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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1931)
FRIDAY, JUNE ft. 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO LOCALS $ Anchors A-Weight! Natal Jack Hanson spent Monday in where she was called by the ser ious illness of her mother. Portland. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Turner spent the week end at Rockaway. Mrs. J. H. Bush and Mrs. O. T. Bateman were Portland visitors J. E. Kerr and Robert Ser Friday afternoon and evening. geant motored to Portland Tues Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson and day. daughters, Margaret and Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stevenson started Friday on a trip to Idaho of Vernonia are the parents of where they will visit relatives. a girl born May 28. Mr. and Mrs. John Krinnick Mrs. May Nelson and her and daughter Gladys have gone to daughter Gladys Pressnail spent Helena, Montana, for a visit with relatives. They left Tuesday morn the holidays at Newport. ing. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk The H. E. McGraw and E. W. Holtham families spent Sunday at near Vernonia on May 20. Cannon Beach. They dug clams Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman and had a swell time they re and daughter Alice visited in Port- port. land Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Miss Rowena Whitlock and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur the week Junior Whitlock spent Davis and family spent the week Saturday night and Sunday at spend the weekend visiting with end in Chehalis. end at Gearhart and Seaside dig Seaside. They caught large quan relatives and friends. They re tities of clams and Sunset beach. turned with them Monday morn ging clams. Dr. J. A. Hughes is ; driving a i ing and spent the night visiting Mrs. Arthur Davis returned Sat new four-passenger Chevrolet Mrs. Elizabeth Vincent and here, returning to Vancouver on urday, May 23, from St. Vincents Arthur Vincent of Tigard, and Tuesday. coupe purchased last week. hospital, where she has been ill Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold Registered at Hotel McDonald Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Adams with appendicitis and para ty of Chicago were guests of Mr. this week were Mr. and Mrs. made a business trip to Timber phoid fever. and Mrs. W. S. McDaniel Sunday. Sempne, J. A. Williams, C. R. Saturday. Frank Hartwick made a busin Mrs. C. W. Shipley underwent Davis, J. C. Penelope, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. James Emmons ess trip to Tillamook Tuesday. He an operation in Emanuel hospi Mrs. G. B. Winter, Geo. Williams, visited friends in Clatskanie Sun- was accompanied by H. L. Hut tal Wednesday morning, She G. 0. Miller, C. C. Merton, C. chinson of the Gilby Motor Co. will remain there for about two Armstrong. Arthur C. Bradley, day. W. H. Hartley of Portland, R. D. in St. Helens. weeks. Reba Adams and Betty Lee Hill of Newberg and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson of Portland, are visiting, this week, Reba’s Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott and F. LeVegue of Camas. F. A. Mayfield of Vernonia, Wm. grandmother at Dilley, Oregon. daughters, Helen and Marie, mov Mayfield and Mr. and Mrs. A. ed to Forest Grove Friday. Mr. CALL FOR COUNTY Ole Stapp, Forest Bennett and Sanstrom of Tacoma stopped at and Mrs. Willis Scott are also WARRANTS William Gevurt stopped at Hotel Hotel Gordon recently. living in Forest Grove, having i have money on hand to paj Nehalem recently. the following registered county E. Kullander of Independence moved there the week before. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson and J. E. Kullander of Portland, Mrs. 0. Daoust, formerly of warrants: General Fund warrants regis and family visited friends in father and cousin respectively of Vernonia and now living in St. McMinnville Saturday. A. L. Kullander, visited in Ver Helens, spent the week end here tered prior to and including Mar. visiting her nieces, Mrs. E. H. 27, 1931. Ruth Holaday has been visiting nonia Saturday and Sunday. Road Dist. No. 5 warrants reg- Washburn and Mrs. M. M. Mar her parents in .Scappoose during Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McKibben tin. She was accompanied by her istered prior to and including the past week. drove to Tillamook Saturday and May 12, 1931. son Jackie. Road Dist. No. 6 warrants reg- Mrs. Henry Fogel spent the enjoyed fishing at Rockaway A humorous take-off on Shake- istered prior to and including weekend visiting her parents in beach Sunday. They had a fine speare’s “Hamlet” written by Vi- Feb. 24, 1931. Forest Grove. catch of fish and crabs. I vian Douglass of Vernonia was Interest ceases June 5, 1931. D. C. Cason and family, Red Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spring left presented in chapel at Linfield GLADYS PETERSON, Sessman and Tom Graves motor for their summer’s vacation in college last Friday morning by a Treasurer Columbia Co., ed to Seaside over Sunday. Portland last week, driving a new group from the junior class, ac- Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and Chevrolet sport coupe purchased cording to a news item in the McMinnville Telephone-Register. from the Gilby Motor Co. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis were For results—try an Eagle clas Portland shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Domnisse sified. It reaches the prospects. Mr. and Mrs. George Dror- Mr. and Mrs. Charley Fanshier liaugli and daughter Maybelle who of Portland, Dr. R. W. Anderson spent Sunday at Balm Grove have made their home in Vernon and Fred A. Anderson, members of a large group enjoying a camp picnicking. ia since 1924 moved Sunday to ing party at Arcadia Park during Port Angeles, Washington. the holidays, called on Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and family motored to Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. William Fitz Mrs. W. S. McDaniel at the Hy- Sunday. gerald and children have moved Van Saturday. Four Hour Enamel Geraldine Cason, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Young from their home on Rose avenue to their farm, located near Ver A rapid dry of Camas, Washington, visited nonia on the St. Helens highway. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cason re ceived a painful cut on her abdo Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald Sun not need special RH-cvtK A. Graham and family of Port men and severe scratches on her day. thinner. No of KSUÍMBI* land visited here Sunday with his leg when she fell from a tree, fensive odors. Frank Hartwick and E. S. mother, Mrs. M. E. Graham of striking a snag, Monday after Will not raise Thompson of the Gilby Motor Co. Vernonia and his aunt, Mrs. E. noon. Her condition is not thought old finish. were in Clatskanie on business C. Wright, of Little Falls, Min- to be serious. nesota. Tuesday morning. $1.60 Qt Registered at Hotel Hy-Van re Mrs. Rose Fletcher returned Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson Allenbach, cently were W. J. attended the funeral of Mr. John Sunday from a week end trip Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Alexander, son's brother at Quincey on Tues to Newberg, Accompanying her D. E. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. was her niece, Helen Garretson, day of last week. W. Ray Clark, John W. Camp- who will visit here for several bell, Chas. Toss, E. H. Leahy, W. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Malloy weeks. F. Hintzen of Portland, G. W. and family of Multnomah, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and Ford, Longview, C. E. Steiner, visited Saturday at the home of family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olympia, and J. G. Sinclair, Los Charles Aastrom. Vernonia, Oregon Riley and family motored to Gales Angeles. William Culver spent the week Creek cemetery Saturday, where See Hoffman About it Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dewey of end holiday in Portland where the mother of Mr. Riley and Mrs. Vancouver, Washington, motored Mrs. Culver has been visiting Davis is buried. —IT PAYS to Vernonia Friday to take their for two weeks. Mrs. Claude Cruson, wife of daughter, Mrs. Fred Veith, and Mrs. F, W. Gough is visiting Captain Cruson, stationed at Cot family back to Vancouver relatives and friends in Seattle tage Grove, Oregon, and her sis and Spokane, She will return ter, Mrs. Lund, of Portland vis home about June 10. ited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson. Mis. Florence Jepson and her niece, Joy Bush left Wednesday The J. C. Penney Co. store for several weeks visit with rel force all spent the week end hol atives in Eastern Oregon. idays out of town, C. G. Whit lock in Vancouver, B. C-. Enoch Mrs. Charles DeGraff of Port land who came last Thursday to Dumas in Salem, and Mrs. R. visit her niece, Mrs. M. I*. Cole, Space in Portland. left for her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Solomonson Mrs. N. A. Spofford left last and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bollinger Thursday for Jerome, Idaho, and children of Birkenfeld spent r ~i Sulphur and Molasses— Won*! cure vour car of SPUING FEVEIt It will take a SPECIALIST like SALAMONSON, equipped to give your care the best SPRING TON IC on the market. It won’t take long or cost much NOW, and it may SAVE a lot of trouble later on when the spring complaint develops into serious ble. ‘CARE WILL SAVE YOUR CAR" Vernonia Brazing and Machine Work* eurer Mr». REP-QUIK Thorsell from Astoria spent Wednesday in this com munity. Mr. Thorsell is field rep resentative of the Lower Colum bia Dairy association. Mrs. Pye from Portland has been a house guest of her brother Bob Lindsay for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were business visitors in Vernonia Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Pasco Hill from Vernonia spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bald ridge. The Reed Halding family were visiting relatives at Clatskanie Saturday and Sunday. C. C. Stopp from Portland was a Natal business caller on Wednesday. Deputy Game Warden Brown was in this vicinity last week end. Virgil Hiatt and Dave Mc- Mullin worked for the fire assoc- iation last week fighting fire. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and son Norman were Sunday visit ors at Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn’s. Mrs. James McCormick spent Tuesday afternoon in Vernonia on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. Larson from Clatskanie were Natal visitore on Sunday. Mrs. Nels Peterson is in Port- land visiting relatives for a few days. Miss Annie McMullin was a guest of her cousin Evelyn at Vernonia this week. Mrs. Bob Lindsey was not well over the week end but getting along as well as can be expected. Harry Culbertson from Vernon ia visited with friends Sunday at Believe It or Not Tik-LFoot POWDER Is Sure Relief for Tired or Sweaty Feet. Excellent for dusting un der the arms. Relieves body odor from excessive perspir Price 25c Hdwe. Co. Armitage Drug Co. NEXT TO POST OFFICE from Portland were at Natal vis iting their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn. Robert Dickerson went to work for Jake Neurer on the ranch recently. Noble Dunlap and Ira Peterson are doing carpenter work for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson. CROQU1GNOLE PERMANENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH F. Claude Stephen», Minister Services for June 7: 9:45 a. m. Bible school; 10:45 a. m., Divine morninr worship, theme, ‘‘A Shel ter in the Time of Storm7:00 p. m., Christian Endeavor; 8.00 p. m., Evening worship, “God’s Measure of a Man.” Natal on his way from Clatskanie. Lee Osborn made a trip on important business to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Warden from Portland were holiday vis itors at Mrs. Warden’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. The dairymen at Natal have taken a fancy to guernsey cattle. Hi Tracey, Jake Neurer and Noble Dunlap are all raising. young guernsey sires for their' dairy herds. Orval Bates and Charles Hame-, ly are spending a few days in Hillsboro this week. There were several brush fires in this vicinity in the past week. > Clyde Henderson folks Annette Beauty Shoppe Telephone 431 ‘‘Pictures ‘Pull Almostwitl.outexception, we strongly recommend the use of pictures as an attention value medium onalh xesofjobprinting. To lup you get the right pictures for your printing is a part of our printing service. We always have plenty of cuts on hand from which you may pick the ones you need. THE BARGAIN RADIO qf TODAY MAY BE THE OBSOLETE RADIO or TOMORROW Our advice to every prospective purchaser of a radio is to look for "the joker” in the bargain offer. Offers of extravagant "savings’^ ?) are too often the forerunners of one or two things. Either the model is about to be superseded by a more modern receiver or the manufac turer is about to "fall by the way side.” In either case you lose instead of save. THE LOWBOY— 9-lube, Screen-Grid Super-Heterodyne. Filled with local- diilant twilcb. Brou n ualnut cabinet, latin finiibed. F.arly American deiign. Price «112.30. let! lube,. W’ilb Tone Control *3.00 additional. Stick to stability. Buy the radio that will remain modern for many a day to come. The latest development in staple radio receivers—the Gen eral Electric FULL RANGE Radio backed by the reputation and re sources of the General Electric Company—and covered by the Certified Inspection Plan. THE STUDIO LOW- BOY— 7-tube, Screen- Grid Receiver, 4 tuned circuits, Power Screen- Grid detector, push-pull audio, new type dynamic reproducer — compact in size. Handsome curved front cabinet. Price • 112.50, less tubes. THE HIGHBOY—9- lube, Screen-Grid Super Heterodyne, filled with local-diitanl twitcb and lone control. Remote con trol available at addition al coil. Brown walnut cabinet with French door,. Price *179.30, lei, lube,. THE RADIO-PHONO GRAPH COMBINATION —9-tube, Screen-Grid Super - Heterodyne. Local- distant switch, tone control and home rec aiding equip ment including micro phone, 4 blank records and 2 special needles. Brown walnut cabinet, satin fin ish. Price $285, less tubes. Remote control available at additional cost. Let us show you the four handsome models—and demonstrate them to you. Any one may be bought for a small down payment under the Budget Payment Plan. ation. Hoffman EVANGELICAL CHURCH G. W. Plumer, Pastor The Sunday school hour is at 9:45 a. m. in charge of W. W. Wolff. The pastor will have as his subject at 11 a. m., ‘‘The Value of Childhood.” The time of evening services ■.will be half an hour later, with Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. THp annual Children’s Day program will be given at 8 p. m. A welcome to all. il GENERAL ELECTRIC FULL IlAMiE RADIO Oregon and Electric Co Vernonia, Oregon 622 Bridge St. Phone 691 WASH DRESSES for Styled for House or Street Hear CKMKUL IWTISG fit $1.95 In a complete group of materials, styles sizes—batistes, voiles, prints, rayons. We proud of these new dresses—and know anyone would be anxious to see them SUMMER PANAMAS An opportunity for ladies to have one of these most popular hats .............. — $2.95 DEEDHE YOU BUY SHOP HERE tVD SAVE MOW Phone 191 or call at the Eagle office. Our up-to- date equipment makes it possible to give you the best quality of work, the finest service, and the fairest prices. Call us on your next job. QUALITY—SERVICE—PRICE Vernonia Eagle COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT