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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1931)
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1931. Celebrate Mrs. A. R. Mills’ Birthday MIST—(Special)— A good many ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. A . R. Mills last Wednes day afternoon to help celebrate her birthday anniversary. They walked in and surprised her, each guest bringing her share of good things to eat. The afternoon was spent in playing games and hav ing a social good time. The table was beautifully decorated with cut flowers. Mrs. Mills was presented with some lovely glassware by the lad ies, who were Mrs. A. R. Meilis, Mrs. L. Jepson, Mrs. A. Aamodt, Mrs. Sundland, Mrs. A. Dowling, Mrs. E. T. Wallace, Mrs. Schwab, Mrs. Wanstrom, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Harry Cox, Mrs., t. Birken- feld, Mrs. A. M. Berg, Mrs. Rob- ert Berg, Mrs.Calmberg, Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. A. Wallace, Miss Margaret Williams, Miss Geral dine Schwab, Mrs. Bolenger, and the honored one Mrs. Mills. Also Mrs. H. Jones. Delicious refresh- menst were served at the close of the afternoon and each guest left leaving many good wishes lor many more such happy oc- casR ns. Kelley Has Surprise Party Timm, Ida Beaver, Dorothy Webb, Elna Spencer, Elna Florence Bradley. The hostesses were Mrs. E. F. Kelley and Miss Ethel Kelley. Re freshments of sandwiches, cake, jello, and punch were served. She received many lovely and useful gifts. Georgia Van Doren Honored With Party NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE The Women’s Missionary soc- iety gave a farewell tea Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Judd Greenman in honor of Mrs. C. Nicar and Mrs. L. F. Austin. Mrs. G. W. Plumer and Mrs. J. A. Hale presided at the tea table. Ice cream, cake, and tea were served by Mrs. Lillig, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. Judd Greenman and Miss Louise Malm- sten. Those present were Mrs. E. J. Douglass, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mrs. W. T. Lilly, Mrs. M. F. Wall, Mrs. M. R. Eby, Mrs. C. Malmsten, Mrs. J. Weed, Mrs. H. S. Strong, Mrs. D. Marshall, Mrs. B. J. Hair, Mrs. W. A. McGilvray, Rev. G. W. Plumer, Mrs. E. E. Garner, Mrs. I. Mann, Mrs. L. A. Rogers, Jilts. W. H. Kent, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. C. U. Enstrom, Mrs. E. H. Condit, Mrs. E. M. Bleile Mrs. W. W. Wolff. Locals Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller of Hillsboro were the guests last Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Douglass. Miss Zonweiss Douglass left Saturday for McMinnville where she will spend the next two weeks with her sister, Miss Vivian Doug lass. She will attend the high school and college graduations and also the Indian pageant, “Red Pioneers.” Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lindley of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hair at Hotel Nehalem Sunday. Mr Lindley, who is a student in the U. of O. med ical school, is a nephew of Mr. Hair. SAVE Ofy/Ur 1 Prominent figures in annual graduation exercises at Oregon State college Monday, June 1. From left I ’’resident W. J. Kerr who will see his twenty-third O. S. C. graduating class depart; Dr. W. O. Thompson I ¿aident emeritus of Ohio State university, commencement speaker; Mrs. Mary Whitby, ’71, and Dr. J. K I Weatherford, ’72, two oldest living graduates who will attend this commencement. OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis.—With a class of <42 candidates for graduation, this insliic. non will grant degrees to the largest group this year in the history r»f its 62 commencements. Of the numb-’' completing courses this year 36 are to receive degrees of masters of science, 196 bachelors of science and I- i •»•.armaceutical chemist. There are two duplications, making 544 degree* in all. The class this year will make a total of 7032 degrees conferred here by President W. J. Kerr in tie -nmencements at Oregon State college over which he has presided. In the 38 years of the college’s his-* •M-ior to his coming only 647 degrees were granted. Dr. Kerr has never missed a single commencement u> all his years of service here. , _ . _ The commencement week-end program will begin Saturday. Mav 30. with alumni reunions. Sunday tn» Baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Dr. Herbert S. Johnson of Boston. h /M SAFETY jtoXcXC DRUS S^ORE * Baby’s Comfort Depends on Cleanliness Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Santee and family of Monmouth, Oregon, The cleanliness of its body were guests of Mr. Santee’s sister, and the cleanliness of eve- Mrs. Ben Bennett, Monday and r y t h i n g Tuesday. with which Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pearse mo it comes in tored to Astoria on Saturday. contact. B. R. Bennett and J. H. Wilson motored to Roseburg on business Sunday, returning Tuesday. E. R. Treharne came home from his work in Woodland, Washington, for the weekend. He brought their daughter, Mrs. F. j ceived the first prize for citi- and folks in Oklahoma. They H. O’Conner and children. Mrs. Boltzer of Rainier visited , zenship, Bert Lloyd Eastman expect to be gone all summer. Mist ; second, while several of the The evening was spent in danc at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. (iIX> children received perfect atten ing and a good time in general. Spencer. Mrs. A. A. Dowling The Tiny-tot Toilet Set Mr. and Mrs. H. Thornbrau and dance certificates. Refreshments were served at mid-j containing Soap, Cream _ J children, Myrtle and Billie of Ver- , Harold Magnusen and his mo- night. and Talcum—three inval Eastman called at the ’ nonia called on friends at Tre- Sunday school will be at ten 2>er drove down from Hubbard uable aids for comfort and ¡Friday and spent a day with Robt. Lindsay home Sunday. Mrs. harne Sunday. cleanliness — costs only o’clock beginning May 31. Graduates from Pleasant Hill " 70c. Puretest Zinc Stear George returned 'his ”rs’ A»modt returning Lindsay is still very sick at this Mrs. Jesse I school are Marion and Richard writing. ate and Toilet Lanolin ™ ™ , tn Hnhhnrd oermn SafiTrnnv Monday from Texas where she to Hubbard again Saturday. (25c each) also prevent Mr. ^nd Mrs. L. Austin were I Houteling, Florence Bradly, Lea Ersty Fisher is working for went to attend the funeral of her irritation. Kantleek Nip Pugh, Rue Hurley, Elmo Arlige, the Van Vleet Logging company Sunday dinner guests at the A. ' Joe mother three weeks ago. ples (7c each) are easy to Armstrong, Lorain Lines. 1 R. Melis home a week ago. Mr. clean and sterilize. Mrs. John Patrick was a Ver driving one shift on the booster , Austin has been a teacher in Miss Ethel Kelley left Sunday truck. nonia shopper Monday. | the Vernonia high school for the for her work at Frank Simpson’s Sold only at Rexall Drug Donald Sundland was at home past few years. Sunday golfers at Vernonia ranch four miles out of Hillsboro. Stores from Monmouth over the week- were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brid- Miss Norma Anderson was ai Mr. and Mrs. Chance’s son is end. gers and Mr». Harding. guest for several days last week home for his summer vacation, School closed Friday, the pu- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland ' at the Wm. Bridger’s home. He has been attending high school Mac’s Pharmacy pils and teachers holding a pic- spent Saturday evening at the Ruth Wells was at home over in Washington. nic. It was rainy and not a Guss Wanstron home. the weekend. | Lawrence Bennett had the mis I Vernonia, Oregon suitable day for picnicking out- Bernard Dowling is driving a Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Mrs. fortune to fall while at play, in-1 side, so they held it in the logging truck for Van Vleet Log- A. Wallace were Seaside visitors juring his knee. He is confined « WH Th» 'SfVücXZ Stör» W» ■ playshed. I gin company. last Thursday. to his home for a few days, af- Our graduation exercises were Little Jerry, Mrs. Lawyer’s held Wednesday evening in the grandson, has a siege of chicken old school house. A nice pro- pox, also Irene Holce has them. gram was given by the pupils | A farewell party was given and a short talk by Levi Austin Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keaton Satur- of Vernonia high school “a the day evening at Birkenfeld. The presentation of diplomas by Jos-¡Keatons are leaving soon for an eph Benzar. Devine re- extended visit to their old home JUST TO REMIND You Milady's h KEASEY Troll arne IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. In the matter of the Estate and guardianship of Lloyd Dobbs. A seven and a quarter pound Olga Dobbs, Nanetta M. Dobbs, baby girl was born Friday morn I Everett Dobbs, Sylvia Dobbs, ing in Forest Grove hospital, to Maxcine Dobbs, and Keloran Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick. Dobbs, Minors. Her name is Anita Maxine. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That pursuant to an order and by virtue of a license duly sued and made in the above titled Court on the 7th day April, 1931, in the above titled matter, authorizing, BEFORE YOU ARE OUT OF— censing and empowering the un dersigned Guardian to sell the LETTERHEADS — STATEMENTS real property herein below des cribed at private sale, the under ENVELOPES signed Guardian, as Guardian of the Estates of Everett Dobbs, When good weather calls Sylvia Dobbs, Maxcine Dobbs and SEND IN YOUR RE-ORDER for permanents, facials, and I Keloran Dobbs, Minors, will sell beauty culture of all kinds, at private sale to the highest Samples Gladly Shown. bidder for cash from and after | don’t forget to call us. the 1st day of June, 1931, and Fine Workmanship ------ Moderate Prices continue said sale until said pro perty has been sold, all of the right, title and interest of said minors, Everett Dobbs, Sylvia Dobs, Maxcine Dobbs and Kel Vernonia Hotel Building COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT oran Dobbs, the same being an Phone 1261 undivided four-sevenths interest in and to the following described real Property within Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: THE FEATHERHEADS Lot Numbered Two (2) in Block Numbered twenty- four (24) Second Addition to Vernonia, Columbia Coun ty, Oregon. Said sale to be for cash, ten per