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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1931)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1931, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FIVE Aubrey Fitzgerald, Edith Ludwig, A dance given by Tom Engen urday, arranged by Mrs. L. M. Gilmore and Prof. E. J. Root re Floyd Green. The second group at the old Kist school house Nickerson. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ceived high score and Joe Fer- which consisted of Margaret Sol- Saturday was enjoyed by all Harris had high score, and Mr. laak low. omonson and LaVon George were present. and Mrs. Geo. King, low. The Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Baird are selected as having the best. The Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ohler, Er list of guests included Mr. and moving this week to Sheridan, class invited Miss Taylor and Mr. nest Smejkal and Edward Smej- Mrs. Geo. King, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas to act as judges. gram was given in the high kal were guests at the home of L. R. Kern, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Oregon, where Mr. Baird has pur Larry Marshall school auditorium Friday, Feb Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smejkal Harris, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ste chased a service station. Bougher is busy directing Editor Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Redman the Miss operetta, “Love Pirates of Asst. Editor Christine Rainey ruary 20. Mr. Jackson, leader Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens phens, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahl and the latter’s father, expect to Hawaii, ” words and Music by Otis Sports Ed. Marvin Porterfield of the grade school and high Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ohler and gren, Mrs. Conley, Oscar Schif spent Thursday evening with Mr. leave March 1 for Baker, where M. Carrington. Senior Reporter Grace Condit The cast has been school band and orchestra played son Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Ho fer, Geo. Keller and Mr. Farley. and Mrs. Paul Fetch of Vernonia. they will engage in farming and chosen from the eighth grade. Jr. Reporter Kathryn Malmsten several popular numbers on a bart Engen motored to Portalnd The Raines-Rogers mill which The Timber-Westimber cham stock raising on their ranches The principal characters Soph. Rep. Margaret McDonald are Dor- ( saxophone and trumpet. The Girls on business Friday. ber of commerce sponsored a has been down since early in there. Frosh Reporter Florence Wall othy Dear played by Sara Me j Glee club sang two numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Sheeley “500” card party in their hall at December resumed operations on John and Gus Olson and their Gee; Miss Primer, Otha DeHart; Grace Condit’s talk “The Per spent Sunday at the home of Timber Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wednesday of last week. sister in Portland were were in Billy Wodd, Garland Monger; HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE fect Tribute,” about Lincoln Mrs. Sheeley’s brother, Mr. and formed recently of a handsome1 Pirate chief, Eari Doney. The BASKET BALL STANDINGS was received with much applause. Mrs. Hobart Engen. legacy of money from a relative 1 schooi orchestra will ac Everett Rundell briefly outlined Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ohler were in Sweden, each sharing alike. W L the life of George Washington. TEAM company the cast. pleasantly surprised to have their . « 0 Jack Baldridge, formerly a Fifth grade: Edward Atkins Rainer .... son Thane walk in on them Sun . 3 4 HIGH SCHOOL TEAM camp superintendent and for the entered from Portland Tuesday. Vernonia day evening. Thane Ohler has . 3 4 WINS OVER BANKS past two years head of a pine Doris Nixon received 100 in the Scappoose been working at Kelso, Wash . 2 4 camp in New Mexico, and his fa fifth grade written spelling con St. Helens ington, since the first of the . 1 6 mily are back in Portland, ar test Friday. Cecilia Gough was Clatskanie The Vernonia high school bas- year. He is home now for an riving there two weeks ago. Log on the Portland train that went The standings given above are ketball team after a hard game stay. ging operations there also ceased off the track at Linnton Friday. those of the county high school Friday night in which they beat indefinite The pupils of the Kist school due to the depression. The newspaper, “Poll Parrott” basketball teams. Rainier in Clatskanie, played at Banks Sat receiving 100 in spelling this Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle re made its first appearance Friday. the lead and Clatskanie in the urday and came very near los week were Ralph Ohler, Virgil FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS turned to camp Tuesday after Elmer Michener sprained his an cellar each have two more games ing the game to a team which Rainwater, Susie Mae Jensen, spending several days with the kle while playing basketball Fri to play. Vernonia meets St. Hel- they whitewashed several weeks Harry Ohler, Glen Rainwater, February 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, March 1 day. He was able to be back to lens at Vernonia this Friday, before. The score was 23 to 20. Carl Ohler, and Carl Jensen. latter’s parents in Portland. school Tuesday. Banks In the first half the $1.25 Portland ..... Forest Grove .... $ .90 February 27, in the last game for Lew Foote, check scaler, visit Seven-1: During the past week the local team. Scappoose tied boys dropped in baskets from all ed a few days in Portland re Albany ....... ..... 