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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1931)
FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE THREE Scoggins Valley Thought to be Site for New Sawmill Project protograph with the original a..t check up on his Bertillon measure- ments." “Quit stalling, Mae. and get down » to business,” Colorado Charley growled testily. “I told you. Charley, that If I heard one little peep out of you I'd With the signing of an option a number of years. ‘ knock you for a double loop,' ,* EI- for a sawmill site, securing of It is estimated that timber is mer reminded Ids unwelcome guest. ‘“I admit I went back on my prom options for a railroad right of available in an amount able to ise to lend Doris or Mae or what way, and activity of survey crews keep a mill supplied for 20 or ever her name Is a thousand dol in the Scoggin’s valley district, more years. The Stimson, logging company lars, but I’m not going back on m,v I renewed interest is being taken in thé possibilities for large scale has been and is still a large oper promise to you.” There was a suppressed scream, logging anl lumbering operations. ator in the state of Washington. BY the sound of sliuflling feet, the The Stimson Logging company According to reports this company crash of furniture—silence! Nellie has taken an option on the Wal will transfer its operations here trembled violently and turned a ker place two miles up Scoggin’s as its timber supply becomes ex white, pitiful face to Detective Ser geant Fahey, who laid his great I valley from the Tualatin valley hausted. The surveys have been in pro paw on her little brown hand. I highway, with the reported pur f \\ W.N.U. / “Can the kid go some?" he de I pose of using this farm as the gress for several weeks and a U- SERVICE. / manded fiercely. “Maybe I'd better site for the erection of a sawmill. large number of the owners of pop out an’ see If Colorado Char Parts of the farm have already property where the logging road Promptly at seven o’clock Elmer ley has done for him with a knife. been platted wtth the idea of lo is expected to cut through have always carries one." called for Nellie and carried her cation of homes and other build been approached, some receiving “I saw them. Elmer will be He “Elmer can whin his weight In off to Joe Angellotti's road house payment and others have not been for dinner. Not once during the (along in five minutes," Nelle gas- wildcats," Nellie faltered bravely. ings. Surveys for a logging railroad contacted, indicating that the “He’s spoilin’ everything for us," ride out did Nellie refer to Elmer's 'ped. “Is everything all right?” “Right as a fdx,” said Dettctive Detective Sergeant Llpowsky com have been made from the Wal- plans are still in the process of unfortunate predicament; seeming plained bitterly. “He don't run true ,ker place back 16 miles to the completion. ly she was not Interested in It and Sergeant Lipowski. to form. We figured he’d wilt; fig Saddle mountain country where Actual operations are not ex not until they were halfway "Elmer will come down C street ured they’d scare him to death and the Stimson logging company has pected to begin for some time. through dinner did Elmer broach In the direction of Hazel drive. He’s get all the cash he has on hand held large timber holdings for the subject himself. —Forest Grove News-Times “Can’t linger to do any dancing expecting them, so there will not be now nnd a promissory note for the here tonight, Nellie. I must get any talk on the porch. He'll take balance, when we could nab 'em them Inside Immediately. However, for blackmail. As it is he ain’t home early.” Nellie seemed disappointed, so one or both of you might go out to give them a ’chance to make their the corner of the house and listen." Proposition, so what've we got to i be hastened to excuse his action. The two detectives waited five >ng a case on?” “I’m afraid I’m in for a bad hour "He's a honebead I" Detective between nine and ten tonight, Nel minutes and followed her sugges lie. I had a wire from Doris Gate tion. Presently they returned with Sergeant Fahey hissed. “He’s a velvet feet. “ All he said was 'Good hick ! But, Lord, how I love him 1" wood this morning. She’s coming up to see me and she asked me to evening. Please come Inside and he added. I “Go ahead” was the word given proceed with the building of the we'll talk.' All the woman said Nellie looked up at him grate be at home tonight.” fully. “You're a dear," she said by "three members of the state road and that in January of next "Now, what do you suppose she was: ‘You know it!’” highway commission to a delega year they would take the road Nellie wrote that brief record simply. wants?" Nellie’s tones were freight tion which appeared before that over and complete it. This is the ed with a languid Interest. Site In shorthand. Detective Sergeant body yesterday afternoon in be word brought back to Columbia helped herself to an olive, and ate Fahey clamped the receivers over (Continued Next Week) half of the Apiary-Vernonia mar county by the committee which it with relish. Elmer, watching her ears as she spread her note book out on the front fender of the ket road extension. her sharply, was reassured. called on the highway commission. “Well, of course, in so far as flivver, leaned over it and pre During the past week those who As a sidelight on the matter, that young lady is concerned I've pared to take dictation. The two had been in charge of promoting we will say that the budget com done an about-face, so I suppose site detectives were also listening in. the road threw up their hands and mittee which met last fall pro Elmer unlocked the front door, wants an explanation." announced that they were against vided that in case help was not “She doesn’t want any explana •witched on the light and walked a stone wall. A committee from forthcoming by July 1 of this tion. She doeen’t even want