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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1931)
PAGE SIX VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON S’ very ill Sunday evening. A Ver nonia doctor was called and Mrs. Anna Osborn is nursing Mrs. Lind say at this writing. Mr. Moran just bought a span ■ of mules and two milk cows for his new farm near Pittsburg. James McMullin from North Plains was quite badly injured Monday was brought to Ver nonia for medical aid, and his brother Dave called to see him while in Vernonia Monday. Raymond Hall and his sister Virginia from Portland arrived test week end to spend a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. On Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. George Neurer from Portland joined them all. Matthews Brothers Logging Co. recently purchased a new Ford logging truck. Melvin Thomas bought a farm team to do his future farm work. The, lovely rain which fell over the week end was surely apprec iated by farmers in this valley. Prospects for fruit, such as cher ries, pears, and plums and other fruits look very good so far in this community. Zale Holmes from Riverview called to see his nephew Reed Halding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill went to Portland for a few days, then they will return to Natal again. FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1931 =2« 9 HOME MAKER’S DAY plans for the coming season. will also come to the Home Mak AT ST. HELENS MAY 27 Miss Claribel Nye, state leader er’s day with the group from of home economics, Mrs. Harriet Corvallis. (Continued from page 1.) The committee in charge of the K. Sinpard, clothing specialist, economics demonstration is prac Lucy A. Case, nutrition special arrangements for the day are ex tically completed for this season, ist, and Mrs. Zelta Rodenwold, pecting a large attendance and a this is an opportune time to hold home management specialist, who profitable day is promised every such a county-wide meeting so are on the state extension staff woman who comes. —Sarah V. that women who are interested in from the State college, will come Case, Home Demonstration Agent. home demonstration work may be to St. Helens to outline the able to have set before them the 1 available projects in their various' work which has been done the | fields. Mrs. Sarah Prentiss, who past year and make their own is professor of child development Arlie and Mrs. Lee Johnson mo tored to Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell 1 visited Sunday at Camp McGre- Mr». Jake Neurar gor. E. E. Garner got the Pleasant Mrs. A. C. Staley entertained Hill school work, building a new Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay and j Noble Dunlap is fulfilling his wood shed and reshingling the son Floyd at dinner Wednesday! dunes serving on the jury in St. Helens this week. school houses. evening. Mrs. H. M. Smith and children I Ollie Estes from Riverview was The road grader and tractor were working out at Treharne are visiting at Cornelius. a visitor at his sister’s, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. Weitjicke and i Dave McMullin, Wednesday even on Monday. Arlie Morton was unable to at sons Chester and Carrol Milbert I ing. tend school one day test week on have gone to Forest Grove to, Game Warden Wm. Brown was account of illness. pick strawberries. ' a visitor for several days around Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Staley and C Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carter! test week. Arkansas Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay mot left for Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and ored to Vancouver, Washington, where they expect to make their son Norman were Sunday visit Monday. home. ors at Mrs. Nels Peterson’s home. I Mr. and Mrs. F. Pugh and Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, Miss Merryfield will teach the daughter motored to Cornelius Miss G. Murphy and Gloria Mur phy were Sunday callers at the next term of school at Notal. Miss over the weekend. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. R. Spencer home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker. Merryfield taught here two years Miss A. Lines assisted Mrs. ago. visited at school on Friday. Elmer Linberg is recovering Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Meeske and McPherson at the golf club from injuries received from a fall Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Deacon motor house on Sunday. a short time ago. He is staying ed up from Salem, visiting at the here with his uncle, Lincoln Peter- home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. son. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. William Louden from the moun- Wilson Monday., Your battery is the tain was a Natal business visitor Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidlin pulse of. your car Friday evening. and family of Brauns were at and when it slows Mrs. Noble Dunlap took her Vernonia on Sunday. A large crowd attended the down in energy your Mrs. S. A. Morton and son commencement exercises at the I mother to Portland Tuesday for entire i g n i tion, Birkenfeld Gym Thursday even a tew days for treatments. Mrs. lighting and start ing, May 14. The Gym was Dunlap drove to Portland Fri ing equipment are beautifully decorated in keeping day, bringing her mother home with the class colors, which were with her. going to fail in their iur. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson green and lavender in pastel functions . . . . CARD OF THANKS and family from Portland werei ----------------- MAY 23, ,1931 ----------------- usually far from MOTHERS—Leave your children shades. We wish to express our deep- and Mrs. week end guests of Mr. The commencement address, with me while you play golf, home. Better bring est appreciation to our many Lee Osborn. MUSIC BY go shopping, visiting or take a “The Fourth ‘R’ in Education”, that battery in here Frank Peterson and his son friends for the beautiful floral was delivered by Dean John F. vacation. Mrs. Mabel Dent, one Richard were Vernonia business offerings and for their kindness today and let us ser mile south of Vernonia. 431c Bovard, University of Oregon. in our recent bereavement. vice it for you. Professor Chas. A. Kilgore, callers Saturday. Mr. R. L. Stubbs, Mrs. Bob Lindsey suddenly took MUSICAL CAMPUS CUTUPS DRESSMAKING AND DESIGN who has instructed the class Miss Florence Stubbs, The “IT” Boys of Melody ING, MILLINERY—-As taught during their four years of study Dobbs, Minors. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taylor, in 10 weeks. For full informa presented diplomas to the four NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN U. S. L. BATTERIES Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stubbs, Serpentines! Confetti! Horns! Whoopee! tion, write Chambers, Eagle of graduates, viz: Leile Johnston, That pursuant to an order and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brickel. Alice Camberg, May Carl and fice. 432* WALTZ CONTEST . . . BIG PRIZES! by virtue of a license duty is Calvin Malcolm. sued and made in the above en NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL CIVIL SERVICE—Customs In The honor graduate of the titled Court on the 7th day of ------On the Salmonberry Road to the Sea.- MEETING spectors, Immigrant Inspectors, class was Alice Camberg. There April, 1931, in the above en NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Take Forest Grove-Vernonia Highway Postoffice Clerks, Mail Carriers, are now three girls from the titled matter, authorizing, li Service Station to Timber: Follow Highway General Clerks and many other Camberg family, who have the censing and empowering the un to the legal voters of School county, District 47 of Columbia On to Cochran. good paying positions, for Men honor of having their names dersigned Guardian to sell the and Women. For list and full engraved on the Silver Scholar real property herein below des state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting of said district information, write Day, Eagle of ship cup of Winema high. cribed at private sale, the under fice. 432» A capacity crowd attended the signed Guardian, as Guardian of will be held at the Washington to begin at the hour of high school dance Friday even- the Estates of Everett Dobbs, school, 2 o’clock p. m. on the third Mon SCIENTIFIC SALESMANSHIP ing. Sylvia Dobbs, Maxcine Dobbs and day of June, being the 15th day simplified—Improve your sales Mrs. Arbey Mills birthday was manship. Trained salesman are in celebrated Wednesday afternoon, Keloran Dobbs, Minors, will sell of lune, 1931. demand. for full infor., write when a clever surprise party of at private sale to the highest This meeting is called for the Warren, Eagle office. 432* friends gathered at her home. bidder for cash from and after purpose of electing one director the 1st day of June, 1931, and Games and music whiled the hap continue said sale until said pro and one clerk and the transac- FOR RENT py time away. A delicious lun perty has been sold, all of the tion of business usual at such MOONLIGHT APTS. — 2-rooms cheon was served in the dining right, title and interest of said meeting. Dated this 22nd day of May, X PRICES EFFECTIVE SAT. AND furnished; light, wood, water. room amongst a profusion of minors, Everett Dobbs, Sylvia 37tf beautiful flowers, which were dis Dobs, Maxcine Dobbs and Kel 1931. LOEL ROBERTS, Clerk. U MON., MAY 23 and 25, 1931. played in clever containers. The oran Dobbs, the same being an FOR RENT—2-room apartments, hostess J. W. BROWN, Chairman. received many lovely gifts. undivided four-sevenths interest new, clean and quiet. Hot who attended were Mes- in and to the following described CHRISTIAN CHURCH water; water, light and wood $15 Those Services for May 24: 9:45 a. month. P. Hill, 875 Second St dames A. A. Berg, Ed Wallace, real Property within Columbia Chas. Sundland, A. Aamodt, Fred County, Oregon, to-wit: m. Bible school. APARTMENT FOR RENT— 3- Daggett, Robert Berg, Anna B. Lot Numbered Two (2) in This being Memorial Sunday, twenty- this church is cooperating with Block Numbered rooms furnished at Roseway Johnson, Gus Wanstrom, Grand AIRWAY — A good