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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1931)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO tis were in Newport visiting rela- | tives for a few days. Dave McMullin, Ole Bates and Oral Estes went smelt fishing Mrs. Lee Hall one day last week. C. Bruce of Vtrnonia was a Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cadamus fisherman down the Nehalem and son George and daughter Co Sunday. Mrs. Noble Dunlap motored to line of Portland were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Eugene over the weekend, bring ing back her mother, Mrs. N. Mrs. Bert Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Driscol D. Peterson. Mrs. Peterson has and children of Stony Point were been keeping house for her grand guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank son, who is a student in the uni- versity. Mills Sunday. Johnny and Jimmy Kayhill Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McGregor left Monday for Port Angeles, from Birkenfeld were business Washington, where they will lo- callers at the Neurer place Sat «f urday. cate. Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Wilson made a business trip to Kalama, were Vernonia shoppers Satur Washington, Monday returning day afternoon. Bob Lindsay spent a few days via Portland. Mrs. James Morgan is on the in Portland this week on business. Lincoln Peterson and his ne sick list this week suffering with phew Elmer Linberg made a trip sinus trouble. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielberg and to Forest Grove on business Sat children went to Portland Mon urday. Miss Beatrice Perry and her day. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, grandmother Mrs. Oliver Burris Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and shopped in Vernonia Saturday. Wm. Bates moved his wife Mr. and Mrs. Louie Wilkerson all and daughters Leora and Doro went to Bay City Tuesday. Mrs. Meda O'Maley of Poca thy to Hillsboro Sunday. Mr. tello, Idaho, and Mrs. Mike Miller Bates is working on the road in of Vernonia were guests at the that place. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn were home of Mrs. Sarah Spencer Sun business visitors in Vernonia on day evening. Mrs. Lee Hall and grand- Monday. J. H. Bush has been ill for U. Scott has moved into the daughter Leone Mills visited at the past few days at his home. house vacated by Lou Cates. the home of Mrs. Mollie Wright Jack Kerr was a business visi Mrs. C. J. Nance made a busi at Mist Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mr. ness trip to Portland Tuesday. tor in Portland Tuesday. and Mrs. Jack Ray and Grandma Ed Hansen was a visitor at the Roma Howell was a business Ray of Medford passed through auto show in Portland last week. Mrs. C. W. Bennett went to visitor in Portland Tuesday. here Monday evening on their way home from Seattle, Wash Salem Monday. Her sister, Mrs. Lowell McGraw of Portland ( Mrs. W^E. Bell accompanied P. B. Grimes and daughter re- spent the weekend in Vernonia.' Mr. an<* Mrs. W. W. Wolff to ington. Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason of turned with her Thursday. J. W. Pennington of Seattle, Mrs. Henry Fogel and Mrs F. Keasey were over-night guests of James Adamson of Portland formerly of Vernonia, returned O ’ Donnell motored to Forest the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. stopped at Hotel Nehalem this here Monday. Grove and Hillsboro Sunday. Bud Robbins, Monday night. week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson Juanita Parker was the guest Grandma Rogers and son Lee of her aunt, Lila Mason, at Kea drove to Portland Sunday taking are spending a few days in Sal- J. G. Allen was in town Wed- Mrs. A. Morton, who remained sey Tuesday. nesday on business connected em. Mr. and Mrs. Vestes Hall and there for a week. with the Miller Mercantile co. Lee Kellar motored to Dallas daughter Tamra of La Grande, Mrs. R. F. Nance and Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kapham- Oregon, and Nannie of Pocatello, Tuesday. Mrs. Kellar was able Macile Roberts spent Tuesday in mer have moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho, were guests at the home of to leave the hospital and is con- Portland shopping. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall Wednes valescing at the home of her Miss Melva Ritchey of Port brother. day of last week. Percy Hewes and Z. Ness spent Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Meeske, land was the weekend guest of J. N. Morgan has purchased the weekend in Portland, Mr. the lot from Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Meeske, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Constance Bougher. Hewes visited his mother there. Fielberg where their house re- C. Deacon were visitors from Sal- Buster Baker, son of Mr. and em Sunday. cently burned. Owing to a severe cold W. J. Mrs. Lloyd Baker, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barnes and very sick with tonsillitis is back Armitage has been unable to be Aunt Sally Spencer had a quilting bee Wednesday of this children called at the home of S. in school. regularly at his duties during the week. Those present were Mrs. Baker Sunday. past week. Doris Grimes of Salem is at- Mrs. Elody McDonald and the Judd Greenman and her moth Miss Phoebe Greenman is home twins Dan Nelson and Dick Car- er, Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Chas. Wilson, tending Pleasant Hill school. Mrs. Wm. Faulkner visited at rol returned to their home Sun- for a few days from the Univer Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Lee Hall and sity of Oregon on account of ill the home of her sister, Mrs. W. day, all feeling fine. the hostess, Mrs. Spencer. ness. Jack Kaphammer moved with Thacker, Saturday. Mrs. Charles Malmsten and Mrs. Wm. E. Baker of Sher his family to Idaho Falls, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Groat left He sold his property here to W. wood is visiting at the home of daughter Louise spent Saturday Wednesday morning for Vancou with relatives and friends at her sister, Mrs. S. Baker. O. Porterfield of Vernonia. ver, Washington, to stay for the Mrs. S. Baker returned from Gaston. remainder of the week. the hospital on Wednesday. Lois Malmsten, who has been Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill visiting her brother in California, BOY SCOUTS returned home Tuesday, Her were in Portland Monday and in the witnessed “Cimarron” Mr». Jake Neurer Remember it is expected that brother and his wife came with evening. They returned early her for a few days visit. the first Court of Honor ever to Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Hall Mrs. Elmer Hiatt returned from be held in Vernonia is to be February 27, when a number of were pleasantly surprised Wed Portland to her home at Natal local boys expect to pass as sec nesday of last week when Mr. Saturday. Hall’s brother of Pocotello, Idaho, Reed Halding spent Monday in ond class scouts. All Boy Scouts, their parents came in for a few days visit. Vernonia on business. Leora Bates celebrated her and friends are invited to attend. Lou Cates moved to Klamath fourth birthday on Valentine’s It will be held in the Evangelical Falls February 7, where he is church at 8 p. m., Friday evening, day. Several of her little friends February 27. employed in a machine shop. His were present and dainty refresh goods were moved by the Porter G. W. Plumer, Scoutmaster. ments were served. field Trucking company. It took Harry McMullin is looking af- Eagle classifieds get results. three days to make the trip. ter the Iler place and doing the chores during their absence in Newport. Deputy Game Warden Wm. Brown was a regular caller in this community last weekend. Charles Hamely and Orval Bates drove to Seattle last week for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iler and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Iler and son Cur- Riverview uel hospital. They returned on Thursday. Guests at Hotel HyVan this week were Chas. Foss, Margar et Newman, L. D. Wagner, N. B. Souders. H. Castle, E. H. Baumer, Webb Campbell, Ivor S. Stark, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Sprague and son Billy, Wm. Miss Rae Davis had as her The class in “Behavior Prob Brown, S. J. Domnisse, Geo. C. guest over the weekend, her sis- lems of Children,” will meet next Bukowsky, J. E. Coman, E. H. ter, Miss Florence Davis of Port- Tuesday afternoon at the home Leahy and W. F. Hintzen all land. of Mrs. E. M. Bleile. The dis- of Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Eby cussion will be lead by Mrs. E. S. Sunday dinner guests of Mr drove to Long Beach, Ocean Park i Thompson. and Mrs. W. S. McDaniel at and Oysterville, Washington, The Vernonia Study club will'the HyVan were Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, Accompanied by Mr. meet next Thursday afternoon IH. ”. W. McDonald, Mrs. Eliza- and Mrs. U. A. Scott. at the home of Mrs. R. A. 01-1 ^eth Vincent and^ Arthur Vin- cent of Tigard, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Culver who has been son. Mrs. E. M. Bleile will