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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1931)
Friday, March 13, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR Herminia UtMBEa r li Pacific Co»,t Representative Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. San Francisco What Other Editors Think Ji SAME APPLIES TO VERNONIA Member of National Editorial Association and Oregon State Editorial Association. Issued Every Friday $2.00. Per Year in Advance Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; legal notices. 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. The dollar spent away from McMinnville or your home town is a deserter. It helps to do noth ing here, it aids in building noth ing here, it is a departed dollar never to 'return. Patronizing home merchants and boosting home industries should become a part of the religion of every resident in this community. —McMinnville News-Reporter Judging from newspaper re ports every veteran of the world war is hot after his new bonus loan. Such is far from the case, RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher There are 33,000 holders of ad- justed compensation certificates in the state of Oregon alone. The few hundreds that have visited AN UNWISE ECONOMY or called the regional office of the veterans’ bureau of Portland The effort to relieve the burden of the taxpayer by represent only an infinitesmal reducing expenses of government is fundamentally sound, fraction of the total. —Seaside Signal. whether in Washington, D. C., or the city of Vernonia. If elimination of the office of water collector can save the WHAT THE FARM CENSUS people of this city $6000 annually, a sum that could be REVEALS applied towards reducing the bonded indebtedness of the A news story in another col water department, the economy should be put into effect— umn of this paper shows the pro provided there is no loss in efficiency that would more gress in the agricultural devel opment of the county in the de than offest the saving. As to how much of detail is involved in the duties of recorder and of water collector this newspaper is unfa miliar. It has to rely upon the judgment of those who are better informed. One argument advanced by some who wish to combine the two offices, however, appears to the Eagle as wholly inconclusive and misleading: a former recorder was water collector also, and served for a scanty salary augmented by fees for court cases. Comparison shows that the amount of water depart ment business handled by the recorder-collector was trif ling when set beside that which the collector does today. Even had one man attended then to both duties with en tire satisfaction it would not necessarily follow that the same could be done at present. There are nearly six times as many receipts to be written out and over eight times as much money taken in. As a matter of fact the records, attested by a certi fied public accountant, are indisputable proof that the com bination worked out badly at the time. Unquestionably it would be far better to hire some one who can give full attention to the keeping of the water department books ac curately and completely than to add the duties to some one, no matter how capable, who would be obliged to slight some of the time-consuming yet essential details. more acres not in cultivation than were the acres cultivated. The report shows that the num ber of cattle has increased. This means a further development of the dairy industry and that indust ry will be the salvation of the county as the timber wealth de creases. Diversified farming, also, our county agent states, will bring better returns to the farmer and the poultry raisers are planning for added production. Columbia county, once known as a timber county, is rapidly forging ahead as an agricultural county and as our timber wealth is removed, agriculture must take its place. Climatic and soil con ditions are ideal and the small farm, made productive by intelli gent effort seems the solution of our rapid decrease in county val uation. —St. Helens Mist The market road tax has been repealed with instructions to the highway commission to take over the market roads in the counties as secondary highways. The ac tion of the commission will be closely watched to be sure that the counties do not get the small In case end of the bargain, that is the result the highway commission will have a merry time when the 1933 legislative session convenes. Farmers and others in the rural districts and smaller towns of the state pay a lot of money into the state highway fund and are entitled to the same amount or more work than has been under the present market road program. Further more if they don’t get it the powers that be will hear about it. —Hillsboro Argus. cade 1920 to 1930. The story is not founded on guesses, because it is authentic information from the census department and based on the reports of investigators I TOLD YOU SO whom the government paid to secure the desired information. Hillsboro has the Bowles case During the 10 years the num which gives it front page publici ber of farms in Columbia county ty and we have our power plant have increased almost 100 per cent but the acreage of the in dividual farms has decreased. This is a healthy sign. It shows that the farmers of the county con sider a small and well managed farm more profitable than the large farms which, ordinarily, had Square Deal Service Station U. S. Royal Cord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed Reduction of salaries (unless it should appear that the water collector could efficiently serve on a part-time basis) would be ill advised. Judge Reasoner, it is safe to assume, would not consider retaining the office of Buy Your Printing recorder at a wage that does not afford a decent livelihood, Now and Save Time nor could anyone else, anywhere near as competent, be secured at a salary considerably under that which is now paid. Cheap wages mean cheap help, and city business is too important to entrust to any one