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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1931)
PAGE TWO 11 "a FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1931 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Chas. Melis was at home from Mr. and Mrs. Percy Skaling Sunday at 2 o'clock, Sunday J ly proud of the new improve- Portland over the week end. have sold their garage and res school at 1:30. Every one is ' ments. ---- *■" taurant to Mrs. Skaling’s brother, i There is to be an entertain- , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland cordially in vited. n/xv4- Q n 4 Il *-/4 <1 »» n i rvlv L Anril Guy Bellingham, of Jewell. Mr. Dinner guest at the ® J. E. ment next Saturday night, April attended a card party down at and Mrs. Skaling have taken Thursday, 18. The proceeds will go toward Birkenfeld Saturday night. Knowles home last ’___ housekeeping rooms over Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Roach are the were Mrs. Walter Foster, Mrs i Paying for the addition on the —----------------- Bridger’s store, for the present. ! proud parents of a nine pound W. R. Johnson, Mrs. Chas. Sund- ' I hall. Mr. Jepson of Mist met with baby boy. Mother and son are land and Mrs. Clark Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley were accident — at the __ , , painful -------- ---------- — doing nicely. down from Vernonia Sunday vis Harold Nelson visited in Port B. Dusenberry and Mrs. V. Du- l a very Mrs. John Schlippy had quite senberry of Keasey, W. C. Tif-j Birkenfeld mill last week, having land over the weekend. Mrs. Bolongia and children a sick attack on Friday and her iting her mother Mrs. Reynolds. ford. Geo. Roy of Hillsboro, had one foot badly crushed. Mrs. Clark Fenton left Sat are visiting with relatives in son Ernest Lane took her to Mrs. Charlie Johnson was ill Charles M. Lauer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saxton and family mo Chehalis, urday for Ostrander, after spend Washington. Portland to the doctor. They with the flu last week. H. A. Simmons, Peter McLaren, tored to Hillsboro Saturday even Mrs. M. Dooley visited at Pleas returned Saturday, Mrs. Schlippy ing the greater part of the week I PACKET HEADS here visiting friends. Mrs. H. A. Stockton’s sister of Carl F. Caufield, M. B. Dillon, ing and returned Sunday after ant Hill school Friday afternoon. feeling much improved. LETTERHEADS Dr. Ball was called Thursday California is visiting with her. Carl Powell, W. F. Hintzen, Per spending a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holt and Mr. and'Mrs. A. M. Salmi and night for J. W. Baldridge, who cy B. Hargood, W. T. Hankins Mr. Saxton’s mother. INVITATIONS J. T. Clatshaw of Portland of Portland and F. C. Ptolemny The Ladies’ Missionary socie daughter of Dallas visited rela son Leroy from Woodson spent was thought seriously ill. He is j _____ ___ his sister, Mrs. I all right again at this writing, i Sunday , with stopped at the Nehalem Monday. of Seattle. ty met at the home of Mrs. An tives over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindsay [ Chas. Hansen, STATEMENTS na B. Johnson Tuesday and spent Mrs. L. Carmichiel and daugh-l A boy was born to Mr. and At the recent meeting of the the day in finishing a quilt which and son of Siletz, Oregon, are vi Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isakson ter Grace were business visitors Mrs. Emitt Roach of Treharne Inland Empire Educators associ was ready for the quilting siting at the home of Mr. and from Midland and Mrs. Sarkela in Portland a day last week. BILL HEADS I ation in Spokane, Elizabeth C. frames. Mrs. Hugh Jones do Mrs. J. A. Lindsay. on April 7. from Portland spent Tuesday at Mrs. Chas. Sundland and Mrs. j Murray, county superintendent of ENVELOPES Mrs. Curtis John, Mrs. Dan the Chas. Hanson home. M. Aamodt spent Tuesday with' Mrs. Jim Aubrey is recovering schools, was elected treasurer nated a partly finished quilt and Geo. Jones was at home from sufficient pieces for finishing Brown and Mrs. Lee Johnson Mrs. Annie B. Johnston helping I performed in from an operation ; RECEIPTS and business manager of the In same. These quilts are sent to spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Wilark over Sunday. tie out a quilt. Portland on April 2. land Empire branch, National different homes or hospitals eith F. N. O’Donnell. Mrs. Clark Fenton was a din Derwer Bridgers is at home j DODGERS Vivian Douglass returned to Council of Administrative Wo er abroad or