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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1931)
FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1931. SENIOR PL4Y IS WELL PRESENTED PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THE FEATHERHEADS By O»bom» Invites Felix to Lunch R. D. F. “Only Sally Ann,” presented by the high school senior class at the grade school auditorium Fri day, was a play difficult to give because it required portrayal character rather than lively tion, and much memorizing lines was involved. Difficult it was, however, it was very well done. Though the beginning was a trifle slow, the fault was not due to the acting but to the fact that the author had weighted the story down by explanatory dialogue. With the second act interest in creased, and the play made a de cided hit. There was not a hitch in the performance, and no con spicuous prompting. Some of the incidents were es pecially amusing, as when the haughty and scandalized aunt, re presented by Grace Condit, finds her despised niece (Luella Will iams) and the unconventional young minister (Vance Lara- more) on their kness making love, That one incident, cleverly acted, was sufficient to make the audience forget so much conver sation in which nothing in par ticular happened, and aroused curiosity in what was coming next. Another incident, wholly differ ent, was the confession of Crazy Jake, who had shot the villain and was collapsing both mentally and physically. Ben Spencer, who took the part, had but few lines to give in the play, but those few were characterized by real acting, To name the students who did well, however, would be to name them all. The play reflects great credit on the coach, Superintendent J. B. Wilkerson, on the cast, and on the senior class. The intermissions were livened by music by the Vernonia band under the direction of Ray Charlesworth, and songs by the senior girls. were business visitors in Verno Mrs. Noble Dunlap drove to and the other on politeness in Portland Friday and brought home nia Saturday. which the children vowed to keep Noble Dunlap butchered a beef her mother, Mrs. Nels Peterson, Carelessness a prisoner and always and sent it to Portland last week. to spend Mother’s Day at home say “Excuse me,” “Thank you” Mr». Jake Neurer A. A. Dowling H. Jepson and C. Hanson from with her children. and “Please.” Birkenfeld called at Natal on Elmer Linberg bought a sec Doris Nixon gave a recitation some business Thursday. ond hand Ford bug last week. At the last assembly of the and other pupils of Mrs. Duncan’s The last day of school at Na- Miss Irene DeRock spent the Lee Osborn made a business Mrs. Charlie Hill and Mrs. year in the Washington school room presented a play, “Children weekend with her sister Alberta tai will be May 22. Miss White- trip to Portland Thursday return Dave McMullin were Vernonia Monday afternoon letters were I of Many Lands.” Children of at Corvallis. line is the teacher. ing home Friday. presented to members of the or France, Holland, Russia, Switzer shoppers Monday. Mrs. James McCormick was a Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowling were Clyde Johnson was a Vernonia chestra, the basketball team, land, Italy, Arabia and Japan Reed Halding has started to Sunday callers at the Joseph visitor at Mrs. Jake Neurer’s business visitor Saturday. boys’ and girls’ track teams. Miss told about their country and six build a new dairy barn on his Tuesday. Banzer home. Lincoln Peterson recently pur Constance Bougher presented the girls of Russia gave a dance Natal Grange has a special pro chased two heifers from John place here. Mrs. L. E. McGee was a letters to the following members typical of this country. Ray Fisher and Jos. Scott from gram for Saturday, May 16, McMullin. Clatskanie visitor Saturday, go of the orchestra: Rose Sitts, Ger- A very clevei* skit by Paul ing out to see her son Raymond, which they promise to be inter- Vernonia and Fred Williams of C. C. Clay from the Standard trude Epping, Elbert and Leon Adams, Everett Meeker and Joe Oil company of Vernonia was at Tenasket, Washington, spent Mon Brock, Buster Nance, Leona Hill- McNutt was very heartily ap who is in the hospital there. Ray esting. day