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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1931)
VERNONIA JËAGLB, VERNONIA.OREGON PAGE SIX Natal Mr*. Jake Neurer home now and seems much im proved and stronger. Mrs. Jim Green from Treharne called to see Mrs. Bob Lindsay last week. Vick Saunders and M. Hieber from St. Helens were in Natal on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer spent Friday in Portland on business matters and returned home that night. Mrs. John Beerman and her daughter Hettie and son-in-law from Portland visited her daugh ters, Mrs. Ira Peterson and Mrs. Lee Osborn at Natal. Marion and Annie McMullin re ceived graduation diplomas from Vernonia high school. Charles Hamely and daughter were Vernonia shoppers Saturday. Local* Win Fir»t Game Sunday 9-7 (Continued from page 1.) Duties of Marshal Are Specified FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1931 thority of the ordinances of the city require all prisoners to work upon the streets or other public works of the city. He Bhall have power, with the direction of the Mayor and Council, to appoint as many deputies as may from time to time be required. Sec. 11. The Marshal of the city in addition to his other duties shall be ex-officio street superintendent, and it shall be his duty as such to keep the streets clean, have charge of all street work not performed under the special improvement provi sions of the charter, and to keep and exercise a careful oversight of the streets and sidewalks of said city to the end that no dan gerous places remain unrepaired and reported as required by this charter. N. 0. W. Celebrate 4th Anniversary were named in response to roll call. Mrs. Lindsay read a paper on “Habits and Peculiarieties of Some of the Common Birds.” A The fourth anniversary of the poem. “The Sandpiper,” was giv instituting of Nehalem circle 881, en by Mrs. Phil Taylor. Mrs. Neighbors of Woodcraft, was cele I Lillian Barnes read a story, “How brated Thursday night, May 21, • Birds Saved Many Lives in Utah,” at the I.O.O.F. hall. A large crowd and Mrs. Geo. Stankey read Bry- was in attendance. | ant’s “Robert of Lincoln,” “Why The flag ceremony was put on ' the Eagle was Chosen as Our by the drill team, after which the ¡National Emblen,” was the topic following program was given un i of Mrs. R. A. Olson. der the direction of Neighbor Other members present were Sylvia Turner: Mrs. Ray Charlesworth, Mrs. Dud- Music with saxophone, violin ' ley Spofford and Mrs. Frank and piano, Guy Cameron, Mrs. ___ Lang. ________ . Mrs. ___ Ben Brickel and E. Frazee and Mrs. Chas. White; I Mrs. Hyland were guests. Refresh- Vocal duet, 1 Neighbors Eleanor I ments were served by the hostess. ", Wridge and Sylvia Turner; Tap: The next meeting of the class dancing, Mrs. Grant Thayer ac- will be June 10, with Mrs. Aisel companied by Guy Cameron, vio- Lolley. lin, and Mrs. Chas White, piano; Short history of Nehalem circle, A pie and cake sale will be Dorothy Tays; Mock wedding, held by the Loyal Gleaners class lodge members. of the Christian church today, The following members took beginning at 10 a. m. The lo part in the wedding: bride, Emma cation is between the Work- Miller; groom, Eda Parker; bride’s < ' ingmen * * * • • • *-• * e ’s *</ Store vvr a v. ca and < * v l v the 11 c U Joseph wov | / i t mother, Mary Hankel; brides fa-lScott reaI estate office. Flszxv* D.llra ther, Rilla Snyder; »viininto»' minister, 1LYr* Me- | Evelyn Reynolds, one and one- lian Treharne; flower girl, El half year old daughter of Mr. eanor Wridge, the Jew, Edna Armstrong; musician, Sylvia Tur and Mrs. C. R. Reynolds, who live at Treharne, caught her right ner. hand in the wringer of a washing Other numbers on the program machine Wednesday and drew the were a song by Ida Mae Hawkins i whole arm up to the shoulder, and a fancy drill by the drill I bruising it badly. team. Geo. W. Ford with four other Cameron’s orchestra furnished music for dancing, after which a Longview men drove to the bridge celebration at Grants Pass Sun delicious lunch was served. day, thence to Crescent City and over the Oregon Coast highway Gleaners At to Coquille, boosting for the Rol- leo. They traveled 477 miles Mrs. Lindsay’s that day. Mrs. Jack Lindsay entertained A 400 pound weight dropped on the Loyal Gleaners at her home the little finger of H. Williams, in Treharne Wednesday afternoon. who works for the Orenduff Nature study was the theme Logging company, a week ago for the program. Favorite birds Thursday. ting seven strikeouts to his cred According to the interpreta it. Henry Gray from Eugene was tion of those who have investigat Next Sunday Vernonia takes a visitor at the home of Mr. and on the fast Clatskanie club on ed the state law and the city Mrs. Jake Neurer on Tuesday. the local diamond and the follow- charter with reference to the Mr. Gray was here to look after ing Sunday they travel to Jewell duties of marshals, abolishing the some business matters. for a return game with that club. office of day marshal is illegal. James McCormick was sick with The box score of last Sunday’s The following are the provisions the flu last week but he is much of each: game follows: better now. Jewel AB R H PO A E State Law The Lower Columbia Creamery L. Berg C ..... 