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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1931. Natal Mri. Jake Neurer Miss Elizabeth Murray, county school superintendent, was a visi tor at the Natal school last week. • Mrs. Marie Holmstrom and her daughter Olga were luncheon guests of Mrs. Bud Baldridge Friday. Lode McDonald called to see Fire Warden Lincoln Peterson Friday evening on business. Noble Dunlap is on the Colum bia county jury for May term. Oliver Burris and his grand daughter Beatrice Perry drove to Vernonia Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James McCorm ick are stockholders in the Natal Telephone company, having pur chased the stock and phone for merly owned by Carl Iler. Elmer Hiatt and Dave Mc Mullin were Vernonia business visitors Saturday. Elmer Linberg is working for Mr. Miller operating a donkey. They are taking out poles ahead of Van Vleet Logging company. Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and son Olie were Sunday guests of their daughter’s family, Mrs. Dave McMullin. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap spent Sunday evening at Verno nia with Mr. Dunlap’s mother, Mrs. M. Dunlap. Mrs. George Taylor and son Ray were Vernonia shoppers on Saturday. Tommy Gordon and his sister from Vernonia were visiting at Natal Sunday. Frank Peterson was sick for a few days but is better at this writing. Mrs. Nels Peterson went to Portland last weekend to take treatments. Mrs. Peterson has been in poor health for the past' month. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer drove to Astoria Tuesday to spend the day with Mr. Neurer’s bro ther Pete and family. The Ford caravan showing many types of Ford truck bodies passed through Natal Wednesday evening at 5:30. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson and children from Portland were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn’s. Clyde Johnson was a Verno nia business visitor Saturday. Local farmers are busy farm ing and planting their gardens and potatoes now. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Halding and son George and daughter Bertha drove to Vernonia Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers attended the ball game in Port land Sunday. Hi ver view Mr». Lee Hall Mrs. E. E. Mills and little son Mickey returned home to Wald port Saturday after spending a week here with her mother, who has been quite ill. Frank Mills is greatly improv ed after much suffering with infection in an old wound on his leg. Mrs. Frank Mills is better after being under the doctor’s care for several days. Little Juanita Parker return ed home last week after spend ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Bill Mason, at Camp Mc Gregor. Little Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline, is suffering from a severe cold at this time. SAVE \our . SAFETY DRUG STORE coming along in fine shape. It drews, Betty Holgate, Virginia Third grade, Harry Culbertson, Bronchial pneumonia is feared. looks to us as though Fred Johnson. Mr., and Mrs. Bud Robbins Franque Fitzgerald, Lois Howell, Spring might be just a little bit Second grade, Valda Rae Bond, Charles Moulton, Henry Taylor, spent the weekend with Mr. Rob too good for the rest of the Thomas Ball, Thomas Kuge, Elea- bins’ sister and family, Mrs. ¡field but then one can neverjnor 1________ ______ Poetter, Gene ___ ____ Mason, Paul Marcia Whitlock, Irene Weis, J. Bertraw, on Soul’s hill. , tell. That’s just guess and any- ' Hartman, Lucille Rufli, Cecil Norma Enos. Mrs. Lee Hall, who has been The Birkenfeld This weather maxes us yearn thing can happen. Jean Moran has moved to Hood ¡Andrew, Junior DeHart, Elsie suffering with infection of the started logging operations River. —o— I Killian, Dorothy Weis. throat, is able to be up again. their in Clatsop county on the for the “old swimmin’ hole.’* There were 19 visitors to the And now the Athletic club is' Fourth grade, Violet Johnsqn, Johnny Cahill’s Mrs. Beulah Baslington of Tre vidge above putting on a play. It ought to ¡Charlie Koto, Arthur Lee Kilby, fcecond grade last Wednesday On paper the local baseball place. Owing to the lull in the harne and Mrs. Florence Mc when open house was held. be a big kick to see all the ath- Carl Taylor, Donald and Mrs. Myrtle Johns lumber market, it has been sev club doesn’t look so bad. If they letes performing on the stage.. just get the pitching everything eral months since this work was of Vernonia called to see Mrs. will be hotsy totsy. in progress. Hall Monday. Gene Good, Sr., of Iowa, who Bert Hawkins captured a large McGregor will certainly be swarm of bees on O.A. hill Tues- has been visiting h:s son for the day and hived them without a past two months, passed away at missed this year. To take his the family residence on the An- place the club is looking over sting. WASHINGTON