afternoon visiting around Na Mrs. Melvin Thomas Natal on business Thursday. Mr. and mond was injured last week work The or- plauded. man, Tovio Eloranta. tal. Frank Rinck from Banks spent ing for the Matthews Bros. He chestra has appeared 25 times in The eighth grade presented a is getting along nicely now. Charles Hamely drove to Long Friday in this community on busi I Olga Dobbs, Nanetta M. Dobbs, public during the past year and1 j beautiful trophy case to the view on some business Wednes have purchased all their own mu-1 j school. Ethel Christenson presi- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland Everett Dobbs, Sylvia Dobbs, ness. Lloyd Green went to work for day. sic as well as the letters and so i i dent of the class, called on Har- drove to Portland Friday and met ; Maxcine Dobbs, and Keloran i Dobbs, Minors. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback Mr. Moran on his farm here which Donald, bringing him home for is self supporting. j old King and Benji Wilkerson | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN he recently bought. and daughter Louise, Mr. and Wallace McCrae presented the j for short presentation speeches. the weekend. Donald is going to | That pursuant to an order and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn were Mrs. Claude Mason from St. Hel I by virtue of a license duly is Sunday evening visitors at the ens and Miss Francis Micek from letters to the following basket | Lawson Smith for the fifth grade, school at Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Trotter sued and made in the above en- ball and track boys: Louis Graven, | presented the fernery. The tro- home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ban Tualatin were Sunday guests of Paul Jepson, Holly Holcomb, l , phy case is now in the front en and children came over from . titled Court on the 7th day of zer at Mist. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. en- I April, 1931, in the above Silver Lake Sunday and spent Ward Plummer, Lewis Shiel, Roy trance hall, and contains the tro titled matter, authorizing, li- the day with her parents, Mr. and Barnes, Earl King, Fred Hender- phies won in track, basketball censing and empowering the un- Mrs. Austin Dowling. derson, Floyd Smith, Earl Doney, and football this year. Guardian to sell Mrs. Wm. Bridgers spent Sun- dersigned Jack Graney, Harold Cason, Ray real property herein below Wm. day at Corvallis, also Mrs. Dickson, Hawley Counts, Hamp cribed at private sale, the under Keaton. Roberson, Dale Clark, Harry Wil signed Guardian, as Guardian of Earl Knowles went to Portand the Estates of Everett Dobbs, lard, Howard McGilvray, Herb Friday where he had an opera Sylvia Dobbs, Maxcine Dobbs and Piert. tion performed. He is getting Keloran Dobbs, Minors, will sell LINCOLN SCHOOL Mrs. Alta Neil presented letters at private sale to the highest along nicely at this writing. to the following girls who had Glenn and Paul Hartman and James Hill was called to Port bidder for cash from and after i participated in volley ball and the 1st day of June, 1931, and track this year: Lorraine Har- Letha Gains of the second grade land Tuesday morning to attend continue said sale until said pro have moved away. the funeral of his cousin. per, Virginia Cummings, Rose perty has been sold, all of the Many Routes —Liberal Stopovers The following had 100 in spell Mrs. Eastman and Bert Lloyd right, title and interest of said Sitts, Marguerite Laird, Fran- A FEW ROUND TRIPS FOR EXAMPI F ing: First grade, Eugene Cleve were Sunday visitors at the minors, Everett Dobbs, Sylvia ces Bergerson, Lucille Lindberg, ST. PAUL $77.85 ST. LOUIS $87.85 Dobbs, Maxcine Dobbs and Kel Ethel Christenson, Helen Brim land, Donald Henderson, Edgar Dowling home. Miss Elizabeth Murray, county mer, Leona Hillman, Otha De Culbertson, Middleton Crawford, The Ladies Missionary society oran Dobbs, the same being an NEW YORK $153.95 WASHINGTON $148.11 school superintendent, visited at Hart, Evelyn Shipley, Martha Betty Holgate, Virginia Johnson, met Wednesday with Mrs. Calm- undivided four-sevenths interest CHICAGO $92.55 Pleasant Hill school on Thursday. I MiciaieorooK, Those at in and to the following described