at hame, wherever Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker and ner guest Friday evening of Mrs. from Wilark camp this week with McMinnville Sunday to resume men in Education. This is an it is decided they are needed children of Sherwood and Mrs. G. Austin Dowling. She also called a sore hand. FOLDERS organization of heads of schools most. her studies at Linfield college. Harris of Portland spent Sun- on Mrs. Devine the same evening. educational departments and The regular meeting of Natal day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. BLAN KS Belvin Groat of Vancouver, throughout the United States. S. Baker. Leonard and Edward grange was held Saturday night I Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs. At Hotel McDonald this week at Natal. The inside of the - -—--- -- —J new IVORY BUNGALOW — celebrated their birthday. In the CARDS H. Veal during the week end. were Frank L. Moreman, A. Ve Will Open April 18 center of the table was a large kitchen is all finished and ra na, N. Gray, I. White, C. Brad- Surprise with each Allen Ray, a student at O. S. ley, O. B. Duncan, R. R. Par- cake. A lovely dinner was enjoy ceived a coat of paint, and a lar TAGS ge stage has been added to the I 10c Purchase. C. spent the week end here with shall, ed by all. M. C. L. Larson, J. Ben- other improvments. It is very Mri. W. R. Johnson ---------- his mother, Mrs. Ethel Ray. William Lindsay of Siletz visit nice and guarantee your nett, J. M. Sears, Guy W. Phil- and will accommodate a ---------------- MIST, Oregon ed with friends at Treharne on •atisfaction with our work Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerns and lips, J. M. Banett of Portland; much larger crowd. We are just- Editor, Vernonia Eagle: Saturday and Sunday, returning Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sheeley spent E. J. Reiland, San Francisco, My attention has been called Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cohen, Sal to an article on the first page Monday. last Tuesday visiting in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson, em, Mrs. Perry Miller, Newberg, W. W. Laughlin, representing C. A. Beaten and Geo. A. Nelson of one of your recent publica B. R. Bennett and Mrs. C. W. tions in which you were discus the New York Life Insurance Co., of St. Helens. sing the recent declamatory con Bennett motored to Portland was a Vernonia visitor Tuesday. Monday. The Just Eight Bridge club test. I refer specifically to the Miss Lois Smith and G. Mrs. Rose Fletcher visited with met Thursday evening at the statement, “Those who attended Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kramer at home of Mrs. L. Baker. Mrs. from Vernonia were very much Schmidlin were united in marri- Hillsboro during the week end. H. M. Henderson won the first disappointed in the judges’ de age at St. Helens on Thursday. cision that awarded Harold King Their many friends sent con- Wilfred Thomas and Wallace prize and also the grand prize. second place, one judge giving gratulations. Mrs. H. Kerns was the winner of McCrae motored to Portland Sat him one hundred.” In fairness C. W. Bennett is spending the urday returning the same even the consolation prize, Salad, to those conducting the contest week at Cutler City. sandwiches and coffee were ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell served by the hostess, Those may I make the following state G. L. Fallis of Portland, state present were Mrs. V. Powell, ment: First, the contest was con had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. boiler inspector, was in town Mrs. H. Kerns, Mrs. H. M. Hen- ducted according to the rules Glode Follis of Hillsboro, Mr. Tuesday and Wednesday inspect derson, Mrs. R. F. Nance, Mrs. adopted by the County Teachers’ and Mrs. Henry Fogel, Mr. and J. L. Timmons, Mrs. Rose Fletch- association of which Edwin Con- Mrs. Lee Johnson. ing boilers. dit, of Vernonia, is president. Drink our delicious, full-flavored, invigorating coffee; from the world’s finest er, and Mrs. Roy Carroll. Mrs. W. L. Van Doren spent Second, the three judges were the coffee lands. Selected and blended to produce that sparkling flavor which dis two days this week in Kalama, be^t available and all three are CARD OF THANKS tinguishes it from all other high grade coffees. We are offering you our fine authorities on Washington, caring for a sister, this type of work, In behalf of the Evangelical One of the chief purposes of who is ill. quality coffee at reduced prices for