5 1 0 8 2 0 56-406. Marshal—Duties and association delivered feed to some B. Tichnor SS 5 0 0 1 4 2 powers—The marshal shall be of the dairy men in this vicinity. Tweedie 3B 5 1 4 2 0 0 chief of police, and shall have Miss Beatrice Perry and her A. Berg IB 5 1 1 4 0 1 control over all other police grandmother Mrs. Oliver Burris Morrell 2B 4 2 2 5 2 1 men when on duty. He shall be drove to Vernonia Thursday to May RF 5 1 1 1 0 0 a conservator of the peace, and do some shopping. C. Tichnor LF 5 1 1 2 1 0 shall arrest all persons guilty of Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin Larson CF-P . 5 0 3 1 1 0 drove to Forest Grove Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taylor and Rierson P-CF 4 0 0 0 0 1 a breach thereof, or violations of the city ordinances, and take bring home their daughter Millie, baby left today for Weiser, Ida them before the recorder for Society Elects who was a student at Pacific ho, where they will spent a two 43 7 12 24 10 5 trial; to make and enforce the weeks vacation visiting Mr. Tay Vernonia university. AB R H PO A E collection of all delinquent city Officers Lee Osborn spent Friday in lor's parents. Linn SS ...4 3 3 1 2 2 taxes, as the collection of delin Vernonia on business. The Missionary society of the The Ladies’ Aid of the Chris- Greenman 3B 5 2 3 4 2 1 quent county taxes is enforced, Mrs. O. V. Steinroad from Port tian church will meet June 3 at i jfcRea m Christian church met for the 4 1 1 9 0 0 land and her nephew, Clarence the home of Mrs. Herman Veal, ■ Hawkins LF . 5 1 2 1 0 0 and shall perform such other election of officers last Thurs duties as may be required of Deagle spent Thursday afternoon I Brooks Rrnoks RF .... 4 2 4 1 0 0 him by the common council. He day afternoon at the home of with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. McKillip CF .. . 3 0 1 1 0 0 may suspend any policeman for Mrs. R. A. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Hi Tracey made Newly elected officers are Mrs. Gregory CF .. 2 0 0 2 0 0 negligence or violation of duty a business trip down the river Marshal 2B 4 0 0 3 0 0 until the case may be examined E. Knight, president; Mrs. F. C. Tuesday. Henderson 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 and determined by the council, Stephens, vice-president; Mrs. H. Ray McKibben from Vernonia Barker C ..... 4 0 0 5 1 1 and on complaint being made Veal, secretary; Mrs. Harry Cul was a business caller in this com Davis P .......... . 2 0 1 0 0 0 charging him with malfeasance bertson, treasurer; and Mrs. R. munity Friday evening. Nelson P ..... 2 0 0 0 2 2 or nonfeasance in office, the ai A. Olson, program leader. John McMullin traded Hi Tra The topic for the afternoon dermen by a unanimous vote EVANGELICAL CHURCH cey a Ford car for a Jersey cow 39 9 15 27 7 6 without the concurrence of the study was “India’s Attempts at last week. .... 000 300 400—7 mayor, or by a majority vote Reform.” Mrs. Veal lead the de Jewell . G. W. Plumer, Pastor Mrs. Bob Lindsay, who has ... 411 200 lOx—9 with the concurrence of the may votions and Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. These are the days everybody Vernonia been very ill, is some better this or, may remove the marshal from Olson, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. week, but is still confined to her should ge to Sunday school, it Tapp Still in Hospital office at any regular meeting, Veal read papers. Refreshments meets at 9:45 a. m. bed. J. E. Tapp did not return from after giving him an opportunity were served by the hostess. The pastor will have as his Several Natal folks attended the the U. S. Veteran’s hospital last The society will meet next with surprise party at Mist last Sat subject 11:00 a. m., “The Bread Friday as was expected, owing to to be heard in his defense, provid urday evening in honor of the and Water that Fully Satisfies.” the fact that his physican, who ed they find the charge to be true. Mrs. H. Veal, June 16. (L. 1893, 6. 