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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR pared the report, and it is a re flection on those who have been advocating the Wilson river, for Herald has been somewhat of From Realty Taxes a the mouth piece for them, which now alleges “Rottenness.” It is Pacific Coast Representativa Measures for relieving real pro exceeding unfortunate that this Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. perty from discriminatory taxa editorial should appear at this San Francisco tion were discussed at a meeting critical stage of the proceedings, in the Hillsboro grange hall Sat which may jeopardize the whole urday. proposition of obtaining a short Concerning the meeting the er route from Portland to the Member of National Editorial Washington County News-Times, Tillamook and Clatsop beaches. Association and Oregon State Forest Grove, says: The editorial will, of course, be Editorial Association. The immediate object of the use by proponents of the other meeting is the formation of the routes, and when placed before Issued Every Friday 12.00, Per Year in Advance Washington County Tax Equali the state highway commission and zation league along the lines the highway department, will which have been followed in cause considerable resentment and Entered as second class matter August 4, 1022, at the post Yamhill county. The organiza do more harm than good. We office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. tion will sponsor activities look want to say this in behalf of ing toward the reduction of the the state department that it is Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; taxation burden now placed on composed of citizens of the high legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding real estate, which those calling est class and character, men who insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, the meeting state is now bearing go about their work in a prac 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. about 80 per cent of the taxa tical and business like manner tion of the state, while personal and who are concientiously doing property carries only about 20 their duties honestly and faith RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher per cent. fully, and we have the utmost With the reduction of taxes confidence in their ability and on farm land, the organization good advice, and it is a disgrace will make an effort to place per to malign such efficient servants LIBERTY OR LICENSE sonal properties such as securi and accuse them of rottenness. Where does the right of freedom of speech and of ties, accounts, notes, bank depos We have a concrete example of opinion end, and the right of the state to protect itself its, banking systems and other their worth and judgment in solv personal properties in such a ing the engineering problems of against hostile propaganda begin? as to bear a greater part the coast highway, which is a The question is a live one in Astoria just now, where position of the tax burden. monument to their ability, hones two editors of Toveri, a Finnish newspaper suspected of ty and integrity, and it is a Will File Test Case spreading communistic doctrines, are under arrest. According to reports, a test shame that these men should be Some may fancy that Toveri has as much right, if case will be filed this week in classed as doing something “rot ten” in making an investigation it chooses, to criticize capitalists and the middle classes Yamhill county on which taxes and report for the state highway are delinquent. This suit will al and agitate for government by the prolatariat as has a lege that the present tax on real commission. democratic newspaper to find fault with the republican property is discriminatory in fa administration and try to supplant it, when the time vor of personal properties. In the plan of action to be pursued comes, with one of its own political persuasion. other test cases are to follow Unquestionably such right does exist, provided the on which the taxes have been method is legitimate and peaceful. If the editors of paid up until this year. A Mc attorney has agreed to Toveri are communists sincere in the belief that the pres- Minnville handle the cases. ent capitalistic system is all wrong, that candidates pledged These cases will give an in to the cause of communism should be elected to office, terpretation of the tax laws, and that our form of government should be changed to which will concern all property A RIDICULOUS BILL in Oregon and provide a basis fit the new scheme of things, that is their privilege. It for legislative program which would be a stupendous quest, for alien enthusiasts and will be pushed by the organiza One of the most ridiculous and dangerous bills that sounds parlor bolveshists are scarcely numerous enough in this tion at the legislature. The organization which it is fairly good that has been intro country to hope ever to uproot peaceably the old democ planned to form this coming duced at this session of the leg racy. Saturday for this county