have A. M. Fish of Portland, Mr. charge of the program which will very ill for two weeks is improv and Mrs. C. S. Townsend and ing but is still unable to be up. | be on “Contemporary Charac son Curtis of Hood River. Mrs. Her daughter, Mrs. Thor Roberts, ters.” McDonald and Mrs. Vincent are is staying with her. C. G. Whitlock went to Port sisters of Mrs. McDaniel. Mrs. W. E. Bell returned Wed-j land Tuesday morning to visit his Friends of J. I. Axdahl, for- nesday morning from Camp Me-' father, J. T. Whitlock, who un mer Vernonia resident, who was Gregor where she spent several! derwent an operation at Eman very seriously injured in an days visiting her daughter, Mrs. uel hospital Monday. His con automobile accident at McMinn dition is fair but it is possible P. L. McDuffee. that a second operation will be ville on New Year’s eve, will be glad to know that he is im Among Hotel Gordon guests necessary. proving. r Mr. ~ and Mrs. E. H. this week were R. B. Early, Au-| ___ ___ »«Mu», George W. Ford and A. L. Kul- Washburn visited him in the gust Hill of Portland; Robert Carland ând"*CarÎ Ë7 HÛlténberë:lander drove to Portland Wednes- Veteran’s hospital in Portland day of Salem.______________________ I da ^ afternoon where Mr. Ford Saturday and report that he spoke at the Progressive Business will probably have to remain Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Washburn Men’s club dinner that night and there for three months longer. spent the weekend in Portland Mr. Kullander visited his broth- with Mr. and Mrs. R. Scruggs er who is improving at the Eman-'Eagle classifieds get results. While N. S. Soden returned to his formerly of Vernonia. duties at the Joy Barber shop there they visited the auto show. Wednesday after several days ab Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman sence due to illness. were dinner guests Tuesday even- Miss Louise Malmsten is assist ing of Mr. and Mrs. Thor Rob- ing Mrs. Washburn in the office erts at the home of Mrs. Rob- of the Oregon Gas and Electric erts’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Culver. company for two weeks. Treliarne 14 GAUGE GALVANIZED CATTLE WIRE—80 ROD SPOOLS OUR PRICE— OUR PRICE AT PORTLAND Our Store Vernonia 5-FOOT GALVANIZED Poultry Fence 2-INCH MESH—150-FT. ROLL OUR PRICE— AT PORTLAND OUR PRICE— Our Store Vernonia COMPARE THESE PRICES AND QUALITY WITH YOUR NEW MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE—OUR PRICES ARE LOWER. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY--------- SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT--------- IT PAYS Natal SAVE BREAD PRICES ^,7/,. SAFETY “I’d like to eat that, but it doesn ’t agree with me. ’ ’ Vernonia, Oregon Years M resetrch preceded the introduction of the General Electric MONITOR TOP Re frigerator. And General Electric spent $20,000,000 before they introduced the G-E Full Range Radio. Think of it! Twenty million dollars—inventing, creating, developing contri butions to radio art— before offering you these sets. No wonder the new General Electric Full Range Radio has every quality you can ask: Amazing Sensitivity—Hairline Selectivity —Naturalness of Tone. Here at last is the radio you have been looking for. See—and hear it —today. Three beautiful models . . . available on an attractive purchase plan !'!! GENERAL Mollicr’s Bread Illi Made * ---------- EXCEPTIONAL PASTRIES ---------- $ FULL ILÌ1VGE RADIO Oregon Gas & Electric Co Vernonia Bakery «• The <»me dependjbility u ■▼sitable in General Electric Radio. The Lowboy pictured u but one of the beautiful models—each of them more selective and sensitive than any set hitherto offered to the public. $166 Complete Help to Keep Another Industry Going in Vernonia ••• B«y Mac’s Pharmacy AS out of the Ct house of magic The price of bread is down to pre-war level. None pHI ; 3Î- EE THIS LATESt ACHIEVEMENT FROM Reduced Havo you ever spoken thoso very words, when some tempting dish has been placed before the family? But you’ll never utter them again if you’ll take Rcxall Milk of Mag nesia after you have eaten such a food. Since most cases of indigostton are nothing more than conditions of excessive acid in the stom ach, and since Itexall Milk of Magnesia quickly and thoroughly Fall Pint neutralises the acid, you 39c may feel per fectly confident that your attacks of indigestion will be greatly lessened if not completely eliminated. Get a pint bottle today. Th« tplendid record of dependible service has tccounted for the wide popularity of the General Electric Refrigerator with the MONITOR TOP. 622 Bridge Vernonia. Oregon I Vernonia