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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1931)
FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON t MRS. EDRA GEHRING SMITH GIVEN SHOWER pleasant afternoon was spent by the fourteen members present. After the regular meeting sev __ Mrs. Miss Ruth Martin, Miss Vera eral games were played. __ Crail, Miss Mildred Drake and Miner won the advertisement con Mrs. W. R. Hammack’ were hos test and Mrs. E. Sunell was tesses at a novel and charming awarded the consolation prize.' all the plants and animals in this surprise shower in honor of Mrs. Mrs. Mae Mellinger and Mrs. F. i Editor Larry Marshall neighborhood. Lines tied for the nursery rhyme Edra Gehring Smith, Wednesday Asst. Editor Christina Rainey evening in the Austin apartments. contest and Mrs. Ruby Biggs won Sports Ed. Marvin Porterfield SENIORS RECEIVE PROOFS The table was covered with a the consolation prize. A number Senior Reporter Grace Condit blue cover representing the sea was given each member as they Ir. Reporter Kathryn Malmaten The members of the senior with a boat sailing on it and star arrived and the lucky number Soph. Rep. Margaret McDonald class received the proofs of their shaped pieces of paper were fold was held by Mrs. E. B. Miner Frosh Reporter Florence Wall pictures from Coffey’s studio last ed to represent the waves. These who was given a prize. Delicious week. were numbered and were opened refreshments were served by the' JUNIORS TO PRESENT Most of the students ordered in proper order by Mrs. Smith hostesses. from six to a dozen pictures. PLAY FRIDAY Others present were Mrs. J. who found on them directions The pictures are expected within for finding various gifts that L. Glassner, Mrs. 0. D. McCabe, several weeks. The junior class of Vernonia had been hidden in the rooms Mrs. A. L. Spencer, Mrs. Black, high school will present “ Hurri Mrs. Rose Schultz, Mrs. W. E. COOKING CLASS VISITS and for games to be played. Hal” at 7:30, April 17, in BAKERY AND CREAMERY ' Miss Myrtle Pye won the prize Linn, Mrs. A. H. Webb, Mrs. E. cane new Washington grade school 1 for the “Hard Romance." Romance.” Mrs. R. Treharne, Mrs. C. A. Van the auditorium. The cooking class, under Mrs. Smith and Mrs. E. B. Miner won Alstine. The play is a drama of the Hammack, inspected the Vernonia the prize for the “Terrestrial modern college life and promises bakery and the creamery last Stars," and Mrs. Douglass won CORVALLIS AFFAIR to be very interesting. The cast week. the prize for the “Musical HONORS HOFFMAN’S is made up entirely of members Several of the students report Questionnaire.” The last wave sent Mrs. Smith into another Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Charles' of the junior class. Music will ed that the visit was very edu- furnished by the Vernonia be rational as they saw how much of room and when she returned the Hoffman, Jr., who were married the work is done on a large scale. tables were covered with many last week, Mr. and Mrs. Gene band. The class was served ice cream beautiful and useful gifts. Af Martin entertained at dinner Sat-' LAST SIX WEEKS and cake supplied by the two busi. ter these had all been opened by urday evening in Corvallis. Oth-[ ness houses the guest of honor, delectable ers present were Miss Catherine I PERIOD BEGINS „ refreshments were served by the Hoffman, Miss Schoefer, Jack' Nichols and Charles Hoffman,! Monday, April 13, sees the be-' hostess. Those present were Mrs. Lu- Nicholas and Mrs. Charles Hoff-! ginning of the last six weeks. period of school|. Tests were lah Fullerton, Mrs. L. F. Austin, man, Sr., of Vernonia. given last week and report cards Miss Lois Malmsten, Miss Marie will be issued this week. WASHINGTON SCHOOL Kirkpatrick, Mrs. E. Douglass, SURPRISE PARTY The different classes are begin Miss Constance Bougher, Mrs. FOR C. G. WHITLOCK Mrs. Neil, who coached the ning to write long themes, finish Rose Schultz, Miss Melba Lara- girl’s teams, presented letters more, Mrs. H. Fogel, Mrs. M. D. A surprise party for C. G. up book reports and work outlines Friday to the girls who played Cole, Mrs. F. Spring, Mrs. E. Whitlock was held Saturday even of books, which is a sure sign volley ball. Letters were first E. Yeo, Miss Florence Santee, ing at the home of Mrs. R. A. the school year will soon draw to given to the 7-2 team, the first Mrs. E. B. Miner, Miss Louise Space. 