V o/ o , ...........LJ.T,**,. VOLUME 9 Barreling is Favored Way For Berries Archie C.‘ Knauss Makes Preliminary Report At C. of C. Conditions in the marketing of strawberries favor the barreling method, reported A. C. Knauss for the strawberry survey committee at the chamber of commerce Wed nesday. A barreling plant re quires but comparatively little capital, being little more than a receiving station. However these plants are chiefly owned by the larger companies who malket their own product, the small or independent dealet- having but little chance to sell to advantage. Such a company would demand at least 150 acres in cultivation be fore putting in a plant, and would consider 300 more desirable. The average production of berries, Mr. Knauss said, is one ton to the acre. Canned berries, Mr. Knauss declared, are moving more slow ly, and while canning machinery can be obtained very cheaply, many of the plants are not mak ing money. Prices this year are not so good as last, Mr. Knauss stated, as the prospect is that growers will get only six cents, out of which they must pay two cents for pick ing and stemming. Berries deliv ered to a barreling plant must be in their prime, hence consider able loss if a grower is not in a position to attend to them im mediately. The Nehalem valley is well adapted to the growing of ber ries either for canneries or bar reling plants, Mr. Knauss assert ed. Packers, however, are not particularly interested in develop ment here at present, on account af probable over supply this year. The market for frozen ber ries is being extended, however. The berries are said to keep two years without loss of flavor, but must be used very soon after be ing taken out of a refrigerator. The committee is continuing to make investigations with regard to the possibilities of growing and packing berries here. Previous to the report of the committee Mr. Knauss gave an entertaining and instructive talk on interesting facts about wood. He discussed age, conditions of growth, and uses, and exhibited a large number of specimens. Mr. Knauss was invited by George W. Ford to give the same address before the Longview chamber of commerce. Accompanying Mr. Ford from Longview were Wesley Vander- cook, president of the Columbia River Longview Bridge company, P. Hetherington and W. R. W. Nichols. The proposal to hold group business meetings at a restaur ant luncheon on alternate Wed nesdays was announced by Presi dent Ford and the matter left to arrangement by those interested. 900 MOTHERS AT O.S.C. CELEBRATION Nine hundred mothers attend ed the banquet for Mother's of college girls at Memorial Union hall, Corvallis, last weekend, re ports Mrs. C. S. Hoffman. Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. A. J. Hughes accompanied her on the trip down, continuing to Eugene, where they attended a similar celebration at the Univer sity of Oregon. Catherine Hoffman and Mike Mitchell of O. S. C. came to Vernonia Sunday with Mrs. Hoff man and returned to Corvallis Monday morning. H. Mossman has opened up his confectionery store in the Carter building recently repaired follow ing the damage by fire. Mr. Mossman is well known in Ver nonia, having lived here for six years. Until two years ago he worked at the mill and retired following an illness. Mrs. Van Doren is Garden Club Head Knute Norby returned to Ver KNUTE NORBY IS BROUGHT HOME Rebekah Drill Team Exemplifies Degree Bridge at Natal Crashes Suddenly Mountain ..... ■ LS. NUMBER 42 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1931. MILL WORKER’S LEG IS BROKEN Two Men to Tuesday evening Archer Wesley, colored, sus Heart Rebekah drill team went tained a broken leg above the Mrs. W. L. Van Doren was to Hillsboro where they exempli NATAL— (Special.) — The ankle Thursday afternoon when elected president of the Garden fied the degree work. The mem bridge at Natal across the Ne he was caught in a conveyor club at a meeting Tuesday in the bers were highly complimented on halem collapsed Thursday even chain at the mill, and was sent home of Mrs. Judd Greenman. the excellence of the work they ing, May 8. Luckily no one was in the Legion ambulance to St. Mrs. E. Knight was chosen vice- put on. After the meeting they on it at the time, Mr, Hiatt Vincent’s hospital, Portland. president and Mrs. J. L. Timmons enoyed a delicious lunch of apple had just passed over it with a He will probably be laid up for secretary-treasurer. pie a la mode and coffee hefore load of lumber, but was safely two months if no complications It was decided that meetings returning home. across when it went down with County Championship lies ensue. be held evenings in the social The following ladies made the a crash. It had been traveled room of the Evangelical church trip: Mesdames Eula Stanton, Vio steadily that day as there are Between Bateman, instead of afternoons at the home la Treharne, Grace Sunell, Myr several families living across