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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1931)
5 FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ■ ■■ —------------ ------------------!_______ " PAGE FIVE —E of a dairy ranch. Harry Wilson wu a Salem vi her car but only slightly bruising Mrs. Gilham Young’s son and her. Mrs. Day was with her but sitor Monday. Mrs. Ever’s baby have been quite was unhurt. Orris Devaney got Mr. and Mrs. Nedwed and ill. [ her car home Sunday by towing. daughters, Mrs. W. C. Hines, Mr. Mrs. D. R. Mendenhall had a L. A. Young and Mrs. Young and Mrs. Joe Parson of Forest I narrow escape Saturday on her drove to Toledo this week. Grove, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Craw The children had an Easter egg ford from Aberdeen, Washing his profession he is very likely way home. The steering wheel broke and she went into the ditch hunt at school Friday and a gen- Larry Marshall ton, spent Sunday at the home Editor to get a position. Easter at Sheriff Weed’s Three Generations Represented Christine Rainey of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford. Aaat. Editor The main thing to remember doing quite a bit of damage to erous treat by their teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogel Sports Ed. Marvin Porterfield through grade school, high school, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner were Three birthdays which fall on spent Tuesday evening at the F., Senior Reporter Grace Condit and college is “If you wish to noil home. z-. vw zv Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and the same date and which repre NT Jr. Reporter Kathryn Malmsten N. O’Donnell succeed the very best grades you ! Mrs. O. G. Weed in St. Helens sent three generations of the Mr. and Mrs. E. Sunell and Soph. Rep. Margaret McDonald can get are none too good.” at a triple birthday dinner honor Veal family were celebrated children spent Easter Sunday at Frosh Reporter Florence Wall I ’ ' ing Sheriff Weed’s daughter, Al Easter Sunday at the home of the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nel County Typing Contest ice, who was eight years old on Mr. and Mrs. H. Veal at a birth- son at Vernonia. Visitor From Pacific University Easter day, Aiices’s great grand day dinner for which twelve The county championship typ Mildred Cason spent the week mother, Mrs. C. Van Blaricom, relatives were present. The birth- end with Margaret Bennett. Arthur J. Yeoman of Pacific ing contest was held Wednesday, who was eighty-eight years old on days honored were those of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis and university addressed the Vernon April 1, at the high school in April 2, and Edward Garner Veal, her daughter Alberta Veal, children motored to Astoria on ia high school Monday. St. Helens. whose birthday was April 1. The and a grandson, Jimmy Groat, Saturday to visit with relatives. The schools represented were He began by asking two ques party was made especially enjoy who was just one year old. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson of tions—“How far can one go in Rainier, Scappoose, Clatskanie, able by the presence of Mrs. Em Vancouver, B. C., are occupy life?" and “What Kind of Edu St. Helens, and Vernonia, ma Weed, who arrived in St. Hel ATHLETIC CLUB TO Each school entered six con ing the L. F. Meeske cottage. cation does one need?” ens Sunday morning from Los HOLD PARTY IN CABIN testants—three front the begin- He answered the first question ning class and three from the Angeles as a surprise to her fa- by saying that “How far a per advanced class. mily. Mrs. Weed returned to her The Vernonia Athletic club de son goes in life depends upon his home here Sunday evening. A cup was awarded to the cided at their regular meeting own purpose and type of ambi school having the highest aver Tuesday evening, to hold a card 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan $485.00 tion He said that a person need age rate. Seven individual prizes STUDENTS ENJOY party in the Camp Fire cabin Sat ed the kind of education that he were awarded for accuracy and urday evening, April 5. “Second 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan 350.00 PARTY IN CABIN Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill from was interested in and the kind speed. While St. Helens won the Childhood,” was the play chosen he could make good in. Portland arrived at Natal Satur cup for having the highest team 1926 Nash Roadster, glass inclosure 200.00 Seventeen members of the sen- to be given by the club in the day morning at their summer “Our job in life is to reach [ average, Vernonia won the first ior class and ten members of the near future, Mrs. M. D. Cole is home to spend a short vacation. out to the farthest point and it and second places in accuracy 1927 Oakland Landau Sedan .......... 