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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1931)
PAGE SIX Ohler, sixth grade; Ellis Rainwat er, seventh grade and Carl Jen sen, eighth grade. | Miss Nettie Alley, county health Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schmidlin nurse, visited the Kist school Fri- of Beaver creek were very much day afternoon and presented Su- pleased to have all their children sie Mae Jensen, Harry Ohler, and grandchildren with then for (Glen Rainwater, Carl Ohler, and Easter dinner. 1 Carl Jensen with buttons indicat- Mrs. Walter Foster of Los An- ing that their teeth have been geles, and her mother, Mrs. W.lproperly cared for. R. Johnson of Mist, visited at the OT,CE OF CALl_ OF BONDS Kist school Monday Notice is hereby given to the Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Smejkal holders of the following bonds of were former room mates while tke City of Vernonia, Columbia attending Oregon Normal school ¡county, Oregon: at Monmouth. 1 Bond No. 8 of improvement Mr and Mrs Guv Murphy and district No. 3 dated May 1, 1926, family called 7t Vhe" horn? ot Mr.'-id bond being in denommatmn KIST and Mrs. C. C. Bergerson and.0 Bonds No 10 and n of Im- family Saturday evening. [provement district No. 8 dated F. G. Rankin, county herd in-! May 1, 1926, said bonds being in spector, visited this district last denominations of $500.00 each, week on Tuesday and Friday. j All °^,the abov® bP"ds .. > w r d r>ki „.'redeemable at the option of said Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ohler and cjty on May 1931 That pur family, and Mr. and Mrs. Hobart suant to said option, said bonds Engen and family spent Easter wj]i redeemed within 30 days Sunday at the Jablonski home on from the date of tins notice^ to- |wit: On the First day of May, Beaver creek. 11931, upon presentation to the The recent rains have delayed 1 fiscal agency of Oregon in New work at the rock quarry as the York city, to-wit: The Chase Na pit is filled with water. tional Bank. In case the holders of said The pupils of the Kist school receiving 100 in spelling this bonds fail to present same at the and place mentioned here week were Florence Ohler, third time in for the redemption thereof, grade; Ralph Ohler, Virgil Rain then the interest thereon shall water, Irene Bergerson, and Susie cease and the agency aforesaid Mae Jensen, fourth grade; Harry will thereafter pay only the Ohler, Glen Rainwater and Carl amount of the bond and the in terest accrued thereon up to said first day of May, 1931. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, on this 1st day of April, 1931. J. C. Lindley, Treasurer. FOR RENT (373) City of Vernonia, Ore. Classified Ads FOR RENT—4-Room furnished house; Hot water. O. H. Dror- baugh. 992 Second Ave.____ 37c4 Birkenfeld MOONLIGHT APTS. — 2-rooms furnished; light, wood, water. 37tf Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tuck and Ray Weisner from Portland, FOR RENT—2-room apartments, Hugh M. Jones and baby are new, clean and quiet. Hot visiting at the home of Mr. and water; water, light and wood $15 Mrs. Hugh Jones. month. P. Hill, 875 Second St Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones, Jr., visited their parents recently. APARTMENT FOR RENT— 3- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook of furnished at . Roseway . rooms . „„ i Biraenieia Birkenfeld visivvu visited their invir p«i parents Apartments, 916 Rose Avenue.^ |at Vader over thg week end FOR SALE EVANGELICAL CHURCH G. W. Plumer, Pa.tor RABBITS—Fryers, at two and one-half lbs and up. Delivered} Last Sunday we had the lar Wednesdays and Saturdays. Phone gest attendance in the Sunday Be on 88x C. D. Busharts. West of school for this year. town. Visitors welcome. 37x3 hand next Sunday at 9:45 a. m. [and be one of the growing num- FOR SALE—500 chick size.ber. brooder. Or will trade for any-] This will be the last Sunday thing useful. Phone 13f51. Chas, before conference and every mem- Schmidlin. 