untrained and un skilled, whose only qualification is a willingness to work for less than the position really calls for. House And SIGN: PAINTING PAPER HANGING AND TINTING Now that the legislature is over, attention shifts to Hillsboro. Next! Bargain Week-end Trips Continued Through March Ollier Points in Proportion points for trains and stages of lines shown be low. Minimum 50c. Advertise Your Business S. P. & S. TRANSPORTATION CO. (Stages) r Keep Your Dollars at Home By purchasing your meats and groceries at Nehalem Market & Grocery, Inc. Home-Owned Home-Operated Phone 1021 Vernonia Paint Shop Vernonia Professional and Business Directory ANNOUNCFMFNTS----------- ANNOUNCEMENT TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY Long Distance Furniture Hauling Between Vernonia and Portland Portland-Vernonia Truck Line W. A. Davis, Local Manager. OFFICE PHONE 1041 Marvin R. Eby, M. D. I have leased and am now op- erating the Sessman Black- smith Shop. Physican and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 Repairing of all kinds W. M. Faulkner RARRFR ■ ow/ jty DR. J. A. HUGHES BARBER shop Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 In Furniture & Stoves Forest Grove, 11 First Ave. Oregon North Vernonia, Oregon Delicious Chile and Sand wiches—Also Roasts and Short Orders < ARI> ROOM Eyes Tested Eye HOTEL GORDON I I LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia DENTISTS M. D. COLE Newly Furnished Rooms Hot and Cold Water Mary Kato Next to Post Office Very Reasonable Rates Chop Suey Restaurant Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT ÎÏTÏTÂÏH3? ___ TRANSFER — TRUCK TIMCUIRI Zi ttAelATIMi k AT NOMI hotel M c D onald CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 4 Chiropractor Tel. 671 1117 State St. Vernonia. Oregon *■ Local and Long Dis tance Hauling MORTUARIES COMPLETE« i «..FUNERALS MONEY TO IOAN Physiotherapy DR. R. A. OLSON < You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. The best for those who appreciate the best. Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Electrotherapy, TERMINAL CAFE The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking HQTF.'A CONTRACTORS Wholesale and Retail Spelialist—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store Lloyd Baker, Prop. C. BRUCE Glasses Fitted DR. C. O. ANDERSON CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Lumber Co Bargains DAD’S SANDWICH SHOP Physician and Surgeon Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed PASTIME Oregon-American REEHER & LUEBKE New And Used Goods RESTAURANTS SHOPS Mason Work, Building Eank of Vernonia * For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. General Contractor —and to spend money without a thought of tomorrow is to be in want when opportunity calls or when a needed purchase must be made. Financial embarrassment never comes to the per son who saves systematically. UNITED RAILWAYS I JOHN A. MILLER is lo have X Books of 1930 Wall Paper Samples Now Here On Display Over in Washington the so-called “gin-marriage bill” passed the senate despite the opposition of the entire bachelor membership of that body. One wonders if they were upholding a man’s sacred right to get married while drunk. To Save . . . Go PHONE 721 FOR QUICK SERVICE Delivered To and Called for at Your Door RES. PHONE 443 L J. C. Henderson Freight Investigation may show that some readjustment can be made whereby tax money can be saved, but to elimi nate the office of water collector merely because a form er recorder several years back attended to both duties would be an unwise economy. “It is not hard to see that which is placing us in the sup families living outside of the city posedly enviable position of re have signed up for service from what is sauce for the goose will be sauce for the gander. The big ceiving much newspaper space. the private company. “The municipality seeks protec- companies have nothing to fear Whether we like it or not, we are furnishing much material for tion of the old certificate of con- from other-company competition, Wie uuys, ” wholvenience act and has secured a while the little fellows are left the “ . I iota told you so boys, i opposed the repeal of the certifi-'temporary injuction against the pretty much at the the mercy of cate of convenience and neces- invasion. What will " 1 happen when the big operators. ...» repeal goes into ..... effect __ -- “Thus another great reform 9Q sity. The following taken from the one of the Salem papers is pro days hence is of course problem-' proves abortive.” I —Forest Grove News-Times voking of thought along the line atical. that perhaps the legislature may have rushed in where angels fears to tread: “It is like chickens coming home to roost for the first ef-j feet of the Burke bill repealing the certificate of convenience and I necessity to come home to Wash-1 ington county, whose legislators marched dowm the line with scarce a dissent from the Meier pro gram. The Burke bill is not yet in effect, but the situation at Forest Grove shows that the bill FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS is really a two-edged sword in- stead of effectively throttling the Return limits Tuesdays following dates of sale. “octopus” it serves to give the monopoly power which may be $1.25 Forest Grove . ... $ .90 Portland used to crush a small utility. 1.75 Hillsboro ___ Albany ....... ..... 2.60 “The Forest Grove municipal 1.25 Rainier Astoria ...... .... ¿.35 plant operates with high rates ... 2.15 2.80 Salem Corvallis .... .... compared to those of the Portland I ... 2.75 ..... 3.55 Seaside Eugene General Electric company and of i course it pays no taxes. Now the' Portland private company is! pushing its lines to the city limits 1 Tickets on sale in both directions between all of Forest Grove and some fifty CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store Money to Loan On improved real estate; long time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St. Helens Oregon. wi CRN crvi you what you want IN PRINTING when you want it! A