250.00 junior class were guests at a the coach. Game Warden William Brown will take the supremest skill and and the third in speed. After the business meeting party given Friday evening in called on some community folks hardest work to do this. Success 1926 Ford Touring, Rucksteil axle 55.00 Last year Clatskanie won the 4. the Camp Fire cabin. Gioyd those present were divided into on Friday. ful service takes the best prepar cup which was presented by the Adams won the prize for the two teams who competed in an Miss Millie McMullin, attending 1926 Ford Delivery ........................... 50.00 Easter egg hunt and Everett indoor track meet. This proved Pacific University at Forest ation of which we are capable.” Longview Business college. The I Pacific university is training school that wins the cup two Rundell and Marion McMullen for both entertaining and amusing. Grove, was home to spend the 1929 Ford Truck, Dual transmission 175.00 twice as many teachers as will ■ years in succession is allowed to the guessing games. The balance Punch was served during the weekend with her parents. get jobs, also there are ten times 1 keep it. of the evening was spent playing evening. Those on the winning Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap 1926 Chevrolet Coupe ...................... 115.00 The contest this year was con cards and dancing, Ice cream, team were awarded tennis racket were Sunday evening guests of as many engineers at Oregon punch and cookies were served all-day suckers, and those on the Mr. Dunlap’s mother at Vernonia. State as will get jobs, but if one ducted by Mr. Walker and assist 1924 Dodge Coupe ............................. 45.00 is careful in selecting the field ants of the Behnke Walker Bus- by the hostesses, Mrs. G. Dror- losing team as a consolation were Zale Holmes from Riverview he takes and is outstanding in iness college, Portland. baugh, Mrs. D. Marshall, Mrs. also given all-day suckers. Those present were Mr. and was a business visitor at Natal H. M. Condit and Mrs. E. 11. I Mrs. Fred Spring, Dr. and Mrs. Friday. Mr. Devaney’s pump house was i Condit. Jake Neurer lost a yearling is under a doctor’s care and is washed R. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. away, also all of his ber reported to be improving. Those present were Lucy Hop- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yeo, heifer recently, The animal at- Fritz Iler and his father haul ry patch. son, Maybelle Drorbaugh, Luella Nance, Mrs. E. Condit, Mr. and Mrs. tempted to cross the river dur- ed hay to Vernonia Friday. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and chil Williams, Annie McMullen, Mar M. Miller, H. Miss ing the high water, which car- Melba Laramore, George Devine called on some dren returned from Hillsboro this ion McMullen, Ruth Lee, Gertha Miss Ruth Taylor, ried her down stream. Enoch Dumas, week. Kelly, Joy Ball, Allie Simmons, Harry Hixson, Bob Carl Iler bought a second hand relatives at Natal Friday. Mrs. Pancrat of Vernonia visit Bill Culver drove down the Grace Condit, Nelle Green, Nelle Wilfred Thomas, Dr. M. Henderson, Vernonia, Oregon D. Cole. Chevrolet truck to do general river on some business Wednes ed with Mrs. Lindsley Easter. Campbell, Christine Rainey, Lou hauling. C. O. Evans is planing to move day. ise Roberson, Kathryn Malmsten, SHOWER FOR Charles Hamely was a Long Miss Beatrice Perry and Mrs. to Astoria soon to take charge Lucille Spooner, Larry Marshall, view visitor Friday. MRS. L. ROBERTS Johnny Kirk, Jack Marshall, Ev The wind last week caused Oliver Burris were shopping in erett Rundell, Robert Holcomb, considerable trouble on both the Vernonia Tuesday. Mrs. E. H. Washburn and Miss West Coast and Mr. and Mrs. James McCor Marvin Porterfield, Gioyd Adams, Natal telephone George Laird, Oscar Sorlee, Mar Macile Roberts were hostesses lines, which were repaired the mick drove to Vernonia on busi for a shower in honor of Mrs. next day. ness Friday. vel Graven, Ervin Smith. Loel Roberts last Thursday even- Mr. and Mrs. H. Tracey were Miss Alberta DeRock, a stud ing, April 2. JUST EIGHT CLUB ent of the University of Oregon, business visitors in Vernonia on Besides the honor guest those was with her aunt and uncle Tuesday. AT MRS. TIMMONS’ present were Mrs. Willis Scott, for Easter Sunday. Roberts, Mrs. Lowell Mr. and Mrs. John Estes from The “Just Eight” Bridge club Mrs. Thor Mrs. O. T. Bateman, Mrs. Riverview were Sunday guests of which meets every Thursday even Heiber, M. M. Martin, Mrs. Everett ing was entertained last Thurs IVickett, Mrs. Rondi Barclay, their daughter, Mrs. Dave Mc day at the home of Mrs. J. L. Mrs. Ollie Roberts, Mrs. Charles Mullin and family. with his TIRE DEALERS Mrs. R. W. Cummins and baby Mrs. L. Carmicheal and Mrs. Timmons, Mrs. R. F. Nance had Wall, Mrs. C. J. Nance, Mrs. establishing a great economical distributing and standardized service sys high score for the evening and M. W. Mumbach, Misses Selma N. Dunlap motored to Portland are spending a few days with R. Menden- Mrs. W. J. Armitage, who was a Scott, Mildred Tousley, Ethel Tuesday to see Mrs. Dunlap’s her mother, Mrs. D. “ tem.This, combined with his unusual manufacturing efficiencies, gives us hall. guest, was given a consolation Tousley, Margaret Shipley, and mother, now in Portland. for you the outstanding tireralHft of history, and