the r of members. The day will be the tle John, Marie O’Donnell, Irene river on the Burris road who Ulshoeffer have no other way to get out. first Tuesday in each month. Spencer, Helen Fogel, Rose The bridge is now resting on Schultz, Bessie Spofford, Grace the river bottom, and the floor O. T. Bateman and M. E. Ul LIKES OUR LOCATION Miner, Pearl McCabe, Ruby Biggs, ing is above the water, which is shoeffer will battle next Sunday Fred Williams, of Tenasket, Selma Webb, Margaret Lines, quite shallow, so that one can The annual banquet given to over 36 holes to decide the Co Interest in the play, “Second Washington, was here Monday Hazel Graven, Estelle Monger, walk across with safety. the senior class of Vernonia high lumbia county golf championship. Childhood” to be presented by I looking after some property in- County road officials who school by the parent-teacher’s as Bateman defeated Davidson three Edna ” Linn, Martha Frey, Ora the Vernonia Athletic club on ! terests. Glassner, Rose Fletcher, Edna called at the scene said that sociation was held Wednesday and one, and McAlister one up to May 29 is apparently increasing. Possibilities for farming here j Kilby, and Miss Bessie Spofford there would be a temporary gain the finals and Ulshoeffer de by leaps and bounds. The cast,, are better than he expected, Mr. and Miss Margaret Shipley. bridge for traffic to cross. There evening in the parlors of the feated Hale Greenman two and will be a steel bridge to replace Evangelical church. under the supervision and direc-1 Williams states. While men are Twenty-two members of the one and Dial eight and six to the old one, built in 1917. It tion of Mrs. M. D. Cole, is work- idle now is a good time to clear Chopping Contest is will take several months to com class of ’31 and Mrs. W. L. Van enter the final round. Bailey of ing very hard to get the play in land, he believes, Doren, president of the parent St. Helens put up a stiff fight Won By Challenger plete the new bridge. first class shape by that date. | teachers ’ association were pres against McAlister but was eli The club has been practicing Peter McClaren, acclaimed as ent. Short talks were given by minated on the seventeenth green regularly at the homes of various leaving only Vernonia men in the the champion wood chopper of all the guests. members of the club and also at the United States, cut through a semi-final round. One of the A center piece of silver iris the school house, The play, as red fir log 15 inches through, 48 closest matches was between Mc and place cards cleverly fashion stated previously, is very amus- : inches around in a demonstration Alister and Bateman, Bateman ed as coral pink roses and buds ing and the cast find it very front of the Hoffman hard The 1931 baseball season for winning on the last green. The local American Legion ju in carried out the class colors. The ware store Wednesday morning. • own hard to keep within their nior baseball team is fast round Vernonia will officially open on In the first flight, Shank characters during practice per- ing into shape. The boys have His local opponent, Bert Wood, next Sunday, May 24, at 2:30 p. j place cards were made by art students under the direction of will play Childs over 36 holes, chopped the log in 5 minutes and iods. been working out regularly late- 21 seconds. Ito determine the winner. The m. when the local club meets Miss Vera Crail. The story centers around Dr. ly „„„ ueKlulllnK to Lu show and alc are beginning Lee Osborn tried out in the con Jewell on its home diamond. The banquet was cooked and other flights have been completed, Relyea and his pretty daughter, I s signs ;u of ............................ developing into a fast test and was eliminated by Wood. The Vernonia club1 has been served by the high school cooking Harry King winning the second Sylvia. The doctor or professor .little club, Wood made a creditable show working out steadily for the past class directed by Mrs. Floy K. flight, M. D. Cole the third as he is often called, is working. The boys good two hour ing, considering the fact that he two weeks and is rounding into Hammack. .. had __ _ a _ __ ___ flight, A. W. Phillipps of St. nn some some sqrt sort, of of n a medical medical com- com- (practice —__ _______ -_ 1- last . Saturday __ i on session af- was out of condition, not having excellent shape. To date there Helens the fourth flight and pound which he claims will make, ternoon and were wxsiwii uuu wexe out VUI again Wed- »» cu- chopped since last fall. Emil Messing the fifth flight. has been one or more players DAY MARSHAL’S old people young again. I He ’ is^nesJay with further practices be- out for each position on the DUTIES DEFINED Cups will be awarded the winners a poor man and spends what I ing scheduled for this afternoon ACCIDENT VICTIM of each flight. team. The club was especially little money he gets in further- . and Saturday. A five or seven IS BURIED HERE fortunate in being able to sign Question has been raised as to The finals Sunday will start ng his studies. He is constantly inning practice game will be ar- ----------- I the legality of doing away with in debt and at the time of our ■ ranged for tomorrow afternoon Glenn Signett, student at Ben-j up Barker, a catcher who has the day marshal, as ordered by at 9 a. m. and the public is had a number of years experi invited to watch. No gallery fee story owes some ten thousand and if all of the boys are out son Polytechnic school, Portland, | the city council last week. will be charged. dollars on a mortgage on his I at that time a captain will be who was run down and killed by ence in the game in and around According to Harry G. Phelps, Portland. The tournament has attracted an automobile uz that city while home. elected to head the club for the the following duties are required a great deal of- attention in the Interest in the game of baseball crossing an intersection Thursday Philip Stanton, a young man, ' present season.. of the marshal, many of which is the professor’s assistant and i The players having turned out evening, was buried in Vernonia seems to be staging a comeback obviously cannot be performed county and has proven very suc is very much in love with the to date are: catchers, Art Nan- Sunday morning, Rev. Mr. Mason all over the country this year and by a night man: Feeding and cessful. M. E. Ulshoeffer was mainly responsible for its being i the locals are hopeful of play- nrofessor’s daughter. General1 son and Lewis Graven; pitcher, of Portland officiating. caring for prisoners, taking care held in Vernonia. ling before good crowds in Ver Burbeck is a rich old gentleman | _____ Barker; ; infielders, Bob Cline, The lad’s father, John Signett, of court cases, collecting tax from Plans are being formed for of about 70 years of age, who (Holly Holcomb, Roy Barnes, Ray was accidefltally killed here 12 nonia. The local field has been peddlers, collecting the dog tax team matches between a Columbia , and was buried in the| dra KKed and has had its annual years ago, __ also is in love with the _ doctor’s .Brown Brown and Junior Aidrich; Aldrich; and and killing sick dogs, looking af county team and teams from daughter, but because of his age [ , outfielders, Don Holtham, Arn- Arn local cemetery, For this reason g°'ng over and is again in pretty ter delinquents on occupation tax, Portland, Longview and Kelso. stands little or no chance of old Trude, Willie Marks and Des the body of the boy was brought ¡fair shape, investigating traffic wrecks and If the local players display the The starting line-up will no enforcing traffic winning her. here. mond Laird. regulations, quality of golf in these matches cat- doubt be as follows: Barker, Relatives in this vicinity are When the professor discovers Although no definite games looking after aged and sick per that they showed in the recent that the General is madly in love have been scheduled as yet, an at Mrs. Perry Mellinger, an aunt, cher; either Ben Davis or Roy sons, enforcing about 150 city with Sylvia he asks him what he tempt is being made to secure a Oliver and Velda Mellinger, cous Nels." pitchers; McCrea, IB; ordinances as well as state laws, tournament they may be expected would give to be as young as practice game with St. Helens for ins, Mrs. Hugh Dunlap of Camp I Marshall, 2B; W. Linn, SS; cooperating with the sheriff’s of to give a good account of them McGregor, an aunt, Sid Baker of Greenman, 3B; Hawkins, LF; Me- fice, the state traffic department selves. A match has been sche Phil Stanton and the General re next Saturday, May 23. Treharne and Mrs. Charles Killip, CF; Brooks, RF. In addi and the prohibition department, duled between Vernonia and For plies that he would give ten tion to these the club will have looking after sidewalks, cross est Hills for May 31. thousand dollars to have an equal K. P.'s to have Entertainment Barnes, cousins. The new club house at the The regular services were held in reserve outfielder Gregory, walks, streets and alleys, catch The Knights of Pythias are chance with Phil. Then the pro fessor reveals his compound to putting on an entertainment for in the parlors of Holman and and infielders W. Davis, C. Linn, basins, sewage, fire hazards, in golf course has been completed the General and tells him that it their families and friends Monday Lutz, Portland, and brief services | Henderson and possibly Malm- specting all dairies that deliver and is a very great improvement. A lunch counter and three tables sten. in the Evangelical church here. will make him about 21 or 22 evening. milk in the city, impounding stray have been installed and Mrs. years of age. The General is stock and seeing to the cutting Macpherson is now serving lunch Hotel Being Reehingled Vernonia Grange will hold a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills, who undecided whether to take it or of grass and weeds on vacant lots es at regular hours as well as H. Van Blaricom is having not but in the meantime Dr. social meeting Saturday evening have both been sick for about and streets. fountain service. Realyea is called away on a case in the Grange hall to which all two weeks, are better now and Hotel Hy-Van reshingled with Mr. Macpherson wishes to em and the General debates with members are invited and also able to be about. 