coffee ground ma Wanstrom, E. Bollinger, A. Apartments, 916 Rose Avenue. four (24) Second Addition the W. R. C. of our city in a fresh while you wait, / (32tf-c36) A. Schwab, and the hostess, Mrs. to Vernonia, Columbia Coun union Memorial service to be held Arbey Mills. ty, Oregon. in the Evangelical church. Con- FOR SALE The recent rain was much Said sale to be for cash, ten per seouently no morning service, needed in this locality. The feed cent to be paid upon acceptance aside from the regular commun FOR SALE—4-Room, Modern coming along fine of bid and balance upon confir ion immediately following Bible Bungalow; ground improved. and grain are The outlook mation of sale, or, said proper school. Terms to suit. 225 B Street, J. the test few days, ty may be sold for one-fourth At 7:00 p. m., Christian En C. Lindley._____ (40c?) for a good cherry and berry in cash, balance to be secured crop looks very encouraging at by a first mortgage upon said deavor; 8:00 o’clock, evening ser PIANO—Now in storage in town the present time. property, or upon such terms as vices, theme: “The Power of Carroon Brand. A tree-ripened fruit The logging operations by the may be agreeable to the above God's Memorial." can be bought very reasonable from Texas, ready No. 2 Birkenfeld Bros, will soon be entitled Court. All bids to be di- and on suitable terms. Act to serve. ......... Cans «JU finished at their present loca EVANGELICAL CHURCH rected to the undersigned at quick. For further information tion. It is indefinite as to wheth The Sunday school hour is write P. P. Kroeker, Dallas, Ore er they will do further logging Vernonia, Oregon. Baby Lima Beans — A little smaller D. A. DOBBS, 9:45 a. m. W. W. Wolff in gon. (422c) elsewhere. size but exceptionally fine cookers. Guardian of the Estates of charge. 11 a. m. Union Mem Sylvia Everett Dobbs, Mrs. Ed Turner of Deep Creek, orial service. Subject: “What FOR SALE—One grade Guern Dobbs, Maxcine Dobbs and Mean Ye by this Service?” The Chase’s Sweet Potatoes. Delicious sey cow to freshen soon. Bob who has been visiting in Kansas Keloran Dobbs, Minors, and easy to O No. 2^ QQx» Lindsay, Pittsburg, Ore.' 431* City, Missouri, for the past Dated and first published, May Endeavor meeting, 6:30 p. m. month, is expected home this Preaching 7:30 p. m. Theme, prepare ....... Cans 1, 1931. FOR SALE—Overstuffed living week. Date of test publication May 29 “The Mind.” A hearty welcome room suite. Bedroom suite, ! 1931. i is yours. Heater, Refrigerator and Sewing NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE THE COUNTY COURT OF IN Machine. Apply house 36, O.-A. O I ^’as'1‘n8 powder for laun- Hill. 132* THE STATE OF OREGON FOR vXyflOldry or kitchen use. .... Pkg. THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. In the matter of the Estate FOR SALE—Complete 3-room household furnishings; complete and guardianship of Lloyd Dobbs. Superb. .A pure Malt, Olga Dobbs, Nanetta M. Dobbs. for $10. Apply house 38 O.- A. hop flavored. DEPARTMENT • STORE Hill. 431* Everett Dobbs, Sylvia DobbsJ Maxcine Dobbs, and Keloran I Natal Treharne Birkenfeld Classified Ads CARNIVAL r YOUk 1 LICHT depends orb Your battenf COCHRAN Community Club Saturday The Six Collegians Vernonia ! COFFEE 1-lb. can 2!5c Beans 3 lbs. 23c J.C. PENNEY GO. STORE NUMBER 1436 Memorial Day BARGAIN SI.25 2.80 .90 1.25 Seaside Albany Astoria Eugene 2.75 2.60 2.35 3.55 DISTANT POINTS Spokane . $ 9.35 San Francisco $17.45 .... 5.20 Seattle .... Helena ...... ... 17.05 8.35 Medford Los Angeles ... 25.80 Tacoma 4.40 Butte ... 17.05 Salt Lake 20.35 Pendleton .... 5.90 Vancouver. B. C. 8.65 Boise . ... 11.90 The Dalles . 3.10 On sale Thurs.. Fri., and Sat.. May 28. 29. 30; Return Limit June 8. Tickets sold in either direction—proportional re ductions between other point s. Stage tickets sold only between points served by stages. R. M. ALDRICH. Ticket Agent. J. C. Wright. Gen. Agt. C. Pendergast. Trav Psgr. Agt.. Astoria SPOKANE. PORTI \ND & SF VTTLE TRANSPORTATION CO. Sweet Potatoes Malt 35c Algar Toilet Soap, 6-bars 29c VERNONIA, OREGON Made of pure vegetable oil. Summer Silk Heinz Breakfast Wheat D resses A cereal to cook that is different—PACKAGE _ A I Ginger Ale Round-Trips Portland Corvallis Forest Grove Rainier GRAPEFRUIT f Refreshing styles for warmer days COCOA 22c Ghiradellis — a pure breakfast cocoa, delight- ful and tasty. Pale Face V) bot- Q r _ Pale Dry Z ties Oranges Asparagus Sunkist Valencias. Med ium size. Locali j’ grown, large green tender stalks. 2 Dozen 35c 2 Bunches 1 Pound Tin 25c Lettuce Large, heads. 15c sweet, crisp 6c See our windows for best in fresh fruits and vegetables In Our Market $4.98 Picnics Eastern Sugar Cured. POUND .... ................... Steaks 15c Shortening Swift’s Jewel 3 POUNDS ............... 33c The same style details as you will see on dresses at much higher prices ... cape collars, boleros, frilly trimmings, short sleeves and no sleeves at all . .. lighter colors and prints for Minunertune. Such splendid values, vou will want several. I All cuts from prime beef—POUND ........... 25c Pork Roasts Choice Shoulder Cuts POUND ..................... 16c