wor rying and make the best of it for nouncement in tlie Clarion that, the few minutes I may have to upon further consideration. 1 find live. I'm not brave, but I’ll act as that my affairs will mu if I am.” This old comforting philosophy permit my making the rave and ac 1 am withdrawing my can had animated him the moment he cordingly had come face to face with Colo didacy." “If you do that,” Nellie assured rado Charley and Mae. The sight him. “you might ns welt abandon of them, as a matter of fact, had all hope of marrying me eventually. infuriated him and, fury displac I could stand a quitter. 1 ing fear, he had grown suddenly want you never to enter that tight, even light-hearted. His attack had com It you do lose it.” pletely upset the calculations of the blackmailers; on the Instant their plans crumbled. As they disap peared through his door a feeling of peace after victory settled over Elmer Clarke's sturdy frame. Elmer Clarke retired to his vir tuons couch and slept the sleep of the conscience-free and the healthy. At breakfast next morning he had a telephone call from Nellie, who Order of Eastern Star declared she was simply bursting with curiosity. He must take her Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu ,to luncheon that day and tell her nication first all about his Interview with those and third Wed terrible people. nesdays of each Elmer accepted with alacrity and month, at Ma when he and Nellie found them sonic Temple. selves in a booth at the Palace grill All visiting sis he gave her a detailed account of ters and broth his adventure. Nellie noticed that ers welcome. Elmer did not pat himself on the Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. back. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. “I was scared to death, Nellie." he confided, “but It would never have done to let them know I was. Mountain Heart so I hlufTed my way through." “Do you think the Incident is Rebekah Lodge No. 243 closed?" Nellie queried Innocently. I.O.O.F., meets every “I do not. I'm going to be the No. 243, and fourth Thursdays in laughing stock of this town sooner second I. O. 0. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit or later—unless I bny those letters from them. I'm not. I'll stand for ors always welcome. their fire. It will be horrible, but Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. I'll stand for It.” Helen Fogel, Secretary “Yon appear to have eliminated from your con- my point of view sidération. Elmer, How do you Pythian Sisters He squirmed in his chair. "Tbe very thenght of It makes me shud der, Nellie. Have a heart! Permit me to withdraw now, marry me and go away with me—to France or Italy—anywhere to escape. Then when the blow falls I'll not be here to be laughed at. Nothing in this world can be of surpassing Inter est for more than nine days, and in a year or two from now when we return the whole miserable affair will have been forgotten." “I dare say, Elmer. In that length of time you will have been forgot ten, too. You will have lost your leadership, so essential to your fu ture here. You must remain here and build up your leadership." “Then marry me and help me stand it.” "No, I had nothing to do with getting you into this Jam and you’ll have to tight your own way out. If you do that, however, the day I find It out I’ll marry you. But If you quit. If you run—count me out of your calculations.”' He groaned Inwardly. “You haven't the slightest con ception of a woman's pride, El mer," Nellie went on with mother ly tenderness. “That adventuress Is trying to break you. to run you out of your own country. I’m try Ing to make you. to keep you from being run out. The question there fore resolves Itself Into this: who is going to win? You are the only human being who can decide that question, and I call upon you to de ci de It here and now or forfeit, not only the fragments of my former love for you, hut my future friend ship and respect for you. Speak up Elmer, or remain forever si lent!’’ “You win,” he declared without an instant’s hesitation. “I don't care what Imppens to me provided I do not humiliate you again, I can take a licking, you know." “Smiling, I hope.” “Well, at any rate. In silence.” “That remains to be seen," said Nellie darkly. “Your courage and sportsmanship are going to be test ed In a manner of which you little dream. Our future happiness de pends on how well or lmw poorly you emerge from that test.” Elmer thought of his love letters to Doris and shuddered again. “You're not eating anything," Nel lie challenged him suddenly. “Why, you haven’t taken a single bite!" "If I did I'd feel as vulgar and insensate as a pig,” he replied. “Cheer up, Elmer. There Is no hell." “Well, then. I'm up to my ears in something Just as hot." He eyed her half angrily. "And you're the little devil that's stoking the fire." Nellie half rose from her chair and leaned across the table toward Square Deal Service Station American Legion U. S. Royal Cord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed American Meets 4th each jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. tention, but not so much as at | At the entrance to Reno, he Gun Play Out of Date in _ first, Mr. Baker was informed, I says, there is an electric sign. when mobs followed the ex- j “The biggest little city in the world.” The population is about about. He is not there 30,000, and there are said to be Reno Declares Lloyd Baker champ merely to get a divorce, but is KEASEY Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cummins of Portland spent the weekend with Mrs. Cummins’ mother, Mrs. D. K. Mendenhall. While Bettie and Nelle Camp- bell were driving to Clatskanie Sunday their car went into the ditch. Bettie received a painful wound on her leg. The gear shift knob was off and it punctured her leg, Nelle was slightly hurt. The car was quite badly damaged. Clarabell Lindsey is leaving this week for Banks to pick berries. C. O. Evers is painting Mrs. Art Nethkin’s house in Clatska nie this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Gilpin and daughter of Portland were guests at the Devaney home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leyman