2.60 Hillsboro .......... 1.75 the class has been studying “ spel with the Loggers for second place angles while the Loggers were turning Tuesday. 2.35 Rainier .............. 1.25 Astoria ...... .... demons ” a list of 10,0 words ling has one game left and that with getting accustomed to the small, The Alfred Johnsen, Sather Corvallis .... .... 2.80 Salem ................ 2.15 wcich are commonly used but The the league leader Rainier, which low-ceilinged gymnasium. and Hegli families spent the Eugene ....... ..... 3.55 Seaside .............. 2.75 Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren period ended with Banks far in weekend visiting relatives in Rai are often misspelled. The follow hasn’t lost a game this year. ing persons received 100, in spell Clatskanie was forced to forfeit the lead 17 to 3. .... ..... .... nier. In the last half the local boys several games because an ineli T. F. Scott and' J. W. Worn- ing: A delightful affair was ar came out with a rush and scored staff were Vernonia visitors last Erma Thompson, Florence Austin, gible player was on the team. ranged Thursday afternoon ati Stanley Parker, Stanley Overson, 20, points while Banks only scored Tickets on sale in both directions between all high school team by The local Thursday. the home of Mrs. J. Klein when Maxine Scribner, Toshi Kuge, three. The game was very ex points for trains and stages of lines shown be comeback in the last Mr. and Mrs. E. Bemis return virtue of a Stitch and Chatter club was ed several days ago from a busi Francis Bergerson, Helen Hol four games, is riding high in sec- citing in the last few minutes the low. Minimum 50c. Games and con gate, Willa Crowder, Harold Ca ond place and stands a good as Banks was three points ahead entertained. ness trip to Portland. tests filled a jolly afternoon son, Lolomae Smith, Thurman Return limits Tuesdays following dates of sale. and was stalling but Adams and chance of remaining there. St. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bemis and a”<1 refreshments were served son Donald of Portland spent a DeHart, Floyd Rose, Fred Hender Helens, in fourth place has a Holcomb each sank long ones and by hostess. Attending were few days this week visiting at son, Lucille Lindburg, Kenneth strong team and will be fighting George dropped in a cripple just Mrs. the Geo. King, Mrs. J. B. before the game ended. the Ernest Bemis home, and also Lewis, Robert Culver. hard for second place also. Marchel, Mrs. A. F. Knight, Mrs. The following had 100 in spell the McCormick family at I. P. A. C. Ahlgren, Mrs. Wm. Fer- S. P. & S. TRANSPORTATION CO. (Stases) headquarters camp. They were ing: Mrs. Spring’s room: Angel VERNONIA DEFEATS laak, Mrs. L. R. Kern, Mrs. A. formerly residents of the upper ina Yana, Bud Lindberg, Pete CLATSKANIE R. Baird, Mrs. Wm. Moore, Mrs. McDonald, Betty Jagen, Zelma I.-P. camp. E. J. Wilson, Mrs. Wilford Wolfe, The Vernonia high team de- Mr. and Mrs. Shrader, of Port Shipley, Louella Jones, Eleanor The Kist Home Demonstration Mrs. L. E. Stephens, Mrs. A. E. land, visited the Ernest Bemis Graven, Bobby Ulshoeffer, Ronald feated the Clatskanie five Friday February 20, by the count of unit held their meeting at the Koenig, Mrs. Wm. Krebs, Mrs. family Friday and Saturday re Smith, Harry Henderson. Sixth grade: Hilton Baker, Bon 28 to 26. home of Mrs. Russell Stanton L. M. Nickerson, Mrs. C. H. turning to the city Sunday. ita Buffmire, Hazel Chapman, February 19. Those present were Kern, and Mrs. C. C. Harris. The game was fast and furi Mrs. Lyle Rose was quite ill for a few days last week, suf Leona Fetsch, Delphan Killian, ous with first one team and then Mrs. H. E. Condit, Mrs. Alta Mrs. W. F. Brinkmeyer of Tim Buster Nance, Leili Nelson, Ra the other forging ahead, The John, Mrs. Alice John, Mrs. M. ber and Mrs. Louisa Hobson of fering with influenza. first canto ended with score 4 to J. John, Mrs. A. V. Mowe, Mrs. Portland were guests. Jack Bethel of Denver, Colo chel Throop. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore were Eight-2: Hilda Bell, Virginia 2 in the Chiefs’ favor, Adams Guy Murphy, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. rado, was a business caller here last Friday. He is the husband Cummings, Hale Graves, Thaddeus opened the scoring with a bas C. C. Bergerson, Mrs. C. G. Jen called to Tacoma, Washington, of the former Mrs. Jack Roley, Lang,Malden New, Ward Plumer, ket in the first few seconds of sen, Mrs. J. B. Ohler, Mrs. Hob on Thursday of last week, by the and was accompanied by a bro- Glennie Russel, Margaret Me play, but Clatskanie came back art Engen and Mrs. Russell Stan death of Mrs. Moore’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Root of Nutt. with a bang and Erickson scored ton. ther-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rainwater Mill City are the proud parents Seven-2: Howard McGilvray, four