Other points in proportion Middlebrook, rieien Helen ocott, Scott, jlicuii Elean- - Lucille Colson, Junior Whitlock. berg at Birkenfeld. real property within Columbia Second grade, Leola Fitzgerald, tending from the village were Mrs. D. Merrill and daughter or Edens, Violet Lindberg, Hel- Ob East via the famous Columbia River Scenic Route of the Spokane, County, Oregon, to-wit: Portland & Seattle Railway on either the EMPIRE BUILDER or the have gone to visit with her par- en Messing, Leona Hillman, Hilma Valda Rae Bond, George King, Mrs. A. Aamodt, Mrs. E. T. Wai- Lot Numbered Two (2) in NORTH COAST LIMITED. Letha Gains, Marilyn Mayfield, lace, Mrs. Dowling and Mrs. Jep- ents ' at ' Washington. • . Berg, Alberta Veal, Althea Me- Block Numbered Twenty- Glenn Hall, Walter Mock, Elean son. The next meeting will be four (24) Second Addition Mr. Harris has moved his fami-i Donald, Erma Thompson, Erlene R. M. ALDRICH, AGENT to Vernonia, Columbia Coun Vernonia Phone 161 ly to Vancouver, Washington. (Jenkins, Goldie May. Lorraine or Poetter, Gene Mason, Lucille with Mrs. Dowling some time in ty, Oregon. Virginia and Francis Dooley. Space, yell leader, who had faith- Rufli, Cecil Andrew! Junior De June. J. C. WRIGHT Mr. George attended to the Said sale to be for cash, ten per have returned to school. | fully attended practically all the Hart, Johnny Plummer, Elsie Kil General Agent — Astoria Mist garage Sunday while the cent to he paid upon acceptance • Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Donnell | sports events in the county in lian. of bid and balance upon confir- Fourth grade, Dorothy Acord, Sundlands took Donald back to C. C. PENDERGAST and children were weekend guests which Vernonia had participated Charlie Koto, Claude Veal. I mation of sale, or, said proper- school. • Trav. Agt — A.toria and helped to make Vernonia i ty may be sold for one-fourth at the home of his brother. Elvin Jones is working at Ken in cash, balance to be secured Miss Florence Harvey was in known for their enthusiastic yell WASHINGTON SCHOOL neys camp down on the Fish by a first mortgage upon said ing was also presented with a Portland on Saturday. property, or upon such terms as The following in the fifth grade hawk. D. Doolen motored to Medford letter. Saturday evening callers at the may be agreeable to the above The program was presented by have received Palmer Method but to visit with his mother on Sun entitled Court. All bids to di Dowling home were Miss Mar Miss Kirkpatrick’s room, Mrs. tons this year: Lawson Smith, day. garet Anderson and Miss Esther rected ■ to the undersigned at E. Sunell, L. Crawford, J. Davis Duncan’s room and Mr. McCrae’s Merelda^ Riggs, Bruce Holcomb, Vernonia, Oregon. Clarence Lamping, Clinton Al Peterson. and F. O’Donnell were up playing room. D. A. DOBBS, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Enneberg golf Sunday. I The pupils of Miss Kirkpat- lard, Mildred Wood, Harold Davis, Guardian of the Estates of t * _ _ e ______ ____ x TTtll 1 vvizilr’ ’ a s room trava Pupils il of the Pleasant Hill'rick gave fwn two «VlOT't'. short nlaVS. plays, Virginia Yeo, Cecelia Gough, Dor moved into their new house on Everett P o b b s, Sylvia the burn hill last week. Dobbs, Maxcine Dobbs and hool who have passed the exami-¡ “ Wide Awake, ” and ‘ Voices of is Nixon, Ella Pearl Savage, La- school exami Mrs. Ed Reynolds left a week) Keloran Dobbs, Minors, ition for Palmer penmanship nenmanshiD the Past.” These were both in in- Verne Thompson, Jack Childs, RETURN LIMIT OCT 31 nation structive, one being on the sav Marjorie Lange. The following ago for Seaside, where she ex- Dated and first published, May awards are as follows: pects to stay for some time. | 1, 1931. ing of the trees and wild flowers have received two buttons: Ruby Those receiving silver star but Mr. and Mrs. Grover Devine Date of last publication May 29, Condit, Ether Froembling, Elmer tons or the requirements for first 1931. drove over to Deep creek Sunday 10,1 grade are Edna Mowe, Frances ta Baker, Dorena Anderson and Michener, Norman Crowder, Vir ginia Henderson, Elizabeth Wall, to look after their newly ac Morton, Alfred Webb, Betty Hur Richard Houghtaling. Chivalry in 1867 quired property. ley, Bobbie Murphy, Walter Holt, Those who received the Merit Ellis Austin has received three "When you tread on a Indy’s Vernonia visitors Tuesday were Ralph Bennett, Noah Treharne, button are Buron Bennett, Mae buttons. train In the street, you are not re The following in the sixth Irving Knowles, Austin Dowling, quired to apologize.” observed the I Frances Dooley, Betty Glassner, Reynolds, and Ethel Spencer. Those who received the Prog grade had 100 in spelling: Betty and Bernard. Gloria Murphy, Linwood Rey I.) Journal ’ ' on1 Mr. Jepson was a village shop Providence (R. 