1 He had blood composition roofing. SEVERAL REALTY phasize the fact that Tuesday is himself as to whether he should their friends, A radio broadcast, poisoning in his leg ; and she had SALES ARE MADE free ladies’ matinee and while a Mrs. E. W. Holtham is able to put on by members of the local an attack of flu. take the doctor’s compound. large number of ladies have al be out again after returning good attend Ed Rife reports a grange will be the feature of the When Dr. Relyea returns he R. S. Downs .of Vernonia finds—but, it wouldn’t do to say evening, after which refreshments ance and a splendid arne at the from Emanuel hospital, where bought May 2 the 17 acre tract ready taken advantage of this, he hopes next Tuesday to see the barn dance on his place Saturday. she underwent an operation. what he does find for that can will be served. of John Krinick east of town, course crowded. be left to the imagination. according to Joseph Scott, who Results Sunday Other characters in the play handled the transaction. The following is the result of are Auntie, a sister to Dr. Relyea Other recent transfers of pro who is much in favor of Sylvia perty are the H. B. Glover house matches played last Sunday: Championship flight, Ulshoeffer marrying the General and who is on North street to Mr. and Mrs. just as strongly opposed to Phil. H. G. Sandon of Camp 8, and beat Greenman, two and one; OH THE l_ three houses north of the mill Dial beat McGraw, three and two; (Continued on Page 6) sold by Joe Hopson to a Portland McAlister beat. Bailey, two and one; Bateman beat Davidson, party for investment. OUST G0Ä6E0UP W HOJEES / three and- one; Ulshoeffer beat Dial, eight and six; Bateman Party Weekend« at Corvalli« Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Condit and beat McAlister, one up. First flight, Shank beat Mac Mrs. A. L. Parker spent last weekend in Corvallis with Mrs. pherson, three and two; Childs Parker’s son Veldon and her beat Hutchison, one up; H. Hud daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alvin Par son beat P. Taylor, three and ker, from Alturas, California, who one; Shank won by default; is visiting her folks there. Wilfred Childs beat Hudson, one up. .Pep up, folks; lots of encourag Thomas and Wallace McCrae ac Second flight. King beat Heu- ing rumors around, and some of companied them to Corvallis tak mann; Frizzell beat Kerry; King them may turn out to be true, ing in the state high school track beat Frizzell, four and three. too. Third flight, Cole beat W. Tay meet Saturday afternoon. lor, one up; Bush beat Roberts, Jack Bush is reported to be Honor Guest at Fraternity House five up; Cole beat Bush, three taking sun baths these hot af On Sunday, Mother’s day, Mrs. Up. ternoons on his theatre roof. A. L. Parker was an honor guest Fourth flight, W.. Phillipps beat Whenever he hears the whirr of for dinner at the Delta Sigma McWilliams; J. Miller beat B. an airplane Jack scurries to safe Phi fraternity house at Corvallis Brickel, five up; Phillipps beat ty. to which her son Veldon belongs. Miller, one up. Each year the house invites the Fifth flight, Jepson beat Rose- Apropos of Archie Knauss’s mothers of the boys to spend braugh, default; Messing beat talk on the uses of wood Judd Mother’s day with them. There Fluhrer, default; Messing beat Greenman remarked, “You can were many mothers present aa Jepson, three up. eat it, drink it, wear it, do every well as sisters, wives and other thing with the stuff except CLARK AND WILSON relatives. it.” ADDING MORE MEN A guest of J. E. Kerr this Bob Sargeant has moved week is his father, A. A. Kerr It is reported that Clark and bachelor apartments which, Wilson are starting another side of Hot Lake, Oregon. cording to friends, he is fumish- at Camp 8 which will mean the Mrs. J. E. Kerr returned Sat ing and decorating with splendid urday from Granta Pass where employment of about 75 addi taste. We didn’t know Bob was she had been visiting her sister. tional men. so domestically inclined. Compete for nonia Sunday and is back at his job at the mill. He was released from the hospital the previous Wednesday. W. B. Lappe went after him and brought him home. Mr. Norby’s marvelous consti tution stood him in good stead, enabling him to recover speedily from his severe injury the week before. Golf Lead SENIOR CLASS IS BANQUETED INTEREST IN CLUB PLAY INCREASING LEGION JUNIORS SHOW PROGRESS BASEBALL SEASON OPENS SUNDAY Poor Little Wild Flowers Feathers And Talons