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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1931. PAGE THREE in long, earnest conversation with fairly liberal flavor of molasses.' and Mrs. Smejkal were former Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin a strange man so she had the dope After supper they lick each oth-l roommates while attending college and children of Beaver creek er’s faces, he reports. all typed out an’ waitin’ for us. at the Oregon Normal school at were guests at the home of Mr. The Neurer barnyard is popu-, Monmouth. ‘Pleased to meet you. Good-by,’ says V>nd Mrs. G. H. Ohler Sunday. she.” lous just now, with wiun two large I Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Engen Miss Christine Mead and Mrs. envelope, and He tore open the I broods of two-weeks old duck motored to Hillsboro Tuesday on Louise Smejkal motored to St. read to Llpowsky: lings—one of them mothered by business. Helens Saturday to attend the “Colorado Charley and Mae are a hen that attacked valiantly due in Pllarcitos at 0:02 tonight. Miss Nettie Alley, county nurse special meeting for teachers on when the interviewer tried to What Some are Doing for They will probably go direct to Mr. the subject of reading. right a capsized duckling—two visited the Kist school Friday Clarke's house, a shingled bunga Mr. and Mrs. George McDon The Nehalem Valley guinea fowl, and at a comfortable morning, where she gave toxin low, at No. 302 C street, corner of for diphtheria to 16 ald and children of Beaver creek distance several stands of bees. antitoxin Hazel drive. “At seven o’clock tonight Mr. I Some are in the swarming mood children, 13 of whom were pre-'called at the H. C. Ohler home JAKE NEURER Clarke will leave bis home to take now. Mr. Neurer scooped in two school age.Monday evening. me to dinner. He will not return Jake Neurer has had the ranch dishpar.sful the first of the week, I until shortly after ten. As soon while others swarm so high in as he has left the house his col where he now lives for about two the trees that they just naturally Several years ago be- ored servant will go uptown to spend years, the evening. You can gain en cause of his health he was forced get away. trance to the house by using a skel- -j to leave the store where he was He has a sizeable orchard, eton key on the kitchen door, the | working in Montavilla, and get with cherries, apples, plums — W. N. u. lock of which Is is simple and old- I ouj jnt0 the open. The fresh about everything except peaches. SERVICE. Copqriqkt 3. fushioued, since burglars seldom air has done wonders to Mr. Last year late frosts and cold operate in I’ilarcitos. “Not In so many words. But you "You can set up your dictograph Neurer, while he, on the other rains reduced the crop consider stopped payment on your check, he announced. “The bank must behind the old lialr sofa In the par hand, has made a big improve ably, but prospects are good for which is an admission that you sus have telephoned them about the lor and run your wires along thé ment in the somewhat run-down this year. pect she Is a gold digger." Mr. Neurer’s bottom land is check, for at half past ten they i edge of the wall, draw them up place which he took over. "Well, that’s my business, and 1 called a taxi and went down to the back of the piano and out of the He has 160 acres, about 40 of specially adapted to raising oat don't see any necessity for arguing office of a' shyster attorney. They window, around the back of the which are cleared, besides a 40 and vetch hay, which grew one the matter with you. It's a closed were there two hours and then re house to the garage. Nobody will i acre tract back of Frank Peter ydar from five to six feet tall, chapter.” turned to the bungalow. As soon disturb you there as Mr. Clarke “My word, you're an optimist, as my man reported they were In keeps his car iu an uptown garage. son’s where he pastures his heif hiding the horses that pulled the What caused you to stop payment conference with that particular "When Mr. Clarke drops me at ers. The 160 acres are drained mower. From 11 acres he got on .vour check?” lawyer the whole things was as my house and proceeds to the up by the Nehalem river and Maple 53 tons. “That’s some more of my bust- clear as mud. town garage, I will come over to creek—named from a 53 year old Clover, too, does well, he re ness.” “They’re going up to Pllarcitos to his garage with a large flashlight maple on Mr. Neurer’s property. ports. “You’re so Immersed In yourbusl- shake the boy down as sure as torch, a stenographer’s notebook Incidentally