130, *28; B & C The Christian Endeavor Keatons. They are leaving for must sign his release was away 2714; L.O.L. *3232; O.L. *3718) p. m. C. G. Whitlock plans to spend Oaklahoma soon. on a vacation. Mr. Tapp is get 7:30 p. m. theme “God’s Gift, the weekend visiting in Seaside. Sec. 10 of City Charter Jim Moran moved his family ting along nicely, reports Mrs. and household from Oswego to The Spirit.” Sec. 10. The marshal of the j The Women’s Missionary soc- Tapp, and is benefiting by the city of Vernonia shall have all the their new home here last week. treatments he is receiving for his ‘ iptv meets at Wednesday June 3 The Natal school board held'iety arm during the added stay in the power and authority of a sheriff a business meeting last Thursday. 2 P- m. within the limits of said city, hospital. Mrs. Nels Peterson is at her and it shall be his duty in ad- CHRISTIAN CHURCH Dr. W. H. Hurley, Dr. Marvin dition to the duties prescribed for R. Eby and Walter W. Wolff him by the council, to execute F. Claude Stephen*. Minister made a trip to the Deschutes riv and return all processes issued 9:45 a. m. Bible School. I and directed to him by the Re 10:45 a. m. Divine morning er by way of Government camp corder or by any other legal au Saturday for fishing. They re worship. thority; he shall arrest upon NOTICE—1 will not be respon Theme — “Most Historically port a good catch. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson complaint or otherwise as a peace sible for any bills contracted Popular City of the Ages.” officer, all persons for a breach by anyone except myself. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m. and Mrs. G. L. Cameron drove of the peace or a violation of Saturday being a national holiday many will plan picnic and week-end trips. Wm. Lanway.441* 8:00 p. m. Evening service— to Portland Tuesday. A bit of steel flew into the the city ordinances or the laws These affairs call for special foods . . . Delicacies that make eating a real joy. Theme — “ Major Highway Trag MOTHERS—Leave your children hand of Elmer Wulf while work- of the state and bring them be You’ll find .these at Safeway, at prices lower than anywhere else. edy. with me while you play golf, ing for the Schmidlin brothers fore the Recorder or other legal go shopping, visiting or take a authority for trial or examination: lodging in the bone. It May 15, CARD OF THANKS vacation. Mrs. Mabel Dent, one he shall attend the Recorder’s We wish to thank all the friends has been removed. mile south of Vernonia. 434* and Sidney Malmsten was struck by court and the meetings of the neighbors who so kindly help City Council; he shall be the DRESSMAKING AND DESIGN ed us at the time of our fire, a piece of limb Tuesday, cutting keeper of the city jail and the his eyeball. He was engaged in ING, MILLINERY—As taught and since. city pound and shall be a con Mr. and Mrs. Ray Condit road work for the county. in 10 weeks. For full informa Harry Heiberg, salesman fori servator of the peace and shall tion, write Chambers, Eagle of Fresh and dainty, 2 pkgs. have charge of all prisoners and fice. 432* NOTICE OF TEACHERS’ EXAM- Rasmussen and company of Port vagrants and shall under the au- and one cereal dish free. land, while at Van Vleet’s Log ■ NATIONS CIVIL SERVICE—Customs In Notice is hereby given that ging camp Tuesday fractured his You’ll need an extra supply for spectors, Immigrant Inspectors, the County Superintendent of arm when trying to crank a gaso the fresh fruits. PURE CANE— Postoffice Clerks, Mail Carriers, Columbia county, Oregon, will line motor. His arm was taken I General Clerks and many other hold the regular examination of care of here and he returned to Highway, medium size, good paying positions, for Men applicants for state certificates Portland. No. 1 Cans ...................... and Women. For list and full at St. Helens as follows: Com Frank Godwin, sawyer at the j information, write Day, Eagle of mencing Wednesday, June 10, mill, has taken bankruptcy. fice. 432* 1931 at 9 o’clock a. m. and con Thelma Stephens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Claude Stenh- tinuing until Saturday, June 13, Blue Bell. Large crisp SCIENTIFIC SALESMANSHIP ens, is home from teaching high fresh from the oven— simplified—Improve your sales 1931 at 4 o’clock p. m. Those school at Sisters, Oregon. manship. Trained salesman are in interested apply to County Super Large Package ................. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Olson were intendent for program. demand. for full infor., write the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Elizabeth C. Murray, Warren, Eagle office. 432* Salad Bowl. A cooked dressing. Knight for dinner Sundav. County School Supt. Mrs. Alexander Richardson of Tasty yet non-fattening. 