Friday, March 27, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FIVE ed on friends in Vernonia Sun- i day. John McMullen is recovering A delegation of Rainier men from a severe cut near his eye called on the county court Tues ! which he received when he fell day and asked that the Fern Hill from a load of hay. Indictments were brought in on road be designated a market road Floyd Deeds _ is home from Eu- OREGON INSTITUTE OF a number of cases by the grand to the point where the road meets Editor gene to spend vacation with his Larry Marshall TECHNOLOGY SENDS jury in session here this week. the Apiary market road. The ob Aitt. Editor Christine Rainey parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Dun- Perhaps the outstanding interest ject in so doing is to get the Sports Ed. Marvin Porterfield REPRESENTATIVE lap. centers in the case of the State road so designated before the' Senior Reporter Grace Condit The county was grading the Mr. Graper, of the Oregon In- of Oregon vs. Raymond K. (Sap) new law goes into effect abolish-' Jr. Reporter Kathryn Malmsten stitute of Technology, entertain road in district 8 for a couple Lewis, who is lying in a bed in ing market roads. All market! Soph. Rep. Margaret McDonald of days last week. the St. Helens hospital, suffering roads will be taken over by the I Froah Reporter Florence Wall ed the Vernonia high school stu- Deputy game warden William dent body Thursday, March 19, from wounds received while at- state ___ ___ _ _ commission ....... highway as sec- Brown was a visitor in this com- jokes and with a number of tempting to escape arrest about I ondary 'highways'. . “ It I; T is 70.0 feared stories. Later he met the~senionlmunity Friday. two weeks ago. He was indicted that if this road is not made a TRACK TEAM’S CHANCES Lincoln Peterson and his ne- and talked to them about the on three counts, possession of a!market road the Apiary road NEARLY WASHED AWAY He phew Elmer Lindberg drove to . The chances of the Vernonia Oregon Institute in Portland. 1.» concealed weapon, larceny of will be extended through to the typewriters from the Clatskanie Columbia river thence up the high school for a champion track told of the different courses of-:V e™°,nla °.n bus,ness Friday, school, and larceny of a Buick river to the Longview bridge, team were nearly washed away in fered by the Portland school at a| Earl Smith from Vernonia fix- ed the telephone line down near automobile from H. E. Albert, missing Rainier. The road was last week’s rain storm. The I lower cost to the student than 1 the river Monday. team is two weeks behind in they are given in colleges. The His trial will probably be set as ordered surveyed by the court. Mrs. Oliver Burris and her Institute has a high school which training now and with only two soon as he recovers from his —Rainier Review. lettermen back, the chances look enables students to work and go granddaughter Beatrice Perry wounds. to school. The school is located spent Monday afternoon in Ver pretty poor. Other indictments brought in The team held its first work in the Y. M. C. A. and the nonia shopping. were State vs. Nick Yana, statu R. G. Cook from Birkenfeld out Monday, March 23. The students have the privilege of tory charge; State vs. Carl Bar- weather was warm and with more using the gymnasium and swim was a Natal business caller on mator, liquor charges; State vs. Several students Wednesday. fine weather the team may get ming pool. Hugo Johnson, larceny of auto; Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullen I were interested in his school. into good shape. State vs. Wigen, possession of i and daughter Marian drove to liquor and driving while intoxi Vernonia Friday. cated; State vs. Ben F. Quinn,, Carl Ohler, sixth grade; and Ellis Wilson presiding. Mrs. Wilford The St. Helens city council re Rainwater, seventh grade. bad check and obtaining money Wolfe and Mrs. B. Tailman were under false pretenses charges;! voked the franchise of the St. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rain elected to assist Miss Ollie Bemis State vs. Roy Stroud, liquor char-1 Helens Bus company because of water and family motored to .with the Campfire work in the ges and contributing to delinquen- failure -------- — to pay the stipulated fran- Centerville, Oregon, Saturday, to absence of Mrs. A. F. Knight. Mr«. A. A. Dowling cy of a minor girl. I chise price. Thereupon the com- visit with Mrs. Rainwater's mo It was announced that the County Divorce decrees granted in cir- pany inaugurated a “free” ser- ther. Council of parents and Teachers I cuit court were to Alma Hankle i vice, with a contribution box han- will hold their meeting this Miss Alberta DeRock was at vs. George Hankle; Vernie G. dy for the use of passengers. month at Timber which will be I Colwell vs. Louis Colwell; John Friday March 27 at 2 p. m. at home from Corvallis over the weekend and returned to school H. Flynn vs. Hattie Flynn; and St. Helens went to an expense the school house. Abel Paulson vs. Sophia Paulson. I of approximately $2,000 in the; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nickerson Monday morning. Mr». A. C. Ahlgren Bernard Dowling was a week had as their guests over the week Law and equity cases heard be I effort to secure the soldiers’ end Mrs. Nickerson’s sister, and end Portland visitor. I fore the court with some cases i home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Buckley of her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mo- set for hearing today. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Dayle of gan of California. Vernonia were down visiting her —St. Helens Misti Contracts for the new $50,000 I union high school building in Portland spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meithoff mother Sunday. Scappoose have been let, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Wolfe. Miss Olga Holmstrom was a CONFERENCE IS HELD and children of Salem spent the The Womans club met a week week end with Mrs. Meithoff’s Portland business visitor WITH POMONA GRANGE work is expected to begin at ago Thursday afternoon at the once. J. G. Cronkhite of St. Hel parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wal Thursday. home of Mrs. J. B. Marchel. The ters. Mrs. Chas. Sundland took Officials of the state forester’s ens has the general contract. (time was spent sewing, and dainty of the central office during office as well as the Columbia | refreshments were served by the Holmstrom’s absence. The Forest Grove city council County Fire Patrol association Miss Case gave a sewing dem- met with the Pomona Grange signed contracts March 18 for the hostess. Attending were Mes- onstration Thursday at Mrs. north of Rainier the forepart of addition of two Diesel units for dames Geo. King, C. C. Harris, Knowles’ home. Owing to the Mrs. Jake Neurer the month. The purpose of the the municipal power plant. The W. F. Brinkmeyer, L. M. Nicker bad storm that day not many la meeting was to seek an under ink was scarcely dry on the sig son, Farley, Wolfe, J. Klein, E. dies attended. standing with the grange mem natures when the electric lights J. Wilson, Wm. Krebs, A. E. This vicinity experienced a sev Delmer Bronder has the chick bers as to the protection of the flickered and went out, and Koenig, Wm. Ferlaak, A. C. Ahl cut over lands comprising the' candles had to be brought into gren, L. R. Kern, C. H. Kern ere storm and heavy rains Satur en pox. and Wm. Moore. day evening for more than an James Hill arrived in the vil Columbia River slope. It has service, The P. T. A. Study club met hour, the worst in years. The lage from Taft last week. He always been the desire of the set- Ahl- at the home of Mrs. A. C. high water took out the braces! intends to stay here for the sum Mrs. Mary E. Walker, 87, who tiers there to burn the area - and eventually develop farms, How-1 settled at Jewell in 1869, died gren on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. in the Natal bridge put there last mer as the labor situation is Chas. Stanton, chairman read a summer. very bad everywhere. L. Mick- ever, the cover there is such that in Portland early last week. paper on “Are You Helping Your Work is still being done on strom, his son-in-law, brought him any fire constitutes a hazard and Adolescent to Adjust? ” . The sub Natal hall, chiefly finishing work here. hence regulated burning has been ject for discusson at the next and inside painting. All the available empty houses necessary. There has been con meeting will be “How Can a Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were have been taken the last few siderable criticism from the far Child Be Taught to Care for business visitors in Vernonia Sat days by the people