he gets from the For plowing, harrowing am! ness you haven't hod the decency death and taxes, so I have started and several sharp pencils. The creek a pure water supply pump cultivating Mr. Neurer has a trac to thank me for saving you a thou two good men for I’ilarcitos In a fender of the flivver will serve as ed into a 1000 gallon tank. tor that saves a lot of time and sand dollars and possible entangle fast automobile. They will Install a a d&sk. I will knock twice on the ment with an adventuress. Elmer, dictograph in the young fellow’s door—a pause between each rap. The creek flows through the up the hiring of extra labor. per tract, giving his cattle plenty In addition to being a little bit cow house and listen In on the unholy The rest I leave to you." Mr. and Mrs. Neurer are both ardly I’m afraid you’re a little bit proposition. I want you to provide “Well, what do you know about of water. bard workers, aa their well- unmannerly and a little bit un a fast and accurate stenographer that damsel?" said Detective Ser Mr. Neurer now has 35 heifers, stocked and well-provisioned ranch grateful.” 13 milch cows and 2 Guernsey testifies. to take down every word. Can you geant Llpowsky. "Nellie,” he said huskily, “I'm do that?” “I'd ask her to marry me If 1 bulls. The sire of the youngest guilty on all three counts. I’m ter “I'm the fastest and most accu stood a Chinaman's chance—which ribly sorry. Ordinarily I wouldn’t— rate stenographer III this county,” I don't,” Detective Sergeant Fahey bull is a prize animal that was on exhibition here on the .dairy! that is. I couldn't—I mean to you— Nellie replied quietly. replied sadly. train a year ago. Mr. Neurer you're so fine I—I—Nellie, I’m riot “Good girl I Now, then, I’m go sells cream that is trucked into very happy ami I want to go away ing to leave it to you to arrange The children of the Kist school Portland. and forget |t. I’m ashamed to look for a clear field for my men. (Continued Next Week) you in the eye." He believes in feeding stock have earned the following Palm- They've got to be alone in that “I understand thoroughly. Elmer. house for an hour." well if one wishes to get anything! er method pins for writing: gold Well, you’re forgiven everything— “I have already arranged that. I out of them—and his are as star pin, Junior Bergerson; Pal- i all except running away like a tin will explain the details to your rep sleek as may be found anywhere, mer pin, Virgil Rainwater, Irene canned dog. Really, you act as if resentative when lie calls tomor When the milch cows return in Bergerson, Ralph Ohler, Harry I i you are horribly nfrald of some row morning." the afternoon from pasture he Ohler, Glen Rainwater, Ellis I thing.” We'll land 'em out In lets them into the orchard, and Rainwater, and Carl Jensen; mer- "I am, but I can't discuss It the “Thanks. Aterer talie the chance of buying tires on tall grass, never fear. I ’ ll afterwards gives them a meal of; it pin, Ralph Ohler, Irene Ber- over the telephone. Tell you what plume you If anything new deve| outside appearance. Insist on seeing cross-sections...not I’ll do, Nellie. I’ll delay my de- shorts. He grinds his own feed, gerson, Harry Ohler, Glen Rain- ” w alone of tlie particular tire the salesman seeks to sell you, parture and you foine to dinngy ops. Tax money for the first half The heifers stay in pasture j water, Ellis Rainwater and Carl He did — at eight-thirty a. til., but of competitive tires as well. Only in this way can you With mq tonight.” next day, to report that Colorado of the year is coming in nice for about nine months out of the jensenj the progress pin, Har- make comparisons and determine which tire is Bigger, "rq love to, Elmer, hut ly at the sheriff’s office at St. year. When Mr. Neurer feeds ¥y Ohler ana Carl Jensen, Charley and his lady friend had night. But I can go with Stronger and Safer. INBUILT V/kLUES are never visible Helens. Approximately $300,000 purchased tickets from Los Angeles them he has a special delicacy* Miss Christine Mead arrived at morrow night. I'm too busj on the surface. You must look inside to get the facts. to Pllarcitos and return; that they is in to date and ready to turn that appeals greatly to the heifer ¡the A. F. Srnejkal home Friday you before then." were due in I’ilarcitos at nine-two over to the treasurer the latter tase—chopped oat and vetch hay ¡evening, where site will stay for Reluctantly Elmer agreed to her that night. With eroxx-Kcctionx boforv you. the part of this week. Approximate counter proposal and Nellie, hugely At ten o’clock a .sleepy-lookiug ly $70,000 has already been turn with a spy-mkling of straw and a some time visiting. Miss Mead claims made about varions tires either stand up, or they satisfied with herself, hung up and man walked into the hank and im crumble uuder the truth. No.amount of explanation can „'¿¿■a. returned to the bank, where she mediately sought Nellie Cathcart’s ed over. put more rubber volume, more weight, more width, more The total amount of the tax roll wrote the following letter to J. window, a small gold sign hearing thickness, and more plies, into a tire when they aren't Fitzgerald, acting captain of de Nellie’s name serving as a clew. I is approximately $1,003,000, mak there. These EXTRA VALUES are inbuilt at the factory “I’m Detective Sergeant Fahey, ing the first half now due, a tectives, Los Angeles police depart from I.os Angeles," IA> apnoitnceq. .little over $500,000. It appears ment : ... never bn the sales floor or in public print. “Dear Captain Fitzgerald: “The chief sent me an’ my part- that the delinquency on the dead “With reference to the matter we HERE, MR. MOTORIST, IS HOW TO GET line date is about $200,000 discussed over long-distance tele- considerable of this is expected phone, when I told you tbaf a check THE ABSOLUTE FACTS within the n^f few weeks. in favor of Doris Gatewood bad ABOUT TIRES brieri received ht this bank and was The largest individual check (>elpg returned with the flotation Come in today and let us show you Firestone cross-sections and for taxes was received this week 'Signature of indorser irregular’; cross-sections of special branil mail order tires. Make your own from the Clark and Wi(s<w» Lum- comparisons. Take up every point and note the difference. You will “You will be glad Jo know that ber company »nd amounted to be under no obligation whatever to buy. All we want is to have you your action In conforming to my ffr $72,913, «a fur the first half. -■ * ■ • so you can ee which tire offers you the get me lacis yourseti fluest anil mailing anonymously to greatest value. Mr. Clarke the police reeprds and One of the interesting features Do you recall any instance yogues' gallery photographs of Col of the collections this year was where you were invited by prado Charley has florne rich ffuit. that on Monday, M»y 4, twice as sellers of special brand mail ■\Vlthin a few minutes afjer ¡ts fp- Compare prices item for item, much money was received at the order tires to compare cross pelpy Mr. plarkq palleq at the bank sections of their tires in each tft* collector's office as last year. phd ordered payment stopped on month in and month out, plus the price class, with Firestone It indicates that many waited the check. He was much disturbed. cross-sections? It just isn’t until the last two days and then Shortly thereafter he purchased being done« We not only in convenience of telephone orders, called at the in person to two thousand dollars' worth vite you, we urge you, to make travelprsi’ plieckg were. so 1 re'aili comparisons because we pay th# takes. prompt delivery twice daily, etc., he was about to leave the state. know Firestone tireswill back The total collections to date, “Immediately I made It ply bust up every statement we make. and you will find Better Service however, are a little short of last ness to call him up and aseertaiq | year. without letting fl|u; know; t yvus at Lower Cost at the........................ —Clatskanie Chief. pumping Tilth, that be Is' frlgliteried arid panicky. ' Evidently he lias pompromised himself, probably Ip writing, pnd floty feaf.s reprisal?! from the outraged and disappoint Pet »ct I vo Sergeant Fahey ! ed lady In the shape of a suit for fr»m Los Angeles,” He An- breach pf nrpfliisfi. Mi personal pounced, ppinlop Is, however, (bat now they Service Station realize bls suspicions are aroused, ner up with orders to report to (Incorporated) they will endeavor to extract as you,” large a cash settlement ps possible, "I'm pleased to meet PHONE 721 Mr U. S. Royal Cord Tires guaranteeing no publicity In return. Fahey. Here are your you. instrui- Of course we must protect him by tlons," and she handed him a sealed batching them in the act of levying envelope. “‘Good morning!” Shell 1’roducts •Ar A Special Brami Mail Order tire is made l>y some unknown blackmail, and If Mr. Clarke tied met the smartest Jane In manufacturer and sold under a name that docs not identify him the state we couldn't do that, could the “Just world” Mr. Fahey confided tq Dependable Mechanics we? So I have managed to delqy his his partner, Detective Sergeant to the public, usually because he builds his