SCHOOL The ®en Davis, Bob Sargeant and Those calling at the Lee Hall derson ranch last week. funeral was held in Portland H°y Nelson. The next assembly program home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. will be held next Monday after i H. M. Condit and daughter Ruby, April 26. What we can’t understand is noon at 2:30. This will be the Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Counts of J Saturday afternoon Violet Sax- Rock creek, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. why the “Oregonian” didn’t run last assembly program to of Vernonia, Mrs. and Mrs. Hol-, M. Saxton, celebrated her tenth a picture of “Junie” along with given this year and will be comb of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. birthday. Violet entertained the the nice write-up they gave him sented by the pupils of A. P. Bays of Timber highway, girls of the 4H Sewing club un in Wednesday morning’s paper. Kirkpatrick’s, Mrs. Duncan’s Mr. McCrae’s rooms. Mrs. W. Wolff and Nadine Aid- der the leadership of Ethel John-: rich. son. A large angel food cake In addition to being Colum- Howard McGilvray was Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason of decorated with pink candles and bia county’s greatest golfer, Saturday and unable to attend Camp McGregor visited the lat ice cream was served at the “Junie” also is quite the base the track meet. ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud conclusion of the merry party. ball player. He cavorts around Martha Middlebrook and Jean Robbins, over night the last of Many useful i presents were : recei-'first base for the local club and Liillig won $2.00 for the poppy the week and went on to Ocean ed by the little hostess. | hits the old pill at a .300 clip— poster which they made. park where they will spend a few The following had 100 in spell- Mr. and Mrs. Frances Burn- sometimes. days vacation. ing: Seven-2, Robert Depue, Jose- — •O 1 ham, teachers of the Vesper, Those attending the track meet school, , entertained their pupils' The baseball team certainly phine Hall, Bobby King, Leon at Rainier Saturday from here with a basket picnic on the Ne- had a winning combination last Mills, Sylvia “ ’ ' Sessman, Evelyn were Leone Mills, Rebecca, halem river near the Vesper, year. We still have very vivid- Varley, Muriel Williams. Throop, Louise Higby, Hilma school May day. Sixth grade, Delpha Killian, Here’s the radio that is riding high on |ly in mind that wonderful eleven Berg, Muriel Williams, and Lu Middlebrook, Buster i the wave of popularity. The beautiful James Cahill of Vesper has inning 2 to 1 victory they squeez- Martha cile Lindberg. been on the sick list the last I ed out over Cathlamet last year Nance. lines of the brown walnut cabinet Ida Mae Hawkins went to week. He was stricken with a I on the Cathlamet diamond. Eight-2, Virginia Cummings, Mist Wednesday of this week very severe pain over the eyes Hale Graves, Margaret McNutt. make a fitting home for the splendid —o— FULL RANGE reception that the to visit Mrs. Mollie Wright. which seemed to be almost un- Brooks was the big hitting star LINCOLN SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Roma Howell and bearable at times. General Electric Highboy brings you. of that game, getting a home daughters Ruby and Lois of Ver THE HIGHBOY— 9tube, Mrs. Fijances Burnham has run and a triple to win the con The following in the first With this new type receiver you can nonia spent Tuesday evening at been absent from her school the test almost single handed. Screen-Grid Super-Hetero- grade have received their first reach more distant stations, banish the home of Jlr. and Mrs. Merle last few days on account or a dyne, fitted with local-distant •—“0-— Palmer Method pin: Donald Hen- Cline. twitch and tone control. very severe cold. If Shorty Laird can hit the derson, Edgar Culbertson, Dickie overlapping and enjoy die marvelous Mrs. Ray Condit and sons Brown walnut cabinet with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Skaling, old baseball this season like he Enos, George Johns. The fol musical richness and fidelity of FULL Teddy and Billy of Vernonia Everett Beach, Mr. and Mrs. hit the indoor ball during the lowing have received their sec French doors: called on her aunt, Mrs. Lee Keaton and families spent the I indoor season, his batting av- ond pin: Steven Meek, Virginia RANGE Tone. Hall Monday. weekend at Seaside. erage will pick up by leaps and Johnson, Freddie Shoemaker, A small down payment under the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parker A crew of men were detailed bounds. Middleton Crawford, Betty Hol- Budget Payment Plan brings a Gen visited the Frank Mills home for Wednesday morning to fight —o— gate. Sunday and presented them with the forest fire on the head waters One boy we are mighty glad Vernonia Dooley