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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1931)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1931. PAGE THREE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON valent to the present mill tax for Ben and Joe Fairhurst and market roads and allocated for their families of Portland spent this purpose by the state highway Sunday with their parents, Mr. commission and designate them as and Mrs. E. J. Fairhurst. “secondary state highways.” ! W. L. Lindsley and Lloyd Gil- Proponents of this measure Those from Keasey who at- lam went back to work in the called attention to the increase in tended the spelling contest in mill Monday. State Grange Service property taxes and the necessity Vernonia Friday were Mrs. Pet- Norman Pettijohn left Monday for reduction. tijohn and family, Mr. and Mrs. for Wilark. He has a job there REFUND KILLED J. O. Devaney and family, Mrs. as third loader. UTILITY BILL PASSES Senate Bill 74, with an adverse Bessie Cummins and brother Aub- Mr. Devaney returned from HOUSE report attached to it by the roads rey, Mrs. Evers and LaVelle Gosa. Westport Thursday for a few and highways committee was House bill 77 for the regula Aubrey Cromwell and Ralph days. He will go back to work quickly consigned to eternal rest tion of public utilities, was pass Devaney were in the written con by the senate. ed by the house by a vote of 50 test. Ralph was also in the oral there this week. The purpose of this bill was to to 10. This is another major ad contest. He is only a fifth grad Frank White is building an ad authorize and direct the state ministration measure and pro er with but two years and four dition to his house. Mrs. J. O. Devaney had a let highway commission to reimburse vides for abolition of the present months in school, but he did so the counties for all monies ex Public Service commission and well that only four were left ter from her son Orris, who is a sailor on the S. S. Oregon. pended by them in the construc the creation of a one-man com when he went down. They were thirty days going to tion of state highways within a mission appointed by the gover C. O. Evers and his sister Mrs. Shanghai, and were leaving Che- specified time and amounting to nor. Devaney were Vernonia visitors foo for Portland, where they will $15,0.00,000.00 Recalling no doubt that this Saturday. arrive March 20, taking three It was explained by Senator measure reflected the major sen- Mrs. Pettijohn and Miss Gosa months to make the trip. He Upton, sponsor of this measure, timent of their constituency few drove to Vernonia Saturday. that it was a wonderful trip. that it would reduce property representatives opposed it on fin Ed Kelly was in Vernonia Sat says They stopped at Darien, Shang tax. al co'nsideration. urday, returning with C. O. Evers. hai, Nanking and Chefoo, China. Anna Devaney spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Devaney and TABOO SALARY INCREASE end with Grace Mills at Verno family were dinner guests at Mrs. OREGON OUTLOOK So far during this session no nia. Devaney’s brother’s, C. O. Evers, bill for increaes in salary of any Mrs. John Campbell has been it being their tenth wedding an REPORT ISSUED very state official has found legisla- ill this week. niversary. tive favor. Mr. Lindsley put wire netting With the improvement in bus WATER POWER BILL WINS iness conditions which seems fair matches between teams in the over the school house windows Sunday so the children could play Having run the gauntlet of a ly certain during the 1931-32 county. According to plans of those ball on the play ground. flood of lobbyists whose ability to marketing year, the demand for who have been ’ instrumental in Mr. and Mrs. Altree went out condemn and to offer amend farm products is also expected bringing about the new organiza Sunday for their two days off. ments to it senate bill 62, intro to increase says L. R. Breith- tion, memberships will be open to Mr. Altree looks after the power duced by Brown and sponsored aupt, economist of the Oregon each individual nominal dues. plant Ivan Shearer will look by the administration, passed the Extension service, who has just Money derived with from these mem after the place for him. upper house by a 29 to 1 vote, released the Oregon outlook re berships will be used to provide Miss Grace Mills was given a Senator Carsne rbeing absent. port. It is in two sections—the This bill provides for the cre first dealing principally with prizes for individual low scores birthday party Saturday evening ation of a hydro-electric commis livestock enterprises, and the sec for the season and for the team by her sisters of Portland. A sion, including the