tirsi line tires under & departure forty-eight hours. Abraham flpowsky, when up re his own name. Shop Work Guaranteed i’Thlq lettpf W|ll reach yqfl vlfi joined the ¡fitter op the sidewalk. the same' train that parries Mr! "She takes no char..... on bein' MM i Clarke's Rejected check back to the Los Angeles hank. Ip tact, It will reach you earlier than that, because I am sending It special delivery. Ini A. F. & A. M. friedlately upon receipt of it, pleast, Order of Eastern Star arrange to have the movements ot Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. this unsavory couple watched and A. F. & A. M. meet« Regular commu Delivered To and Called for at Your Door reporf to me by telephone, nication first at Masonic Temple, liYoura truly, and third Wed Stated Communication TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY ¡‘Nellie pat heart.1’ HAIL 08DEI 1 nesdays of each M MB Super Heavy Duty First Thursday of each (Minin TIM cash rmet Long Distance Furniture Hauling month, at Ma BUI ucs MICE FACH PEB PAM month. Special called M'R NAH <*(>»■ mm ÇHAPTER XI sonic Temple. 4.40-21 . CASH FMM'E THU $49» 84.98 $9.60 Between Vernonia and Portland C»«H PWCt EACH P«KI EACH PEB PAM All visiting sis I meetmgs on all other Thurs 4.5021 . 5.69 51.10 .. 9.09 HE following afternoon Nellie 4.50- 2O. ... $8.5 5 38.7001^70 ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors 6.65 6.65 12.90 4.7S-19 . . Portland-Vernonia Truck Line ers welcome. most cordially welcome. received a long distance call I I.3O-21 ... 8.75 8.8.5 16.96 3.00-20 . Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. from Los Angeles. Acting Captain 4.75- 19 . . . 9.70 9.75 1 8.90 7.10 7.10 15.00 E. G. Anderson, W. M. W. A. Davi», Local Manager. pf Detectives J. fitzgerald was re Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. 4.75- 20 ... 10.25 10.25 19.90 5.25 18 . . . 7.90 7.90 19.30 W, E. Bell, Secretary. portlpg. 5.00-20 ... 11.25 11-30 21.90 Rgs. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 5.25-21 . • • S.»7 8.37 10.70 I'^ent a man put to watch the S.25-21 ... 12.95 13-05 25.30 6.0020 It Dill.90 11.30 >2.10 Mountain Heart WOMENS RELIEF house as s<' — ■*« I got vour letter,1’ 5.50 20 ... 11.70 13.75 26.70 MONEY TO BURN From Forest to farm I PETER B.KYNL 'V want to SEE the INSIDE FACTS KIST FOR YOUR PROTECTION MAKE THIS REQUEST BEFORE YOU BUY ANY TIRE Better Service at-lower cost COMP ARE Square Deal CONSTRUCTION Nehalem Market & Grocery COMPARE PRICES! Freight T Rebekah Lodge Np. 243 Hot Weather Hints SAVE FUEL, LABOR, PERSPIRATION, TEMPER AND MONEY , . , BY BUYING— Mother’s Bread if Fowr Grocer9» At a cost of only a few cents VERNONIA BAKERY CORPS R.R. TRICK TIRES Meets third Thursday of each No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in month at the (.O-O-F. hall. Mrs. Laura Sauer, President. I. O. O. F. hall. Vernonia. Visit ors always welcome. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS i Grace, Sujiell, Noble Grand. HARDING LODGE 11« Helen Fogel, Secretary Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth Pythian Sitters ers welcome. Vernonia Temple 61 meets H. Mayfield, C. C. every 2nd and 4tb Wednesdays in H. Culbertson, K.R.S. W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns. M. or R. A C. 1. O. O. F. American Legion Vernonia Post I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Ledge No. 119, American 248 meets every Tuesday night Legion. Meets at 8 o'clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Viw itors always welcome. 2nd and 4th J. F. Jones, N. Q. each Tuesdays Chas. Hort, V. O. month, 8. p. m. John Glassner. See’y. Dan Nelson, Ad Mike Miller, Treasurer. R. C. Stanton, Fin. See’y. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. 30x5 .... 17.95 17.95 34-90 32x6 .... >9-75 29.75 57-90 6.00-20 ... 15.20 15.35 29.50 6.50- 20 ... 17-15 17.15 31.30 7.00-21 ... 20.15 21.80 39.10 All Othar Sia— Prie—I Proportionately Loto All Other Sie— Priced Proportionately Lote Tii'crfe»»« COURIER TYPE n.VTTEIIIES MB ■AH. OBMB CASH PB« FACH IN* r«l m M m rn. mua au 80x314 . 3U4 . . . 4.40-21 . 4.50.21 . 5.23-21 . . ai-97 . . 0-90 . 4.«« . • 9.19 . - 7.79 53.97 »774 698 4.55 5.15 7.75 13.9S 9.90 19.00 We sell and service the complete line of Firestone Batteries — (»me in and see the EXTRA VALUE we give you. Equip your car now for nummer motoring. 13-Plate Sentinel . . . . teith your old battery «6” I : O w W h Qua re nt«« Every tire manufactured by Firestone bears the naase "FIRESTONE” and carries Firestone’s unlimited guarantee and ours. You are doubly protected. Kerr Motor Co. Vernonia, Oregon