442c FOR RENT Del Monte — 5 deli Tacoma is visiting at the home VERNONIA HOTEL—Remodeled of her son, Charles Richardson. cious fruits in one can rooms to meet the wage condi G. H. Campbell of the Mac- No. 1 Can ...................... tions, $2.00 and $2.50 per week. Marr stores returned last Friday 442* after a two weeks vacation along Hood’s Canal, Washington. Dur MOONLIGHT APTS. — 2-rooms ing his absence Owen Calvert had Cedarbrook. Full cream furnished; light, wood, water. After making the first error of charge of the store. Oregon made. Pound .... 37tf the season last Sunday in the very Mr. and Mrs. M. Grunden en first inning, Greenman promptly tertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Nicar FOR RENT—2-room apartments, new, clean and quiet. Hot made up for it by making an un to dinner Wednesday evening. Hillsdale Broken Slice — fine in Mrs. Wm. Bridgers was in water; water, light and wood $15 assisted double playj stopping a Pale Face, case of 12 J. C, PENNEY GQ salads or dessert. month. P. Hill, 875 Second St. line drive and stepping on third Portland Tuesday. bottles $1.45. Single to complete the double. Bottle................................. APARTMENT FOR RENT— 3- t t t LARGE 2i/2 CAN rooms furnished at Roseway Marshall played a mighty nice Apartments, VI6 Rose Avenue. game at second Sunday, stopping (32tf-c36) everything that came his way in California Seedless— nice style. FOR SALE Church Notices Classified Ads DOUBLE HOLIDAY SALE Prices Effective Friday and Monday Store will be Closed All Dav Saturday Whealies 12c Sugar 8 Pounds 38c 23c Salad Dressing Ripe Olives Potato Chips Fruit for Salads Sport Shots 21c Pint 16c Pineapple Cheese Ginger Ale 13c Grapefruit t t t When Brooks slugs he certainly PHONE YOUR ORDER for can ning strawberries to Mrs. Her lays plenty of wood to the old man Veal, 656. 441c pellet. He got four hits Sunday and not once did he stop at first. FOR SALE—Overstuffed living On his other trip to the plate he room suite, Bedroom suite. walked, which surprised most of us Heater, Refrigerator and Sewing for he usually hits them whether iI Machine. Apply house 36, O.-A. they are high, low, inside or out Hill. 432* side. t t t FOR SALE— 10-Acre ranch, Those two homers that Hawkins I one and one-half miles out on Stony Point road. 3 cows, chick and Brooks hit Sunday were not, ens. 1 hog. 2 acres in hay, straw legitimate home runs. If the left berries, and garden. Might take fielder had been on his toes he: light car as part payment. Terms. could have held both of them to T. R. Henderson 442* doubles, but instead he let them get lost in the grass and the boys FOR SALE— Girl’s Henderson went all the way around. bicycle. Good condition. $8.00. + t t 102 O.-A. Hill. 441* Although the fielding average for the first game isn’t so hot, NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL some of the boys are starting the MEETING season with mighty sweet batting j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN averages. Broos, of course, leads to the legal voters of School averages. Brooks, of course, leads j District 47 of Columbia county, the parade with 1.000 per cent! state of Oregon, that the annual and Linn follows him closely with school meeting of said district .750. Individual averages follow will be held at the Washington I Player AB H school, to begin at the hour of Brooks ................ ....... 4 4 2 o’clock P- nt. on the third Mon Linn ................... ...... 4 3 day of June, being the 15th day Greenman ......... ....... 5 3 Davis ................... ....... 2 1 of June, 1931. This meeting is called for the Hawkins ....... 5 2 ....... 3 1 purpose of electing one director McKillip ............ ___ 4 1 and one clerk and the transae- McRea tion of business usual at such Gregory ........... ___ 2 0 Nelson __ 2 0 meeting. Dated this 22nd day of May, Barker .............. »...... 4 0 Marshall ........... ....... 4 0 1931. LOEL ROBERTS, Clerk. J. W. BROWN, Chairman. 1ÀL ME '•'fl DAY 5c Each ............................ Pork & Beans New Peas Well filled 3 lbs. 23c Campbell’s — fine for picnic lun ches. Medium size can— 8c New Potatoes New California ^7 QQ _ White, Med. size I lbs. ¿OL 8, LETTUCE LEMONS ORANGES Large crisp solid heads, Take several. Juicy, tart Sunkists for lemonade, Med. size. . Sunkist Valencias, med ium size sweet and juicy. 2 With heads bowed, we recall tales of cour- age and sacrifice, accounts of battles won and lost by a nation that has ever upheld humani- ty’s highest ideals. We place wreaths of homage at warrior graves, and salute the heroes who live. May our ritual be more than a gesture. May it be a prayer for [wace—today and tomorrow. Heads . .. 9c 2 Dozen In Our Market Boiling Beef From prime beef. POUND ................ 10c Shortening J.C. PENNEYCO. DEPARTMENT . STORI 33c Swift’s Jewel 3 POUNDS ............... 33c Picnics Eastern Sugar Cured. POUND ....................... 15c Hamburger Freshly ground— POUND .............. 15c