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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR country as a whole will not cur- ago, is easing up a bit and will tail their advertising appropria- soon be wiped out. tions for 1931, but will main- We can look for higher eggs tain them at the same rate as next fall if these factors are pre for the past two years, according sented correctly and the farmer to reports made at the recent an who is in a position to produce Pacific Coast Repreientative nual convention of the National then will reap a harvest. And Arthur W. Stypei, Inc. Retail Dry Goods association held in the meantime the cost of feed San Francisco in New York. and other elements, including Early in the year a movement laying stocks, will be down. was started by some department As a matter of fact market store heads to reduce advertising malajustments in the egg indust Member of National Editorial expenditures, the theory being ry should correct themselves Association and Oregon State that since prices are lower, less more rapidly than in any other Editorial Association. money should be spent to adver similar pursuit, because of the tise goods that show a smaller fact that the number of laying hens can be increased or decreas Issued Every Friday $2.00, Per Year in Advance gross and net return. But the opinion of the largest ed within a remarkably short Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post store owners and operators of time. That is probably the rea- office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. the country was that the increas son why the egg industry has ed volume of sales that will re always been noted for its sta- bility. is no bonanza, but Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; sult will justify spending fully neither It is it for long in the legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding as much or more in advertising dumps. insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, of all kinds. —Seaside Signal. The question of apportioning 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. advertising funds was discussed I THE ARREST OF THE at length and figures were pre COMMUNISTS sented to show the department RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher and dry goods stores of the coun The arrest in this city of pub try spent a trifle more than 70 per cent of their entire adver lishers of the Finnish-language TOO MUCH LEGISLATION tising appropriation in the daily daily, the Toveri, by the federal authorities o n and weekly newspapers during immigration charges of being avowed Com The state legislature has been feverishly busy this 1930. The general consensus of opin munists is a part of a general week trying to complete its biennial task with as little ion as expressed at the conven nation-wide crusade being con unsalaried overtime as possible. One cannot blame the le tion was that this percentage ducted by the government against gislators for not finishing within the forty day limit, They should be increased in the future members of this Russian born and that fully 75 per cent of this political party which has as its have had all they can do and more. fund should be expended for objective the overthrow of es The reason lies in the multiplicity of proposed laws, newspaper advertising, and some tablished government by red re The house calendar of February 23 enumerates 393 house of the wasteful and unprofitable volution. mediums be curtailed or abandon Recently congress appointed a bills, 299 senate bills in the house, 17 house resolutions, ed altogether. committee to investigate the ac 20 house joint resolutions, 14 house joint memorials, 11 The executive head of the lar tivities of Communistic groups senate joint memorials in the house, 13 senate concurrent gest New York department store throughout the United States. that during 1930 his Yesterday in the house at Wash resolutions in the house, and so on. Enough, surely, to declared firm had carefully tried out and ington, Representative Bachmann make a legislator’s hair turn gray. checked many advertising medi of West Virginia, a member of ums aside from newspapers and this committee, addressed his Why so many suggested laws, the layman wonders. A certain amount of legislation every two years is after a fair trial, had decided colleagues on the subject, urging to increase newspaper space and deportation of the so- obviously essential. New conditions arise, necessitating the cut down on nearly every other wholesale called “ 'reds i ” as a means of making of new laws or the revision of old ones. Exper advertising method. This firm “shutting their treasonable ience may show wherein improvement in existing legisla will increase its advertising ex mouths.” He mentioned the for 1931 so he an spread of Communistic propagan- tion is possible. Yet very many of the bills that are heap penditure nounced, as compared with 1930. da among the school children of ed upon the reading clerk’s desk every session, cluttering —Wenatchee Daily World. this country, warning that “Am up the calendar whether they die in committee or reach erica can have no more vicious HOPE FOR THE EGG or dangerous enemy than he who the point of debate on the floor, are neither the product seeks to implant in the minds of INDUSTRY of new conditions nor the outgrowth of experience. They impressionable youths the seeds either satisfy some legislator’s whim, or are introduced There is hope for the Clatsop of class hatred, anti-Americanism county egg farmer in figures pre and revolution.” at the behest of some petty group of his constituents. Besides useless, trivial affairs that intrude themselves sented by the Eggsaminer, pub It is not for us to say as to lished by the Pacific Co-operative the truth of the charges made into the legislature, there are always certain zealous in Poultry Producers. Not only against the Toveri publishers by dividuals bent on hampering the rest of mankind by more that but it seems as though the the federal authorities. While laws, regulating this and that, as if the people were not suf egg producing industry, in spite the paper is printed in this city, of prices that do not pay cost it is printed in a foreign lan ficiently regulated (on paper) already. Laws are piled up of production at the present time, guage. From time to time Fin- on laws, the only recompense being that the old ones get offers an opportunity for progres nish residents, whose American- ism is above reproach, have pro- sive farmers. Here they are: to be buried so deeply that their existence is forgotten. “The International Baby Chick tested to us of what they have So it goes from session to session—more whims, more association repofrts that b(aby read in this paper, and it has regulations, more laws to break and more people breaking chick orders are only 35 per cent had for a long time the reputa them. Happy will be the day when some future legisla of normal all over the nation.” tion of being ultra-red in the doc That means that comparatively trines it preaches. If, as the im ture finishes early, with time to spare. few fowls will come into produc migration officials claim, they tion this year. have translations of its articles A college professor somewhere has noticed a relation “Laying fowls are being mark to prove that it is openly Com ship between the length of women’s skirts and prosperity— eted at a rate three times as munistic and that it stands for heavy as usual.” That means the overthrow of the constitu short skirts, good times; long skirts, hard times. May short that those hens now in production ted government of this country skirts again be fashionable—and stay so! will disappear at a rate far in by violence, then we can have excess of normal. no sympathy for them in the pre “The department of agriculture dicament in which they now find Vernonians are not objecting to being awakened early reports that there is a much themselves. every morning by the tooting of the mill whistle. lighter poultry population in all The constitution of the United sections of the country except States guarantees the freedom of been decidedly mild and has caus the Pacific coast.” That means the press, and it is a freedom elsewhere, where conditions which any newspaper would jeal- ed a lesser outlay for fuel and that are not so favorable as they are ously defend. r This guarantee, ~' for the storage of provisions here, the effects of the first two however, cannot t be construed than common. Oregon, as many factors named are already to be visitors to the eastern and middle seen. western part of the country, “The consumption of eggs has REEHER & LUEBKE have repeatedly asserted that reached a point where it probably New And Used Good* Oregon is faring much better is the heaviest in marketing his Furniture & than the rest of the country, and tory.” That, means that low prices Bargains In Stoves in this we would be thankful, have so stimulated business that While the economic depression optimistic, even. In many towns the great surplus of storage eggs, 11 First Ave. Forest Grove, Oregon is being felt throughout the coun in this valley, there is much less which was bearing down on the North try and possibly less in the Pa talk of depression and hard times market terrifically several months cific Northwest than anywhere than there is here. Those com else, still there is much that is munities are cultivating a spirit of optimism, that is helping them encouraging in living in this sec- through this unfavorable period. tion during the dull times, Ag- —McMinnville News-Reporter. riculture and horticulture are badly hit, to be sure, but the EXPERTS PREFER NEWS farmer can still make a comfort PAPER ADVERTISING able living on his broad acres or his little ranch. The winter has The department stores of the Order of Eastern Star A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs- ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. ïîmuuiia Wliat Ollier Editors Think Telephone Orders Deliveries twice daily Prompt and obliging Service Highest quality of meats and groceries Are a few of the advantages of trading with Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in month at the I.O.O.F. hall. I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit Mrs. Laura Sakier, President. ors always welcome. Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Helen Fogel, Secretary HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. Pythian Sister* hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Vernonia Temple 61 meets H. Mayfield, C. C. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. II. Culbertson, K.R.S. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. I. O. O. F. Nehalem Market & Grorerv (Incorporated) PHONE 721 American Legion Vernonia Po*t| FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1931. by any process of legitimate cannot ship these aggressive Com ing a route for a permanent reasoning as meaning that any munists to Russia that they might highway, the cost of which will newspaper has the right to preach see the form of government they be borne by the taxpayers, it treason and sedition or to ad advocate in full flower and ex is a job for engineers, not poli vocate the overthrow of our perience the Communism, which ticians. —St. Helens Sentinel. form of government by force of they so boldly espouse in theory, arms. To permit the communists to as it is in actual operation. We The most serious phase of this anticipate that such a penalty spout their inflammatory, per Communistic movement is its would prove an effective cure of versive teachings in the belief organized effort t-> recruit its their revolutionary ideas and that they are too rabid or whim ranks from the children of the arouse in them an appreciation of sical to be dangerous would be country. Astoria knows a good the American form of govern comparable to allowing smallpox deal of this phase, since regular ment in which they now profess patients to walk among us freely classes for young folks have been to find so much objectionable. because some of us are immune held here and not a few of the —Astorian Budget. from the ravages of that dread boys and girls of this community I disease. And to extend the hand have attended Communist sum-1 H. B. Van Duzer, chairman of of national friendship and give mer schools at Winlock and oth the state highway commission, is recognition to the communist go er points where they are taught quoted as having said that if the vernment that is trying to des the doctrines of the revolutionary legislature is to select the best troy us would be a madness of party. of the “shortest” routes from which our civilized and Christian In the main this movement in Portland to the sea, then there administration must not be guilty. this country is under the leader is no necessity for the highway —The Spectator. ship of alien residents who were commission. If he made such a admitted to this country to seek statement he told the truth and More than 2000 people read opportunity and to enjoy the lib if he did not make it, it is the the classified ads in the Vernon- erties which now exist by reason truth. When it comes to select-' ia Eagle. of the very government they j would overthrow. It is asking too much of American tolerance to remain indifferent to such a challenge. The most obvious weapon to wield against such al iens is that which the govern ment is now using, deportation. If these people do not like our form of government, there is no compulsion upon them to accept it. The routes back from whence they came are still open and they should be made to travel them. The regrettable part of the sit uation is that the United States House And -:SIGN:- PAINTING Oregon-American Lumber Co. PAPER HANGING AND TINTING J. C. Henderson Phone 1021 Books of 1930 Wall Paper Samples Now Hero On Display Vernonia Paint Shop Vernonia Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. ANNOUNCFMFNT«! RADIO ANNOUNCEMENT WESTINGHOUSE AND SILVER-MARSHALL RADIOS SALES and SERVICE J. A. OWEN BOX 311 VERNONIA I have leased and am now op erating the Sessman Black smith Shop. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Repairing of all kinds W. M. Faulkner Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 RARRFR Physican and Surgeon SHOPS ■ BARBER Jty SHOP Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed RESTAURANTS DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon DAD’S SANDWICH SHOP Delicious Chile and Sand wiches—Also Roasts and Short Orders CARD ROOM Eye* Tested PASTIME CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Glasses Fitted DR. C. O. ANDERSON Lloyd Baker, Prop. Eye Spelialist—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store CONTR ACTpRS HOTFI S JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia DENTISTS M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon —Vernonia Lodge No. ---------------- too s 119, A~ .—*—' 246 I.O.O.F. American meets every Tuesday night Legion. Meets at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis- Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy 2nd "and 4th itors always welcome. DR. R. A. OLSON L. H. Cates. N. G. • Tuesdays each Chiropractor Chas. Holt, V, G. month. 8. p. m. John Glassner. Sec’y. Tel. 671 1117 State St. Dan Nelson, Ad Mike Miller, Treasurer. Vernonia. Oregon jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y. HOTEL GORDON TERMINAL CAFE The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking Newly Furnished Room* Hot and Cold Water Mary Kato Next to Post Office Very Reasonable Rates Chop Suey Restaurant Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. TRANSFER — TRUCK FE atinc F ¿4 ttte EATING L AT HCMI J hotel M c D onald CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling MORTUARIES COMPLETE,, ,,,FUNERALS CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance 14/ Von//? 1/7 HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store BROWN MORTUARY Phone 593 MONEV TH I PAN Money to Loan On improved real estate; long time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla. St. Helens Oregon. wiohim tou whflt you wont TN PKINTTNO when yen went It!