500 was played, after a close. The time for the junior and to be eliminated, and through Malmsten, Miss Myrtle Pye, Miss which lunch was served, includ senior plays and the Junior Prom their persistence being dubbed the Rae Davis, Miss Pearl Krause, ing a birthday cake. “Sir Thomas Liptons”—Loraine Miss Ruth Taylor. Guests were Mrs. John Krin- will soon be here and preparation Huriel Williams, Jose- Mrs. E. H. Condit, Miss Char nich, Gladys Krinnich, Phyllis has begun. Mr. Wilkerson has Harper, phine Hall, Sylvia Sessman, Al- lotte Hilts, Mrs. Alta Neil, Mrs. Nelson, Rowena Whitlock, Mrs. i began to shape the program for J. B. Wilkerson, Mrs. E. S. Bert Whitlock, Lorraine Space, commencement, which will be held May 22 of this year. Thompson, and Mrs. Rose Fletch Lloyd Turk and Enoch Dumas. er sent gifts but were unable to WHAT THE CLASSES be present. MRS. THOR ROBERTS The Timber Line School Items CABIN BENEFIT CONTEMPLATED The members of the Vernonia Study club met at the home of Mrs. F. Dickson for their last regular meeting. The members are contemplating a benefit for the girls Camp Fire cabin. The exact date and kind of enter tainment are under discussion and will be announced at a later date. A resume of Catherine Mans field’s Journal was given by Mrs. A. C. Knauss as the program for the day. It was very interestingly given and enjoyed by all members present. After the program tasty refreshments were served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs. W. E. Bell, Mrs. E. M. Bleile, Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. C. Davidson, Mrs. E. E. Garner, Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. F. Hanson, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. D. Marshall, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. C. W. Reithner, Mrs. Van Peebley, Mrs. A. C. Knauss. MRS. DUNCAN GIVES BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. Ross Duncan gave a de lightful birthday dinner Sunday in honor of her mother, Mrs. E. E. Rayer of Portland. As a special surprise she also had as guests her mother’s brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gessell of Forest, Wash. The dinner concluded with ice cream and birthday cake. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Raver of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gessell of Forest, Washington, and Miss Vona Ges- sell and Miss Ruth Nelson of Gyay’s Harbor, Washington. REBEKAHS MEET AT MRS. FOGEL’S Mrs. Henry Fogel and Mrs. Marie O’Donnell were hostesses to the Mountain Heart Rebekah club Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fogel. A most PAGE FIVE vina Shively, Althea McDonald and Ruth Epping. The 7-1 team was then called up ar.d the fol lowing girls given their lettehs: Frances Bergerson, Lucille Lind berg, Helen Scott, Lolamae Smith, Erma Thompson, Betty Lee, Helma Berg. The 8-1 team was next to receive letters, Le ona Hillman, Rose Sitts, Velma Petty Marguerite Laird, Otha DeHart, Roberta Williams, June Michener, Doris Anderson, Shel by Caton. Finally the 8-2 team, winners of the tournament were called up and girls besides being given their letters were also awarded the pennent: Ethel Christensen, Virginia Cummings, Helen Brim mer, Alberta Veal, Margaret Mc Nutt, Glennie Russell. Winners of the hygiene con- iest of the sixth grade will be listed next week. Marjorie Lang returned to school Monday after being ab- sent two weeks with the chicken pox. The reading class were having a reading lesson about frogs. To make the lesson more interest ing some of the children brought some frog eggs to school and they are interestedly waiting for them to hatch. The following had 100 in spel ling: 8-2, Roy Barnes, Ethel Christensen, Ward Plummer. Seven-1, Eleanor Edens, Fran ces Bergerson, Helen Scott, Flor ence Austin, Lucille Lindberg, Willa Crowder, Erma Thompson, Lewis Shiel, Kenneth Lewis, Har old Cason, Stanley Overson, Stan ley Parker, Toivo Eloranto, Tos- hi Kuge, Robert Culver. Sixth grade, Lewis Beveridge, Hazel Chapman, Ted Davis, Wil burn Marks, Martha Middle- brooks, Buster Nance, Leila Nel this place but now of Port An son, Evelyn Shipley, Rose Yana. geles, Washington, was here last week and had her furniture mov LINCOLN SCHOOL Mrs. Dooley and Mrs. H. A. ed to that place. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson have Moulton visited the third grade moved from the Powell apart- last week. Lucille Colson entered the ments into their house here first grade Monday from Cherry which Cal Plummer recently va- cated. Valley, Washington. The following had 10 in spell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason of ing: First grade, Steven 12 __ _____ , visited _____ the __ latter’s par- Meek, Keasey Eugene Cleveland, Donald Jlen-.ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rob- derson, Edgar Culbertson, Fred- bins, one day last week. die Shoemaker, Middleton Craw- Fred Rainey returned home ford, Lewis Adams, Marie An last week from a tour through drews, Dean Lionberger, Betty California. He intended when Holgate, Virginia Johnson. leaving here to go on to Texas Second grade, Leola Fitzgerald, but the farther he got away Letha Gains, Thomas Kuge, Mar from Vernonia the worse it ilyn Mayfield, Glenn , Hall, ,, ; El I looked to him so he came back eanor _ Poetter, Paul Hartman, ■'"’“"’¡more content with Vernonia than Glenn Hartman, Lucille 1 Kufli, ever. Cecil Andrews, Junior DeHart, Emett Lloyd is erecting a new Dorothy Weis. Fourth grade, Dorothy Acord, dwelling house on his acreage. Norma Brady, Fritz Hausler, The Lloyds are making their Charlie Koto, Jack Sheeley, Carl : place very attractive. Mrs. T. C. Biggs, who has Taylor, Claude Veal, Rodney ‘ been quite ill the past two weeks, Enos. is able to be up again. May De Ett Throop went to Monmouth Saturday to spend the ■ week end with her sister Dorothy, I who is attending normal school Mrs. Lee Hall | there. If I Mr. and Mrs. Rabour of Port- ' land visited Aunt Sally Spencer Mr. Sheals, who has been liv Sunday and presented her with a ing on the Evan Hall place mov beautiful potted plant. ed his family to Silverton Wed Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heath nesday of this week where he visited in Portland over the week recently purchased a ranch. He end. remains here, where he is em Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard and ployed in the O. A. mill. I daughter Joy shopped in Portland Mrs. r Schively • • • • • and daughter Saturday and visited Lotus Isle Alvina went to Portland the lat-'on Sunday. ter part of last week to visit I ------------ -------- ----------- her daughter there before going | Rev. G. W. Plumer left Tues- to Silverton, where they will keep, day noon for Salem, to attend house for Sheals. i the annual conference of his Mrs. Bert Nelson formerly of denomination. Riverview ARE DOING ENTERTAINS The Civics class is reviewing Mrs. Thor Roberts entertained with three tables of bridge at the book by having each student the home of her mother, Mrs. II report on a chapter. This method William Culver, Wednesday af-, i is proving interesting to most of ternoon. High score was obtained [ the students as well as very edu- I cational. by Mrs. Frank Ditkson. Following the play the hostass: The chemistry class is studying I aluminum in class and in the lab- served lunch. Those present were Mrs. A. L. I oratory the two groups are test- McNeill, — >n*t to see Kullander, Mrs. .x. K. A. n. luuiem, ■» unknown -............. compounds ...... -.I. Mrs. Frank Dickson, Mrs. Grun-,w tla — t they contain, The students I are deriving much information den, Mrs. Geo. Van Vleet, Mrs.'are Wm. Armitage, Mrs. Lowell Hie- from these tests and they find it ber, Mrs. Henry Fogel, Mrs. easier to remember the rules Frank Hartwick, Mrs. O. T. Bate and tests given in the text book since they started this. man, and Miss Macile Roberts. The senior English class has E. W. Holtham and Martin started to study the Victorian Hillman went to Sunset camp period of Romanticism and Real Wednesday and caught 23 trout, ism. This period contains po varying from seven and one half ems and other works of Tennyson to twelve and one half inches. and Browning. Mrs. Tom Mathews of St. Hel The junior Science class is ens was visiting Mrs. Dan Cason studying plant and animal life. Tuesday. They are to find the names of BECAUSE OUR MILK IS PASTEURIZED AND SOLD IN STERILIZED BOTTLES IT IS ALWAYS PURE and Unless the Farmer PROSPERS There can be no Prosperity • • If he has to meet the unfair competition of a cheap and inferior substitute for his pro duct, he cannot prosper—indeed, he often cannot make even a decent livelihood. TASTES BETTER LOOKS BETTER KEEPS BETTER Help promote the interests of Nehalem valley IS BETTER dairymen (and your own as well) by using AND REAL BETTER Safe ORDER TODAY! for yourself. Vernonia Eagle TELEPHONE 471 NEHALEM VALLEY ICE & CREAMERY CO THE FEATHERHEADS Immediate Tire Service If you are like most men, you want immediate service on your tires—and that is just what we strive to give. In one minute—out the next with tires changed. Try us. Vernonia Service Station SEIBERLING TIRES A Plenty Smart Agent WfcU.,1 PONT WANT K CßEtXT, BUT I PICK ED OUT TUE ASENTAN 1‘U. SAY UfcS PLENTY SMAOT ir« uns CONTRACT ?/• OU FELIX t do YOU KNOU) WHAT . XbUUitJONt 71-NONfc PotxSWT nOTHGOS PLACt H WHAT??1