will islature is the bill that is said to Therein lies the danger. The only method that ap- follow the pattern of the Yam- have the backing of Governor league which was organized Meier for a state police. peals to communists of the Russian type is the short cut hill The bill is not only ridiculous in January. Similar organiza- of revolution. The out and out communist urges the use tions are also being considered but dangerous. We have a fine of force. In reality far more dangerous is he to the in Marion and Polk counties as corps of traffic officers now, change that part of it. And welfare of the United States than was the old Imperial well as in eastern Oregon coun why here let us pay tribute to Ken ties. German government. The kaiser and his cohorts threat neth Healea, traffic officer at ened from without; the communist plots insidiously from FACTS OR PROPAGANDA? Clatskanie, a real asset to any town. within. Some people in Tillamook coun But there is one provision of The situation, not necessarily as regards Astoria, ty evidently think that the state the bill that we wish to call at where bolshevist propaganda may, for ought this news- highway commission reeks with tention to. because the report The state police, under the pro paper knows, be thin and diluted, but with reference to it corruption issued places the Wilson river visions of the bill, would be chos the spread of communistic theories in the United States, route in second place, and sug- en under civil service examina requires much careful consideration and wise action. gests that two other routes also tions, EXCEPT the governor could The breaking of a few agitator’s heads in a street brawl might serve the purpose of a appoint anyone he wishes. short cut to the sea. In other words, the governor will not solve the problem, nor will the jailing of a few An editorial reflecting this at- could appoint all the state police soap box orators. Something must be done, though, titude occasioned the following he wished and if he did not for when freedom of speech and of opinion degenerates rebuke from the Wheeler Repor- have friends enough who wanted ter: the jobs, the others would be into license to plot and destroy, the state must protect selected under civil service rules. itself. The editorial under the caption Thus one of the strongest pos- of “Facts or Propaganda?” in the last week’s Tillamook Herald THE ROAD TO THE SEA discussing the report of state Last summer at the super-highway district hearing highway engineers on the differ proposed shorter routes, at Jewell, Acting Chairman Gates, speaking for the high ent plainly showed that Bro. Mellin way commission, stated that if different communities ger lacked good horse stnse when Service Station would forget their petty jealousies and selfish interests he miligned and libeled the state and agree on a road to the coast, the commission would engineers, placed Tillamook city U. S. Royal Cord Tires in a decidely wrong position, stand ready to build it. and foolishly and untruthfully Shell Products Such cooperation appears to be out of the question alleged there is “Something rot- at present. The commission will have to do its own se ten in Denmark,” and with the Dependable Mechanics further accusation there was lecting, according to the best interests of the state, and “Some more something rotten.” Shop Work Guaranteed not according to the desires, however ardent, of commun We consider this a direct insult to the state engineers who pre- ities that seek to be benefited. Relief is Urged Herminia What Other Editors Think Square Deal If Vernonia gets the road (as of course we hope it will), the reason will not be that Vernonia wants it, or will gain by it, but that the Vernonia-Hamlet route ap pears to the commission to be the best, considering align ment, distance, altitude, accessibility, and all the other factors that weigh. Therein lies Vernonia’s hope. It has the best to offer. Telephone Orders Deliveries twice daiK Prompt and obliging Service Highest quality oí meats and groceries Are a few of the advantages of trading with (Incorporated) PHONE 721 sible political machines could be PAYERS ONLY SHOULD built up. We do not want state VOTE ON TAXES police, at least under the provi Before the 'legislature is a sions of the present bill. —Clatskanie Chief. proposed constitutional amend ment setting up a property quali SCHOOL ELECTIONS fication for voters on measures involving tax levies and bond is Adverse action by the state sues. In other words, the tax senate on the bill proposing to payers—those only who pay the throw down the bars and permit taxes and bonds—shall be permit to incur public debts. It is unrestricted vote on bond issues ted a fair and just measure, and and tax measures at school elec must heartily recommend itself tion will be generally approved to all except those who have a by those who pay even though1 passion for spending other folks’ it may not meet the approval I money. At this moment, when of non-taxpayers who in past is so rampant the craze for ap years have gleefully voted for! propriating