your on Into his bedroom to put away Rainier commercial club called year the amount of money in the affection. AU she’s after is your his overcoat and hat before return i ing to'the stuffy little parlor, where cash.” upon the editor of the Review to Apiary market road was to be di “Well, of course. I did promise his Nemesis awaited hhn. Nellie take the matter in hand, visit verted into the general road fund thrilled with a vast pride as his her the thousand dollars; I dare What Some are Doing for i Governor Meier at Salem and see of the county, hence would be say she predicted certain payments first words came clearly to them if any prospect which there might lost to the project. It was to save via the dictograph. The eyebrows The Nehalem Valley on that promise and my reversal be of saving the proposed road this loss that the committee was of form has Jirobahly embarrassed of the two detectives went up and might be salvaged. Accordingly seeking immediate action. her greatly. I’m a little sorry the Detective Sergeant Fahey dropped E. E. GARNER Mr. Veatch drove to Salem Sun lady lost, but—a little glad I won I his prognathous Jaw in a comical Court Could Proceed grimace, for without an instant's day night and Monday morning Of course," he added parenthet hesitation Elmer had seized the in The highway commission, how one of E. E. Garner is farming called on the governor, who, in ically, “I never was the least bit In love with her. She went to my itiative by going directly to the at the older ranches in the valley, turn, made an appointment with ever, asked the committee which the Judson Weed place of 99 called on them yesterday and pre head, like champaign, when I was tack. “Well, Colorado Charley, old set acres. The Nehalem flows through Charles Spaulding, a member of sented the matter to ha'W the with her, but when I wasn't I found the commission residing in Salem. it hard to keep up steam. Nellie, I tler," he began blithely, “how about it with a frontage of about one After the matter was explained county court, together with the must have been crazy to tell you a little drink to wash down the mile, so there is plenty of water in detail to Mr. Spaulding he ask committee, meet with them at dust of travel out of your lying to play second fiddle.” stock and a their regular meeting next month throat? I mean a drink of water. I for Mr. Garner’s "If we are to be Judged by the wouldn't waste liquor on a skunk delightful picnic spot for his ed Mr. Veatch to appear before when an understanding might be the highway commission which worst we do In the world, Elmer, like you.” friends. met in Portland yesterday. Mr. arrived at with the court, as this we’d all be out of luck. Now, when “Say-y,” Colorado Charley came Mr. Garner has 28 head of Veatch, not caring to appear as would be better than merely send- I look over my mental ledger ac back at him, “where do you get cattle, Jerseys, Guernseys and a lone hand before the commis- count with you. I see a long string that stuff?” Holsteins and is milking seven of golden credits—page after page "Draw it out of a faucet,” cows, from which he sells cream. sion, asked G. W. Ford, formerly of them—and on the debit side I chirped Elmer cheerfully. “Doris, of Vernonia, but now of Long find one little human entry under or whatever your real name is, you The skim milk goes to seven lus view, and W. E. Proctor of Rain the explanatory head of Doris wired me for a conference, but you ty calves ranging in age from two ier to accompany him to Portland. Gatewood. This lone debit item Is didn’t tell me this confidence man weeks to five months. The three men appeared before | composed of equal parts of blind was coming with you. Let’s un Besides the cattle there are on the commission, Mr. Veatch being ness, repression, curiosity, stupid derstand each other, Doris. Your the Wilson place, rented for the the spokesman-, his remarks, how ity, flattered ego, childishness, mas boy friend here Is out of the pic cullne Idiocy and original sin. You ture. Charley, If I hear one peep purpose, 140 sheep. Mr. Garner ever, being supplemented by both feeds them for ninety days or so didn’t fall without a battle, and out of you I'll knock you for a Mr. Ford and Mr. Proctor. when you fell you hurt everything double loop. That being clearly during the coldest weather, re Proceed is Advice that was fine and decent in you— understood, say your say, Doris, and quiring eight to ten tons of hay. and knew It. You weren’t really then get to blazes out of here be The rest of the time they for The commission stated that the happy in your new conquest, You fore I throw you out." age for themselves. There are law which provides for designat only told yourself you were, And ing market roads as secondary Followed about five seconds of 52 lambs this spring. as for little Nellie Cathcart thinking profound silence, then: few highways does not become operat Mr. Garner is one of the for an Infinitesimal fraction of a “Hands up, Charley, my boy I second that she could possibly de Don't pull the gun—please. There, farmers in the valley to exper- ive until January, 1932, and that scend Jo playing second fiddle to that’s ever so much more sensible. ement. with alfalfa, and results they could do nothing until that that baby-faced doll—well. Elmer, You don't suppose I'd be booh have betn encouraging. From four time. However, they stated that you are a sweet fool! Why, I’m enough to go Into conference with and one-half acres last year he there was no reason why the Col the whole orchestra. I suppose. El Doris, In your presence, without harvested six tons in two cuttings. umbia county court should not mer, It never occurred to you that heeling myself, do you? Stand This year he pastured his cattle I am a designing, scheming, farsee up now, and back slowly toward upon it until about two weeks ago. Ing selfish girl where you are con gie while I help myself to-that lit The big advantage, Mr. Garner