places us in a position to Norman Pettijohn and Edith Frank Peterson of Natal ac prize for low score, Mrs. Meek Dorothy Holtham. companied by several Vernonia Georeson visited with his mother, was also guest. Delicious refresh SAVE YOU MONEY AND SERVE YOU BETTER Gifts were sent by Mrs. R. F. business men motored to Salem Mrs. Mendenhall, Thursday and ments were served by Mrs. Tim Mrs. C. L. Gibson, Miss Monday. Friday. “Afosl Miles Der Dollar'* mons. Others present were Mrs. Nance, Charlotte Green, Miss Alberta The Devaney and MendCnhall Mrs. Jake Neurer visited with Rose Fletcher, Mrs. L. W. Baker, DeRock and Miss Catherine Hoff Mrs. D. McDonald and Mrs. W. families spent Wednesday night Mrs. H. Kerns, “ Mrs. H. G. Hen- man. R. McKibben in Vernonia Mon- at Keasey. The water was so derson, Mrs. V. Powell. At the high that had a dam gone O’lt day. end of a series a grand prize THESE PRICES Mrs. Nels Peterson went to out their homes would have been will be given the one who has A utomobile lanufacturert do not I Portland last week where she in danger. the high score. Triple Birthdays Celebrated In Two Families; In One, All Fall on the Same Day The Timber Line Good Buys In USED CARS Natal Kerr Motor Co Harvey S. Firestone has invested $25,000,000.00 KEASEY compare ! Treharne lake chances with special brand tires. Why should you lake lhe risk when you can save money by buying Firestone Quality Oldfield type, our service to gether with the double guarantee of, Firestone and ourselves? JFe list below the lead- ing replacement sixes. CULBERTSON BOYS ARE HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rushlow and Mr. and Mrs. H. Christiansen and The Culbertson boys were the children of Hillsboro spent Easter small hosts at a delightful Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and party given at their home Satur Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell. day afternoon. The afternoon Mrs. John Price, Mrs. J. Glass- was spent playing games and col ner, Mrs. F. Lines visited at oring Easter eggs, after which a Pleasant Hill school on Friday. dainty lunch was served. The Douglas O’Donnell was absent center piece of the table was a from school on Wednesday. basket filled with Easter motifs Mr. and Mrs. A. Larson and and the place favors were indi small son of Vancouver, Wash vidual nests filled with eggs and ington, were visiting friends at small chickens. Treharne Monday. Those invited were Freddie Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, Shoemaker, Charles Minger, Mid Miss G. Murphy, Gloria Murphy dleton Crawford, Clifford Smith, motored to Corvallis to spend Harvey and Bruce Holcomb, Jack Easter with their parents. and Lewis Adams, Ernest Russel Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baslington and Harry, Edgar and Douglas' were Vernonia shoppers on Sat Culbertson. urday. PLAN . .. . to eliminate kitchen drudgery A MODERN Hotpoint Automatic Electric RANGE The Satisfaction of Looking Well Comes from having your clothes neatly cleaned and pressed. The cost is surprisingly low, and the workman ship highly pleasing. Will eliminate large part of our kitchen Cook Electrically CLEAN------ QUICK CONVENIENT Electrical cooking is MO DERN. It is CLEAN and eliminates smoke, soot and periodical decor ating of the kitchen. ■ QUICK! The turn of a switch brings to you posi tive heat that can be re gulated as you desire. CONVENIENT. Put your dinner in the oven—set the clock—turn on the switch—then spend the ay from your kit- When you return the dinner is ready to serve. An Electric Range in not a luxury We have new modern equipment A RANGE TO SUIT EVERY NEED Small Down Payment — Convenient Term» Vernonia Laundry Oregon Gas and Electric Co. Dry Cleaning Department TELEPHONE 711 Telephone 691 Vernonia, Oregon l TIRE 81ZE Ford__________ Chevrolet_____ j a Chevrolet____ Our Cash Prie«, Each {(Special Brand Mai! Order Tira 4.40-21 $498 «4.98 5.60 5.69 4.50- 20 5.M 4.50- 21 5.69 Ford___________ Ford__________ ' Chevrolet_____ Whippet______ 4 Erskine_______ Plymouth____ 4.75-19 •-•5 6.65 Chandler DeSoto_______ Dodge________ Durant....... ....... Graham-Paige Pontiac.............. Roosevelt ____ Willys-Knight 5.00-19 • 98 6.98 Essex_________ Nash_________ Marquette____ Oldsmobile___ Riiirk * Auburn____ Jordan_____ Ren Gardner Marmon___ Oakland... Peerless___ Studebaker- Chrysler___ Viking_____ Franklin__ Hudson____ llupmobile USalle____ Packard._____ Pierre-Arrow___ Stats________- Cadillac______ Ì Lincoln........ J 4.75-20 ••75 6.75 5.00-20 7.1« 7.10 5.25-18 7-9« 7.90 5.25-21 ••57 8.57 5.50-18 ••75 8.75 5.50-19 8.90 8.90 6.00-18 11.20 11.20 6.00-19 11-40 11.40 6.OO-2O 11.50 11.50 6.00-21 11.65 11.65 6.50-20 15.10 13.10 7.00-20 15.35 15.35 All w ask la one thing—Come in and Compare ♦ A “Special Brand” Tire la made by a manufarfnrer for distributor« «nrh aa mail order houaea, oil rompaniea and Olbera, under a name that doea not idenlify the tire manufacturer to the public', uaually beeauae he builda hia “firat line” llrea under hla own name. Firealone pula hia name on every tire be make«. Kerr Motor Co Vernonia, Oregon