money to develop about every proposal which did | chimerical schemes of power and not have the protection that the transportation "without cost to school law gave. In theory every the people,” the measure is time body pays taxes and directly or ly. Experience shows that noth indirectly are supposed to pay ing is so expensive as that that for public expenditures at elec is to be had without cost. Nearly tions in which everybody takes all municipal operations are pro a hand. But as a matter of fact, moted on the basis of free ser- we need go no further than facts) gathered during efforts to lighten the property tax to prove that a very large number of people not only pay no tax at all, but be ing migratory, while they may be eligible to vote in a county, a few months later they may be in a distant state and thus not even pay indirectly on the debt they helped create. And when you come to think about it, the fel low who pays ought to be per mitted to decide whether he is able. -Hillsboro Independent. House And -:SIGN:- PAINTING Oregon-American Lumber Co. PAPER HANGING AND TINTING J. C. Henderson Phone 1021 Books of 1930 Wall Paper Samples Now Here On Display Vernonia Paint Shop Vernonia Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT RADIO I have leased and am now op erating the Sessman Black smith Shop. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Repairing of all kinds W. M. Faulkner Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 RARRFR Physican and Surgeon SHOPS Be,»/ JL'y BARBER shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed DR. J. A. HUGHES Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Meets third Thursday of each Mo. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in month at the I.O.O.F. hall. I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit • Mrs Laura Sahier, President. ors always welcome. Grace, Sunell, Noble Grand. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ’ Helen Fogel, Secretary HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. Pythian Sisters hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in H. Mayfield, C. C. W.O.W. hall. H. Culbertson, K.R.S. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. American Legion Vernonia Pott Vernonia, Oregon Delicious Chile and Sand wiches—Also Roasts and Short Orders Glasses Fitted DR. C. O. ANDERSON Lloyd Baker, Prop. Eye Spelia-list—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store contractors HOTFIS A. F. & A. M. WOMENS RELIEF CORPS DAD’S SANDWICH SHOP Physician and Surgeon CARD ROOM CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meettngs on all other Thurs- ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. WESTINGHOUSE AND SILVER-MARSHALL RADIOS SALES and SERVICE J. A. OWEN BOX 311 VERNONIA RESTAURANTS Eyes Tested Order of Eastern Star higher taxes. Naturally, there will be oppo sition to this bill on the part of some of our demagogic friends who will se in it a plan to de prive the people of the franchise. We hear these adorers of the people declare that if the dear people are not permitted to vote on everything, they will decide to vote on nothing. Well, as we rarely see as much as 50. per cent'of the registered vote at the polls—and as the registered vote is but a fraction of the state’s total vote—it woud not make a great deal of difference if but 10 per cent or 20 per cent of our citizens went to the polls. The charter imposing on us our inef fective and expensive commission government carried at an election when less than 25 per cent of the voters saw fit to cast their ballots. —The Spectator. r PASTIME I. O. O. F. Nehalem Market & Grocers FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1981. HOTEL GORDON JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building Newly Furnished Rooms Hot and Cold Water Mary Kato Next to Post Office Very Reasonable Rates Chop Suey Restaurant Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. The best for those who appreciate the best LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon TRANSFER — truck CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia DENTISTS M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon I.O.O.F.—Vernonia ge No. 119, American 246 meets every Tuesday night -----------------DOCTOR Legion. Meets at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy 2nd and 4th itors always welcome. DR. R. A. OLSON L. H. Cates, N. G. Tuesdays each Chiropractor Chas. Holt, V. G. month, 8. p. m. John Glassner. Sec’y. Tel. 671 1117 State St Dan Nelson, Ad Mike Miller, Treasurer. Vernonia. Oregon jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. R. C. Stanton, Fin. Sec’y. TERMINAL CAFE The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking L AT KCMf hotel j M c D onald Local and Long Dis tance Hauling MORTUARIES COMPLETE« rjFUNERALS BROWN MORTUARY Phone 593 MONEY TO I OAN Money to Loan On improved real estate; long time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St. Helens Oregon. CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store WIOMaWKV what ytm avant w rsncriNo when yaa want it!