working for mers who stated they frequent The Kist Home Demonstration his belongings?” This will be urday. the Van Vleet Logging company ly had difficulty in securing per Mr. and Mrs. P. Hill from Ver-i and other parties directly con mits, while protection agencies Unit held their meeting at the held at the home of Mrs. Wm. More apartments are have complained of unregulated home of Mrs. J. B. Ohler, Wed Krebs next Tuesday afternoon nonia visited friends at Natal cerned. nesday, March 18. Mrs. Case Sunday. | wanted by some who can not burning. Little of the area con spoke about spring styles and I at 2 p. m. Henry Ferlaak left last week Mr, and Mrs. Bob Lindsey call- find places to live. The company tributes to fire patrol. The matter was discussed at color schemes. Those present were for Edmonds, Washington, where some length but no decision Mrs. G. H. Ohler, Mrs. H. C. j he will work with his brother reached. Grange members con Ohler, Mrs. Hobart Engen, Mrs. Harold, who has a cafe on the sidered the matter of the forma Oscar Smith, Mrs. C. G. Jensen, Everett highway. J. M. John, Mrs. Alice John, I Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peoples tion of a rural fire protection Mrs. district and also the possibility of Mrs. Mary Anderson, Mrs. Helen1 and small daughter Irene, drove all members joining the associa Christenson, Mrs. Zola Christen- to Warrenton Friday to visit the tion. It was further indicated son, Mrs. Alta John, Mrs. Russell latter’s sister, Mrs. Earl Byers Mrs. Sarah Case, and and family. They returned home that the matter would be taken Stanton, Saturday. up at the May meeting of the the hostess, Mrs. J. B. Ohler. Mrs. A. F. Ornduff visited at A “500” card party was given Pomona Grange in Scappoose. by the ladies of Westimber last —Forest Log. the Ohler camp last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smejkal Friday night. Ten tables were in visited at the home of Mr. Smej- play and high score was won by kal’s parents on Green Mountain, Mrs. Arthur Elliott of Timber Sunday. | and Geo. King of Westimber, The pupils of the Kist school consolation going to Mrs. L. M. receiving 100 in spelling this, Nickerson and Mr. ____ Farley. ______ The Orris Devaney returned home week were Junior Bergerson, sec-1 proceeds will go to help make ond grade; Florence Ohler, third up the Boy Scout budget, Sunday. He was taken from the grade; Ralph Ohler, Virgil Rain On Wednesday of last week S. S. Oregon to the hospital with water, Susie Mae Jensen, and the regular monthly meeting of an abscess on his knee and was Irene Bergerson, fourth grade; the P. T. A. was held at the not able to sail again. Mrs. Mendenhall, Miss Edith Harry Ohler, Glen Rainwater, and school house, with Mrs. E. J. Lindsley and Mrs. Devaney drove to Vernonia Monday and called on Mrs. Boeck, who is ill. WHY PAY MORE THAN AT Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and two For Ynir Home Garden small children are spending two weeks in Hillsboro with her sis- ROM asters to zinnias a ter. The four Campbell children wide range of delightful drove to Clatskanie Sunday to annual flowers - tall, dwarf, visit their mother who is very ill. fragrant - all of them colorful. Mayo Pettijohn has a job as Some bloom early, others late, whistle punk at Buster creek camp. many bloom all summer. Norman Pettijohn is working at Select your packets from Carlton. “Sap” Lewis and Others Indicted RAINIER WANTS FERN HILL ROAD FOR ENTRANCE The Timber Line Among Our Neighbors • Mist Westimber nie Malmsten Thursday of last week and made a quilt for the Justice family. Mrs. Lee Hall Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard and daughter Joy were weekend visi- tors in Portland. Mrs. Bert Hawkins was a week The Johnston-McGraw shingle end visitor in Portland. mills shut down Monday on ac Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and count of lack of orders. Mr. and Mrs. Rabor of Port son Ole visited at their daughter’s home, M»s. Dave McMullen, at land passed through here on their way to Ross Duncan’s on Rock Natal Sunday. Little Billie Nilon is on the creek and stopped to call on Aunt Sally Spencer. Mrs. Rabor sick list this week. lived in the valley for several Mrs. A. P. Bays of Vernonia years when she was Mrs. Gessel. spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. C. N. Rundell and Mrs. her aunt, Mrs. Lee