37? ber °f the church should be ------------------------- _ " 1 present. FOR SALE OR TRADE—3-roomJ 11 a. m. subject: “What Right house, 100x100 lot. Will take' has Jesus to ask four Our Heart horses, sheep, hogs, chickens, hay, and Life?” The Endeavor so grain, or %-ton truck. Whit cieties will meet at 6:30 p. m. and sell, 409 First Ave., South, Ver the pastor will speak at 7:30 p. nonia. (362*) ni. on the theme, “Go Forward.” This Friday evening at 7:30 FOR SALE—14 Angora' Goats— 2V4 miles N. E. of Vernonia, the Intermediate Endeavor socie on Stony Point Road. Phone ty will have their business and 9F151. Bert Wood. (353*) social meeting in the social hall of the church. FOR RENT—4 room modern The annual conference of the house on First Ave. See J. C. Oregon Confeernce of the Evan Lindley at bank. _______ (362c) gelical church meets at tl.e First church of Salem April 15. Rev. LOST AND FOUND G. W. Plumer, who is secretary- LOST—Speckled white pointer,) | treasurer of all the conference bitch. Reward for information.(benevolence will be there a day G. C. Mellinger 37? earlier in order that he make FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1981. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ss» Holland. on account of the illness of her ert Culver, Florence Austin. mother. While there Billy and his Eight-2: Roy Barnes, Ethel mother suffered a siege with the Christensen, Arnold Counts, Hale } flu. Graves, Thaddeus Lang, Elza WASHINGTON SCHOOL Among Vernonia shoppers from REMEMBER THE Fifth grade: Marjorie Lang is Varley. 1 here last Saturday were Mistress The third grade have completed ill with chicken pox, she has been es Rose, Bradford, Day, Bemis, absent from school since the first some interesting portfolios on and Westlin. Cora Mae, the little daughter of last week. The pupils are A delightful Easter party was of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dusen- very much interested in the silk berry, who was very ill last week, given at the home of Mr. and worms which Mrs. Duncan CONTINUE Mrs. E. R. Estey, Saturday even is quite well again. A physican’s brought to school and they have ing. Progressive goofy bridge at attention was required. finally secured some mulberry J. H. La Port is reported quite five tables was played which af leaves for them. ill in a hospital at The Dalles. forded much merriment. A dainty The sixth grade are having He was enroute from Baker for I luncheon consisting of sandwiches, a contest in hygiene. to Portland, but on account of I cake, coffee and ice cream was The following had 100 in spell the railroad being blockaded by served. Those present besides the ing: Sixth grade, Buster Nance, slides in the recent hard rains, immediate family were mistresses Martha Middlebrooks, Hazel Chap De elus he was transfered to a hospital Hickey, Philips, Bemis, Cummings, man, Hilton Baker. in The Dalles. His son in Portland ion, Jones, Scott, ~ Seven-1: Lucille Lindberg, El flew by plane to his father’s bed Johnson, and Doyle, and their eanor Edens, Toivo Eloranta, El HERE ARE A FEW side in The Dalles. Mr. La Port respective husbands. Mrs. Mon bert Brock, Helen Holgate, Max ITEMS: roe of Portland also was a guest. left this place recently with the ine Scribner, Kenneth Lewis, Rob- Full Pint Antiseptic Solu Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodge went Redmans to live on his farm tion and 50c Dr. West’s near Baker, where he became ill. to Astoria Saturday to attend the Tooth Brush —Reg. $1.50— Mr. and Mrs. Dick Engstrom wedding of Mrs. Dodge’s brother, chief star for the town team, BOTH getting a total of three runs of Vancouver. Washington. have gone to Portland for an in FOR ........................... O9C Mrs. M. E. Fox, formerly a while Mrs. Olson and Mrs. definite period. the leading run get- Hughes were Mrs. Florence Fraser went to resident of this place, is report MINERAL OIL— il ftft ters for the Athletics, each get- Heavy, Quart vl.vv Portland last Saturday for dent- ed ill in a sanitarium. ting four. al services. The score by innings follows: COD LIVER OIL 7ft Mrs. Theodosia Lambert spent LAST GAME OF Full Pint.................. «SC Town .................. 040 401 2—11 Friday and Saturday in Port If you are like most men, PLAY-OFF TONIGHT Athletics ............ 341 219 x—20 land with her sister from Seattle, you want immediate service The Great Batteries: Miss Holtham and on your tires—and that is who is teaching in the schools (Continued from page 1.) FRENS SANITARY Miss Hawkins; Mrs. Spring and just what we strive to give. there. NAPKINS .................. 