points. George Swanson and family The second quarter was nip and family were entertained by of a new baby boy, born Feb have left for Portland to remain Louise Wilson, Evelyn Verley, Alvina Shively, Alice Hoffman. and tuck. Vernonia hit the bas Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ohler and ruary 2. Mrs. Root will be re until work is resumed here. ket for 9 points while Clatskanie family at the G. H. Ohler home membered as Florence Christian LINCOLN SCHOOL Mr. Daly paid a brief visit to his daughter, Mrs. P. H. Peter The third grade received nine added eight to their total to end Saturday evening. A pleasant son. Four tables of “500” were in son, Friday when he was in camp letters from pupils of the third the first half 12 to 11 in their evening was enjoyed playing play at a delightful evening Sat- cards. favor. on a business errand. grade of Central school at Ho Vernonia came back fighting in I. N. Bradford of Hood River quiam, Wash. is visiting for several days at The following in the first grade the third quarter to even the the home of his son, C. E. Brad had 100 in numbers: Virginia count and it stood at 22 to 22 at ford. Johnson, Donald Henderson, Mid the end of the period. The Loggers hit the net for Mrs. Frank Starr and little dleton Crawford, Betty Holgate, daughter of I.-P. headquarters Steven Meek, Freddis Shoemaker, six points in the last quarter Delivered To and Called for at Your Door while the Chiefs were only able camp, spent Saturday and Sunday Lottie Reich. TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY in Vernonia and attended the bas The folowing had 100 in spell- to gather in four points. Erickson was high point man ketball game played there Satur ing: Fourth grade, Charlie Koto, Long Distance Furniture Hauling day night. Her husband who is Violet Johnson, Jack Sheeley, with 12 points while Adams scor- Between Vernonia and Portland working at Cochran is a member Carl Taylor, Arthur Lee Kilby. ed 10. Clatskanie’s seconds beat the of the team from that place. Second grade: Leola Fitzgerald, Portland-Vernonia Truck Line Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Nixon of Virginia Owen, Gene Mason, El- Vernonia second team 18 to 14. Portland are visiting L. A. Young lanor Poetter, Walter Mock, Jean W. A. Davis, Local Manager. at old I.-P. headquarters camp. Moran, Marilyn Mayfield, Aletha WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN PROGRAM RES. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 H. W. Jones and family spent Gains, George King, Valda Rae the weekend with relatives at Mc Bond. A Washington-Lincoln day pro- Minnville. Cecil Templeton of Portland and his mother visited at the Westlin home recently. Glenn Ridenour who has been staying with his sister, Mrs. Dodge, is leaving for Toledo, Oregon, this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dunlap are enjoying a visit by the latter’s mother, Mrs. Dearberry, this In everything, systema week. Carl Davidson was a business tic procedure wins. Hit caller in camp Tuesday. ITH this new Thor in 2 hours—saving from 6 to SERVICE QUALITY 3 to do your washing 10 hours of drudgery« and miss tactics always and ironing electrically you See this new Thor—-that can fail. need spend only 4 hours at be changed from washer to a job that has taken days ironer in 10 seconds. The WASHINGTON SCHOOL before« fastest washer—the fastest First grade: Three boys in Mrs. This applies with equal You wash in 2 hours—iron ironer built« Ray’s room have the record of nine library books read silently Whether it’s a big job or a little one, you’ll get force to saving money. Bince Christmas. They are Justin the best service and the best work in our big, Save systematically. Put George, Leonard Kostur and Man- modern commercial printing plant. Ask us to cel Lee Rose. The other pupils away a stated minimum quote on your next job. have read from three to seven • I amount every payday, or books. Mrs. Spring’s room: The entire every so often, and the BOOKLETS------ BROADSIDES------- FOLDERS oom has made large geography From Washer to Iraner rapid accumulation will ooklets. They are making a brief STATIONERY ------ BUSINESS FORMS in 10 Second» and simple outline of the entire surprise you. POSTERS AND HAND BILLS oook so it will be easily reviewed at the end of the term. The room has been divided into rows of boys and girls alone. Both are trying for first place in neat ness, highest grades and citizen ship. The girls lost by only one 622 BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA, OREGON point last week. Miss Kirkpatrick’s room: The fifth grade gave a play entitled "Betsy Ross and the Flag.” The THE FEATHERHEADS The First “Pop-Eyed Chump class selected eight of its mem bers to be divided into four groups competing for the best act ing of the play. Those taking part were Daisy McDonald, David Machen, Margaret Salomonsen, LaVon George, Helen Barnes, Camp • • . McGregor The Timber Line Midwinter Bargain Week-end Round Trip Fares Westimber Other Points in Proportion UNITED RAILWAYS KIST Freight New Speed Machine System Counts OMEOMWINC does both washing and ironing School Items CALL 101 Lank of Vernonia Square Deal Service Station U. S. Royal Cord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed VERNONIA EAGLE Oregon Gas & Electric Co