cent to be paid upon acceptance of bid and balance upon confir mation of sale, or, said proper ty may be sold for one-fourth in cash, balance to be secured by a first mortgage upon said property, or upon such terms as may be agreeable to the above entitled Court. All bids to be di rected to the undersigned at V nonia, Oregon. D. A. DOBBS, Guardian of the Estates of Everett Dobbs, Sylvia Dobbs, Maxcine Dobbs and| Keloran Dobbs, Minors. , ed and first published. May :, 1931. D-'e of last publication May 29,1 1931. Beauty Shoppe I ter which he will be able to be (about on crutches. Elton O’Connor is spending a i few weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. Viola Treharne. The John Campbell family moved to Clatskanie Sunday. Their neighbors regretted very much to see them leave. Mr. Luther, owner of the place vacated, will move in during Ju ly. Frank Amato, section foreman, is leaving, having lost his job on account of there being no trains to Keasey. Anna Devaney went to West port with her father to spend a week there visiting with her father and friends and a few days in Seaside with Mrs. A. R. Lundeen. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Evers were Vernonia visitors Monday. Mrs. Eola Devaney and her son and daughter, Orris and Anna attended the graduation exercis es Friday in Vernonia. The Mendenhall home has been improved with stone steps and a rock garden. Frank White and two children drove to Sheridan Monday. D. Dixon and wife were Keasey visitors Sunday. Little Lois Eby entertained with a delightful lawn party at her home Tuesday afternoon in honor of the first birthday of her sister Edith. Pretty pink and white baskets filled with pink and white mints, a toy animal and a handkerchief were presented to each of the little guests. Birth- day cake, cookies, fruit jello, and orangeade were served to the little ones while their mothers enjoyed cake, cookies and tea. The guests were Shirley Cole, Eoise Garner, Delilah Condit, Margaret Anderson, Kenneth An derson, Patsy Gibson, Margaret Yeo, Mrs. C. L. Anderson, Mrs. E. H. Condit, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. E. E. Garner, Mrs. Claude Gibson. Farewell Tea Bids for painting city hall will be received by the city council June 1st, 1931, at 7:30 p. m., foe painting city hall two coats on east and south end and side and one coat on north and west end and side with pure white lead and oil; also all woodwork inside, one coat of paint, color to be determined by the council; also the walls and ceiling to be calsomined as directed by the council. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. By order of the City Council. E. W. HOLTHAM, President of the Council. Attest— D. B. REASONER, City Recorder. 432c O.S.C. ANNOUNCES SIXTY-SECOND COMMENCEMENT Lois Eby Gives Lawn Party Mrs. C. C. Van Doren gave a xREHARNE — (Special.) — dinner at her home on Rock Creek Gertha Kelley was given a sur road Friday evening in honor of prise party on Saturday. Those her grandd”:ghter, Georgia Van present were Mrs. John Glassner, Doren, and out of town relatives Mrs. A. L. Parker, Mrs. Irma and friends who came to attend Chance, Mrs. E. Sunell, Mrs. the commencement exercises of Omar Sheeley, Mrs. Earl Shay, Vernonia high school from which Mrs. H. M. Condit, Mrs. Benita Georgia was graduated that night. Condit, Mrs. A. Webb, Mrs. S. Guests present were Mrs. Peter Wilson, Mrs. V. Mowe, Mrs. Marie Benson of Washougal, Wn., Mr. O’Donnell, Mrs. Irene Spencer, and Mrs. Harold Demick of Kel Mrs. L. L. Crawford Mrs. Michen- so, Wn., Mr. and Mrs. V. S. er, Mrs. O. F. Hyland, Mrs. Bolt Lumkin of Portland, Mr. and zer, Mrs. S. Baker, Mrs. F. Lines, Mrs. Art Henges of Vancouver, Mrs. Rilla Snyder, Mrs. Beulah Wn., Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Van Lindsay. Mrs. T. Engen, Mrs. Vi Doren, Oliver Mellinger and Clar ola Treharne, Miss Grace Condit, ence Lamping. Miss Myrtle Mowe, Maxine and W. _ L. Van Doren, father of Mildred Smith, Iona Lines, Wilma Georgia, l, has been a patient in and Betty Glassner and Loretta1 St. »- Vincents hospital for some Baker. time with a badly injured hand Those unable to attend but and was brought home to attend sent gifts were Mesdames Bessie the dinner party and his daugh Bergstrum, N. B. Hall, Lina Stan ter’s graduation by Mr. and Mrs. ton, Goldie Murphy, Eula Stan Henges. He returned to the hos- ton, W. H. Prutzman, Geo. Bas- pital later that night. lington, Alla John, H. A. Wilson, Wm. Haden, F. Warfield, M. W. M. S. Gives Dooley, Miss Jeanetta John, Doris BIDS WANTED PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Vernonia Eagle Summer DRESS GOODS A New Group is Here COTTON VOILES— Plain and fancy, colors and patterns were never prettier—and fast colors, too, of course......................... < ‘------- 29c and 39c ---- --- Yard- RAYON MATERIALS— Many new pieces of fast color, good rayon wash materials— dotted and floral designs ............. 49c and 59c Yard SILK AND WOOL HEATHERS— in light colors, delightfully suitable for the necessary sport QRf* Yard or street dresses ................................................. - vOV BUY IIEIIE IVO SAVE MONEY Felix Is Still Out His $2.50