'You have a right [ nolds, Jerry Smith and Magdaline ress pin are Raymond Justice, Mae Austin, Hazel Chapman, Le July 18, 1867. to be in the street. So hns the, Lawrence Bennett, Frederick Roe- ona Fetsch, Marjorie Hugenin, per Tuesday. Reynolds, Mrs. Herbert Prickett left Sat lady: but she has no more right Byron Bennett, Alice •Wilburn Marks, Buster Nance. Those receiving the gold stavor diger, urday for Independence to visit to carry her train with the ex- ‘ the requirement for the second Stephenson, Evelyn Armstrong, pectatlon of having It respected her mother. CARD OF THANKS grade are John Armstrong, Ar- and James Glassner. than she hns to bring her cradle to . We wish to thank the Neighbors villa Christenson, Claii- Sunell, Those who received the Im NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE Market square and rock her bnby : of Woodcraft for fruits, the Francis Murphy. Chester Reyn provement certificate or a grade In ft. You have n right to stay olds, James Holt, Maxine John, of 90 per cent are Joe Armstrong, Grange for their flowers, and IN THE COUNTY COURT OF on the sidewalk, and if any foolish I many kind friends that visited Kellar, Elmo Aldridge, Lorraine Lines, Ruth Price, Floretta THE STATE OF OREGON FOR woman chooses to lay five yards of Douglass O'Donnell, Betty Thack- Marion Houghtaling and Rue Hur and helped us during our illness THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. satin between your feet and the ; last week. er, and Junior Meyers. In the matter of the Estate flags, It Is her risk, not yours."— ley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills and guardianship of Lloyd Dobbs, Kansas City Times. Those who received the Final Those receiving the Palmer Method button are Bobby Steph certificate or a grade of 98 per enson, Mildred Lamoreaux, George cent are Dorothy Webb, Iona ODAY you pay less — not mor© Holt, Helen Bennett, Robert Lines, Wilma Glassner, and Flor — for a highly refined and im Glassner, Virginia Dooley, Loret- ence Bradley. proved General Electric Refrigera Letters Presented At Grade Assembly Mist Natal LOW School Items FARES EAST Treharne IN EFFECT MAY 22 OCT. 15 PORTLAND »ATTVS A 3 YEAR GUARANTEE New Loir Prices New Refinements T MILLER^ What is it? Luke had it before Paul had it behind. Matthew never had it at all. All girls have it once Boys cannot have it. Old Mrs. Mulligan had it twice in succession. Mr. Lowell had it before and behind; and he had it twice as often , behind as before. Bring this A<1 with the Proper Solution TO THIS RIDDLE TO US BY MAY 23 Sport Season is HERE tor. At new low price» you get new features and General Electric*» writ ten promise of no service expense for three full year». Before you buy a new refrigerator be sure to check General Electric advantages. Let us demonstrate the three tones of cold, the accessible fast-freezinfe dial —the smooth-run ning Monitor Top mechanism, her metically sealed, self-oiled, dirt and moisture proof. General Electric Refrigerators are just as inexpensive to buy as they are to own. Down payments as low as {24 months to pay) And for this Petujhtiul Period A new group of sport knitwear—three-piece suits, jumper dresses, sweaters—all in the new colors that are in vogue. The children's sizes in the suits have matching berets. A good assortment of sizes at— And a Can of Tire Patch Material is yours— 'FREE! $}.95 to $Ç.9O Vernonia Brazing and Machine Works • SHOP HERE and SAVE MONEY GENERAL ALL-STBBL ELECTRIC RBPRICBRATOR OMMRtic. Apartment H oum and Commercial Refrigerators a Kleetrfa IF ata* Coalen . Oregon Gas and Electric Co. Vernonia, Oregon 622 Bridge St. Phone 691