Hall, and Lee Hall of this place attended helped make a quilt for the Jus a quilting bee at Mrs. Louanna tice family whose home was burn Rogers in Vernonia Tuesday. ed recently. The quilt was from Lee Hall visited at the home the W. R. C. of his daughter and family, Mr. Some of the ladies of the and Mrs. Art Kirk, at Pleasant Evangelical Missionary society Hill over Tuesday night. met at the home of Mrs. Min- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler spent Sunday at the home of the is reported to start logging the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeRock timber this week. D. R. Fowler. Mrs. Ed Reynolds was a supper C. Sheals, who lives on the guest Monday evening of Mrs. Evan Hall place, went to Silver- J. Lawyer. ton over the weekend and while Miss Esther Peterson and Miss there secured a ranch which he Ruth Scaling called at the Dowl-' expects to move his family to in ing home Friday afternoon on I the near future. Mrs. J. H. their way to the Rose City. I Shively accompanied him to Sil- Wm. Bridgers was a Portland! verton and back and visited visitor on Monday. I friends while there. Sunday being such a nice day* Mrs. Chloe Adams and Mrs. several of the villagers played i Mernie Bradford of Portland golf at the Vernonia golf course, ¡were over to visit their mother, Bernard Dowling left Tuesday j Mrs. Shively, Sunday. morning for Silver Lake, Wash-1 Misses Ida Mae and Mildred ington, where he will work for ¡Hawkins went to Portland Wed- the Ostrander company. I nesday of this week. Irving Knowles is doing some Dorothy Throop is home from slashing on his place, Monmouth for a week. Riverview Natal Fresh and Wholesome they give zest to jaded appetites KIST Like Mother’s Bread our hot cross buns are delicious to the last bite and one of these sugar-coated, currant-filled morsels only calls for another. Light and flaky, they are baked to a mellow brown in our clean, sanitary bakery. Take Some Home With You—TODAY! KEASEY All the Vernonia Bakery Vernonia, Oregon From A to Z Pure Silk Crepes We Print PACKET HEADS LETTERHEADS INVITATIONS STATEMENTS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES RECEIPTS DODGERS FOLDERS BLANKS CARDS TAGS Northrup, King 8i Co.’s seed box at a nearby dealer’s. No better seeds at any price. In the newest floral and striped patterns. An Easter problem can be economically solved in these rich silks— QQ at ..................................................... vOU Yard Sport Skirts What more practical part of a wardrobe could be devised than one of our new flared skirts — tweeds, flan nels, serges, crepes, in the right colors from $2.98 , . to $5.95 One of the season’s outstanding necklines calls for the “careful” carelessness of a silk scarf. We have them in plaids, dots and stripes— n . . HATS — SHIRTS — TIES — HOSIERY Most of the. »tandard size flower packet» UNDERWEAR — SHOES • • . . and guarantee your satisfaction with our work ----- All and more at very reasonable prices.------ Vernonia Eagle REMEMBER—BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AT MILLER S AND SAVE MONEY DI D JESS Order of Eastern Star Northrup,King &,Co?8 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetmgs on all other Thura- ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 $1.19 „ $1.95 Who appreciate the fact that spring means new— » if WïE Í ’’■id WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every 'second and fourth Thursdays in month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. Laura Stfuer, President. II. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit ors always welcome. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. HARDING LODGE 11« Helen Fogel, Secretary Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth Pythian Sisters ers welcome. Vernonia Temple 61 meets H. Mayfield, C. C. every 2nd and 4th Wednesday« in H. Culbertson, K.R.S. W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. I. O. O. F. American Legion Vernonia Poet I. O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 1 1 9, American 246 meets every Tuesday night Legion. Meets at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis itors always welcome. Ind and 4th J. F. Jones, N. G. each Tuesdays Chas. Holt, V. G. month, 8. p. m. John Glassner. Sec’y. Dan Nelson, Ad Mike Miller, Treasurer. R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander.