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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1931)
Friday, March 13, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX land, Mrs. E. T. Wallace and Mrs. MRS. BRADY HOSTESS baugh, Mrs. T. Crawford, Mrs. tend. There will be no admission Dowling were among those who TO I.OYAL GLEANERS L. Beveridge, Mrs. A. Childs, Mrs. charges. attended the Ladies’ Aid at Mrs. F. Dickson, Mrs. E. Prickett. Mrs. Tuesday evening, March 3, a Mrs. Jim Brady was hostess to W. E. Bell, Mrs. A. L. Kullander, card party was held at Westim- A. M. Berg’s home last Wednes the Loyal Gleaners Wednesday Dr. W. H. Hurley, Emil Messing. ber, the proceeds going to the day. straight innings but in the sev treasury of the local Campfire enth the pencil pushers opened Funeral services were held here afternoon, An Irish program was Tuesday evening, which of on Tuesday for the infant daugh enjoyed by the guests who res- KRAMERS GIVEN up with a rally that netted them group. __________ course is ladies’ night for indoor ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom En- ponded to roll call with Irish PARTY AT LODGE i seven runs. at the Legion hall, neberg, who passed away at stories. Mrs. Geo. Stankey read Bateman for the Federals baseball down a fast game between birth Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kramer | Irish legends and Mrs. R. . A. pitched a wonderful game and witnessed two teams of ladies. The “Who- Chas. Melis was at home from Olson and Mrs. E. Knight : sang who moved to Hillsboro Monday i really deserved a better fate. zit captained by Mrs. Ol the weekend. He “Ireland Must be Heaven.” Ra were the honor guests at a sur Sargeant and Whitsell also play son ” team and Mrs. Spring defeated Portland over party given by the Rebekah ed nice games for the post of the “Whatsis” club led by “Spud” returned to Portland Sunday freshments were served to the prise A. L. Kullander, J. C. Lindley, following members: Mrs. Ray and Odd Fellows in the lodge fice boys, while Laird and Gre Tousley and Dorothy Holtham again. H. «u..., Bush, ...» and ... H. - E. --------- McGraw ■J. lr. hall last Friday evening. Charlesworth, Mrs. Victor Haight, Mrs. Walter Foster (Loretta gory played excellent ball for the 199 to 197. Over fifty guests were pres made a business trip to Portland Los An- I Mrs. A. C. Hunter, Mrs. Beulah Johnson) arrived from Mildew club. i Wednesday afternoon. After the ladies have their Monday evening for a vis Lindsay, Mrs. Jim Monger, Mrs. ent to bid the Kramers farewell ■ l Enoch Dumas attended the The score: indoor baseball game they get to geles R. A. Olson, Mrs. Geo. Stankey, and wish them happiness in their it with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mildews ......... 110 004 710,—14 gether and have a nice sociable Mrs. F. C. Stephens, Mrs. Henry new home. A set of glass plates i freshman glee at Willamette uni- W. R. Johnson. Federals ....... 051 001 023—12 game of volley ball. Folger, and Mrs. E. Knight. Spec- was presented to Mrs. Kramer ■' versity, Salem, last weekend. Mr. The Misses Esther Peterson and Umpires: Mayfield and Hart ; Dumas is a former student of No one has yet put a ball Anderson were Wednes cial guests were Mrs. Johnson and by the lodge members. wick. through any of the many signs Margaret I that institution. A brief program was presented Mrs. Brady ’ s mother, Mrs. Fleck, offering various prizes all the day dinner guests at the Austin of Wasco, Oregon. consisting of violin selections by I Miss Mildred Drake of the lo- Mrs. S. A. Martin arrived in way from a hazel nut to a nice Dowling home. The Gleaners will meet with Miss Marie Kirkpatrick, who was i cal high school went to Salem Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland Vernonia Wednesday to spend a pair of silk hose and a box of Harry Culbertson next on accompanied by Mrs. Henry Fogel, ,! Friday for the freshman glee. short time here with her daugh candy. Some of the boys have were dinner guests at the Robert Mrs. and readings by Bessie Spofford II L. H. Halvorsen and family Berg home Thursday evening. It March 25. ter, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, before re come mighty close. The Loyal Gleaners are al and Mrs. Lines. The remainder 1 are moving this week to Everett, was Mr. Berg ’ s birthday and turning to her home in Church “Abe” Lincoln’s sign offering bridge was played in the evening. ready planning for a party to be of the evening was spent in Washington. ill, » u a uig uuji. ui vv be uc big box of vaiiuj candy seems to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nelson and -- Manitoba. She has been . visit- Mr. and Mrs. Eder Wallace held in the Christian church par playing cards and dancing. 1 relatives -------- in California or j the one at which most of the were Refreshments of sandwiches, , family move this week to Port lors on the evening of April 3. guests at a birthday din the past two months. boys are shooting for it has bare coffee and Mr. Kramer’s favorite land, where Mr. Nelson has em given in honor of Robert ly escaped with its life on sever ner dessert, whipped cream cake, ployment. O. E. S. DISTRICT t Berg at his home Thursday even al occasions. C. T. Wise of the Longview were served late in the evening. MEETING AT RAINIER ing. The evening was spent in For some unknown reason the office of the Washington Gas playing bridge. The district meeting of Ne- CAMPFIRE HOLDS defeat that the Mildews handed and Electric company accom- Miss Dorothy Wallace went to halem, Wisteria and Mizpah East-' CEREMONIAL the Federals last Thursday was panied Geo. W. Ford to Verno hard for Bert Tisdale to digest. Portland Sunday for a short stay. ern Star chapters was held at, nia Wednesday. They returned in Miss Ruth Carmichiel is at Rainier Monday night. Mrs. Car-[ WESTIMBER— (Special) — the afternoon, following the How come Bert? Did you know that Vernonia’s home for a few weeks visiting rie Jackson, worthy grand matron The Kshilala Campfire group held chamber of commerce meeting. her parents, She works in of Oregon and Frank E. Mangold, ¡its weekly meeting in the form Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spring spent Work in the woods suspended very popular representative in with a confectionery store at Falls worthy grand patron of Oregon, 1 of a ceremonial at the home of the week end in Portland. Porter Wednesday on account of the the pugilistic world was also an City, Washington. were present and were escorted 1 Evelyn Wilson. This was the Von Hoene who has been visit indoor player of no small re heavy rainfall. F. E. Knowles did some butch- to the east. The opening and first ceremonial of the year, and ing his sister, Mrs. Spring, re Jack Scott had the misfortune nown? If you don’t believe it ering some Sunday. He got closing was exemplified by Ne judging from the number of hon turned to his home. of having a finger broken while come down and watch the Feds porkers ready for market. halem chapter, of Vernonia, es or beads awarded, a considerable Mrs. E. E. Yeo spent Saturday at play with heavy ’ irons, with perform some night. Mrs. Austin Dowling and son cort duty and balloting by Miz I amount of interest is being taken in Portland visiting Mr. and Mrs. The fastest pitcher in the other boys Tuesday evening. K. D. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Redman league—what we mean to say is were Clatskanie business visitors pah chapter of St. Helens and the by the girls. initiation by Wisteria chapter of Following the ceremonial a del K. A. McNeill made a business and the latter’s father left Mon the pitcher who pitches the fast- on Saturday. Iver Parkknon and Guy Lane Rainier. A floral degree was con icious lunch was served by the trip to Portland Tuesday. day for Baker, where they will est ball—is Whitey Norgorden. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes resume farming and stock rais- And the pitcher with the best motored to Cascade Locks over ferred on Mrs. Jackson and Mr. hostess. the weekend. Mangold by six members of Miz The Birthday Ceremonial Fire were in Portland Wednesday. ing. They sold their household change of pace is Doc Olson. pah chapter. Mrs. Jackson was The Legions were all set to for this district, which includes H. E. McGraw, J. C. Lindley Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindberg from effects here to Mr. Mines of take the Mildews the other night Jewell were dinner guests of Mr. presented with a silver nut bowl six groups will be held in Forest and J. H. Bush went to Portland Washington. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds on Sun and a pair of candlesticks on be I Grove Friday, March 13, at eight Wednesday afternoon in the in Mrs. George Swanson and Mrs. but a cog slipped some place. half of the three chapters. After o’clock in the Legion hall. terest of the road to the coast. day. F. H. Day are both working in International Friendship will Curtis John, formerly with the Miss Ann Sieverts spent the the meeting a delicious lunch Portland. weekend at her home in Astoria. was enjoyed in the social hall. ; be the theme of the meeting, and Vernonia Mercantile company, is Mrs. Parker of Vernonia, who Those who attended from Ver a candle of “Friendship” will be j working in the Safeway store has been visiting her sister, Mrs. nonia were JJrs. H. E. McGraw, lighted for each country in which whenever needed. MRS. WM. ARMITAGE Mason, returned to her home Mr«. A. A. Dowling Mrs. H. A. Pearse, Mrs. J. W. I there is a Campfire organization R. F. Nance and Mr. and Mrs. ENTERTAINS CLUB Tuesday. Brown, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. The Timber and Westimber group j C. J. Nance left Tuesday for Mrs. L. M. Adams was visited Mrs. William Armitage enter E. E. Yeo, Mrs. K. A. McNeill, will dance German and Scotch , Dufur to seek employment. Donald Sundland was at home several days last week by her Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Newton mother from Sultan, Washington, from Monmouth over the week tained members of the Queen of Mrs. O. D. McCabe, Mrs. M. D.'folk dances in costume. Hearts Bridge club last Thurs Cole, Miss Ruth Holaday, Mrs. I Any one interested in Car’.p'be ‘ I avc returned to Dallas, Oregon, who returned to her home there end. Dror- Girls is cordially invited to nt- where they will make their home. Chas. Sundland and Austin day afternoon. Mrs. Thor Rob- E. W. Holtham, Mrs. Saturday. Mrs. Lyle Rose is working in Dowling were over to Mayger one | erts held high score. Following the cooking department at the day last week, and took dinner play the hostess served dainty re Clark and Wilson camp at Wil- with Mr. Dunlap’s brother Jake. freshments to the guests who were Mrs. Emma Aldridge came over I Mrs. Thor Roberts, Mrs. Helen ark. Mrs. H. C. Ridenour’s sister from her home at Clatskanie [Fogel, Mrs. Mabel Van Vleet, from Georgia arrived here Sun and spent the weekend with her ' Mrs. Ruth Harding, Mrs. J. E. day evening and expects to visit sister, Mrs. Ed Reynolds, and Os I Kerr, Mrs. O. T. Bateman, Mrs. car Jones and family. She was I Frank Hartwick, and Macile Rob for several weeks. Claude Kerr, formerly of this a Saturday dinner guest of the erts. place, is again working for the George Jones family. Study Class at Mrs. Cole’s Mrs. Ed Reynolds visited with Oregon-American company here. The study class in child prob Mrs. B. Sather and children Mrs. Lanyer Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scott were lems met at the home of Mrs. have gone to Rainier, where her husband is employed. This re- over from Kelso last week and M. D. Cole Tuesday afternoon move takes two pupils from the visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.! with Mrs. Sarah Case, county Once a year—sometimes oftener—Safeway holds a great Panned Foods Sale. Oscar Jones. | demonstration agent, in charge of primary school room here. Mrs. Rachiel came down from the meeting. Constructive disci- We have always been able to give wonderful values at these sales but it has Carl Davidson of Vernonia was Vernonia and visited her mother,' pline was the subject of the dis- been a long time since we could offer such low prices as those quoted below a caller here Tuesday. A pleasant birthday party was Mrs. Reynolds, a day last week. | cussion. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yocum The next meeting will be held given at the Scott home Satur day evening honoring Misses Ber and three children left for Los March 24 at the home of Mrs. E. tha and Avious whose birthdays Angeles last Wednesday. They S. Thompson. The study topic were respectively March 9 and sold their household goods and will be “Imagination, Falsehood They intend to and Lying.” All interested par 12. Progressive five hundred was drove down. ents are invited to attend any of played. Joe Doyle of the men make their future home there. Mrs. A. Aamodt, Mrs. Sund- these discussions. won high score, and Avious Scott Great Northerns — Idaho grown— of the ladies had high score. Low Best for baking and in soups. scores were taken by Verlin Na- CITRUS BAR— —. gaga and Mrs. E. Bemis. Light ibs bs refreshments were served. Those present besides the immediate' family were Mr. and Mrs. Joel Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Estey, | Mr. and Mrs. E. Bemis, Mistresses STORE^NUMBER 1436* N VERNONIA, OREGON Foyer, Wesllin and Morris, John-; Broken Sliced, Fancy Hawaiian fruit. ny and Gus Olson, Tom Batch, Chas. Dietrich and Verlin Fields. No. 2l/2 Cans .............. off strong by scoring ACACIAS, MILDEWS, ; started five runs in the second inning to LEAGUE LEADERS, I put them in the lead. They TANGLE TONIGHT ¡fayed out in front for six (Continued from Page 1) knotted up at 9 to 9. However, the strain was too much for the Knights and they blew higher than a kite in the eighth allow ing the Acacias to score eleven times before they could be sub dued. The Knights started a rally of their own in the last of the ninth which netted them four runs or some seven short of tying the score. The Knights have rein forced their team considerably and the line-up they are now presenting is a very formidable one. The addition of Turk at shortstop has greatly strengthen ed the club. Turk was by far the leading star for the Knights both at bat He seemed to and in the field. ~ have nave no UllUCUiby difficulty in taviiuiiuui, fathoming Whitey’s speed ball while most of the rest of the boys were biting the dust on his fast one. Cole and Culbertson also played good games for the K. P.’s. Doc Hughes was the big star for the Acacias, getting a flock of hits and playing a nice game in the field. Norgorden also played his usual good game for the Acacias. The score: Knights ....... 120 111 3 04—13 Acacias ......... 125 100 Ollx—20 Umpires: Nance and Richard son. Federal* 2; Mildew« 14 The Mildew club took the Féd érais into camp last Thursday, defeating them in a fast, close game 14 to 12. The Fédérais BIDS WANTED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Union High School District No. 1 at the clerk’s office up to 7:30 p. m. March 21, 1931, for 75-cords of 4-ft. old growth fir, second growth fir or slab wood, to be cut by the 1st of June and delivered September 1, 1931. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. H. M. CONDIT, Chairman. Attest : MRS. CHAS. MALMSTEN, Clerk. (332c) BIDS WANTED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN that sealed bids will be received by the board of School District No. 47 at the clerk’s office up to 7:30 p. m., April 14, 1931, for 125 cords of 4-ft. dry, old growth or second growth red fir wood, slab or cord, delivered by July 1, 1931, to Washington Grade School; 40 cords of 3-ft. dry, old growth or second growth wood, slab or cord, delivered by July 1, 1931 to Lincoln Grade School. The bidder must state kind of wood as well as inclose certi- fied check for 10 per cent of his bid. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. BROWN, Chairman. Attest: LOEL ROBERTS, Clerk. Classified Ads FOR RENT Locals Camp . . . McGregor FOR RENT—2-room apartments, new, clean and quiet. Hot water; water, light and wood $15 I'gent of such owner, and having month. I’, llill, 875 Second St the lawful possession of said pro-| APARTMENT for rent at the perty, requested said service and Roseway on Rose Ave. (32tf) materials; that the said labor, skill and materials were so ex FOR SALE pended and performed upon the chattel property by claim GLADIOLA Bulbs—50 cents doz. said between the 20th day of and up. Special collections 50c, ant 1930, and Jan. 10, 1931; 75c, $1.0,0. Mrs. W. L. Van March that sixty have not elapsed Doren, 1024 First Ave., Phone since said days labor, skill 1136._____________________ 33tf and materials storage, were expended on FOR SALE—Baby chicks from said chattel; that said chattel is pure Hanson W. L. Hens, ma still in storage, and 60 days have ted to males from Hanson world not elapsed since that time; that winning blood line with dam’s the amount claimant demands record of 260 to 314 eggs. for said storage, labor, skill and Price $14 per 100; $130 per materials so expended is $58.50; thousand. Branda's Poultry farm, that no part thereof has been Gaston, Oregon. One mile south paid; and there is due and re of Dilley._________________ 26tf maining unpaid thereon, after deducting all just credits and FOR SALE—By owner. Two offsets, the sum of $58.50, in acres—new six room house and which amount said claimant now garage. Close in. Low price—Easy claims a lien upon said chattel terms—Inquire Eagle office. property. 322* R. B. EARLY. Doing business as Vernonia Service Garage, NOTICE OF LIEN UPON Claimant. CHATTELS J. E. FRANK, Constable. R. B. Early, doing business as State of Oregon, Vernonia Service Garage, vs. County of Multnomah, s. s. I, R. B. Early, being first duly Frank Karnath, Defendant. Notice is hereby given that R. sworn, on oath say that I am B. Early, doing business as Ver claimant named in the foregoing nonia Service Garage claims a claim, that I have personal know lien upon Pontiac coach, motor ledge of the facts therein set No. P93630. License Oregon 1929 out; that I have heard the same 185-706, for and on account of read, and I know the contents storage, labor, skill and materials, thereof, and believe the same to expended and performed upon be true. and attached to the above des R. B. EARLY cribed property in Columbia coun Subscribed and sworn before ty. Oregon, as follows: Brake me this 12 dav of January, 1931. B. T. HUNTINGTON lining and labor of installation Notary Public for Oregon. $8.50: Storage Mar. 20, 1930, to Jan. 20, 1931. 10 mo. at $5.00 (Notarial Seal) Mv commission expires Jan. 7, Mo., $50.00. Total $58.50. That the name of the owner or reputed 1932. First publication, March 6. owner is Frank Karnath; that i Last publication, April 3. Frank Karnath, the authorized Mist Cairned Foods Sale! Prices Effective to Marell 16, Inclusive Large White Beans SOAP J.C. PENNEY GO. IO Bars Z9C Where everything for smart babies is assembled for Mothers'1 conven ient—and thrifty—selection. Silk Dreses Cotton Hose ....... 15c Cotton Vests ...... 25c 3X„S2 98c Flannel Gowns 29c Flannel Slips 29c Crackers Snowflake Sodas or Honey Maid Gra hams. Your choice. Lb. Pkg. 39 c 2 Tuna Flakes Clearwater, light meat for salads. No. 1/i Cans PEARS Embassy or Firefly very good quality. 2 S,11 25c 2 SHRIMP Gulf Coast tender dainty shrimp meat 29c FLOUR Safeway Family — 29c 49 £$1.09 Binders ............... ... 25c Wool Vests ........ CORN Gertrudes All-Wool Hose The Store Complete----- BUY HERE and SAVE! 49c 29c 3 No. 2’4 Cans .... SAFEWAY Market Specials Shortening 10c POUND Pure Lard 12c POUND Pork Chops ........... 23c . nd COFFEE Soft Sole Shoes— Good Selection Sacques .... $1.49 Silk Quilts . 98c Blankets .. . 8c to 23c Garters .... Rattles ................... 23c Rubber Pants 23c 3 Fine Grained — Solid Pack. Silk Jackets Bootees 15c lO 49c Pineapple PUMPKIN Maximum Golden Sweet extra choice Silk Shoes 3 Pork Steak Few equal none better. When you buy Safeway coffee you get the best. Ground to order. Pound POUND 18c Minced Ham POUND 18c MANY OTIIEI8 SPECIALS || Reasonable Orders Delivered Free. Phone 741 S3