one whole week. church I as one of the Stewards Mr*. A. A. Dowling these contests is to develop good Mr. and Mrs. I. White have wish to thank all who have so sportsmanship among our pupils. kindly contributed to the church taken an apartment at Hotel Personally, I fail to see how Saving Prices for Saturday and Monday, April 18 and 20,1931 Nehalem. Mr. White is circulat during the past conference year the contest could have been con Vernonia shoppers on Monday as well as year before, and to ion solicitor for the Eagle. were Mrs. J. W. Lawyer and ducted differently. It is true the Bank of Vernonia for the A ten pound boy arrived at courtesy which they have shown that it was a very close contest, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds. but after all, all the contestants Mrs. L. B. Eastman spent the home of Mr. and Mrs. Em us in every way. could not win first place. There Monday with Mrs. Grover Devine. i Nannie B. Hall, mett Biddle Wednesday morn Fancy fore, why not accept the decision Sec.-Tres. ing. Mother and son are doing Mr. and Mrs. John Foster of the judges? MacMarr—Permanent in well. were over from Clatskanie Sun Elizabeth C. Murray, character, perfect in fla- day and made a trip to their MacMarr Del Maiz Corn, No. 2 .......... Miss Marian White of Port- County Supt. of Schools. ranch on Deep creek. v o r — invincible i n Mt. Vernon Sweet Peas, No. 2 ............ land spent the week end in Ver strength, freshness, The Jolly 20 met on Thursday TWO VERNONIA BOYS nonia visiting Robert Sergeant, Del Monte Solid Pack Tomatoes, No. 2 roasting—econo- with Mrs. A. R. Melis. There OUT FOR UNIVERSITY manager of the Miller Mercantile April 1 played a very clever were three visitors, Mrs. G. Wan- mical. Pound OF OREGON TRACK Co. store. joke in Nehalem valley. Early strom and Mrs. Annie B. John A. L. Kullander was unable . morning disclosed the Nehalem I Two Vernonia boys, Melvin son of Vesper, and Mrs. Oscar c to be in his store Wednesday , river out of its banks and by Hieber and Howard Lee, are out Jones. A delicious dinner was Pounds because of a . severe cold. Har . night fall the fields were gener- for freshman track at the Uni- served by the hostess. The next old Nelson took charge in Mr. , ously flooded. This is the high versity of Oregon this spring, regular meeting will be with i Mrs. est water here since 1914. Ktillander’s absence. Hieber has signed up for the Chas. Hanson April 23. TH MacMarr. The all purpose Pound Dick Lousignont, and old time The Rev. Mr. Everett will I y —makes whiter bread—more Miss Ramona Miner spent the dairyman of Vesper, Oregon, was high and low hurdles, and Lee Sack preach in the crurch here next loaves per sack ..................................................................... weekend here visiting her par- quietly married March 24 in As for the mile run. ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Miner. toria. The bride, Mrs. Pauline She returned Tuesday to her Batterson, is well known in this JLff Jk jF Jk For Perfect salads and home in Portland. valley. best cooking results. QUART County Agent Geo. Nelson en Arrivals Tuesday at Hotel Ne halem include G. L. Fallis, J. B. tertained Winema Grange mem - Pound Blue Ribbon—The popular Ryman, C. L. Fitzwater, E. O. bers with moving pictures at the Crum, all of Portland, and Dun last grange meeting March 5. The all purpose Malt Syrup .... Can moving pictures of the Angora can Hatton of Seattle. / / Good Goods C J Al goats taken in one of the larg Mat Gibson is in the St. Vin- est herds in Lincoln county and MacMarr— cent’s hospital, Portland, reeuper- also of the state of Oregon was 16- ounce tall Cans ating from surgical aid on Fri- most interesting. Besides brief day of last week. Reports are talks on agriculture and dairy he is improving nicely. ing and side lights on keeping PINEAPPLE FLOUR— VANILLA the dairy herd on a paying basis Libby Sliced or Crushed No, Crown, A popular North- Dependable—Pure— E. E. Conn of Jewell purchased from a breeding standpoint, Mr. 1 Flat. Pies, puddings, western milled patent Flour. Ounce a new Chevrolet coupe and Char Nelson demonstrated each moving turnover, cakes, omelets, Bottle ....... les Mackie of Camp 8 bought a picture slide which made the pro fritters, sundaes—try them 49 PS $1.29 new Chevrolet sport coupe from gram quite complete. | A with this finer OATS— the Gilby Motor Co. last week. Pineapple ................. IvC Mr. Thorsell of the Lower Co SYRUP— Quaker Quick or Regular— Vermont Maid — Cane & Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Drorbaugh lumbia also visited our local A perfect breakfast food PANCAKE FLOUR Maple — 12 oz. •)•) — when served with milk or spent the weekend in Portland at grange the last meeting and gave MacMarr — 2 % IQ/, Jar ............................. ZjC cream. Enjoy it of- Ot the home of Mrs. Drorbaugh's an interesting talk on oleomar pound pkg............... 1 “ C ten. Large pkg. . ¿JC daughter, Hazel Baan. While garine. This, indeed, has been a 24 Ounce Jar 45c there they attended the Walka- hard task, to fight the consump 9.8 ’’ Z" 43c PRUNES — tion of oleo, but it looks as Serve this delicious syrup thon contest at Lotus Isle. A plate full of golden-brown Italian Variety,— large size with your morning hot cakes. though that with plenty of co pancakes made from Mac There will be no services at operation we shall have clear Marr Pancake Flour will 4 Pounds 25c the Evangelical church Sunday sailing from now on. PASTE GOODS brighten any day. Also fine except Sunday school. The pas The two small sons of James Quaker — Milk Macaroni, A wholesome, healthful, for making muffins and tor, Rev. G. W. Plumer, is in Cahill have been on the sick list Milk Spaghetti, Egg Noodles waffles. nourishing fruit — Serve them daily. Salem attending the annual con with bad colds the last month. 3 Packages .. 23c ference of his denomination. The Birkenfeld high school stu TOILET TISSUE BREAD AND BUTTER dents are busy preparing a play Waldorf — Don ’ t take any Serve with Tillamook Cheese Velma Veal, who has been for the last day of school. The chances. Woldorf costs no as the main dish for your JT* 6’................ 2OC staying with her sister, Mrs. E. evening meal. more than inferior tissues. Groat, at Young’s River, for over Birkenfeld high school have the Always ask for Waldorf $0.90 putting on a very inter a week returned to Vernonia name of when ordering. PEANUT BUTTER Bulk— P 4 G SOAP AND */ program. Saturday. She reports that Mrs. esting The Netel Grange put on a 5 Rolls 25c 10 Bars ..... 33c Groat’s health is much improved, 2pounds . ...... 29c very clever western play entitled New and awaiting your immediate inspection— Hotel Gordon guests this week “Mail Order Brides” at the Bir figured and dotted silks, flowered and plain the Gene Carter, Ted Mosman, kenfeld Gym Saturday, April 4. H. E. Smith, W. Ray Clark, The door receipts totalled $86.20. chiffons, pastel shaded shantung suits and dres Gene Malejis, L. B. Russell, N. After the play dancing was en ses—a truly beautiful assortment at prices which W. Scott. F. M. Russell of Port joyed by a very large crowd, mu land, E. E. Armstrong of Salem sic being furnished by the Berg are very low for dresses of this quality. They and A. R. Duncan of St. Helens. Brothers, well known orchestra. QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK Treharne LOCALS t We Print The Open Forum - - Coffee w Make it—'Drink it—Enjoy it Mist COFFEE Canned Vegetables Birkenfeld 3 Cani 43C 2 KJ ■> 49 45c MILLEFft ™N irc MALT MILK 3 A New Group 2 of charming Dresses Suits MARKET FEATURES The Missionary society of the Evangelical church will hold an old fashioned dime social in the church next Tuesday, April 21. from 7:30 to 10. There will be a white elephant booth and a re freshment booth and stunts and games for entertainment. Every one is invited to come. Among names on the Hy-Van register this week were those of CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENT $5 f Annett. Beauty Shoppe Telephone 431 J No other foods have the value of MILK. BUTTER. CHEESE. ICE CREAM They go farther, build more tissue, bone, blood and mus- cles. They keep the body in con- dition to eat, sleep, work, live and enjoy. They encourage the farmer to have better cows, better homes, better farms. The farmer spends more in the city of town for lumber, machinery, food, clothes. Their plentiful use brings prosperity. 4th prize ad. by Louise Lar son, Yankton. will answer your immediate needs or perhaps a dress for graduation. PEGGY CLAIRE Dresses for the Young Miss sps TO $2-49 No explanation of the material and styling of this well-known line is necessary—dresses that are styled for Sunday yet have no fear of Mon day's tub. Sizes 8 to 14. Pork Roasts “ «"J“1 ........ 16c Pot Roasts of Beef Shoulder Cuts, lb. 16c Pork Sausage In Bulk (MacMarr Quality) lb. 17c In Bulk—There is no substi Pure Lard tute for good lard. 2 lbs........ 25c QUALITY SNAPPY SERVICE 100% SANITARY Vernonia, Oregon i j k à