33c Mrs. Kibbe of Portland spent given a chance to play all posi Mrs. Olson. In one minute—out the Umpires: Doc Olson and Clar next with tires changed. several days with her daughter, tions. Thus, a man who had nev Mrs. Wilfred DeClusion. er done any pitching knew noth ence Nance. Try us. Floral offerings for the Red ing about the art of throwing man funeral were wired to Baker them across and outfielders and i by P. H. Peterson, and from infielders turned into catchers IVORY BUNGALOW — Verne nia Service the friends of this place. were nothing to write home about. Will Open April 18 NEXT TO POST OFFICE Mrs. Marian Larson and her The most successful of the| Surprise with each Station chum from Portland, spent Eas pitchers apparently were Mar 10c Purchase. Nyal Service ter with the former’s mother shall, Gregory, Greenman and Mn. W. R. Johnson SEIBERLING TIRES and sister here. Richardson, as no runs were tal ---------------- MIST, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Peterson lied on these boys while they were and little son spent Easter in in the box, all of which spells Portland. exactly nothing. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fletcher (Gregory were the leading stickers spent several days last week and for the Mildews, the former get Easter Sunday with the latter’s ting five runs and the latter four, while Davis was the heavy mother in Portland. It is the plan of the Oregon- hitter for the Knights’, getting at American Co. to resume logging total of four runs. The box score of this game operation Thursday after the ten day shut down which was re and the outcome of the regular quired to replace the two bridges indoor schedule are shown be washed out in the recent freshet, I low: 302 024 065—22 and for the removal of several Mildews 102 1000 064—23 Knights landslides. Mrs. Hickey and Mrs. Monroe, W. L. Pct. There has been much said in recent years teachers in the Glenco school in Team 7 3 .700 k about the good old days . . when money Portland, spent their Easter va Mildews 6 4 .600 Federáis J counted for something. For instance— cation here. . 5 5 .500 Legions Mrs. P. L. Thompson and son Athletics . 4 6 .400 PRICES EFFECTIVE Billy returned from Spokane Knights “Why, I used to go to market Saturday . 2 8 .200 Monday, where Mrs. Thompson with just 3 or 4 dollars in my purse and was summoned a few weeks ago. In the girls game played Wed- buy enough provisions to last over Sun nesday evening as a forerunner day and way into the week.” APRIL 10, 11, AND 13. to the Mildew-Federal game, , the settlements with the men. Mr. t„ ____ B____ —- Plumer is finishing up his fourth1 Athletics defeated the town team Great days those! But why look back year. 120 to 11. Ida Hawkins was the wards? Right now your Safeway Store School Items ( amp • . • McGregor Specials this week Armitage Drug Company Immediate Tire Service Armitage Drug Co. THE GOOD OLD DAYS 5? ARE BACK! G Fri. Sat. and Mon J.C. PENNEY GO. DEPARTMENT STORE NUMBER 1436 ♦ STORE VERNONIA. OREGON Golf Season Is HERE! Everrthing you need from head Io foot— Sturdy quality and Thrifty Prices GOLF PANTS With neat trim lines that men demand ALL WOOL $4.98 is quoting the lowest prices in years . . . lower even than the bargains of the Old Days. Come in today . . . check our low prices . . . live better at less cost by buying your table needs the Safeway. $Z.98 Sleeveless Sweaters B Dates Fig Bars White or whole wheat. Fresh from Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. ovens. 3 19C 2 Pounds ....... 23C 95C 2 Pounds SUGAR FLOUR PRUNES Pounds ..... Fancy Italians. Locally grown and dried. Men’s Golf Hose Excellent Value! Pure Cane Sugar. Granulated All Wool Fancy Designa Safeway—a hard wheat blend. The family flour. 4 Pounds ....... 25C 8 Pounds ....... 37C 49 S" $1.09 Tomatoes Highway brand with puree— 1 MILK Maximum Evaporated—for all pur- poses. J icans 39c PEACHES 3 21/a Size Cans ................. 29C MUSTARD SYRUP 9C Maximum pure cane and maple. Bet for hot- cakes or waffles. 21/2 Tins Maximum Gloria halves in heavy syrup. Q Q - 2$ c.„s Oi/C 33c Bananas Potatoes Crisp Solid Heads— Yakima No. 2. Guaran teed good cookers. 2 For 50 15C 4 lbs. 59c Safeway Market Savings [ ft Pure Lard 7 Hen I Note our low price for these good-looking «ports ox fords I Smoked elk. brown trial. Bars Hallowi brand. Freshly opened. Fine for candy or party use. Lettuce Coat or Slipover Styles Excep Coffee EACH Sweaters It cleans. Safeway — few equal— none better. Freshly ground to order. Maximum Pre pared Mustard in 6-oz. jars. ALL WOOL SOAP Citrus Bar Soap. tional value— Open Kettle Rendered— 2 POUNDS 25c BEEF POT ROASTS Choice Shoulder Cuts— POUND ................................. HAMS Armour’s “Fixed Flavor” while they last—whole or Half— Q 4 POUND ................................. ¿4C Bread and Butter Pickles Bulk—Nalley’s— Fresh and Crisp — 15C PINT 15C Reasonable Orders Delivered Free. Phone 741