farm. He is not only working hard to keep up the standard set cerned." tle pistol of yours. Here's the He laughed derisively. “Tell me gun, Charley. I’ll keep the car believes, is the fact that no re by his highly respected father- seeding is necessary for from another Joke," he pleaded. in-law, but is constantly adding There are times that tridges. Well, Doris, dear lost improvements. “You're a helpless Idiot, Elmei you would give all you light of my life, you were about to seven to 10 years. He has set out some filberts, You will persist in making an angel say something!" possess to have good out of a human being. Well, have “I came to ask you why you went also new to this region. It is brakes—but such a one little dance with me, and then back on me the way you did," the too soon now to test results, price is too much. A we’ll go home and commence your girl's voice came to the listeners. It but barring a slight loss due to education.” few minutes spent here was hard and high-pitched. She apparently defective stock rather When Elmer dropped Nellie off was coldly furious. once a month will as- than unfavorableness of climate, "You know now why I went back the trees are thriving and prom at her home he had the audacity, | sure you perfect braking the monumental masculine assur on you. I don’t like the company III at all times and under ise well. ance, to attempt to claim a good you keep." Some ranches, unfortunately | all conditions. night kiss. Nellie laughed at him. “What’s wrong with the com for the valley, have been neglect U. S. Royal Cord Tires "I'll not kiss you good night," she pany?" “His police record is over there orr ed after the passing of the orig declared, “because I’m not partlcu larly desirous of kissing you and the whatnot. Want a look at it? inal owners, but this is distinctly Shell Products you’ve forfeited the right to ask Perhaps you’d like to verify bls [ not the case with the Garner It.” He drove away chopfallen to Dependable Mechanics a degree. The instant his car had turned Shop Work Guaranteed the corner Nellie came out of the house and ran all the way to with in a block of Elmer's bungalow As she passed down O street and Delivered To and Called for at Your Door turned Into Hazel drive she ob served a man and woman seated TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY on Elmer’s front steps, with a suit Long Distance Furniture Hauling case and a bag reposing beside them. Elmer’s garage stood at the Between Vernonia and Portland I rear of the lot and opened on Ha zel drive, so Nellie walked boldlj up to the door, gave the prear ranged signal and was accorded In W. A. Davis, Local Manager. stant admittance. “They’re waiting for him," said RES. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 Detective Sergeant Fahey out of the corner of his mouth. MONEY TO BURN PETER B.KYNL Delegation Encouraged on Verno nia-Apiary Outlook From Forest to Farm Can You STOP? ing Word by the committee. coming then the road would be The Columbia county court has , commenced. Under the statement stalled on the matter of complet of the highway commission there is no reason why the county ing the road, or beginning work court cannot commence the road thereon, other than a survey, for, next month and txpend the am the reason that it would require [ ount of money now on hand, ap too long a time to complete it | proximately $55,000, in extending with the funds at hand, and prom-! the road as far as possible. ised that if aid would be forth-' —Rainier Review AX UNUSUAL VALUE AT F.o.b. Detroit, plu» freight THE FORD ROADSTER Everything you want or need in a motor car at a low price Beauty of line and color Attractive upholstery 55 to 65 miles an hour Quick acceleration Fully enclosed four-wheel brakes Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield Four Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers Rustless Steel More than twenty ball and roller bearings Economy Reliability Long life See your dealer for a demonstration THIRTEEN BODY TYRES *430 to *630 F. o. b. Detroit, plu» freight snJ delivery. Bumper» and »par» tire extra at »mall coat. You may purchaee a Ford car or truck for a »mall down payment and on convenient, economical term» through your Ford dealer. Square Deal Service Station Vernonia Brazing and Machine Works Freight Portland-Vernonia Truck Line ’’SERVICE” A term much used , . . Sometimes abused— Boost Vernonia’s Payroll By asking your grocer for Mother’s Bread -- Mother’s Cakes Baked in Vernonia by VERNONIA BAKERY “THE HOME OF EXCEPTIONAL PASTRIES” yet having in our grocery and meat market a real meaning that you will appreciate upon trial. / Nehalem Market & Grocery (Incorporated) PHONE 721 Order of Eastern Star A. F. & A. M. Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Regular commu A. F. A A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, •nd third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very second and fourth Thursdays in month at the I.O.O.F. hall. I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit Mrs. Laura Sauer, President. ors always welcome. Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Helen Fogel, Secretary HARDING LODGE 116 Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. Pythian Sisters hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Vernonia Temple 61 meets H. Mayfield, C. C. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. H. Culbertson, K.R.S. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. A C. 1. O^O. F. American Legion Vernonia Post I. O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 119, American 246 meets every Tuesday night Legion. Meets at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis always welcome. 2nd and 4th itors J. F. Jones, N. G. Tuesdays each Chas. Holt, V. G. month, 8. p. m. John Glassner. Sec’y. Dan Nelson, Ad- Mike Miller, Treasurer. hes, Commander. R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y.