are spending a few days in Seattle. Dean Duvall was a Keasey visi tor one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blongia visited with the Devaneys Sunday. KIST The Kist school closed May 22, and a large crowd enjoyed the annual school picnic May 24, where the men received many aches and pains playing baseball. Mrs. Eula Stanton, Mrs. Alice John, Mrs, J. B. Ohler, Mrs. H. C. Ohler, and Mrs. Louise Smej- kal motored to St. Helens to represent the Kist home exten- sion unit at Homemakers day. Miss Christine Weed, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smejkal for the past three weeks returned to her home at Banks, Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. J. B. Ohler and son Carl and daughter, Mrs. Ho- bart Engen and children, also Beryl Smith motored to Rainier and St. Helens June 1 for a pleasure trip. Mrs. Carl Jensen has as her guest her mother, Mrs. Moore, of South Bend, Washington. For results—try an Eagle clas sified. It reaches the prospects. 10,000 transients additional at evidently counting on making present. There is no wild west stuff some of the money to be had in Reno, declares Lloyd Baker, there. Just? now he is remodel who spent a few days there last ing a race track and is promot- MARY KATO LEAVES month, “All of that is out of ing some fights for the Fourth Mary Kato, who operates a date, Everything is run accord- of July. confectionery and restaurant on ing to specifications, You are Money is spent freely in Reno, Third street, has closed the place treated like a gentleman, and as Mr. Baker declares, and this is for three months. She left Sat long as you don’t bother any- evident in various lines of busi urday for Scappoose, where she body, nobody bothers you. Any ness. Hotels, restaurants, gar has employment as cook. one who goes looking for trouble ages and auto camps are crowded. She expects to return to Ver simply does not stay long.” The first night there he had to go nonia about September 1. to Sparks, five miles out of town, Gambling is wide open, Mr. j Eagle classifieds get results. Baker admits, but the bulk of it | for accommodations. is confined to three large places, segregated from the rest of the town. These are open 24 hours of the day, and are jammed with I men, women and children. Every I kind of game is going. There, Delivered To and Called for at Your Door are a few games going on in j TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY smaller places, pool halls and the | like, but the big play is owned, Long Distance Furniture Hauling by two or three men, he says. 1 Between Vernonia and Portland Mr. Baker saw Jack Dempsey enter one of the gambling halls Portland-Vernonia Truck Line and recognized him immediately from his pictures. He appears W. A. Davis, Local Manager. fairly sociable, and is an attrac-I RES. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 tive figure, husky and robust. I He still attracts considerable at- Freight Buy for a "Sunny" Day . . . Save for a "Rainy" Day — & Sunny June days bring pleasant week-eni excursions to favorite haunts, thrilling fishing More than ever you will want appetizing, _ . parties and ---- camping ---- . „ trips. —.r— ------ healthful meals and our selection of camping foods give you just that. If you choose your foods for “sunny” days at our stores you’ll have savings to bank for “rainy” days. “Sunny” Day Prices Effective Saturday, Monday, June 6, 8 SOAP 1 /Y Answers all wash day problems. Suds freely, lasts longer. BANANAS 4 POUNDS IV LETTUCE Snowdrift NEW POTATOES 9 POUNDS............. 25c NEW PEAS CORN "Kiss Me, Booby!" She Command ed Fiercely. HONEY MAID GRAH AMS or SNOWFLAKES him. “Kiss me. booby I” she com manded fieri«!' Mid Elmer obeyed. Always fresh from the ovens. 2 Pound Package 25c CROWN FLOUR For results—try an Eagle clas sified. It reaches the prospects. Eagle classifieds will pay you. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. E. G. Anderson, W. M. W. E. Bell, Secretary. The all-purpose family flour. You have worked hard for your money, and you want to be certain that the bank where you de posit it for safe keeping is secure. We welcome your WOMENS RELIEF CORPS most rigid inspec- Meets third Thursday of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. Laura Sasier, President. tion of our reliabil KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 11C Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. H. Mayfield, C. C. H. Culbertson, K.R.S. 1. O. O. F I. O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. ball. Vis itors always welcome. J. F. Jones, N. G. Chas. Holt, V. G. John Glassner. Sec’y. Mike Miller, Treasurer. R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y. S1.29 ■USaUc 25c 4 POUNDS GRAPEFRUIT Goldette—Broken sections — No. 2 ,or tins ..... Floridagold Grapefruit — Fancy 6 OKz» No. 2 tips for OeJU Many people prefer canned grapefruit to fresh. 2 MacMarr Del 1 Maiz, No. Q 2. The most popular i gol- O cans den corn in the country. Quality supreme. Week) 4c HEAD MacMarr—tempting, de- Q licious, refreshing, lb. 29c tJ lbs. Next 5c BUNCII SECURITY Coffee (Continued 25c CARROTS—BEETS Perfect Shortening in sealed cans itODŒS Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. t C. PAGE THREE LIME RICKEY Piedmont—Our own brand — guaranteed to please ..... 14c 4 Bottles ................. 55c PEACHES Valley Belt—No. 2>/2—large halves in O OQp heavy syrup for PINEAPPLE Libbys Fancy Sliced or Crush ed—No. 2»/2 tins............. 2 <„ 39c CREAM OF WHEAT Experts say “eat something warm for breakfast." i) 4 _ PACKAGE ¿¿it soup 29c Q Campbell's Tomato Soup— “Soup’s on” the year ’round O for STARCH Argo, Corn or Gloss. 1- Q lb. pkg. When you want for startch it’s natural to think of Argo. <$> Pen Jel <©> Makes better jel- ly and jam. I’KG. Jell Well jr Jiffy Lou. Free—one glass etched occasional plate. i* O MARKET FEATURES ity and responsibil QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK ity. Boiling Beef, - - - lb. 10c Hamburger, all Beef —lb. 15c CHEESE— “Tillamook”— lb. 17c Bacon Squares - - lb. lZ/'ac BANK of Vernonia QUALITY SNAPPY SERVICE 100% SANITARY Vernonia, Oregon