and Maxine eral Electric Radio to your home — a beautiful potted plant from of Deep creek which is threaten to see back on the local club is Brady of the third grade have together with the Certified Inspection the Vernonia Grange. ing the fine timber holdings of McKillip. When a fly goes to ¡received their first grade Palmer Plan assuring your satisfaction with the K. P. Timber company. his territory you can' always ' Method pin and Hascal Bond has any model you select. E. W. McDonald of Vernonia mark down “out.” ¡received her third *pin. was inspecting the fires in the I The following had 100 in spell- Birkenfeld district Tuesday. The most popular place in 'iijg: First grade, Edgar Culbert- Call in TODAY fot a demonstration. Columbia county last Sunday was ¡son, Lottie Reich, Marie An- Vernonia’s golf course. Things Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor and Cornelius J. H. Wilson, B. R. Benne t were happening out their all the children of Astoria were Sunday C. W. Bennett motored to while from sunup to sundown. visitors at the home of Mr. and and —o— Portland on business Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Baslington. So far the American Legion Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Smith at the home of Mrs. Rey- Junior team hasn’t organized but and children visited her parents, visited nolds’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. all the boys interested in making I Mr. and Mrs. Bennett at Cor Carter, the team are requested to turn Saturday. nelius Sunday. Miss F. Morton assisted Mrs. out at two o’clock Saturday af Mr and Mrs. Frank Lines Macpherson with serving lun- ternoon. and family motored to Seaside cheon at the club house Sunday. —o— on Saturday returning home Sun The tennis tournament spon day. Eagle classifieds get results. sored by the Athletic club is Koster camp fallers and buckers started work Monday at Rock creek. F. Pugh motored to Cornelius over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Giren and daughter of Portland were guests JL * Cood Goods of Mr. and Mrs. G. Glassner over Sunday. Byron Bennett had the mis fortune to fall, breaking his arm Wednesday evening. WITH 235 “MULTI-MU” TUBE Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell were Portland shop We can expect to enjoy many days of enjoyable pers Tuesday. sunshine from now on—the new style wash C. John is doing his plowing only COMPLETE with a new McCormick-Deering dresses and sheer cotton voiles are ideal for tractor. these days — AT D. Doolin is able to be out —8-tube superhet- A NEW RADIO COMES TO TOWN after his illness. erodyn Mr. Glassner drove the school out of “The House of Magic” . . . bus on Thursday. —tone control The prettiest of shades and styles—medium and General Electric. And . . . We are Virginia and Francis Dooley, long lengths—a few clever large leg pajamas who have been sick the past —8-inch dynamic happy to be the first to announce are in the group. All sizes. two weeks with septic sore throat —phonograph con it. A sensation in small radios . . . are much improved. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith nection for it gives big set performance. and family visited her sister at Birkenfeld School Items 1 high quality in performance Treharne GENERAL VOW ON DtSPLAY The New MILLER^ WARM WEATHER IS HERE $1.95 .o $2.95 IF YOU PREFER PERMANENT IS “EASY AS A MARCEL Then select a face powder that reveals nature in stead of one that conceals And it is only $5.00 Milady’s To make your own frocks we have the sheer yard goods for your use. A few suggestions are PLAIN VOILES 29 and 49c Yd. FIGURED VOILES 33c Yd. PRINTS .... 15c and 22c Yd. BATISTES 29c Yd. MOTHER’S DAY Remembrances We have many splendid articles—dresses, hosiery, purses, handkerchiefs, lace neckwear, sweaters—for this most important of days. Beauty Shoppe Vernonia Hotel Building 492 Bridge Street Phone 1261 The extra fineness of this smooth-spreading powder covers the skin with a pro tective layer not thick enough to make the face a mask but rather just thin enough to allow the healthy color of the skin to show through. For a fair test, try the miniature size first. Sold only at Rexall Drug Stores Mac’s Pharmacy Vernonia, Oregon ■ «*** Tito Jtore w» ■ Junior $72.50 with less heat and weight. Even small children enjoy the Ringlette, $2.00 ELECTRIC FULL KAVGE HABIO Do You Want Natural Charm? Cara Nome Face Powder PAGE FIVE SHOP HERE AND SAVE MONEY Not merely another Screen Grid Su- perheterodyn Portable . . . but an honest to goodness “Super” . . . using 2 of the sensational super con trol tubes. We know it to be the most marvelous radio receiver, of this type that has yet been produced. —super sensitive —super selective —new design —new performance —tone •18th Century mantel clock style case Oregon Gas and Electric Company 622 Bridge Street Phone 691