state engineer ond the crops and horticulture winning the most home and delightful time was had by all. home matches. Dainty refreshments were served. and two other persons, appointed outlook. A tournament is planned for Those present were Mr. and Mrs. by the governor. The Oregon report, based on It also provides for the use and information gathered from every sometime in the early part of Frank Flack, Mr. and Mrs. El development of water and water county of the state, in addition the summer which will probably mer Fairley, LeRoy Christianson, power by citizens, associations of to the conclusions of the na be played on the Vernonia course. Celeste McDonald, Ethel Chris- citizens and private corporations tional outlook conference is avail It is also planned to select a tianson, Alice Parker, Anna De the best golfers in all vaney, Eleanor Edens, Elmer organized under the laws of the able in mimeographed form from team the of clubs in the county to Edans. Miss Mills received many United States or any state there county agents or direct from the of of; and prescribes the manner in state college, Copies of com- play against teams from other nice gifts. which and conditions upon which ments on the report by college sections. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens The organization will be com the right to the use of water specialists in the various divi- posed of at least two directors drove to Portland on Wednesday may be secured and enjoyed. sions will be distributed from > from each course in the county. of last week to attend the funer The chief purpose of this meas the same sources. al of Mrs. Mary Jane Fanning. ure is to preserve the water pow Although improvement in poul I—St. Helens Mist. er resources of the state of Ore try prices may not reasonably be, gon for all the citizens thereof. expected before late in 1931 or It marks the beginning of a ■early 1932, successful commercial) new and highly important plan j poultrymen of this state will do of water and water power con ¡better to increase rather than trol in this state and is in re | decrease their flocks, believes A. sponse to the demand of the G. Lunn, head of the poultry de electorate of Oregon at the polls partment. Feed, building, and last fall. labor costs are low, he explains, and volume of production is ne DRUGLESS DOCTORS WIN | cessary to return a profit in com Year after year a bill finds1 petition with other favored sec its way into one or both branches1 tions. of the Oregon legislature to reg-) The comment by P. M. Brandt, ulate or limit drugless healers.' head of the dairy department, This year senate bill 103, by was to the effect that "in gen Booth and Upton, embodied thej eral dairy expansion in Oregon same general features. should be recommended only It requires that drugless heal where production costs are most ers before being permitted to favorable.” He points out that practice must pass examination an accurate, careful check on in human anatomy, human phy production costs by individual siology, human pathology, chemis dairymen is now of more im- try and hygiene. portance than ever, Many Ore- This requirement applies to gon dairymen, he says, have al would-be practitioners of medi ready reduced production costs cine and surgery, osteopathy, to the point where satisfactory chiropratic, naturopathy and any profits are obtained even under other system or method of heal present conditions, while others ing that may hereafter be legal could not make dairying profit ized in this state. able if prices were doubled. The state board of higher edu Outlook for turkeys, beef cat Every new Ford is equipped with cation is authorized and directed tle, hogs, sheep and wool, mohair to conduct these examinations. and a number of other commodi four lfoudaille double-acting Fine and imprisonment is pro ties are also reported in the first vided for violators of this law. section of the report, while the hydraulic shock absorbers On the floor of the senate second deals with wheat and oth the debate on this bill was acri er farm crops. ONE of the fine things about driving the new Ford is the monious. On the one side were friends of regular physicians, on COUNTY ASSOCIATION way it takes you over the miles without strain or fatigue. the other side friends of the No matter how long the trip, you know it will bring you IS PLAN OF GOLFERS drugless practitioners. safely, quickly, comfortably to the journey’s end. The bill was defeater 16 to 14. Formation of an organization The seats are generously wide, deeply cushioned and to be known as the Columbia MARKET ROAD TAX carefully designed to conform to the curves of the body. County Golf Association will take REPEALED Every new Ford has specially designed springs and four Sunday, March 15, when Opposed by the state motor as- place . sociation, senate bill 262, provid- golfers from the various courses Houdaille double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers. ing for the repeal of the present I in this county will meet in St. These work both ways — up and down. They absorb the mill tax for market roads, was ¡Helens. The day will be spent force of road shocks and also provide a cushion against passed. A compromise contained playing golf and the meeting is the rebound of the springs. in this bill provides also that scheduled for 7 o’clock in the At that - time the highway commission may take evening. A'. —— officers Z-'.zzr~ Other features that make the new Ford a value far over and maintain all market and directors will be chosen and above the price are the Triplex shatter-proof glass wind roads built from the monies equi- plans laid for tournaments and Legislative News KEASEY FORD COMFORT WESTERN SEED For Western Farmers shield, silent, fully enclosed four-wheel brakes, more than twenty ball and roller bearings, extensive use of fine steel forgings, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy valves, torque-tube drive, Rustless Steel and unusual accuracy in manufacturing. In addition, you save many dollars because of the low first cost of the new Ford, low cost of operation and up-keep, and low yearly depreciation. STORES ? ¡BIRTH DAY i ft Biaaer and Better thanever/x Another year of BETTER foods and BETTER food stores! Another year of ser vice and steady growth! That’s why we are celebrating with an anniversary food event. This event convincingly shows that our up-to-date methods of sup plying you with the Nation’s best-known and finest foods results in consistent savings and complete food satisfaction. This is a celebration you won’t want to miss—and with it, of course, is the famous courtesy and helpfulness of our salespeople. Prices Effective February 27 to March 3 Inclusive, 1931. Alaska Pink—good quality—new pack—1 lb- tall—Per can V SOAP BROOMS SHRIMP HOT SAUCE— Del Monte (j ó For ........... *7C Brand, o TOMATO SOUP— bells—No. 1 tini 3 For CRYSTAL WHITE— GEM BRAND—EACH GULF KIST—Fancy Medium No. 1 Tins ................................. GUM OR HERSHEY BARS MACMARR PEARS-— Libby or Spring brook— No. 2t4 Cans— 2 For..................... 39c OR LIBBY Ed Tapp Cass Bergerson 3 10c For Cane STONES SYRUP and Maple— 5 Pound can .... Tall cans— 3 for 19c 65c PINEAPPLE— Fancy 2 No. 2H Cans sliced 43 Q MALT — - PURITAN— lb. can .......... OYSTERS — GULF KIST— No. 1 Tins ......... ... 2 JELL WELL CHOICE OF FLAVORS .......... 3 Packages 19c MACMARR PANCAKE and WAFFLE FLOUR— Makes finest wheat cakes and waffles— I Q 2 Mi lb. Pkg............... 13C 49c 9-8 lb. Bag MT. VERNON PEAS—Fan cy Summer Sweet—Packed in Pacific Northwest— 3 £ .... 43c CORN — MacMarr Fancy Del Maiz Golden—The most popular variety of canned corn—ask for recipe book- let— 2 Cans ................... GOLDETTE GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 Cam 2 For MACMARR FLOUR Milled from Northwest ern Hard Wheat— 49?„k FLOUR— Sperry’s Drifted Snow— 49 Pound Sack Free with each 49-!b. sack — One large measuring spoon and one kitchen fork. Free with each No. 10 sack—one large measuring spoon. $1.09 MACMARR $1.39 No. 10 Sack 39c 29c COFFEE Will please the most dis criminating coffee drink er. Why pay for a tin pound ........... 34 c 3 Pounds $1.00 39c 23c for PAR—The Perfect Concen trated Soap— large pack age 48c. Special Introduc tory offer: Free with each purchase of one large pack age at the regular price of 48c, one large package free. Take both packages home— try one package and if not entirely satisfied return the other package and the emp ty carton of the one used. We will refund the CO full purchase price. “OC CRACKERS— Tru Bake Salted Wafers or Grahams 2 tb. pkg............... 29c RAISINS — Choice Thomp son Seedless— 4 25c lb. Bag ... MOTHERS OATS— Alumi num or China— 09 _ Package ................... OJC 1 Q _ 12 Ounce ................. luv COMB HONEY— $430 to $630 QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK HAMBURGER, pound ... PORK SAUSAGE, pound . . BACON, Whole or Half, pound PORK ROAST, pound ... Vegetable Shortening, 3-lbs. • QUALITY ------ SNAPPY SERVICE Vernonia Trading Co Choice of brandi MILK Camp 23c 2 for Tn Nrw F ordor S eda "« Much better than Ea»tem Seed for soil and climatic conditions on the Pacific Coast—is seed grown in the West Let us supply your needs ------------------- M ac M arri I Sc 18c 25c 16c Me 100% SANITARY Vernonia, Oregon M ac M arr TM ac M ARRy M ac M arr y M ac M arr «TORCÍ ’ «TORCÍ ’ «TORCÍ ’ «TORCÍ M ac M arr y M ac M arr «TORCÍ ~ «TORCÍ